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Made Prisoner by Daniella Wright (49)

A Paranormal Menage Erotic Romance


<Chester kisses down my neck, along my shoulder, and Lucky shifts a claw just long enough to slice through my bra. Though it’s one of my favorite bras, I can’t find it in me to complain as Lucky leans in to flick his tongue to the bud of my breast.

Chester tangles a hand in Lucky’s hair as if to urge him onward. As Lucky focuses on my chest, Chester adjusts his grip on me to slip his fingertips under the waistband of my pants, brushing against my wispy hairs down below. I inhale shakily, and Lucky pauses in his ministrations, pulling away slightly.


“This can’t be happening.” I blurt, feeling as if I’m in some sort of haze.


* * *


Have you ever fallen into such a state of monotony, such acceptance of the mediocrity of your life, that once you’re startled out of it, you’re unsure what to do? That’s how I feel, watching them lower my mother’s body in the ground. I feel like perhaps I should be crying more, throw myself on the coffin, but in spite of myself all I can feel is… confusion. I’ve been watching my mother slowly succumb to a disease that ravaged her body over the course of nearly five years. It’s been a trial, a lonely one at that. With no real direction to go in, I simply watch with an addled mind as the coffin is lowered the final distance. People are beginning to disperse, and I’ve heard my share of comments on what a beautiful ceremony it was. I exhale a weary breath, drawing my phone from my pocket and dialing a vaguely familiar number. I can only hope his number hasn’t changed, since… well, in the years I’ve been taking care of Ma.


“Hello, this is the Lawrence resident, James speaking.” A voice answers abruptly, and I briefly consider hanging up. He doesn’t recognize my number, it’s been so long, my whining would be unwelcome… Then he pauses, inhales slowly and speaks hopefully. “Cassie, honey, is that you?” He murmurs, and it’s at that moment the tears begin to spill down my cheeks.


“H-hi, daddy.” I blubber, cursing myself for my inability to keep my composure. If he notices my tears, he gives no indication. “Ma… ma’s gone to be with the lord, daddy.” I continue, and I hear his voice hitch as he immediately prepares to console me. I realize I’m standing alone in the middle of the cemetery, and it will be nearing dusk soon. I can barely process the words he’s saying as I meander back to where my car is parked, wondering where on earth I’ll go from here.


“-- and I know you’ve got your mom’s place to take care of, but there’s always a place on the farm for you if you should want it,” I manage to catch, and I tighten my grip on the phone. Even in spite of the years we’ve been apart, it’s as if my father can read my mind.


“I… really?” I begin, but quickly continue to momentarily divert the conversation. “How have things been on the farm, anyhow? It’s been a while,” I say in an attempt to sound bright and cheerful. The words fall short, even to my own ears. My father rumbles a soft laugh, though the sound is tempered with sadness.


“It’s been too long. But, you were doing a good thing taking care of your ma as long as you did. Like I said, you’d be welcome to come stay down here for a spell anytime.” He offers again, and my heart thuds in my chest. My mind races to the long days and peaceful nights on my daddy’s farm, wandering the fields and catching lightning bugs. A familiar face worms its way into my mind, and I speak without really intending to.


“How’s Lucky been?” I say before I can stop myself. My dad laughs again, a more jovial sound this time.


“Aw, girl. You know that boy ain’t never stopped missing you. He’s been working on the farm since he was old enough to work a plow, and he stays in the barn loft with ol’ Chester.” He hums, and confusion seems to take over once more.

"Chester…?" I begin uncertainly, and my dad hums in acknowledgment.


“Another farmhand I hired on. Him and Lucky are like brothers, but boy howdy do they get to bickering. He’s a good fella, though.” He assures me, and I can’t help but laugh at the idea of short and scrawny Lucky arguing with anyone but me.


"I'll… think about it. I have some loose ends to tie up, some affairs to deal with regarding… well. Ma's passing. But I'll give you a call in a couple of days. I'm not going to lie, it would be nice to get away from the city for a while. I've always felt a bit out of place." I mutter.


“That’s because there aren’t enough mud holes to go trouncing through.” He agrees, and I can almost see his smiling face. He has it right enough, I’ve been a tomboy since I was a small thing, more home making mudpies than drinking a cappuccino. I always figured I would adjust to city life, you know, grow up? That just never seemed to happen for ol’ Cassie Lawrence, however. I’ve never had the chance to get a real job, aside from taking care of Ma. We lived off her social security checks from month to month. The thought of being back on the farm, having some purpose now that my mother’s… gone.


I belatedly realize I'm still on the phone, and the tears streaming down my cheeks have only increased in frequency. I hiccup a sob, and my dad coos soothing words through the phone. I hadn't expected it would hurt this much. I had known, all along, that it had been a matter of time before I lost her. Now… I feel like I should be more composed.


“I miss her.” I say balefully, and my daddy breathes a sigh.


"I know, baby girl. I wish I could be there to make it better. But, you give me a call anytime you want, and you let me know as soon as you decide you wanna come out here with me and the boys." He offers. I can tell it's nearing time for him to wrap up his chores for the day, and I feel briefly guilty for keeping him on the line so long.


“Alright. I’ll call you when I figure something out for myself.” I say softly. I can sense his sadness on the other line, and I speak up before thinking once more. “I know you still loved her too,” I offer quietly. He chuckles weakly, and I pause to give him time to pull himself together.


“And I’ll always love you. Call me tomorrow if you’re able, hon. I love you. Goodnight.” He manages, his voice watery.


“I love you too, daddy. Goodnight.” I reply, lingering on the line until I hear the dial tone indicating he’s hung up his phone. I draw the phone away from my ear, breathing a sigh and allowing the tears to fall freely. It’s no small wonder that I make it home, but as soon as I reach my room, I collapse on the mattress. I swear I can hear Ma’s nasally voice calling for me through the night, but I can do little more than dismiss it as my mind playing tricks on me.


I’m startled awake by the sound of a loud car horn blaring just outside my window. I stare balefully at the ceiling for a moment, wonder just what I had done to deserve such a fate. The horn continues to sound intermittently, and I throw the covers off of myself before approaching the window to give the person a piece of my mind. I lean out the window, eyes widening as I spot a well-muscled man leaning against the front of a pickup truck. He looks towards my window, quirking a thick brow over his soulful brown eyes.


“Well little Miss Sassy Cassie, if you ain’t just the prettiest thing I ever did see.” He calls out, and I fight a blush that rises on my cheeks. I can’t think of who on earth this adonis of a man could be, but his eyes, more than anything, are somehow familiar.


“L-Lucky?” I call out and he grins toothily in response. My heart pounds in my chest and I draw away from the window, briefly clutching my chest. This can’t be the squirrely little boy who had a crush on me so many years ago. Yet, there he stood, outside waiting for me. I run downstairs as quickly as I am able, rushing to the door and pausing for a brief moment. It wouldn’t do to look desperate, as much as I had missed my childhood friend. He was very much a man now, and I certainly did not want to give him the wrong idea. I unlock the front door, pulling it open to allow him inside. I belatedly realize I’m still in my funeral garb from the day before, and I’m suddenly self-conscious as he steps past me. He nudges my shoulder playfully, and a soft laugh spills past my cheeks unbidden.


“Real sorry about your Ma, darlin’.” He says carefully, seeming to fully take in the lower floor of the house. It’s a wreck, and food remains on the table where I had prepared dinner before ma, well… I try not to think about it.


“Thanks, Lucky. Wha… what are you doing here?” I implore, and he offers me a toothy little smile.


“Well, I’m here to fetch you for your pa. He said to give you some time, but I said, nothin’ doin’ boss. So I drove on out here to tell you to pack your stuff. I’m takin’ you home to Tennessee.” He says boldly, meandering through the house. I stare at him in silent disbelief, briefly tempted to argue the situation. However, as I think it over, I realize I truly have no argument to offer. I don’t want to stay alone in this house that radiates death.


"Don't tell Daddy I gave in so easily," I say coyly, shuffling upstairs to pack a bag. He watches me go, and I'm more than faintly aware of his eyes on my rear end. It's no question that his feelings haven't dimmed over the years, but I can't say I'm certain of my own. I swallow a laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation; my childhood best friend driving from states over to carry me off to my daddy's farm. I toss in what few articles might be appropriate for the climate, the sheer necessities, and zip up a single suitcase. I pause for a moment, changing into something vaguely more appropriate: a pair of cutoff shorts and a plain white tank top. I examine myself briefly in the mirror, grinning before throwing the door to my room open.


As I descend the stairs, Lucky looks rather awkward, as if taken aback by his own decision to come rushing to get me. I clear my throat, and he glances obligingly towards me, seeming to swallow a big lump in his throat.


“You look… real nice.” He offers carefully, and I allow a faint smile. “Is that all you’re bringing?” He continues, glancing to my sparse belongings.


"Yep." I retort, popping the p sound. He rolls his eyes, throwing open the front door and gesturing for me to step towards his old pickup truck. I meander past him, shooting him a toothy smile. "Aw, Lucky. I'm sure you know. Some things never change." I announce before tossing my bag into the back of the truck. Much to my surprise, a loud squawk of pain sounds, and a sandy haired man sits upright in the back of the truck. Lucky levels a glare at the other man, but I can do little more than getting lost in his deep blue eyes.


“And far too often, things do.” Lucky drawls.



The sandy haired man considers me for a long moment, shifting to pull himself out of the bed of the truck. My eyes fall upon his abs as he is, of course, shirtless. Where Lucky is all rugged and rough edges, this man reminds me of one of my daddy’s show horses. His muscles are lean, not at all bulky, and his eyes are bright and full of life. He offers me a faint smile before turning his attention to Lucky.


“Chester, you gotta be kiddin’ me.” Lucky blurts, and the blonde man--Chester?-- laughs cheerfully.


“Aw, c’mon Lucky duck. You couldn’t expect to take off to save some damsel without your right hand man.” Chester announces, puffing his chest out and strutting a bit. Lucky claps a hand to his face, and I can’t help but giggle at the other man’s antics.


"So you're the infamous Chester that my daddy told me about." I muse, and Chester offers me a cheeky smile, formally extending his hand. As I reach out to grip his hand, he seems to be rethinking it, drawing his hand back and spitting a wad of spit into his palm. My eyes widen in disbelief as he reaches out to grasp my hand once more. I watch the saliva where it glistens in his palm, and I hesitate, looking uncertainly at Lucky. He meets my gaze, tilting his head slightly. Taking the cue that this is some sort of challenge, I spit in my own palm before slapping mine and Chester's hands together. The sandy haired man laughs uproariously, and though I'm vaguely disgusted, I'm more taken with his laughter than I had anticipated.


“You played your sweetheart down.” Chester grins at Lucky, and I consider the other man. His face reddens, and he tips his hat down before slipping towards the truck.


“Y-yeah, well. I reckon we ought to head on back to the farm. Her daddy’s gonna be real antsy if we’re not back soon.” Lucky mutters, pulling the door open. I offer him a gentle smile, but he averts his eyes as I slip into the truck, settling in the middle of the bench seat. Chester circles around, slipping into the passenger seat as Lucky settles behind the steering wheel. The two exchange glances, and Chester quirks a cheeky grin that Lucky seems to have trouble returning. I rest a hand on his arm, and he meets my gaze briefly before reddening and averting his eyes towards the road. As he backs out of the driveway, Chester reaches out to turn up the volume on the radio. I’m certain the device won’t work, but am pleasantly surprised when Chester manages to tune in to a local country station. He hoots and hollers, throwing his arm out the open window of the passenger side. Lucky seem to relax, and I breathe a sigh of relief, sagging in my seat. The ride would have been unbearably long if the two men had been bickering the whole time.


I find myself being nudged awake, what must be hours later. Lucky watches me carefully, and I smile as I blink my eyes open, jolting as my friend is shoved aside. I don’t know what I expected to feel upon laying eyes upon my father once more, but I never could have anticipated the emotion that would overcome me. I lunge out of the cab of the truck, throwing my arms around the broad barrel of a man. He spins me in a circle, and the happy tears spilling down my cheeks are swiftly wiped away.


“My sweet baby girl.” He says warmly, and I bury my face in his shoulder.


"Aw, a real daddy's girl, ain't she?" Chester pipes up, and I can hear a loud smack. My father offers the two younger men a look of disapproval, and Chester rubs his arm while offering Lucky a sour look. "I was just sayin' Lucky." He grouses.


“You was ruinin’ a moment is what you were doin’.” Lucky retorts, and I swallow a laugh as my dad clears his throat.


“You two, don’t you have work you ought to be doing?” My daddy rumbles, and Lucky looks briefly chagrined. Chester simply smiles innocently, looking me up and down. My body grows warm as I realize the gazes of both of the younger men are now fixed upon me. My cheeks redden, and I bury my face back in my daddy’s shoulder.


“Real sorry, Mr. Lawrence.” Lucky mutters, and Chester chuckles.


“Yeah, boss. We’re real sorry,” Chester mimics. I draw away from my father to see the two men glaring at one another. The moment drags on for what seems an agonizingly long time before my dad clears his throat once more and the men seem to come to their senses.


"I'll see you later, Cass." Lucky offers, grabbing Chester by the arm and forcibly pulling the sandy-haired man away.


"Yeah, see ya!" Chester echoes before the two disappear around the side of the house. Beyond that lies the giant red barn I'd grown up with, and presumably the pastures my daddy had kept up for some years.


“They have a wild stallion that they’re tryin’ to break today. I’ll show you around, and then we can go check and see how they’re getting along with it.” Dad announces, gently taking me by the arm and guiding me along. I allow him to drag me along nearly the entire property, pointing out the many chores that he and the younger men do on a daily basis. I listen intently, feeling somewhat guilty for cashing in on my father’s generosity without contributing in some way.


“I was thinking maybe I could help with some of the chores. Earn my keep, and all.” I say carefully, and my daddy’s laughter booms in response.


"Aw, honey, you ain't gotta worry about earning your keep here. Me and the boys take care of things just fine." He dismisses me, moving ahead. I won't let the issue be so easily cast aside, however, and I jog to catch up with him, snagging him by the wrist.


“Daddy, please. I’d feel a lot better if I was just… helping somehow. There has to be something I can do to help out around here.” I bemoan, receiving a resigned sigh as a response. He hesitates before speaking, and before I realize it, we’re in the horse barn. He walks up to a stall, gesturing inside. The smell is nearly unbearable after so long, but vaguely familiar in a way.


“You wanna help out? You’re welcome to muck out the stalls every afternoon while Lucky and Chester set the horses out to graze.” He offers, quirking a daring brow. It’s as if he expects me to back out immediately, and I’m almost offended. Before the divorce, and all the bouncing between my ma and daddy, this had been one of my daily chores. I swallow my indignance, offering him a bright smile.


“Now it’s beginning to feel like home.” I grin. His eyes widen at my compliance, and he deflates slightly.


"Alright. Fine. For the time being, I guess I ought to take you to see some of the horses we have out to graze, right now." He says with a roll of his eyes, and I follow him to the opposite exit of the barn. It leads out to a pasture, and my eyes widen as they fall upon Lucky. He sits astride a beautiful Palomino stallion, leading the animal through some basic show patterns. I hoot and holler, waving my hand at Lucky. He grins upon seeing me, drawing his hand away from the reins to wave at me. Abruptly, possibly startled by my greeting, the horse begins to buck wildly, abandoning the jumps to dart from one side of the pasture to another. Lucky holds on tight, and I swallow a gasp as it seems he will be thrown from the wild creature's back. He grits his teeth, and though he is not wearing spurs, the sharp nudge of his boot to the horse's ribs seems to calm the stallion a bit. I'm so caught up in the moment, it's not until Lucky angrily guides the horse past us and into the barn that I realize I've not seen Chester. Before I can voice the thought, my father seems to be struck by the same idea. "Lucky! Where on earth is Chester? You know you ain't supposed to ride with no one around!" He says angrily, and Lucky dismounts the horse, going about the process of taking its tack off. The dark haired young man remains silent, putting the saddle back into storage, removing the rest of the track before angrily brushing the dust off of the horse's fur. When he speaks, he offers little clarity regarding where Chester may be.


“You know how Chester can be. As wild as this--” He pauses, considering the stallion with irrational anger. “As this damn horse!” He finishes, slamming open one of the stables and guiding the suddenly demure horse inside. Lucky draws his hat down further on his face, and before I can ask if he’s okay, he’s already storming off. I glance at my daddy, who simply shrugs in response. I can’t help wondering if this is all routine, or if my presence was disturbing the relative peace of the farm.


Later that night, I amble out to the barn to bid the boys goodnight. I can hear Lucky's voice angrily rising in pitch, and I pause outside the barn before peeking inside. He seems to be caught up in fussing with the very same Palomino from before, and I'm struck by the sheer ridiculousness of his anger. Before I can step in and defuse the situation, the stallion seems to… shimmer, almost. Its large body begins to contort, and as I look on, the horse turns into a man before my very eyes. Not just any man, however. Chester stands, presumably naked, where the horse had stood mere seconds before.


“Why do you have to go out of your way to humiliate me! You know how much Cassie means to me. I swear you’re always makin’ me look a damn fool.” Lucky rants.


"You do that well enough on your own," Chester says dismissively, glancing towards where I stand.


At least, where I had been standing. I'm rushing away from the barn as fast as my feet can take me, and if possible, my mind is racing even faster. Chester is a horse, but that doesn't make any sense. Chester is a man. B-but he's not a man either because I saw him scarce moments ago-- as a horse! I rush into the house I'm sharing with my father, racing past him before he can bid me goodnight. I have to get to bed. I have to get this image out of my head. It was clearly some hallucination, as there's no way that Chester can be some… man but not quite? Shapeshifters aren't real… are they?


I change into my pajamas, slipping into my old bed. It’s as comfortable as it’s always been, but even that doesn’t detract from how troubled I feel. My father steps up the stairs, peeking curiously into my room.


“Honey?” He inquires, and I offer him a hesitant smile. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He continues, and I can only shrug my shoulders in response.


“Just a bit… out of sorts. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the barn. It seems a lot has changed.” I say dismissively. He smiles warmly, stepping up to my bed to wrap comforting arms around me.


“It’s alright, baby girl. Things will get better soon. I’m sure of it. Your mom wouldn’t want you out here sulkin’ and poutin’.” He murmurs, and I realize with a start that my mother had been the absolute last thing on my mind. Perhaps that’s a good thing, but I can’t help feeling slightly guilty at the thought.


“No… I guess not.” I say awkwardly, and he draws away. He taps his cheek with a smile, and I can’t help rolling my eyes before leaning forward and obliging him by placing a soft kiss there. In spite of how long I had been in the city with my Ma, it had never felt like home. One day back at the barn, and there was something that just felt… right.


“Goodnight, baby girl. I love you.” He smiles, reaching out to muss up my hair before slipping away.


"Goodnight daddy," I call after him. I glance out the window, the light shining from the barn flickering some yards away. It seems impossible, but… maybe what I had seen wasn't a hallucination. Maybe Chester somehow, someway, was both man and horse. A shape shifter. I resolve to get to know the sandy haired man better over the next few days, if only to soothe my wandering mind. I drift off, dreaming of horses and the men who break them.



When I awake the next day, I hear the rustling of pots and pans in the kitchen below. I slip out from beneath my covers, stretching my arms above my head and sighing a content sigh. I shuffle through my suitcase, grabbing some clothes and making short work of getting dressed. As I pull my night shirt off over my head, I swear I can feel eyes upon me, and I look out the window only to see Lucky lingering some feet away from the house. I redden, and I know I should be angry that he's watching me undress. Instead, I feel a desire unlike any I had felt before taking hold of me. I look towards him, hoping that I might meet his gaze as I draw my shirt up off my head, allowing my breasts to bounce free. At this point, I'm not entirely sure he can see me. I'm simply aroused by the idea of putting on such a show for my childhood friend. I cup my own breasts in my hands, hands spread across the large round globes. I brush my thumbs to my nipples, drawing my lip between my teeth to muffle a cry of pleasure. I see him outside the window, still, and I know he is watching me from the sheer look of shock on his face. He looks vaguely ashamed, as if he should look away but can not. I grin, slipping my pajama pants down on my hips to reveal my womanhood to him. I press two fingers between my outer lips, spreading myself in a lewd show before rubbing a pattern up and down the length of my slit. I pause at my own precious pearl, rolling it between two fingers and swallowing a strangled cry. I reach my peak more quickly than I ever have from touching myself, and my body goes stiff as I ride out the waves of my orgasm. I look outside, seeing that he is no longer there, and muse he must have gone to deal with a little… problem. I edge away from the window, and pull on my chosen outfit for the day: a simple red flannel shirt and a pair of jeans. I shuffle out of my room, and the banging of pots and pans only grows louder. I meander downstairs, expecting to see my father preparing breakfast. Instead, Chester stands at the stovetop, flipping an egg. My mouth falls open, and before I can speak, he turns to consider me with a big smile.


“Your dad said you liked eggs, so I figured I’d do us all the honor of fixing a nice breakfast.” He announces, returning his attention to the stove. I hesitate, nodding even though I know he can’t see me. I step towards the table, pulling out a chair and settling in it. I rest my elbows on the table, watching him as he shuffles through the kitchen, preparing bits of this and that.


“So… where are you from, Chester? How long have you been working for my daddy?” I inquire softly, and he hesitates a moment, plating the eggs.


“I’m originally from Austin, Texas. I got into a bit of… trouble, and ended up making my way up here. Lucky found me scrounging around town, and managed to get your dad to hire me on.” He replied, not seeming terribly happy with the memory. “So you and Lucky go way back, huh?” He inquires, and I find myself reddening as I think of the one-sided exchange in my room. Chester quirks a smile as he considers my blush, preparing a platter of various breakfast foods before placing it in front of me.


“We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember…” I answer carefully, smiling appreciatively at the food.


“Just friends?” He retorts, and I nearly choke on a chunk of fried egg. I cough, managing to regain my composure and fix him with a glare. He shrugs his shoulders, sitting opposite me at the kitchen table. “I was just thinkin’ his name would be too appropriate otherwise.” He smiles. I redden, and am more than vaguely aware of his eyes tracing a path up and down my body.


"Just friends," I confirm, feeling the slightest bit of guilt prick at my insides. It was true, for now at the very least. Lucky and I were only friends. Friends who were extremely attracted to each other. Now, however, it's Chester's eyes I feel upon me. I pretend not to notice, making quick work of my breakfast. As I move to rise from the table, he reaches out to grip my wrist. I quirk a brow at him, and it's him who reddens this time.


"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me today. Lucky and I got into a bit of a fight, so he's not really… talking to me. I love the guy like a brother, but he's so uptight." Chester says with a tentative smile. I can't help but agree, in spite of how much Lucky means to me. He does seem to carry an overwhelming burden of stress everywhere he goes. As much as I'd like to spend time with my childhood buddy, Chester's happy go lucky attitude and free spirit seems much more appealing right now.


"I'd like to get to know you better," I admit, and he smiles brightly. I can't ignore the slight tug at my heartstrings, and I rise from the kitchen table, offering my arm for him to take. He quirks a smile, shifting to take me by the hand and pull me from the house. I giggle as I trail behind him, nearly needing to sprint to keep up. When we step outside, Lucky is nowhere to be seen. I can't help feeling relieved, feeling as if I was avoiding explaining myself. I had no idea what I would be explaining myself for, but the feeling of guilt still tugged at me.


“There’s this spot, out in the horse pastures. No one knows about it but me. Not even Lucky.” He announces slyly, and I find myself questioning his intent. However, when he fixes those bright blue eyes upon me, and smiles charmingly, I find myself caring less and less.


"Take me… there! Take me there!" I say, quickly correcting myself. His eye twinkles, and he jogs ahead of me, towards the main pasture. I jog to keep up with him, praising God that I'm still in decent shape after all the time I'd spent in the city. He opens the gate, and I make certain not to touch the electrified barbed wire that surrounds the enclosure as I step inside. He closes the gate behind me, and I glance out across the pasture. Nothing but horses and grass as far as the eye can see, but I won't immediately dismiss Chester's secret spot. He takes me by the hand, his grip strong as he guides me through the pasture. He is thankfully all too aware of the horse patties scattered throughout, and I manage not to mess up my new boots. The ground begins to shift into a slight incline, which grows steeper and steeper. He tightens his grip on me, likely to keep me from losing my footing. When we reach the bottom of the incline, he pulls me towards an area obscured by bushes and trees. As he nudges aside one of the more aggressive bushes, I can't help but quirk a smile and blush as I look beyond. A simple blanket spread across the grass, a couple of pillows, and an old battery powered radio. I slip inside in spite of what is perhaps my better sense, and he follows, reaching out to power on the radio.


"So, you bring all the new girls here?" I drawl, and he glances at me from the corner of his eye, smirking slightly.


"Well, yes. But seeing as you're the only new girl…" He trailed off, and the radio begins playing one of my favorite love songs. He seems to enjoy the song as well, singing the male vocals with a harmony I had not expected. His voice is deep and velvety, though not quite as deep as Lucky's. It has its own appeal, however, and as he reaches the chorus of the song, he meets my eyes as he murmurs sweet words of adoration. Before I can stop myself, I reach out to him, bringing our lips together. He rumbles happily against my lips, and I tangle a hand in his hair as I nudge him onto his back on the blanket. He flops solidly, watching me with a faint smile as I unbutton my shirt. His hands are deft, and he slides my shirt off my shoulders, leaning in to press his lips to the peak of my left breast. I moan in anticipation, and those soft hands creep up, one palming my other breast thoroughly. He gives my nipple a slight tweak, and I find myself gasping out his name. He looks all too pleased with himself, continuing to alternate between flicks of his tongue and soft pinching motions. My breasts tingle from the sensations, and I wrap a leg around his waist, drawing myself closer to him. He slowly works his way down to my pants, tracing simple patterns along the supple skin of my abdomen. He presses a sweet little kiss to my navel, and I swallow a groan. He seems to have noticed the sensitivity of my stomach, and lavishes extra attention on the area. He nibbles the edge of my navel, and my toes curl as if of their own accord.


"Please," I whisper, rolling my hips towards him. He ignores me, other than pinning my hips firmly to the ground to keep me from moving. I whine pathetically, trying to fight his grip, and he gives me a slight warning nip on the stomach. My thighs clench, and I press them together, desperate for any sense of friction.


“You’re so impatient.” He murmurs in those velvety tones. I mewl in response, and he slowly unbuttons my jeans before tugging the zipper down at an almost agonizingly slow pace. He presses through the gap presented, touching a fingertip to my panties before drawing it back almost immediately. I want to curse his name, but the sensations are such sweet agony that I can’t help but want more. I tense my hands in the blanket beneath me, and he lifts my hips just slightly, drawing my jeans down my legs, and off my feet. He tosses them aside carelessly, considering my legs with an expression that is nothing less than hungry. He runs his hands along the smooth expanse of my legs, parting them and sweeping his fingernails up and down the inside of my thighs.


“I just need…” I mutter, and he pauses, pressing his palm against my mound. I know my panties are soaked, and the warmth of his hand radiates against my outer lips.


“What do you need?” He inquires, and I whine helplessly in response. I’m not one to beg, I don’t want to seem as desperate as I feel but it feels as if I am slowly coming unhinged.


"Touch me." I implore, and he quirks a cheeky smile, curling his fingers in the waistband of my panties. He slides them down, grazing his fingernails along the swell of my rear. He seems to take a moment to simply take in my nudity, and I try to cross my legs. He won't have it, however, nudging my thighs apart and exposing me to the open air. It seems entirely unfair that all I can see is his abs, while he's looking at my most private area. However, I offer little complaint as he lowers his head, pressing his tongue flat against me. He starts at the bottom, tracing his tongue up to my twitching nub. I gasp in ecstasy with every sweep of his tongue against my sensitive pearl, but he seems to be avoiding it. He thrusts his tongue into my twitching hole, and I clench around him. I feel my essence spilling all over his face, and the sheer lewdness of the situation seems as if it will unravel me. He draws away, wiping his face with his hand and licking his palm and fingers clean. It is then I see just how much he is straining against the fabric of his jeans, and I reach out to him, drawing my lip between my teeth. He seems to sense my anticipation, and exhales a shaky breath through his nose. I'm overwhelmed by the desire to see it, touch it, and I set him free of the confines of his pants with a pop of his button. It's no small wonder that his jeans had managed to hold him for so long, with the length that is presented to me. He smiles unabashedly, giving it a little wave in my face. I know what he wants, and I know that I shouldn't, but… he had caused me such torment, it was only fair I return the favor before he gets to the main event, right? I grab the base of his manhood, sliding my hand up his shaft before lowering my head towards the head. He tenses his hands in the blanket that is spread beneath us and I shoot him a cheeky smile before taking the very tip of him between my lips. I suckle lightly at just the head, giving him a teasing preview of what is to come. His eyes widen, and I can't help but muse how cute it is when his toes curl. I slide my lips further down his length, taking as much of him as I can manage. Not only is he a horse shape shifter, he seems to be hung like a horse as well. I can barely reach three quarters of the way down before having to slide back up. My saliva provides a slick sheen to his manhood, and I grip what I couldn't reach with the first sweep with my hand. I lower my head once more, bringing my hand up as I drag my mouth downwards. He cries out, a long keening sound, and I'm certain he will near his peak at any moment. I give him a final squeeze, freeing him from the pleasant confines of my mouth before looking up at him with a small smile. His eyes blaze with a desire unlike any I have seen before, and he shoves me down against the blanket, positioning himself quickly. I aid him in his effort, reaching down to line him up with my damp slit. He bites his lip, thrusting forcefully into me. I all but scream in a mix of pain and pleasure, and he pauses for a brief moment before pulling out. I feel an emptiness unlike any I had felt before, and I wrap my legs around him, guiding his hips into meeting mine once more. We work for a moment to get the right angles, to get the perfect rhythm of push and pull. As he thrusts into me, I roll my hips towards him and cry out his name. As I feel myself reaching my peak, I sink my nails into the flesh of his shoulders, dragging them down his back. He grunts as he hilts inside of me, and I feel his warm seed fill me. It seems over all too soon, not to insult Chester's endurance, that is. It's just so good, I'd be happy enough to linger out here with him forever. However, a vague expression of guilt passes over his face as he draws away from me, shifting his jeans back into place. I recognize the guilt reflected in myself as well, my mind wandering to the man I'd known for nearly a lifetime.


"We should head back." I murmur, quickly getting dressed. It's obvious that we're thinking the same thing, and we step out of his secret area, hoping the scent of our activities isn't painfully obvious. We make the trek back to the farm, and he guides me up the hill. I feel his eyes upon me, and though a fire is growing within me, I can't ignore the feelings I still hold for Lucky. As we wander through the pastures, I can make out Lucky's familiar figure tending to some of the horses towards the outer edge of the pasture. I glance towards Chester, gesturing for him to walk in the opposite direction while I continue towards Lucky. He seems reluctant, but obliges me, and I can only hope I don't reek of sex as I approach my childhood friend. He doesn't seem to notice me at first, and I wrap my arms around him from behind as I approach.


“Well if it isn’t the queen of sass, herself.” Lucky drawls, turning to face me. He considers me for a moment, and I’m certain he’ll know what I’ve been doing. He draws his lip between his teeth, and my eyes are drawn to his mouth. I know I shouldn’t be looking at another man, scarce moments after I had made love to his best friend. But I can’t help myself, as awful as it is. “I was hoping we could talk.” He says softly, reaching out to brush his palm to my cheek. I should say no. I should tell him that I’m with Chester, and that I can’t… do whatever it is he wants to do. But I can’t deny those big brown eyes, and I find myself taking him by the hand. Where Chester’s hands had been soft, his were rough and calloused. I can’t deny that I’m reveling somewhat in the contrast. Lucky takes a moment to let me out of the pasture before closing it behind him. He offers me his arm, and I loop my own around it. He grins warmly, and I feel my heart pounding in my chest. I thought these feelings would abate after my time with Chester, but inexplicably, I only feel more excited after our bout together.


“So, what did you wanna talk about?” I inquire gently, allowing him to guide me away from the pasture. This time, we move towards the woods on the edge of the property. I pause briefly, offering him an uncertain look. “Aren’t there cougars in these woods?” I ask uncertainly. He smiles as if he knows something I do not, continuing to guide me into the woods.


“They don’t ever get this close to the farm. They’re further out.” He explains. I take the explanation at face value, trailing just behind him but remaining close to his side.


“Well, that still leaves my first question.” I riposte, and he rumbles a laugh. He simply guides me deeper into the woods, examining each tree as we go. He seems to be looking for something, and I have no idea what he could be looking for in these woods. He pauses in front of a seemingly random tree, reaching his hand out to touch the bark. He smiles faintly, glancing to me from the corner of his eye. I meet his gaze curiously, looking to where his hand rests on the tree. He drops his hand away, and I see a jagged heart carved into the tree. I feel my heart pounding in my chest as I recognize my own initials within it, along with Lucky’s. “How old is this?” I ask, giddiness rising up within me. He chuckles, leaning against the tree and crossing his arms over his chest.


“I carved this when we were… about ten years old, I reckon. I almost cut my finger off, I’m sure you remember that time I had to get stitches.” He says with a quirk of his lips. I grin, laughing warmly and throwing my arms around him. I nestle my face against the side of his neck, listening to the soft sounds of his breathing.


“Do you know how many times you and I had to get stitches when I was a kid?” I breathe against his skin, and he shivers before chuckling softly.


“Yeah, and I know most of the time we gave each other those stitches. You were a wild one. I always liked that about you.” He murmurs, brushing a hand through my hair. He pauses, and I wait for him to speak again, sensing that he has something important to say. “I always swore I was in love with you, from the day we met, til the day I was sure I’d never see you again.” He chuckles, and I draw back to consider him. He meets my gaze, and all at once I’m struck by just how much of that little boy remains in my childhood friend. Though I had never seen him as anything more than a buddy when we were kids, I’m certain that what I’m feeling now goes beyond standard friendship feelings. His eyes lower to my lips, and I flick my tongue out to moisten them. Before I can stop it, even if I wanted to, his lips are upon mine. His kiss is tender, filled with a passion I’m not quite sure I felt even with Chester. Of course, it was a passion I couldn’t have felt with Chester. It was a passion that resulted from years of puppy love. I tangle my hands in his hair, pressing him against the tree that has our initials scrawled on it. He nudges a knee between my thighs, and I gasp against his lips, deepening the kiss. He rests a hand on my rear, pulling my hips closer to his own and allowing me to rock in a steady rhythm on his knee. I can feel his erection pressing against my belly with each press forward, and I bury my face in his shoulder, overwhelmed by the rollercoaster of emotion I had experienced through the day. He kisses my ear, muttering dirty little promises that I dare not repeat. He murmurs about how much he wants to take me, in what positions, all over the barn.


“I saw you in your window this morning. I know you saw me, too.” He murmurs, and I whimper out his name, helpless to stop the sensations he was causing me. He tightens his grip on my rear, much firmer than before, and pulls me firmly against his clothed length. I shudder out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I reach down, deftly unbuttoning Lucky’s jeans and freeing his length, palming it in my hand. He swallows a moan of pleasure, and I slowly stroke along the length of it, wondering how it would feel to be with Lucky instead of Chester. All at once, I pull away, meeting his gaze. Guilt surges through me, and as much as I would like to explain myself, I know that I can’t. If I were to tell him what I had done with Chester, any feelings he may have for me would disappear, I’m certain. At the same time, I care very deeply about Chester as well, and know he would be wounded to see me locked in such a passionate embrace with Lucky. When I had never intended to betray either of them, I had somehow managed to betray both. All in the span of a day.


“You feeling okay?” He inquires softly, pressing a hand to my forehead as if to check for a fever. I swallow my despair, smiling uncertainly.


“I’ll be alright. But we should probably head back. Daddy’s probably going to have dinner ready soon.” I offer. He smiles and nods, pressing a final, chaste kiss to my lips before pulling away. He smiles awkwardly at his still stiff member, managing to somehow stuff it into his pants in a manner I’m sure is uncomfortable.


“Are you gonna be okay?” I inquire awkwardly. He smiles in spite of himself, managing to button and zip his jeans. His manhood presses against the fabric, straining so much it seems the button will pop.


“I’ll take care of it later,” he murmurs with a blush. I feel myself reddening as well, cursing myself for just how much I want to help him take care of his little problem. He offers his arm once more, and I loop ours together. I can’t help but wonder where on earth Chester has disappeared to as we make our way back to the house. The sun is beginning to set in the sky, and in spite of the guilt that brews within me, I can’t help but picture a perfect night with both men. I imagine the tree of us dancing through the fields, catching those lightning bugs that ever eluded me as a child.


As we step into the house, I’m immediately struck by how tense Chester seems. He considers us briefly as we step inside, but quickly turns his attention back to preparing dinner. He clatters and clangs with significantly more agitation as he cooks, and Lucky watches him with narrowed eyes. My father steps down the stairs, leveling a glare at Chester as he falls into step beside the sandy haired man.


“Is all that noise really necessary?” Daddy inquires, and Chester stares at him for a moment, looking as if he will apologize. Then, his eyes fall upon Lucky and immediately narrow in anger.


“Is all this disgusting puppy love drivel really necessary? We get it Lucky. You have a crush on your little gal pal. Get over it and keep your junk in your drawers.” Chester says snidely. Lucky jolts to attention, eyes widening in disbelief. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the private moment Lucky and I had shared in the forest hadn’t been so private after all, though I suppose it must have been obvious with how… uncomfortable Lucky was as we walked in together. It no longer seems to be a problem now, as the sheer shock of the situation dissolved any arousal any of us may have felt.. I bury my face in my hands, quietly praying that this will blow over and Lucky will let the comment slide.


“Well, gosh, Chester. I didn’t know such a playboy would be threatened by the idea of anything deeper than a physical connection.” Lucky retorts snidely, and Chester’s eyes meet my own. His eyes widen incredulously, and he tosses his head back in a laugh.


“What has come over you two? You’ve been bickering and at each other’s throats since…” My dad trails off, considering me through sympathetic eyes. “Well, you boys need to stop thinking with what’s in your pants, and start thinking with your brains. I can’t have the farm running smoothly if you two are at each other’s throats over a girl.” He pauses, drawing his gaze back to me. “And as for you, young lady… you need to deal with this. Ignoring it and hoping it will go away is obviously doing little good. So, since you three are acting too childish to deal with this properly, I have any idea.” He announces. The two younger men exchange glares before looking to my father. I swallow thickly, uncertain of what direction this will go in.


“I’m all ears.” I offer weakly. Daddy smiles before clapping his hands together.


“You three are gonna go on a camping trip in the woods. A sort of… trust building exercise. You’ll pitch a tent out in the middle of nowhere, and you can’t come back until you’ve talked out your feelings and have come to a resolution.” He says decidedly. Lucky’s eyes bulge, and Chester makes no attempt to swallow his groan of irritation. I feel as if I’ve been handed a death sentence, as dramatic as that may seem.


“Can we at least eat first?” Chester implores. That seems to be the only thing the two younger men agree upon, and Lucky nods, trying to grab a plate for himself.


“Nope!” My father announces, swatting Lucky’s hand away. “Consider this a bit of incentive. The sooner you three resolve your issues, the sooner you can come back and enjoy this delicious dinner.” He grins. Even I struggle to see the sense in what he’s suggesting, but it’s not as if I’ve got many options.


"Alright," I say defeatedly, and both of the men I care for fix me with unhappy expressions. "It's not like we have any better ideas. I'll get the tent, you two get the rifles." I offer wearily, standing from the table and slipping away to the upstairs storage area. Once I am alone, it takes all that I have not to collapse to the floor, sobbing. I gather the bag that holds the tent in my arms. I don't know if either of the men have sleeping bags, and for the moment I don't care. I simply snatch mine up in my other arm before descending the stairs once more. I slip outside, waiting by the porch light until the men warring for my attention emerge from the house as well. Lucky is the only one with a rifle shouldered, and I quirk a brow at Chester. "Aren't you going to grab a gun?" I inquire, trying to keep the bite out of my tone. He simply rolls his eyes, gesturing towards Lucky.


“I think he has it covered.” He said, snideness dripping from his words. I consider snapping back at him, but swallow my words, instead trekking ahead of the two. As we make our way to the forest, all is silent for some time. The only sound is that of crickets chirping, and for a moment I have some hope that this thing will resolve itself, as my father has intended.


“So, how’s it feel knowing you’re second choice? You know what they say about sloppy seconds.” Chester says snidely, and an icy sensation crawls up my spine. Lucky glances towards him, quirking an uncertain brow.


“I think you have this whole situation mixed up. I know you saw Cassie and I uh… kissing and such, in the forest, so I don’t see how you figure I’m the second choice.” Lucky bites back. The icy feeling seems to spread throughout my body, into my chest.


"Oh, so she didn't tell you what we did, what… twenty minutes prior?" Chester grins, and Lucky pauses in the middle of his stride. He considers me, eyes wide with betrayal before he turns to consider Chester. I simply continue walking ahead, hearing their arguing growing in volume, and I know that they must both hate me at this point. I had betrayed both of them, and even worse, I had more or less taken advantage of their ignorance of my feelings twice on the same day.


“Just stop!” I scream, bolting ahead. I need to get away. I can’t bear to see the looks of hatred in their eyes, not when I care so much about the two of them. They had been like brothers before I arrived, and I not only ruined their relationship with each other, but any chance of a relationship I may have had with either.


“Cassie, wait!” One of them calls after me, but it only spurs me into moving faster, deeper into the forest. I drop the tent, abandon my sleeping bag, sprinting as fast as my legs will take me. I hear one of them stumble over the supplies I’ve dropped, and the other seems to fall to the ground soon after. I can’t tell who is begging me to stay, but truth be told, I don’t care.


It is only when their voices have faded into the distance that I stop, gasping for breath. I rest my hands on my knees, struggling not to heave up my lunch. Tears spill down my cheeks, and it is all I can do not to scream in frustration. I hear a rustling to the left of me, and I turn to face my intruder head on. I don’t care which of the two it is, I simply can’t deal with the screaming anymore, and I plan to tell them as such.


What I don’t expect, however, is the large and slinking form of a cougar to emerge from the bushes, golden eyes fixed upon my every move. I stumble back, inhaling a sharp gasp of breath. For every step away I try to take, it seems to move ever closer, and I turn from it, sprinting deeper into the forest. I scream, hearing it’s feet pounding the ground behind me. I can hear it gaining distance on me, and I realize despairingly that there is no way that I can outrun the massive feline. I scream again, and the sound of galloping soon begins to echo all around me.


“Cassie!” Lucky screams, and Chester lunges towards the cougar in his stallion form. The cougar draws back at first, but soon lurches back towards Chester, who bucks up out of instinct alone. Lucky goes tumbling off Chester’s back, hitting the ground with a solid thud. His gun lands beside Chester’s feet, and the horse shifter inadvertently kicks it away while trying to draw closer to me. I try to rush towards Lucky but the cougar steps between us, fixing it’s gaze upon me. “Chester! Take her and go!” Lucky screams, reaching out to grab the cougar by the tail. The large feline yowls angrily, and before I can stop him, Chester has swept me upon his back. He lingers for a moment longer, watching as the cougar rounds on Lucky.


“Chester, we can’t leave him.” I say pleadingly, and Chester seems to almost agree. Almost, however, isn’t enough, and the stallion shifter bolts away from the scene, in the direction of the barn. I can hear the sound of yowls and screams behind us, and I grab Chester’s mane, trying to get him to turn back. As we make it to the outskirts of the forest, Chester seems to lose his hold on his horse form. He tumbles to the ground, and I fall on top of him, both of us rolling several feet before we manage to come to our sense. “Chester!” I scream, but he ignores me, rushing towards his sleeping quarters. He emerges a few moments later, gun gripped in hand,


“You stay here! I have to go back! I have to see if… dear God…” Chester blurts, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.


“I’m coming with you. I have to see if he’s okay.” I argue, though I know there is no time for arguments. Instead of allowing Chester to dispute the point, I rush back towards the forest. Chester sprints after me, calling for me to stop. I know I should stop, I know that I’ll only be in the way, but I have to know. I have to know if Lucky is still alive, if there’s anything I can do to help him. Chester falls into step beside me, and together we break into the clearing where we had all but abandoned Lucky.


My childhood friend, one of the men I love, is nowhere to be seen. Instead, in the middle of the clearing, two large cougars clash in a vicious brawl. Chester watches in confusion, but as I'm watching the scene, comprehension dawns on his face. The larger of the cougars sinks its teeth into the shoulder of its opponent, yanking its head back and pulling small chunks of flesh along with it. The smaller cougar shakes on its feet, and Chester fires a warning shot in the air. The apparent victory between the cougars jolted at the sound, before darting into the forest. Chester steps past me, towards the fallen cougar. I call after him, wondering why on earth he would approach an injured and likely to attack cougar. However, as the smaller cougar sags to the ground, it begins to shimmer in much the same way that Chester had the first time I saw him shift. Some snapping of bones and shifting of skin later, Lucky lays wounded on the ground where the cougar had been. Chester gathers the other man in his arms, careful not to aggravate his wounds. Lucky is nearly unconscious, but his eyes meet my own as I rush towards him. As if satisfied enough by the fact that I survived, he sags seemingly lifelessly in Chester's arms.


“Lucky!” I scream, and Chester is swift to shush me.


“We don’t want to attract any more attackers. We’ll get him to the barn and treat his wounds… he’s still breathing, at least.” He murmurs. We stumble through the forest together, with Chester obviously struggling beneath Lucky’s weight. I’m certain that at any moment another cougar will attack and kill the three of us, but that moment does not come, and we finally emerge from the forests. I help Chester carry Lucky the rest of the way to the barn, laying him on a plush blanket as Chester gathers the medical supplies. I brush my fingertips to the skin surrounding the wound, noting the flushed red tint of it. I can only hope it doesn’t get infected, though I know for now I should be more concerned with whether or not Lucky will survive. I lean over the still form of one of the men I love, tears streaming down my cheeks as I hold his head in my lap. His wound is bleeding profusely, and I can only hope that Chester has the medical knowledge for Lucky to make it through


Chester appears moments later with some medical supplies, and cleans Lucky’s wound before wrapping it in gauze. He sits at Lucky’s side, supporting the other man’s weight to hold him upright. I sit at Lucky’s other side, watching his face for any sign of movement or life. I reach out to caress his face, and he blinks his eyes open, recognition and relief crossing his features as he sees me.


“You’re okay…” He murmurs. The elation flooding my veins feels as if it will make my heart explode, and in spite of Chester’s position right at our side, I jolt forward, gently cupping Lucky’s cheeks and pressing our lips together in a tender kiss. He is obviously weak, but he puts as much passion into the kiss as he is able, and I give his bottom lip a little nip. He groans into the kiss, and I’m only vaguely aware of Chester’s discomfort as we deepen the kiss just a bit further before I slowly draw away.


“Why did you do that!? You could have been killed! Why would you do that, Lucky!?” I demand, and Chester simply observes the two of us. His discomfort is obvious, but he puts no words to it, simply allowing Lucky and I to have our exchange. Lucky hesitates, glancing towards Chester before returning his attention to me.


“Because I love you, Cassie. Always have, always will. If it meant dying to save you, I would do it a thousand times over.” He admits, cheeks alight with red. I gasp, brushing his hair away from his face.


“I love you too… I love you so much.” I blurt, leaning in to kiss him once more. He holds me back weakly, looking as if it is the last thing he wants to be doing. He gestures towards Chester, who simply watches with a withdrawn expression. I inhale shakily, looking between the two men. It’s not fair. What I’m doing to them simply isn’t fair. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t love Chester as well. I love both of you. I know that’s not fair, and you two should just… leave me. I don’t think I can ever choose between you.” I murmur, drawing away from the two men and drawing my lip between my teeth. The two consider me for a moment, exchanging glances before Chester shifts slightly to pull me close to the two of them again. Lucky weakly caresses my cheek, nothing short of sheer adoration shining in his gaze. Chester kisses the top of my head, and I’m nearly overwhelmed with sensation. I have to stop this, though. I have to stop them. “What are you two doing? Didn’t you hear me? I can’t choose!” I blurt, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. Lucky glances to Chester, his hand remaining on my cheek.


“I love you, Cassie. And I love Chester too, while… not nearly in the same capacity. If I may be so bold…” Lucky trails off uncertainly, and recognition dawns in Chester’s face as he seems to realize what the other man is implying.


“What are you trying to say?” I inquire weakly, cut short by Lucky pressing our lips together. He presses me back against Chester, pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around both Lucky and I. When Lucky draws away, he glances to Chester with a crooked smile before turning his attention to me once more.


“If it means making you happy, I think Chester and I can come to an… agreement. Don’t you think so, Ches’?” Lucky murmurs, and I feel Chester’s manhood stiffen against my back. My eyes widen as what they’re insinuating dawns on me, and I glance uncertainly up at Chester. He meets my gaze, leaning in to take over where Lucky had left off. Our lips meet, and in spite of his injury, Lucky manages to shift enough to unbutton my shirt. He pushes both sides away, exposing my chest to the open air. The only thing between him and the aching peaks of my breasts is my bra. Chester kisses down my neck, along my shoulder, and Lucky shifts a claw just long enough to slice through my bra. Though it’s one of my favorite bras, I can’t find it in me to complain as Lucky leans in to flick his tongue to the bud of my breast. Chester tangles a hand in Lucky’s hair as if to urge him onward and Lucky groans against me, his length growing longer and stiffening. I quiver, uninhibited as I reach down to grasp him in my hand. He stiffens, trying to focus on my chest as I rhythmically tighten and loosen the grip of my hand. His mouth falls agape against my chest, and I can feel his saliva smearing my chest as he sloppily places kisses there. I draw my hand up his length, and though he is not as long as Chester, he more than makes up for it in girth. While I’m wrapped up in Lucky, Chester adjusts his grip on me to slip his fingertips under the waistband of my pants, brushing against my wispy hairs down below. I inhale shakily, and Lucky pauses in his ministrations, pulling away slightly.


“This can’t be happening.” I blurt, feeling as if I’m in some sort of haze.


“We can stop.” Chester offers, and Lucky nods his agreement. I hesitate for a moment, gently pushing Lucky away. His expression drops, but as I press him onto his back and shift onto his hips, his eyes brighten once more. He throbs against my thigh, and I grin cheekily, grinding against him slightly.


“Why don’t you let Chester and I do most of the work? What… with your injury?” I implore, resting my hand gently on his chest.


“Only if Chester is okay with it.” Lucky murmurs, tensing his hands in the blanket beneath him. Chester offers his friend a smile, and much to my surprise, leans in to kiss Lucky on the forehead.


“Just as long as you know I’m not touching your junk.” Chester grins slyly. Lucky barks out a laugh, wincing in spite of himself. I shush him gently, and Chester moves to lift me up, just enough to slip my jeans and underwear down off my hips. I lower myself onto Lucky once more, his length nestled between my outer lips but not yet penetrating me. I rub up and down his length, my own moisture collecting along his manhood. As I’m rocking against him. Chester takes the opportunity to tweak and tease my nipples. I shift my hand between my legs, adjusting Lucky’s thick manhood to press against my aching entrance. He shudders, whispering my name as if it were some sort of prayer. I quirk my lips in a smile, lowering myself on top of him. He fills me much like Chester had, spreading me further than I thought I could take. I lean forward, groaning as I tense my hands on top of his chest. For the moment, I feel stuck, as if moving will tear me apart. However, Chester grabs me by the hips, and I feel his manhood pressing against the cleft of my rear. He doesn’t enter me from behind (thankfully), but he sits directly behind me, with his erection pressed against his own belly. He lifts me up, groaning both from the exertion and the sensations on his own length, before lowering me upon Lucky again. Lucky tenses his hands atop Chester’s, and the two guide me in pleasing the injured man, rocking me up and down along the length of his manhood. As the three of us rock in synchronized motion, it feels as if the world is slowing all around us. Lucky tenses beneath me, gritting his teeth as he reaches his peak. I clench around him, crying out in ecstasy as he fills me. Chester pauses his ministrations, throbbing against my back as he begins to massage my breasts, trying to get as much out of me as he is able. A few short moments later, I fall back against him, taking his hands in my own and kissing his palms.


“Give me a minute to recover…” I murmur sleepily. He grins, pressing me against his chest before flopping to the floor beside Lucky. I reach out to grasp Lucky’s hand, and the two men consider each other before Chester throws an arm over my side to rest on Lucky’s hip. Lucky is obviously spent, and truth be told, so am I. I hate the thought of leaving Chester hanging, however, so I sit up again, fixing my eyes upon his throbbing length. Though he looks entirely prepared to take care of the issue himself, I edge closer to him, slipping away from Lucky’s side and giving the dark haired man a bit of a show as I wiggle my rear. I raise up on my knees, resting my hands on Chester’s shoulders and drawing him in closer, our tongues tangling in a battle for dominance. If I had thought Lucky was spent, I was mistaken, as I can see him out of the corner of my eye, sitting up and slowly rubbing his hand up and down his length. I wink at him, gesturing him to scoot closer to the action. Lucky and Chester exchange uncertain looks, and I can’t help but giggle. “It’s not like I’m going to make you two make out.” I blurt, and Chester laughs at Lucky’s stricken expression.


“I thought we discussed no junk touching between brothers.” Lucky bleats, and Chester grins, making a grabbing motion with his hand. Lucky whines, but his whines seem to abate as I wrap one of my hands around him. I look towards Chester, and he grins, lacing his fingers with my other hand and wrapping it around his own length. The men’s groaning is nearly simultaneous as I slide my hands up and down each of them, teasing Lucky to rigid attention again and drawing Chester nearly to the edge. I increase the pace for Chester, allowing the hand dedicated to Lucky to remain resting at the base of his manhood. Chester’s moans grow ever louder, and his toes curl cutely, as they had when we were alone. Lucky and I exchange a glance, and though Lucky is obviously flushed, he seems to take note of the toe curling as well. We grin, and he brings his own hand to himself once more, allowing me to take both of my hands to work Chester’s exceedingly long member. Chester vaguely chokes out something about cross-contamination, but I can only roll my eyes and giggle as he slowly loses himself to the sensations. I pump at him furiously, desperate to milk him for every drop of his precious essence. He seems reluctant to give in, however, grabbing my hands to stop them.


“Finish with your mouth.” He implores, and Lucky wheezes a laugh. I should be disgusted or irritated, but it’s not as if the taste of them particularly bothers me. I lean in, taking Chester between my lips and adjusting my stance. I feel a pair of hands rest on my hips, and I’m more than faintly aware of Lucky lining up with my entrance once more. I position myself to offer him better access while worshiping Chester’s phenomenal rod, sucking my cheeks in as I take in more and more of him. Lucky presses against me teasingly, and my insides twitch in anticipation. The sensation of him throbbing against me is enough to nearly drive me wild, but I want more… no, need more. I release Chester with a pop, glancing over my shoulder to the man positioned at my rear. He grins cheekily, and I can’t help but huff at the audacity.


“Oh, I was just waiting my turn. Didn’t know if a double team was your thing…” Lucky murmurs, eyes flashing deviously. The sheer depravity of what he is implying strikes me to my core, and I lock eyes with him, spreading my knees further and pressing back against him.


"Do your worst," I say daringly, and he presses against my entrance, slowly pressing inside.


"Don't forget about me," Chester says in a strangled voice, and from the looks of it, he's about ready to explode. He rests a hand on the back of my head, drawing up on his knees so that the position I'm in could not get any lower. The men exchange a cheeky grin, and Lucky thrusts forcefully into my, pressing me forward to take more of Chester's manhood into my mouth. Chester seems to almost take this as a dare, thrusting deep into my mouth. I open my throat to take in more of him, feeling my insides being worked from behind by Lucky. They go back and forth like this for a few moments, and I'm almost certain that there's a certain thrill behind challenging each other, even in this situation. They seem to be testing who can hold out the longest, and I feel myself being rocked back and forth between them like I am little more than a toy. However, unlike a toy, I can entirely revel in the sensations of being used. My womanhood throbs with each thrust, and though my mouth is growing sore, I'm eager to taste Chester's essence. I know it's unfair, but I wrap a hand around the middle of Chester's length, and he nearly doubles over from the sensations. After each thrust forward, Lucky grabs me by the hips to jerk me back, as if we're in on this together. I time the motions of my hand with the back and forth of Lucky's thrusts, and it seems Chester is nearly too spent to make an attempt to challenge either of us. Before he has a chance to come to his senses and retaliate, Lucky begins to fervently push in and out of me, pulling me towards him with each thrust. I feel filled to the brim, as if I can take no more, when Chester begins to spill his load. It fills my mouth and I have to swallow quickly to keep it from oozing out around my lips.


“Ha. I win.” Lucky grins, winking at the spent Chester who simply offers him a thumbs up in turn. Then, it seems all bets are off, and Lucky wraps his arms around me, pulling me on top of him as he sits back. He reaches up to grope at my breasts as I bounce up and down on top of him, feeling myself growing close to the edge again. I’m uncertain how much more I can take, but when he hits just the right angle and presses against a particularly sensitive spot, I can’t hold in my scream. I clench around him, and he groans gutturally, spilling his seed deep within me. I gasp for breath, sagging against Lucky. He wraps his arms around me, and Chester crawls over to us, offering me a weary yet wicked look.


“One more, Lucky duck?” He inquires softly. Lucky tilts his head, pulling his length free from my womanhood. His essence spills from me, and the last thing I’m expecting is Chester to lower his head to my mound. Lucky’s eyes widen as well, and before either of us can stop him, Chester is lavishing my aching peak with attention. I squeal, feeling all too sensitive to the assault. The sensations are almost painful in the severity of their pleasure, and I wrap my arms around Lucky’s neck as tears prick at my eyes. Lucky kisses my neck, and surprisingly, that’s all it takes to throw me off the edge a third and final time. I scream until I’m certain my voice will be hoarse the next day, and I can only hope my father didn’t hear me. I collapse back against Lucky, who seems unable to support my weight for the time being. He flops bonelessly beneath me, laughing in spite of the pain he’s obviously in from his wounds. I roll off of him, laying spread eagle on the barn floor. Chester examines the mingling fluids on his fingers before taking a tentative lick. Lucky makes a face before curling up beside me. This time, it seems all three of us are spent. Truly, entirely spent. Chester crawls over to us, examining the blood that has seeped through Lucky’s gauze. He frets over it for a moment, muttering about having to redress the wound, but Lucky merely rolls his eyes, pulling Chester down to lay on the other side of me. The three of us remain on our backs for a long moment, simply too tired to move. Slowly, however, as we regain the ability to move our limbs, we begin to edge close to each other once more.


“That was…” Lucky begins, cut short by Chester.


“Wow.” Chester blurts, curling up against my side. My body is tired, sore, aching, but I’ve never felt so fulfilled in my life. I knew sex Chester was good, and I knew sex with Lucky was good. But together? I never could have anticipated how world shattering it would be. I wrap my arms around Chester, who in turn wraps his arms around me and resumes resting his hand on Lucky’s hip. Lucky is firmly tucked against the back of me, and as I am shorter than both of them, they’re able to face each other head on.


“You licked my stuff, man.” Lucky drawls, sounding vaguely disgusted.


"Like you ain't ever licked it yourself." Chester retorts. The two bicker for a moment, and I wonder if I'll get any sleep with the two of them curled around me like this. "I get dibs on morning sex," Chester whispers naughtily. Lucky rumbles a disbelieving laugh, and I roll my eyes, allowing myself to relax entirely between the two men. As I feel myself drifting to sleep, I listen to the men I love murmur amongst themselves.


“I guess I’ll have to find a pocketknife…” Lucky murmurs absently. Chester hums in curiosity, pressing a kiss to the side of my face as I exhale a warm chuckle.


“A pocketknife?” He inquires uncertainly. Lucky tightens his grip on me, and our communication is silent but meaningful. I’m overcome with appreciation for both men, but more than anything, I’m happy that we can share all of our special places together. As a group. As one.


"Yeah, a pocketknife," Lucky says simply, falling silent shortly after. His breathing evens out beside me, and I feel my own breathing evening out as a result. Though Chester has no idea what Lucky is talking about, I'm sure I have more than a faint idea. As far as Chester… well, he'll find out once we go back to that old tree tomorrow morning. I think there should be just enough room for another set of initials in that carved wooden heart.




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