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Made Prisoner by Daniella Wright (140)

Chapter Four


“Dylan, I have noticed something.” Remy says as he looks at Dylan from a crossed the room. The other man looks up from his book and tilts his head. “You and Charity have grown quite close these passed months.” Remy continues and Dylan sighs and readies himself for a fight. He knows his boyfriend is the jealous type, and he has grown close to Charity. “At first I was going to yell at you, because I should be the only apple of your eye. But, I realize that wouldn’t be fair because it is hard not to grow close to Charity, so I have come to a decision. You should date her.”

Dylan looks at Remy shocked and intakes sharply which causes him to cough. Remy chuckles and shakes his head, “hear me out my love, if you date Charity then no one will suspect that we are together. Let’s be honest, Charity is a beautiful and sweet girl, plus she knows our secret. I trust the two of you together. Besides,” he leans over and kisses the others nose, “I know you like her and I hate seeing you so sad.” He tussles the others hair and Dylan blushes in response.

“If you think so.” He murmurs causing Remy to laugh again and this time kiss the others lips as he presses their bodies together,

“do not fret, I know I will always hold your heart. Besides, it is a travesty for me to keep you all to myself.” Remy knows, and has known for a long time, that Charity has a crush on Dylan. He knew the moment he saw her panicking about what to wear to the movies. This is the easiest way, and Dylan would no longer need to worry about his father finding out about his sexuality. “Come, let’s go speak with her.”

Remy stands and heads over to Charity’s door and knocks. “It is unlocked.” He opens the door and smiles. She sat at her desk with her books open and is studying so profusely that she does not even notice him enter despite the fact she is the one who told him he could. He chuckles to himself and makes his way over to her with Dylan following silently behind him.

Remy sits down on her bed and grins over at Charity, “stop working so hard you are making us look bad.” Charity jumps at the others voice, but smiles when she sees it is Remy and Dylan. She rolls her eyes at Remy’s words and then returns to reading without a retort. Remy can only shake his head. Charity has this innocent beauty about her that has grown on Remy, sometimes when he sees her on campus his breath is taken away. Her kindness and understanding for his relationship with Dylan has caused a deep affection to blossom within Remy, so deep that he can forgive the looks he sees Dylan make her way. It is because of this that he is even willing to propose that she and Dylan date.

Dylan stays hovering in the doorway clearly uncomfortable. He still cannot believe that Remy will truly be okay sharing him with Charity, but he is curious to try. Remy shakes his head and pats the bed for him, he smiles as the other comes over and sits down.

“So Charity, can we have a moment of your time dear?” Charity stops reading and turns her head to look back at her two roommates. Her affection for Dylan had grown over time and even now when she sees him her heart skips a beat, but what she wasn’t expecting was her feelings for Remy. There is something so peaceful and calming about the other man that she always wants to be around him.

“Of course, what is going on?” She closes her book and turns around so she can face the both of them.

“I am going to be blunt with you honey, I like you. Dylan likes you. And we think that you two should move further.” Charity blinks at Remy confused and looks over at Dylan whose dark brown eyes are staring at her steadily, piercing into her very soul and causing her to blush.

“But… like…. Date me and you? Wouldn’t that be…. Cheating?” She bites at her lip and looks to Remy for direction.

Remy laughs and shakes his head, “no honey, because I know about it. I love both of you, I want you both to be happy, and I think this could be really beneficial for all three of us. If Dylan is dating you then no one will question that he is a straight man. He won’t have the threat of his father looming over his shoulder, and you like Dylan don’t you?” Charity is nodding as she sees the others point but stops at those last words and flushes even darker red, “don’t be embarrassed! He’s quite the catch.” Remy winks at her.

“I don’t know guys, you both have such a great relationship and…. I don’t want to interfere.” Remy smiles at how sweet she is, even now that Remy has given his blessing she is still hesitant. This only reasserts more his trust in her.

“It won’t Besides, Dylan’s family can never know he is gay. You’re really helping us out.” Dylan nods and looks at Charity,

“I would like to give it a try.” He says simply and as he does Charity’s heart drops. She knows she cannot deny Dylan. Despite knowing he loves Remy her heart has not been able to let go of the other man, and Remy did say this would help them... she looks up at the two men and nods,

“okay. Let’s do it.”