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Queen's Guard (Shifter Royalty Trilogy Book 2) by S. Dalambakis (15)


The party is in full swing when we get there. “Kids our age actually find this fun?” I ask.

Max groans. “Don’t turn into a stick in the mud like Graydon. I’ll make sure you have a good time.”

This place is huge. The boys and I are out back sitting by a fire, while the people around us drink and dance. I texted Cat letting her know where I am, so she can join us. None of us has touched the alcohol but I’ve had enough water to float on out of here.

“I need to use the restroom,” I tell Lucian since he is the closest to me. He nods his head.

Finding the restroom was easier than I thought it was going to be. The long line outside the door was a dead giveaway. I felt like I was standing in line forever. There was one person in front of me when I spotted Kelsey coming down the hall from the other direction. Our eyes meet, and I glare at her. I was expecting the same, but no. She keeps walking in my direction, stopping in front of me.

“When you’re done here I need you to meet me outside in the barn. I had a vision that you need to know about.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you. You can tell me right here about the vision. Why are you sharing your visions now? You didn’t seem to want to the last time we spoke.”

“I can’t tell you here, there are too many ears and people around. The reason I’m telling you about this vision is because it involves one of your boys.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. You’ll meet me at the barn if you want any chance of saving him.”

“At least tell me who.”

“Zeke.” Kelsey turns to walk away but stops and looks back over her shoulder. “Don’t keep me waiting.” She stalks down the hallway and out of sight.

As quick as I can, I do what I need to do and start walking out to the barn that I saw in the backyard. It’s set away from the main house, but you can’t miss it. I open the door and walk into Kelsey standing in the middle of the room.

“Okay, I’m here, now spill.” I don’t want to be in here any longer than I need to with her.

“Oh, Callyn, you stupid little fool. Did you think I would actually tell you anything about my visions?” Kelsey laughs menacingly. “I didn’t have one about Zeke. That was just a ploy to get you to come out here alone. I’m surprised they let you out of their sight this long.”

“So, what is the point of this?”

“I’m finally going to get what I want.”

“I don’t have time for your games Kelsey. I’m leaving.” I turn to go back out the same way I came back in, but I don’t make it. I’m hit in the back of the head, falling to the ground. I groan.

“See that’s just the thing Callyn, you aren’t leaving this barn.”

I feel another hit to my head. The last thing I hear before I blackout is the sound of Kelsey’s maniacal laughter.


I drag Callyn to the middle of the barn where I was standing. I check her pockets for her phone. Once I find it, I put it in my pocket. I’m going to toss it in the pool on my way back. I can’t have her calling or texting anyone to come and save her should she wake up. I can’t believe how easy it was to get her to come out here. Actually, I do. She’s not every bright. Plus, I used the one thing I knew would get her to come here, the boys. Just like an idiot and how I predicted, she came.

I’m fortunate that she didn’t come any closer, otherwise she would have seen the metal pipe I slightly hid in the hay near me. I walk to the one corner and grab the can of gasoline I stashed here earlier. It was easy enough getting it here. These people didn’t lock up their shed. I figured luck was on my side when I tried the door and it opened, let alone finding an almost full gas can.

It’s easy to slip away from people and blend in when you want. There are so many people here that no one noticed I disappeared for a half an hour. I poured the gasoline on the hay surrounding the perimeter of the inside of the barn. I kept pouring as I circled in toward Callyn. I ran out about halfway back to her. This will have to do. I can’t take to much more time. I need to reintegrate with the party and my friends before someone gets suspicious.

I walk to the door, turning around to make sure that Callyn is still passed out. I take one last look around, making sure I don’t leave anything behind that could point the figure at me. Seeing nothing, I light a match and toss it to my right. I quickly light another and toss it to my left. I watch for a moment as the hay catches on fire, spreading like a wildfire.

I leave closing and locking the door behind me. I walk slowly back to the party, so as not to draw attention to myself. But I couldn’t help the smile that graces my face as I walk. One way or another I was making sure that vision came true. Now, I can go after what I really want without having to worry about Callyn interfering.

Those boys are going to be mine, and I’m going to be the Alpha Queen.


Why is it hot in here? Why does my head hurt? I groan as I try to move and get up. The second I move my head a wave of dizziness washes over me. I go slower and finally pull myself in a sitting position. I open my eyes, and I have to blink. Holy shit, the barn is on fire. Then everything comes back to me. The barn, Kelsey, what she said. She’s trying to kill me. I scramble to feet, ignoring the nausea I feel from the sudden fast movement.

I rush to the door and try to push it open, but the second my hand hits the wood I pull them back. The door is too hot to touch. I start to panic. How am I going to get out of here? I turn back around looking for anything that can help me. I don’t see anything. There are no windows, and this is the only way in or out.

I need to do something soon. The smoke is starting to be too thick to breath and the flames of the fire are licking higher up the barn walls. Someone has to see the barn is on fire right? Then it hits me, my phone. I reach to the pocket that I had my phone in, but it’s not there. I run back over to where I was just lying and quickly search the ground, but it’s not here. Kelsey had to have taken it.

What am I going to do? If I don’t somehow get out that door soon, I’m going to die in here. I need to make noise. Someone has to have seen the flames by now. I need to let them know someone is in here. I rush back to the only door. Covering my hands with the sleeves of my hoodie, I start to scream and pound on the door.

“Help. Someone help me.”

I can feel the heat of the door through my hoodie. My throat is getting sore from the screaming. It’s getting harder to breath. I try for a little longer, but it’s getting harder and harder. I slump to my knees, looking up at the roof. The fire has completely surrounded me. There is no way I’m getting out of here now. Parts of the roof are starting to cave and fall.

I start to panic. My only regret is that I didn’t get a chance to kiss Zeke and Lucian. If there was still the possibility that I could get out of here, that would be the first thing on my list to do. I can’t even send them one last I love you text. I can only hope that they know that I do. I love them with everything I am.

I start to pant, my anxiety, fear, and helplessness are taking over. My body feels tingly. This is it, my last moments. I start to think of all the good times I have had with my mates. Those are going to be my last thoughts. My chest feels like it’s about to explode. I can feel all my cells expanding. It hurts. Is dying supposed to hurt? I feel nothing but agony. Just when I think I can’t take any more, something burst free. All the pain and suffering gone. I feel a slight ripple across my skin. I look down at my arms.

I’m shocked by what I see. Are those...are those feathers? That’s when I realize I don’t have arms, I have wings. I have shifted. I’m not sure what to do.

I’ve got this, I hear as a whisper in my mind.

Next thing I know, I’m airborne. Flying higher and higher, until we burst through the severely degraded roof. My phoenix takes a couple of deep breaths, replacing the smoke filled air in my lungs with the fresh oxygen. We fly higher, high enough that we can look down and see the scene below us. The barn is starting to crumble and in the middle of all that chaos stands my guards, my kings, my mates.