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The Howl Series Boxed Set by Emma Nichols, Lexi James (30)


Her parting words made me wonder how I’d be received tonight. I expected trouble from the Malvaggios, but the Socair hadn’t received an invite since they were in hiding. I respected their stance and refused to out them, even if it would be nice to see a few friendly faces. The March Pack might respect me, or they might not.

For the next couple of hours, I experienced one treatment after another. When I finally saw my sisters and aunt hours later, they smiled at the new me. “Before you say anything, I had no idea I had so many flaws, and don’t expect me to maintain this on a daily basis.”

Lennie snorted. “I expected as much, but you’re going to feel so confident when you meet the other…” She glanced at the woman currently working on her feet and changed what she planned to say. “Right. When you meet the others.” She rolled her eyes.

“Yes, she will.” Aunt Jo positively beamed at me. “And wait until you see the clothes.”

“I’m actually afraid of that part.” I nibbled on my lower lip.

“Then the shoes should absolutely terrify you.” Shelby giggled.

I shook my head. “Tell me you didn’t pick heels, Aunt Jo.”

“I didn’t pick heels. Now, do you want the truth or do you just want to remain blissfully ignorant?” She leaned toward me with an arched brow.

“Ignorant is good.” I shrugged. “I want to feel comfortable. If I don’t, then I’ll just look like I’m trying to be something I’m not and the others will see it.”

“This is true, but at the same time, you need to start stretching yourself. You need to be part chameleon.”

“Ew.” I shivered at the thought.

Aunt Jo sighed. “I don’t mean literally.” She swatted my thigh. “What I mean to say is you need to learn how to blend in, how to fit in no matter what the situation. This life will throw you some curve balls, Savvy. You need to be ready to handle them.”

“I know,” I mumbled.

“Hey, try the buttons.” Shelby pointed to the controllers in the arm of the pedicure chair. “Go on. You know you want to. I’m having a pedicure and a massage all at the same time.”

I hit the buttons as she’d suggested. Soon enough, rollers inside the chair were kneading my back and neck. “Well, that’s not altogether unpleasant.”

Lennie huffed. “Why can’t you ever admit you like anything?”

Leaning back in my seat, I quietly considered her question. Had I always been like this? Actually, I hadn’t. I used to laugh easily and smile almost non-stop. Of course, I’d been a kid then. After our brother was stillborn, everything changed. My father began grooming me to lead the pack. His lessons weren’t only in combat and strategy. He taught diplomacy and self-preservation as well. Self-preservation had nothing to do with being physical and everything to do with mentality.

I grew more serious because I had responsibilities. I stopped being so easily impressed, so quick to show my love and appreciation. After all, loving something meant making it a target. There would always be those who wanted to steal and destroy what I cared about.

“Seriously?” Lennie grumbled. “How can you ignore my questions? You were my sister, first.”

“The object of my affection becomes a target, a weakness to exploit, a danger to all of us.” I sighed. “Father taught me that.”

Lennie and Shelby grew quiet and leaned back in their seats. They didn’t even exchange looks like they normally would. Instead, they seemed overwhelmed with sadness at being reminded of our loss.

“Love isn’t a weakness,” Aunt Jo murmured. “Actually, it can be a strength. I wouldn’t have been able to run off to California and start my company, if not for the love of family.”

“I love them.” My eyes widened. “I adore my sisters. They are my lifeline, they are everything.”

“I didn’t mean them.” She stared at me, willing me to understand. After all, she was the only one who knew about Quinn. “We’ll talk more tonight. We have the whole car ride together.”

“Oh goody.” I groaned.

Soon my nails were done too. I only had to select a dress, shoes, and let the staff apply my makeup and style my hair. Simple. Of course, I’d probably hate every minute of it. Apparently, each female in the family had selected a potential dress for me to try from the boutique.

Lennie presented her option first. “I wanted to try to soften you some. You’re so…serious.”

“It’s magenta.” I stared at it a moment. “I think the color is actually burning my retinas.” My new Socair friend lingered nearby. “Lacey, you’ve known me for all of six hours. Does this dress seem like something I’d wear?”

“Not even to get the newspaper from the front stoop.” She sighed. “Not even to pick up a quart of milk. Not even…”

I raised my hand. “Thank you. We get the point. Oh, and come sit by me.” I patted the cushion of the couch in the changing area. “I need at least one ally while I cope with this ridiculous situation.”

Frowning, Lennie tried again. “Won’t you even give it a chance?”

“Nope.” I shook my head vehemently.

“You don’t have to be so mean,” she grumbled.

“I’m sorry. No thank you?” I rolled my eyes.

As soon as Lennie disappeared into the back room, Shelby came out to present her choice. “What do you think?” She held up a floor-length, navy gown and turned it around so I could see the low-cut back.

“I think my ass would be showing.” I sighed.

“Stop it. Now say something nice,” Shelby demanded.

I tapped my lips. “It’s not magenta.” Beside me, Lacey snorted.

“You’re impossible,” my sister grumbled.

I stood and strode over to her. Taking the hanger from her hand, I held the dress against my body. “I promise you, I’ll trip. Plus, this looks like a prom gown. I’m an adult, attending my first cocktail party with some incredibly important people. I can’t wear this.” I tilted my head. “This seems familiar somehow.” I glanced at Shelby who had averted her eyes as her cheeks turned pink. “Oh, my Lord. This was the dress you wanted and mom thought it was indecent. Now you’re trying to trick me into wearing it so you can borrow it, aren’t you?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“You know you’ll only wear it once and then it will hang in your closet looking sad and lonely.” Her chin jutted out proudly.

“Nice try, Shel. Buy your own dress.” I patted her shoulder before calling out, “Next!”

I stared at the hanger as my aunt approached. “What is that? Is that a shirt? A tube top? What the hell am I supposed to do with this?”

Aunt Jo held out a strapless, skin tight, mini-dress for my inspection. She waggled her brows. “Show off all your assets. Distract them.”

“From what? The boobs I don’t have to fill out the top of that dress, or the fact that when I sit down, my hoo-hah will be showing?” I rubbed my temples before turning to address Lacey. “You see what I go through?”

She giggled. “Are these your only options?”

“God, I hope not.” I glanced at my aunt who looked somewhat defeated. “Well?”

With a sigh, Shelby nodded. “I thought for sure mine would be the winner. You think you know someone,” she grumbled.

“Seriously?” I sat down hard on the couch. “Well, that’s that. I can’t go.” I shrugged. “I wouldn’t have known how to act anyway.”

A bell dinged from the front of the spa. Lacey stood and laid a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t be silly. We’ll figure it out.” She smiled warmly before murmuring, “I need to see what’s happening up front.” Then she disappeared down the hall.

I glared at Aunt Jo. “I expected this from them.” I jerked my thumb at my sisters, standing off to the side. “But I thought I could count on you. I have no words.”

Behind me, Lacey spoke. “I hate to interrupt, but I have a delivery for Savvy.”

“What is it?” I clasped my hands together. “Please say pizza.”

“Why would it be pizza?” My aunt chuckled.

“Because I’m hungry and I want a pizza. Duh.” I grinned at her before turning around. “Okay, what is it? If it was food, I’d be able to smell it by now.”

Lacey passed me a giant rectangular box. “A messenger brought it. He rushed out. Maybe there’s a card inside.”

I set the box on the couch, took a deep breath, and slowly pulled off the top. There was a single red rose and a card on top of tissue paper, which concealed the rest of the contents. Lifting the rose, I sniffed it. My heart beat erratically. This had to be from him. Laying the rose on the couch, I picked up the card and opened it.

I found this and thought of you.

Knock them dead tonight, Savvy.



Tears formed in my eyes. I wished he was mine. Still, I had to see what made him think of me. I stuck the card in the box and pulled back the tissue paper. “Will you help me?” I glanced at Lacey.

“Of course. Tonight, you’ll need all the help you can get.” She winked.