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The Howl Series Boxed Set by Emma Nichols, Lexi James (16)


Once Tanner and Lenoir wandered away hand-in-hand and Shelby had sprinted to the new tiny house to pick her bed, I sighed happily and jogged up the porch steps with Howl on my heels. As I passed my aunt, she grabbed my wrist. “Where are you going?”

“Study. I’ll be right back. I just want to grab something before I forget.” She released me and I continued to the front door, but as I opened it, I heard her speaking.

“You’ll stay here.” Aunt Jo eyed Howl. He whimpered and lay down on the porch, clearly determined to wait for me.

“You okay, auntie?” I frowned.

She nodded. “I’m great. The dog is going to keep me company while you get what you need.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be right back.” What I needed wouldn’t be in the safe, but could easily be accessed in the file cabinet. Though it was locked, I had the key on my keyring already. In a matter of minutes, I’d found the records I needed. I’d pulled out everything from the past year. This might be the only way I truly discovered what had been happening in our pack.

After locking the cabinet again, I rushed back toward the front door, but something caught my eye. The sun streamed through the front windows as it sank in the sky. This time, the edge of a gold coin caught the light. I bent down and moved the chair enough to pick it up. The coin was stamped with a capital “B” on one side, and the image of a phoenix was on the other. My heart pounded in my chest. This coin belonged to Dallas. My father gave it to him when he made him Beta roughly five years ago before I’d even graduated from high school. I still remembered the ceremony. My mind raced as I wondered why it would be there. Dallas always carried it on him, proof of his role in the pack and thanks for his efforts. The gold had come from our mines.

How did it get there? Why hadn’t Dallas mentioned losing it? My stomach rolled. He didn’t fear my wrath, so he hadn’t held back because of some unfounded worry. The reason for not telling me had to be nefarious. I held the metal in my hand before slowly pocketing it.

Reaching for the door, I prepared to open it when I realized my aunt was deep in conversation with Howl. I paused, half laughing, eager to hear what she had to say.

“Your intentions better be honorable. Savvy is special.” She frowned. “She has choices.” Her eyes widened. “So do you.”

The floorboard creaked under my feet, and two pairs of eyes were suddenly upon me. “Hi,” I murmured weakly. “Found what I needed.” Then I walked through the door while my aunt studied me. “So, I’m going to go to the tiny house now. I need to do some research.”

She nodded. “Good. What’s for dinner? Oh, and where shall I stay?”

I sighed. Life was kicking my ass. “You know what? The research can wait. Let’s get you set up.” I held out a hand and hauled her to her feet. “Have you made a decision yet?”

With lips pursed, Aunt Jo shook her head. “Not yet. This is a big decision.” She leaned on the railing. “I’ve been rogue for so long…”

“Maybe you should ease into it then. Phoenix House in Asheville is now empty. I’ll take you there. We have supplies. I can leave money for you.” I laid my hand on hers. “You’ll see. Being in a pack isn’t so bad. Not when it’s the right pack.” I winked and motioned for her to follow me as I grabbed one of her bags.

I loaded all her belongings into my car and then motioned for Howl to join me. He hesitated. “Come on, boy. You can go meet Quinn after we drop off my aunt.” From the passenger side, my aunt snorted. Howl hesitated for a split second and then took off into the woods. “Boy?” He didn’t even look back.

Settling into my seat, I glanced at my aunt. “I mean…he’s not really my dog. He’s just this stray who showed up. We helped each other out.” I bit my lip, completely out of explanations and excuses.

“Oh, he’s yours.” Aunt Jo smirked.

Frowning, I asked, “Why do I feel like you know something I should know?”

“Drive, dear.” She rubbed her gnarled hands together. “I need to put my feet up and take some medicine.”

In less than an hour, I had her settled in at Phoenix House. “I can’t give you the codes,” I warned.

“I don’t have a car. Where would I go?” She chuckled.

“Okay, well call me if you need anything. I left my number on the counter.”

Aunt Jo hugged me and then shooed me out the door. “Go talk to your architect. You have a lot to discuss.” Then she tapped her lips. “So, whose temperament would you say you have?”

“Excuse me?” My brow furrowed.

“Savvy, when you get angry, are you more like your mother or your father?” Her hands were on her hips and she tapped her foot impatiently.

“More like my father.” I chuckled. “Why does that matter?”

“Oh, this will be one helluva talk.” She laughed. “Now get out of here.”

“Okay,” I grumbled. Then I hopped down the steps and jumped in my car. My heart raced as I thought about seeing Quinn again. For a split second, I contemplated calling him before I arrived, but I feared if I warned him, he’d prepare food. The last thing I wanted to do at the moment was eat. I had questions which required answers. This time, when we were together, I needed to pay attention to my wolf’s reaction.

The drive to his place was quick. I was so deep in thought, I was actually startled to realize I’d parked the car. Taking a deep breath, I slowly stepped out of the vehicle and looked around. Howl wasn’t anywhere to be found. Where had he wandered off to when he left the homestead?

Mounting the steps, I marched up to the door, hand fisted, prepared to knock. Naturally, he opened the door before I could feel the satisfaction of rapping on the wood. “Come on in, Savvy. I’ve been expecting you.” Quinn smiled warmly.

My eyes narrowed as I stepped inside. “Well, if that were the case, I’d have thought you’d have been dressed.” I looked him up and down. His hair was wet, he wore a white bathrobe and had a plush white towel around his neck.

With a chuckle, he murmured, “Well, you arrived faster than I anticipated. Priorities.” He pointed to the dining room.

I followed his gesture to discover candlelight and an array of food laid out on the table. There was nothing heavy but a bunch of light hors d’oeuvres, some hot ones in chafing dishes, a cheese platter, a fruit platter, and even some mini desserts. My stomach grumbled. Apparently, I hadn’t realized how hungry I’d grown. “How the hell did you manage this?” I shook my head. I couldn’t accept a distraction right now.

He was already behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin rested on the top of my head. “You like?”

I growled. “No.” Then I softened. “Maybe.” My shoulders sank. “Yes.” I swear the last word sounded like a whimper. Closing my eyes, I tried to focus. My wolf paced. I could feel her frustration. She had me unhinged already when I needed to be calm and controlled.

Quinn turned me to face him. “I’m going to believe the ‘yes.’ After all, it nearly killed you to admit it,” he teased.

Reluctantly, I lifted my face until my eyes met his. Inside me, something sparked. I watched in fascination as he dipped his head and gently brushed my lips with his. My lids lowered. I could feel his breath on my neck as his teeth scraped against my skin. Inhaling deeply, I hoped to pick up on any scents from his body, pressed against mine. As usual, I detected nothing. At the same time, I was immediately filled with need, and in the quiet, I heard my wolf howl. Startled, I stepped back. This made no sense. After all, this seemed hopeless.

His eyes sparkled as he gazed at me. “Some food, Savvy. You need to eat. You don’t consume nearly enough calories. It worries me.” Quinn wrapped an arm around my hips and casually walked me to the table.

I shook my head. “I can’t sit still right now. I can’t explain it. I don’t want to eat.” I held up my hands.

“I understand.” He pressed his lips to my temple and I swear, I wanted to absolutely melt into him. Then he let go and moved to make a plate.

Wrapping my arms around my body, I grumbled, “I don’t know how you can eat at a time like this.”

“It’s not for me.” Quinn chuckled as he grabbed some grapes and strawberries and then selected a few chunks of cheese. Finally, he added a couple of the mini eclairs.

I nearly licked my lips. Maybe I should eat. Maybe if I weren’t so hungry, I could make sense of everything because being around him was confusing the hell out of me.

He returned to my side and placed his hand on my lower back. I never realized how much I liked that simple gesture until now. Of course, I’d never craved a person like this before, either. Together, we wandered down the hall, and I realized this had to be his bedroom.

“Quinn, I thought I told you…” My voice trailed off even as my strength to deny him evaporated.

“You’re saving yourself, Savvy. I know. Trust me.” He set the plate on the nightstand and then lifted me up onto the bed.

I sat there with my legs folded under me, biting my lower lip. When I was around him, I no longer felt in control. His presence made me weak and I hated it, hated him for it. Looking away, my face grew hot with shame.

“Bite this instead,” he urged as he pressed a strawberry to my lips.

Opening wide, I let him push the fruit into my mouth, then I bit down and groaned as the sweet juices dribbled into my mouth and down my chin. While I chewed, I started to reach up and wipe it, but Quinn captured my hand and leaned in to lick it. The way his tongue felt against my skin had me on fire. Was this how the phoenix felt before being reborn? On top of that, my wolf was going positively nuts. I whimpered. “I can’t eat.”

He gave me a knowing look. “I can fix it. Let me help, Savvy. Let me take care of you.”

I closed my eyes. His offer was so appealing, whatever it entailed. Even though warning bells rang in my mind, my wolf and my body wanted to comply. Hesitantly, I nodded. “Help me,” I whispered. My words sounded foreign to me.

Instantly, Quinn joined me on the bed. He lifted me up like I weighed nothing and moved me so my head and upper back rested on his stack of pillows. As he straddled me, I quickly glanced down and realized he wasn’t wearing anything under the robe. I groaned and looked away.

“What was that for?” He grinned and I guessed he knew I looked, knew I’d seen his pulsing erection.

“Just wondering how many women you’ve seduced in this bed before me,” I lied. “You know, since you’re so smooth.”

Quinn took my face in his hands and looked me straight in the eyes. “None,” he replied.

My jaw dropped, but I quickly recovered. “None ever?”

He rolled his eyes. “No, but none in this house. None in this bed. I wanted some things to be special and sacred too.” He sighed. “Now stop talking, Savvy. You said you’d let me take care of you.”

My head tilted. “I did, but I have no idea what this means.”

“Be quiet and you’ll find out.” Then he slid a hand under my shirt and cupped my breast.

I couldn’t have said another word if I wanted. All I could do was feel in the moment. Somehow, this was right. Turning my head into the pillow, I moaned as he fondled my other breast as well.

“Don’t hide from me, Savvy.” Quinn quickly removed my shirt and bra without any resistance on my part. When he finished and I lay back on the pillows once more, I read the approval and desire on his face. “This is why you’re here,” he murmured before kissing down the length of my body.

The way his fingers wrapped around my hips, the way he stirred the need in me as his head rested momentarily on my lower abdomen had me nearly panting. I shook my head. “No, I came to talk.” I struggled to argue.

Looking up at my face, Quinn’s heated gaze silenced me. “No, you came for answers. Pay attention. This is everything you need to know.”

As he worked to unbutton my shorts and slide them down my hips, I frowned. “You’re not saying anything.”

“Are you sure? I think my actions are speaking volumes.” His brow arched and he turned his attention to my panties. I thought he was going to remove them right away, like he had the rest of my clothing. Instead, he spread my legs and lay in between them.

“You’re so beautiful, Savvy.” His words tickled my inner thigh as he kissed his way to my boy shorts. When he reached the cotton, Quinn slid his fingers under the fabric on both sides and traced his way up and down my labia. They felt swollen and sensitive. Then he slid a finger inside me. “You’re so wet,” he moaned.

“I blame you.” I choked out the words.

“I’ll gladly take responsibility.” He chuckled as he slid the remaining article of clothing from my hips and down my thighs, carefully removing one leg and then the other.

I’d never let anyone touch me like this, never let anyone see me naked, never allowed anyone to get close to me. Why Quinn? Why now? My mind raced. “You said you’d help me,” I whimpered.

He spread my thighs wide and slowly ran his tongue up the length of my slit. “Sweet Savvy, can’t you see that I am?” He laid one hand on my lower abdomen and used the other to explore. Quinn carefully slid one and then two fingers inside me and stroked me while he licked and sucked on my clit. This was a man who knew what he was doing. I loved and hated it all at the same time.

Though my eyes had been mostly closed while Quinn had his way with me, I finally peeked and realized he was staring at me, studying me. “Let me know what you like. I only want to please you.”

Inside, there was an unfamiliar pressure building. Something was missing. I knew what it was. “I want you in me,” I blurted out and then bit my lower lip shyly while waiting for his response. He froze while he considered my request. “Please.”

With a frown, Quinn shook his head. “As much as I long to be in you, I can’t. Not yet.” Then he returned to his task. This time, he wouldn’t even glance at my face.

For a second, I wondered what I’d done to upset him, but then as he continued to lavish attention on my body, I couldn’t think at all. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand. My breath came in tiny gasps. I closed my eyes to focus only on feeling. I’d hoped this would satisfy my wolf, but she was as frantic as before, eager to claim her mate. I braced for it. I could feel something building inside, like water pounding against a dam. Then it ruptured. My insides rolled like waves against the shore, and I became a quivering, whimpering mess while my wolf howled for her mate. Only when my orgasm ebbed could I finally fill my lungs, and then Quinn climbed up the bed and drew me into his arms.

I rolled into him, regretting what little distance existed between us. His fiery hot erection pulsed against my skin. “Your turn.” I smiled shyly at him. Then I reached down and held his cock in my hand, marveling since I couldn’t even close my hand around the girth of it. “Let me help you.”

Quinn grabbed my wrist and brought it up to his chest. “Not yet.” He blew out a breath.

I could feel his heart pounding against his chest. “Why not?” I frowned, completely disappointed.

“Do you have all the answers you came for?” He stared down at me.

I recognized the hope in his eyes, but whatever message he intended to convey was completely lost on me. Biting on the inside of my lower lip, I shook my head sadly. “No.”

His eyes darkened like a spring storm. “Then I guess we really do need to talk.”

I nodded. “Can I pee first?”

Silently, Quinn stood and offered me a hand. My skin tingled at his touch. There was something so familiar and comforting when our fingers touched. I gazed up at him, searching his eyes for answers. What I read in response was a plea for understanding. I frowned as I stood on the plush carpeting. Quinn placed his robe on my shoulders. I slid my arms into the sleeves and then cinched it around my waist before darting into the bathroom.

After I turned on the light, I closed the door behind me. Then I rushed to the toilet. I peed fast, a product of being raised in a five-person, two-bathroom household. Once I wiped and flushed, I moved to the sink and turned on the faucet. I mindlessly reached for the soap, lathered, and rinsed. I towel dried my hands, while staring at my reflection. Shouldn’t I look different now? Sure, it was only an orgasm, not losing my virginity, but I felt different and thought it might translate to my appearance. Turning a little too quickly, I knocked over an aerosol can on the vanity. At first, I righted the can and didn’t think about it. After all, the design was familiar to me, created by my aunt.

Then I froze. My heart raced as I picked it up. This was Aunt Jo’s spray. I rubbed my forehead with my free hand. Why would he have this?

I leaned hard against the wall. In my mind, everything began to fall into place—the way he didn’t smell like a man or a shifter, the way my wolf wanted him, the way I needed to be near him. Quinn really was my mate. My lips twitched. I wanted to smile. He had been trying to tell me tonight and I hadn’t listened to my wolf. There had to be more to it. Obviously, I was still missing some key part. With a hopeful heart, I opened the bathroom door and prepared to walk out with the spray in hand. Quinn had promised me answers. I was ready to hear them.

I strode toward the bed with a goofy smile on my face. Then I realized, he wasn’t on the bed. In his place sat Howl. I felt like an idiot. Without thinking, I hurled the spray at him. “You…you asshole! I don’t know whether to kiss you or kill you!”

He tilted his head and whined while wagging his tail.

“Very cute. Face me like a man.” I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot. “I’m waiting.”

He whimpered and lay down on his paws before shifting into the naked man I’d left minutes before. “Better?” Quinn bit his cheek and waited.

Without saying a word, I let the robe fall to the floor and then I strode over to the bed and hopped on the mattress. I crawled over to him and planted a long, lingering kiss on his lips. He rolled onto his back. Naturally, I read this as an invitation. So, I straddled him and lowered myself onto his body.

Quinn wrapped his arms around me. “No more secrets, Savvy. I promise. From now on, I’ll be an open book.”

I squeezed him tight. “Great.” Then I sat up and rested on his pelvis while his erection slapped me in the ass. “Ready to make this official?” I waggled my brows at him.

With a half-smile, he shook his head. “We can’t, unless I know we’re forever.”

“My wolf wants to claim her mate,” I argued.

“I know. Mine wants you too.” He sighed.

I shrugged. This seemed simple to me. “Perfect! Come home with me.”

“I wish it were that easy, Savvy. I really do.” He groaned.

I flopped over onto the bed and yanked up the covers. Suddenly, I felt exposed. I sighed. “Explain it to me.”

Lying on his side, Quinn wrapped an arm around me and held me close. “You’re so smart, you must’ve figured it out. I’m a rogue.”