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Hidden Hyena by Crissy Smith (6)

Chapter Six




Trent stomped up the steps to Melissa’s house and banged on her front door. He leaned close so he could hear if there was any movement inside. There, a shuffling sound. He pounded again.

“Jeez, I’m coming,” he heard her muttering.

For the first time since he’d found out she’d been attacked, he started to breathe normally. He’d wanted to come to her as soon as he’d learned about what had happened out at the Grainger place, but Mac had needed him to secure the bar and some of the other houses in town. They were going into lockdown since Logan hadn’t managed to catch up to the shooter.

The front door opened and Melissa peered out at him. She frowned, which made him want to grin. Instead he went with his instinct. “Are you okay?” he demanded. Trent pushed his way inside, making her back up. Her arm was in a sling and she had dark circles under her eyes.


Trent caught her free hand. He held her in place while peering down at her. Her eyes were dazed. He grinned this time. “Painkillers?”


Chuckling, he led her over to the couch, where it appeared she’d been camped out. There were a couple of pillows and a large flannel blanket as well as bottles of water on the coffee table.

“You need to sit back down,” he told her. She wasn’t steady on her feet. He helped her climb back on the couch and she hissed.

“What?” he asked.

“Hip. Fell. It hurts.”

He growled, unable to keep it in. She could have been killed. He was so furious. If the fucking shooter had been in front of him, he’d have torn the guy apart with his teeth. “Okay, just lie back. Is there anything you need?”

“No, I’m fine.” She looked around her living room. “I was watching a movie?”

He glanced at the screen. She’d paused the television in the middle of a familiar comedy. He picked up the remote and pressed Play.

She moaned as she settled back against the pillows.

Trent picked up the blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. She looked so delicate bundled up there. He brushed the hair from her face. “Have you eaten?”

She squinted.

“I’ll take that as a no,” he answered himself. “Stay here.” Trent rose and strolled out of the living room.

The layout of the house was pretty simple. The living room exited into a narrow hall then led to the kitchen. Her kitchen was clean and had modern appliances. He opened up the fridge. He grabbed the bottle of orange juice and poured her a glass, which he found in a nearby cabinet. Then he opened the pantry.

She had soup and crackers. That would have to do. Trent couldn’t do much more than make soup or sandwiches. He grabbed a pan before dumping in a can of tomato soup and warming it up. Then he began making a grilled cheese sandwich.

It took less than ten minutes to get everything prepared and the kitchen cleaned up. He didn’t want to leave a mess for her to have to deal with.

He carried the plate and bowl to the living room.

Melissa was still curled into a tight ball on the couch. She looked up at him as he entered the room.

“I made you something to eat,” he said. Trent sat down next to her and handed her the plate.

She had to reach across herself to take it with her uninjured arm. “Thanks.”

“Let me help you,” he said.

“Why are you here?” Her voice was soft as she spoke.

Trent froze while reaching to take the plate back. He sighed but knew she had every reason to question his motives. She didn’t know he’d read the file Carter had given him.

The woman who now sat next to him bruised and hurt had taken the mission of cleaning up the LAPD. When he’d read what she’d done to their former officers, he’d been both shocked and pleased. After he’d left the LAPD, she’d kept her head down and out of trouble for a couple of months. Then, in an almost sudden change, she’d began questioning superiors, challenging the way shifter suspects were treated and basically being a pain in the ass.

Damn, she had changed, and not just since she’d arrived in Brookside.

Which made him question himself and how he’d walked away from the LAPD.

It should have been him taking on the bigoted assholes inside the department. Instead Melissa had attempted to right the wrongs that had been responsible for Adam’s death and other horrible acts against shifters.

“Trent?” She nudged his side.

“Sorry.” He swallowed hard then sat back. “When I heard what had happened, I realized that by holding a grudge, I wasn’t doing either of us any favors.”

“When I thought I’d been shot, I wondered if you’d ever forgive me.”

“You were shot,” he snarled.

“Actually, I was grazed. It wasn’t that bad.”

“You could have been killed!” he declared.

“But I wasn’t,” she said. “I’ll be back to work in a few days.”

Trent didn’t even want to think about her returning to the investigation that had made her a target in the first place. “Let’s not talk about that now,” he said. “You need to eat and rest.”

She smiled. “So, we’re going to be friends now?”

Trent didn’t think so. With what he’d found out about Melissa, he couldn’t see himself being around her and not wanting to be with her. “Yes, we’re going to be friends.”

“Okay.” She began to eat her sandwich. She had trouble eating the soup, but he helped her.

The comedy played on the television and they watched it while she ate. Trent laid the plates on the coffee table then leaned back. He slung his arm over the back of the couch while stretching his legs out in front of him. Mac knew where he was and Trent didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon.

Magnus said that all the deputies were on duty and would do drive-bys, checking on Melissa, but Trent didn’t want her to be alone. It had taken Logan roping Annabelle in to help him to allow Trent to come over to Melissa’s alone. Annabelle had wanted to come with her. But Trent wanted some time for the two of them.

The movie ended and Melissa pointed at the remote.

“You can find something else to watch,” she said.

As he thumbed through the menu, Melissa leaned against his side.

Trent let his arm fall onto her shoulder as she cuddled to him. They used to watch TV like this all the time. Maybe it was the painkillers she was on that had her getting close, but he didn’t care. He’d wanted to hold her since he’d first arrived.

He found a new action movie that he hadn’t seen and settled on it.

“I missed this one in the theaters,” she said. Melissa yawned and he held her tighter.

“Me, too,” he said. Of course, Brookside didn’t have a movie theater, so he’d have to go out of town to visit one. The only time he left was when he was relocating someone and that was all business. He didn’t get a lot of time away.

She rubbed her cheek over his before closing her eyes.

Trent took a deep breath.

He pulled in her scent. It had been so long since he’d just been able to quietly enjoy holding someone. Trent didn’t allow himself this intimacy with his one-night stands. In fact, he hadn’t done it with anyone since Melissa.

She fell asleep against his chest.

Trent turned the volume down on the television, so the sound wouldn’t wake her up. Looking around the room, he noticed for the first time that she hadn’t unpacked yet. There were still boxes stacked up on one side of the room. Also, she had several of her pictures leaning against walls where he guessed she was planning to hang them. Currently, the walls were bare.

Even in the dim light, he could make out the large pictures and he only recognized one. The others were new.

In Los Angeles, she’d had modern art and expensive furniture decorating her condo. Here, though, he saw that she wasn’t using any of her old things. Except for that one photo.

Of a waterfall.

From one of their hiking trips when they’d first started dating.

Trent had taken that picture with her camera. They both had a copy of it, although his was tucked away in a storage unit.

Even if her tastes had changed in the years they’d been apart, there was still a moment holding them together.

The trip had been early in their relationship, but it was in that spot he’d first confessed his feelings for her. They’d made love in the water before camping next to the waterfall for the night.

He peered down at Melissa as she slept on him.

Trent believed she’d had no idea he was living in Brookside before she’d come. He was good at reading people. So were Magnus and Mac. Melissa’s shock had been genuine.

Trent wondered about fate sometimes.

He’d run for months before finding a home in Brookside. Then, as soon as he’d grown comfortable with his life, Melissa had shown up, their destinies entwining once again. If he told Annabelle about his sudden interest in fate and what was meant to be, she’d probably declare Melissa his soul mate. She was a bit of a romantic.

Trent, however, was more of a pessimist. Or at least he always had been.

Until he’d found himself at Melissa’s house with her in his arms.

What in the hell am I doing?

This had to be one of the biggest mistakes of his life. Melissa didn’t need to get mixed up with him again. He also didn’t know if he could trust her again. She’d turned her back on him once. That had nearly destroyed him. If the same thing happened again, he wouldn’t survive it.

In his pocket, his cell buzzed.

It took some maneuvering before he was able to pull it out without disturbing Melissa.

“Hello?” he whispered.

“Everything okay?” Mac asked.

“Fine,” Trent answered.

“How’s Melissa doing?”

“She’s asleep right now. Took some pain pills, apparently, before I got here. But I think she’ll be fine.” Trent would make sure of it.

“Magnus is having the deputies drive patrol around town,” Mac said. “Calvin and Duffy are in shifted form, running through town and the edge of the state park.”

“Any sightings?”

“No, and after the excitement at the Graingers’ place today, we don’t really expect anything tonight.”

“It would be stupid. They have to know we’re on alert.”

“Or they could be planning something big and don’t care,” Trent stated.

“They’ve been careful up to this point. I think taking a shot at Melissa presented a target they couldn’t resist.”

Trent growled.

“Calm down,” Mac told him. “It’s just what I think.”

“It’s a stupid move with her being a deputy.”

“Well, we know Ranger Garth Stevenson is involved for sure. He’d seen Melissa at the sheriff’s office and then the day before with Annabelle by the creek. He knew who she was and probably guessed why she was at the Graingers’.”

“When I get my hands on him…”

“You’ll have to stand in line behind Magnus and Logan,” Mac said. “Right now, you need to look after Melissa. She’s vulnerable in that house. And she doesn’t know the town well.”

“No one is going to get close to her again,” Trent swore.

“All right,” Mac said. He was quiet for a few moments. “And you’re doing okay?”

Of course, Mac would ask. And he’d know if Trent was lying. “I think so.”

“It can’t be easy,” Mac said. “Your history with her is filled with pain.”

“Did you read the file I gave you?” Trent asked. He’d passed on the information about Melissa to Mac. Mac knew about their past and he’d needed someone else’s opinion.

“I did. I spoke to Magnus more as well and what she did in LA was one of the reasons he hired her here. But I’m not talking about what she did while with the LAPD. I’m talking about what happened with you.”

“I know,” Trent said. “But what choice do I have?”

“You could let one of us watch over her. None of us would let anything happen to her. Annabelle is itching to go over and take care of her.”

“No,” he snapped. “I’ll do it.” Trent might not be one hundred percent certain he could handle being around Melissa, but he also couldn’t let anyone else watch over her.

Mac sighed. “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”


Melissa wiggled in her sleep then whimpered.

“I have to go.”

“All right,” Mac said. “Keep an eye out and call if you see anything.”

“Will do,” Trent agreed. He disconnected the call and placed his phone on the side table. That way he could grab it if someone else called. Which they would.

With Melissa settled back down, he decided to get her to a more comfortable place to rest.

He stood with her in his arms before walking down the hall. He followed Melissa’s scent to her room, finding it easily. The bed was made with a black comforter and he pulled it back before laying her on the mattress. She rolled onto her good side and he tucked the comforter around her. As tempted as he was to crawl into bed with her, Trent wanted a better look at Melissa’s doors and security.

He closed the door behind him and ambled into the kitchen. He got a pot of coffee started before walking to the back door. Melissa had locked it, but the deadbolt wouldn’t hold against a good kick. She also needed a chain on it. Another lock wouldn’t hurt, either.

As the coffee brewed, he strolled to the front door. Neither of them had locked it after he’d entered, which was stupid. He turned the lock on the knob, then the deadbolt. That was better, but she needed a chain there, as well. Next, he went to the living room window and noticed one of the locks was broken and wouldn’t clamp down. He shook his head. Melissa was a cop—she should know about taking her safety more seriously.

He went over to his phone and sent Carter a text message of things to gather for him. Trent would take care of the locks himself. He strolled over and looked through the pictures lining the walls. He’d hang them, but the banging might wake her up. So, instead, he started going through the boxes still needing to be unpacked.

The box on top held some old high school stuff as well as her diploma and more from her rookie year with the LAPD. Trent picked up the box and walked it to what appeared to be set up as her office.

He stopped to make a cup of coffee before carrying it into the living room. He picked up the next box to sort through it. Towels and sheets. He took those to the linen closet in the hallway located next to the bathroom.

Trent felt good about being able to do something nice for Melissa. Especially since she was injured and wouldn’t be able to do much for a few days. He emptied two more boxes, breaking them down and setting them by the back door, then refilled his mug.

It had been a little over an hour, so he checked on Melissa as he passed by the room.

She hadn’t moved, so Trent backed out slowly.

He returned to the living room and went to the next stack. The first box had papers and files inside. He went to put the lid back on, deciding to put it in the office until he spotted a picture of Adam.

Trent froze, staring down at the photo.

His fingers were shaking as he reached inside the box and pulled out the old picture. It was a formal headshot of Adam in his uniform. He hadn’t kept any mementos like this. Instead of putting the lid back on, he carried the box to the couch and sat down.

“Oh, God,” he murmured. The next picture was of him and Adam standing in front of their police cruiser. It had been before they’d transferred to the gang unit. Adam hadn’t married yet and no one had known that Trent was a shifter. Back then, he’d had tons of friends on the force. Both he and Adam had been popular.

It hurt to stare at the image of him and Adam when they’d been carefree and still believed they’d make a difference in the world. They’d been so young and innocent.

Trent dug out more pictures and letters from the box, looking through them before he found a file with the LAPD logo on it. Curious, he opened it. Fuck, it was a copy of the report of Adam’s death. But there was even more. Melissa had updated the file as she’d worked through bringing down the bigots inside the LAPD.

The two detectives who had been in charge of investigating Adam’s death had been relieved of duty not long after Melissa had begun to cause trouble. He smiled.

He peeked back into the box and saw a typed note.

Trent picked it up and had to read it twice.


Break it off with the shifter or you’ll end up like his partner


He was growling while clutching at the letter. He gasped when he saw there were two more inside the box.


You’re next and Break up with the shifter or suffer the consequences


Melissa had been threatened and never told him. Bile rose and Trent had to force himself to take deep breaths to hold back the vomit.

She’d never said a word, and Trent hadn’t considered what she’d gone through when he’d made the decision to go public.

The more he learned about Melissa, the worse he felt. The information Carter had provided had been extensive. One of the reasons Trent had shown up was because of what he’d found out. That, and Melissa could have been killed.

She could have died in a field full of horses and she wouldn’t have known Trent was still in love with her. He’d never stopped.

Taking the steps to forgive and forget was not easy.

Luckily, she’d been pretty drugged up, so he had time to get his head on straight. He needed every minute he could get to try to make up to her on the position he’d put her in.

Yes, Melissa might have turned her back on him, but Trent had walked away without fighting for her.

He’d proudly announced his shifter status without thinking how his actions would affect the people around him.


* * * *


Melissa stretched, crying out when the stitches in her arm pulled. She sat up in bed and looked around. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep against Trent. It had felt so natural and she’d been able to close her eyes and let go of the fear from earlier.

Now the ache was back in her arm, but she wouldn’t take any more pain pills. She didn’t want to stay loopy. She sat up in bed, glancing at the clock on the nightstand. It was a little bit before midnight. Had Trent gone home? She wouldn’t blame him if he had. She’d conked out on him, after all. Melissa eased her arm from the sling and set it aside. The flesh wound hadn’t been too bad. She’d had a deep gash in her arm but had only received stitches. Oh, it still hurt, but she’d live, which she was thankful for.

She climbed out of bed then used the bathroom.

After she’d cleaned up a little bit, Melissa exited for the kitchen, spotting the boxes next to the door. Melissa laughed, unsurprised the unpacked boxes had driven Trent crazy. He’d always believed everything had a place, and couldn’t stand clutter. Which meant he was probably still there.

It shouldn’t have made her so happy that Trent had hung around. He’d made it clear he had no feelings left for her. But I can still hope, can’t I?

She’d been so frightened when she’d thought she’d been shot. At that moment, all she’d wanted was to see Trent. At least she’d gotten one wish.

If only she could figure out how to keep Trent around.

Melissa couldn’t play the damsel in distress.

Trent wouldn’t fall for her not being able to take care of herself and Melissa wouldn’t be able to pull it off, anyway. Plus, she wanted to know if Trent had heard anything new about what had happened with her earlier. Maybe someone had even been found and arrested.

She strolled toward the living room. She could hear movement as she walked closer. Melissa stepped into the room and froze. Trent had found the box from when she’d packed up her office when leaving the LAPD.

The photo she had of Adam was in Trent’s hand.

“Trent!” Melissa rushed forward.

He started before looking over his shoulder at her.

“I’m sorry.” She tried to take the picture from him, but he moved his hand away. “You shouldn’t have had to find that.”

“He was so young,” Trent said, his voice strained and quiet.

“Yes.” She dropped to her knees beside the couch. Damn it, she didn’t want Trent to hurt anymore. It had been careless of her to leave that box in the open. But, shit! She had no idea he’d ever even step foot into her house.

“I can’t remember what we were laughing about when we stepped inside the store to get coffee. Adam stopped and I ran into the back of him.”

“I know,” she whispered. Melissa had seen the surveillance tape from the robbery. It had been part of the evidence she’d collected.

“I used to dream about that night every time I closed my eyes,” he said. “But why can’t I remember what we were laughing about?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she said. “As long as you remember him.”

He turned to look at her. His eyes were red-rimmed and it was obvious he’d cried that night. Melissa felt horrible she’d brought back such hurtful memories.

“Hey.” She laid her hand on his knee. “Let me put these things away.” Melissa started to gather up the papers and files.

“No.” Trent wrapped his fingers around her wrist to stop her. He tugged her closer.

“What?” Melissa was shaking with the possibilities of what his look meant. “Trent?”

He slipped his free hand at her waist, urging her forward. Melissa shuffled forward until she was pressing up against his leg. At the same time, Trent lowered his head. She was afraid of doing something to mess this up.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured with his lips inches from hers.

“Sorry?” she repeated. It didn’t matter what her question was, though, when Trent lowered his mouth to hers.

At the first spark, the first touch, the first taste, she surged up, deepening the kiss. Trent groaned as he nipped at her bottom lip until she gasped. He thrust his tongue inside and she sucked on it.

Oh, God, she’d never forgotten how passionate Trent had always been, but somehow, she’d pushed away how unbelievably good he felt. Melissa gripped his waist so she could hold on to him. If this was some kind of fluke or if it didn’t last, she was going to enjoy every single second.

When breathing became necessary, he broke the kiss, but Trent didn’t stop. He nuzzled his cheek against hers then nibbled his way down her chin to her neck. She tilted her head, giving Trent all the access he could want. He didn’t disappoint. Trent locked his lips on the pulse point of her neck.

Melissa moaned while clutching at him.

Damn, oh, so good.

She ran her hand up his back, pushing his T-shirt away so she could feel his skin. Melissa wished that she could hold him tight, but being able to only use one hand made that difficult.

Trent pulled back then yanked the garment over his head.

“Please let me see you again,” he requested.

“Okay.” She attempted to remove her shirt, but Trent pushed her hand away.

“Let me help you,” he ordered.

Melissa remained passive as, with a gentle touch, Trent removed her top. He was so careful with her injury that tears started to form in her eyes.

“Are you hurting?” he asked then kissed away the tear that had fallen.

“No,” she told him.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”

“I want. Please don’t stop.”

“Come here,” he said. Trent helped her rise then pulled her to straddle his lap.

His erection dug into her as he rested her weight on him. Melissa peered down at him, but he was looking at the bandage wrapped around her biceps.

“It’s just a small wound,” she reminded him.

“I hate you were hurt. I should have been there.”

That didn’t make sense, though. Trent didn’t work for the sheriff’s department and she’d been following up on a case. “There’s nothing you could have done.”

“I wouldn’t have ever left you alone.”

“Trent.” She tugged on his hair so he was looking in her eyes. “I…”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” he said. “I’m sorry for so much.”

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for,” she assured him. “It was all m—”

“No.” He gripped her hips and pulled her forward. “Don’t… I shouldn’t have left like I did. I should have helped you.”

Melissa was so confused.

“I want to kiss you until these past years melt away,” he said.

“Do it,” she urged. Melissa wanted nothing more than to forget about the past and enjoy Trent being there with her at that moment.

Trent kissed her again. Melissa allowed herself to lean into his strong body. They moved their lips against each other until she opened for him. Trent pushed his tongue into her mouth and Melissa responded in kind.

Her body heated. She needed to be closer to him. Melissa pressed forward while lifting her arms to wrap around his neck.

She cried out as pain flared from her injury.

“Shit, baby!” He cupped her elbow and brought her injured arm back down. “If you hurt yourself, we’re going to have to stop.”

“No!” she begged. Melissa felt as if every fantasy she’d dreamed up in the past five years was coming true.

“Then let me do the work,” he demanded. He rose and she had to wrap her good arm around his shoulder to keep from falling. Not that he’d have let her. Trent placed his palm on her ass as he carried her out of the living room to her bed.

Trent laid her softly on the bed before taking a step back to look at her.

Melissa bit her lip. “What?” she asked.

“You’re beautiful.”

She laughed. “Thank you?”

“We’re going to talk. We have a lot of things we need to work out.”

Melissa nodded. “I know.”

“But first, I want to make love to you,” he said. “I want to smell myself on you again. Just like I used to.”

“Yes,” she pleaded.

“Don’t move too much and hurt yourself.”

Melissa shook her head. She’d do her best, but she couldn’t make him a promise like that.

He grinned, a deliciously wicked look she never imagined would be hers again.

“Hurry,” she ordered.

Trent leaned down and slowly peeled the clothes from her body. Melissa kept her gaze on him the entire time he undressed her. She wanted to see every small detail of him while he watched in return. Trent’s gaze practically glowed as he peered down.

When she was naked, he trailed his fingers from her collarbone down her body to her toe.

Melissa shuddered and wiggled around.

Trent growled. The animalistic sound echoed in the quiet room. It should have scared her. They hadn’t been together long when she’d learned he was a shifter. After Trent had left, she’d started to think of ways he’d been different from everyone else. But she’d never feared him. Not when she’d broken his heart and not now when he looked ready to pounce on her.

“Show me who you really are,” she told him. They’d never had this chance and now Melissa was going to let Trent be who he truly was.

He nodded then quickly disrobed. He didn’t take the same care with his clothes as he did hers. He’d undressed her, even taking time to fold up her garments, but he stripped so fast he dropped his own garments to the carpet.

“Jeez,” she breathed. He was fucking hot. With his muscles bulging, his cock leaking and him staring at her, Melissa could just look at him all night.

Trent palmed his cock then stroked himself.

She lifted to sit up and licked her lips. She wanted to taste him. It had been so long. “Come here,” she begged.

He closed the distance. Melissa reached for him and covered his hand with hers. His shaft jumped when she touched him. Trent dropped his head back and groaned as she jacked him. He moved his hips in small thrusts, sliding his cock through her hold.

“I’ve missed your touch,” he murmured.

“I missed touching you,” she responded. Melissa leaned farther across the mattress so she had her mouth inches from him.

“Please,” he told her.

She peered up at him while moving the last few inches to take the tip of his shaft into her mouth. Melissa sucked on the mushroom head before sliding her tongue under the tip.

Trent bucked, pushing his cock farther down her throat.

With her hand on the base of his shaft, she managed to keep from choking.

“Sorry. Sorry.” Trent mumbled.

No response was needed. Melissa continued to look up at him as she sucked him deeper.

Trent gripped her head gently before tangling his fingers in her hair. He kept the pressure on her as she moved up and down on his cock, bringing him pleasure. It was a little awkward only having one arm to use and keep her balance at the same time.

He was breathing hard when he pulled out of her mouth.

Melissa reached for him, but he caught her hand before urging her to lie back. Trent followed her onto the bed, settling between her legs.

She spread her thighs as he slipped a finger through her folds to tease at the entrance of her pussy. Melissa was more than ready for Trent to take her. She hooked her foot behind his leg and pulled.

Trent chuckled, deep and wicked. “Trying to tell me something?” He plunged his finger deep inside.

“Yes!” She bowed her back. Melissa was indeed trying to tell him something.

Continuing to thrust his finger, he smiled. “You like that?”

“Not enough,” she complained. Melissa lifted her hips in need.

He added a second finger before lowering his body down on hers. His shoulders covered her legs, trapping her to the mattress.

Melissa wiggled.

Trent went on plunging his fingers in and out. He used his tongue, bringing her pleasure. First, he licked at her pussy then closed his lips over her clit. She dropped her hands to his shoulders, ignoring the pain of her injury, and scratched his flesh.

He hissed but lifted his head and smiled.

“I want to feel you,” she told him.

“Okay.” Kneeling, he moved over her. He bent and kissed her.

Melissa pushed her breasts against his torso.

“You know now I’m a shifter,” he said. “I don’t need to use a condom. I will if that’s what you prefer, but I really want to mark you in the most intimate way. I’ve never not used a condom. Even with other shifters. Can I have you that way?”

“Yes,” she answered. Melissa was on a five-year birth control, so they didn’t need to worry about pregnancy. Just the thought of having Trent’s cum filling her had Melissa aching even more. She wanted that. Marking. He’d mark her as his. “Yes.”

He nodded then gripped the base of his cock. Before pressing inside, he kissed her again.

Melissa closed her eyes, unable to look at him. This was what she’d been waiting for. To connect with Trent again.

“It’s okay,” he whispered. “I’m here with you.”

She nodded.

He pushed slowly into her. Melissa held her breath. It’d been years since she’d been intimate with anyone. After Trent had left, she hadn’t been making friends and hadn’t even bothered trying to date.

“Fuck, baby,” he muttered. Trent had his arms braced above her head and they were shaking.

He hadn’t even entered her completely. Melissa lifted her upper body off the bed and attacked his neck with her mouth. She licked, nipped, sucked and basically marked him the only way she could while being human.

Trent thrust hard, filling her at last.

She cried out in pleasure. Trent paused with his eyes clenched shut.

“You okay?” she whispered.

“Fuck! I’m trying not to come. It feels so good to be inside you again.”

“Perfect,” she responded. “Right.

“Yeah,” he agreed. “Yeah.” He withdrew then plunged back in.

The bed rocked under them, the frame knocking against the wall. Melissa didn’t care. As long as Trent kept thrusting and claiming her, she didn’t give a damn it the bed went through the sheetrock.

He held her legs up against her chest as he plunged deep.

It’s amazing!

As Trent drove forward, Melissa broke apart. She screamed out while climaxing, giving her entire body over to him. She was his now. Whether Trent wanted her or not, Melissa wouldn’t recover from this night. Even if he ended up walking away, she’d never find someone who could fulfil her the same way.

Melissa watched him until Trent thrust once more then froze. His muscles strained as heat filled her. Yes! Trent was marking her from the inside. Yes! He had her.





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Confessions: Julien (Confessions Series Book 2) by Ella Frank

Lovebirds: The Dawn Chorus by Cressida McLaughlin

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Christmas Secrets: Levi & Katie (Longing Book 1) by Chey M. Burn

Fate and Fury by Quinn Loftis

For a Muse of Fire by Heidi Heilig

Make Me Love You: An Older Man Younger Woman Steamy Doctor Romance by Adele Hart

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Sinner: A Bad Boy MC Romance by Romi Hart

The Founder (Trillionaire Boys' Club Book 7) by Aubrey Parker

Her Alaskan Pilot: An Alaskan Hero Novel by Rebecca Thomas

Marrying an Athlete (A Fake Marriage Series Book 2) by Anne-Marie Meyer

His Revenge Baby: 50 Loving States, Washington by Theodora Taylor

25: Angels and Assists (Enforcers of San Diego Book 3) by Mignon Mykel

Top Dog: A Mafia Romance by Rye Hart

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Nemesis (Creation Inc Series Book 6) by BJ Cunningham, Misty Clark