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Winter's Kiss (Her Guardians series Book 2) by G. Bailey (5)


The drive to the pack was a little awkward and partly scary because Jaxson was driving. The guys just didn't know how to speak to each other after years of no talking. Or at least that's what I think has happened. I can see them being friends once, brothers even.

"So, is it cool being alpha now?" Atti asks, and Jaxson looks back at him for a second. I hold the handle of the door as Jaxson swerves out of the way of a car. I take it back, I don’t want them to talk because Jaxson apparently can’t drive and talk without nearly killing us.

"Not exactly. The war has been going on so long, since my sister’s death and the deaths of many other wolves at the vampire king’s hand. When the war was declared, the pack got used to losing people, but now they are losing hope. Things are changing. The pack lost eight wolves in the battle, and we still don't know who killed Fergus in the first place. The pack is grieving and feeling lost," Jaxson replies. I put my hand on his arm.

"I liked Fergus, he never told on us when he caught us meeting up,” Atti says.

"That's because he wanted to come with us. We were seventeen and going to find girls. Fergus was younger and couldn’t talk to girls," Jaxson says.

"Yeah, that would’ve been a problem, not that we were very good at getting girls anyway," Atti says with a little laugh.

"If your chat-up lines are anything like they are now, then I can see the problem," I say, and they laugh.

"I always had to speak for them, they never got girls," Jaxson says with a smirk.

"Come on, we are not that bad." Atti whacks Jaxson’s arm, and he laughs.

"You once told a girl that you thought her mouth looked big. That was the first thing you said to her, she threw her drink at you as a response," Dabriel replies dryly. I turn to him, and he flashes me a little smile.

"Okay, that was a bad day, but it was the only thing nice about her," Atti admits.

"That's terrible," I laugh.

“I know this is going to sound bad, but how many people have you guys slept with?” I ask. I probably don’t want the answer, but it’s a little annoying that they seem far more experienced than I am. I’ve slept with two guys. One was a guy from school and my first time, but we didn’t work well together, so we broke up. The second was my asshole of an ex, who liked to sleep with other girls. It was different with him because he was good in bed, but I guess it was his experience with other girls that taught him how to be good.

“I don’t want to answer that,” Jaxson says looking away.

“Only a few,” Atti says, and I turn to see him looking away.


“No one. Angels can only sleep with their mate, I always intended that to be you,” he replies, and I look at him in shock.

“Show off,” Jaxson mutters as I blush.

“Why didn’t you wait? Not that I’m mad or jealous,” I say, knowing it does sound jealous.

“For wolves, it’s difficult not to have a sexual relationship sometimes for a release. I didn’t want to go mad and end up mating with Esta. Nonetheless, the prophecy was ancient, and who knew if you actually existed?”

“Yeah, what if we met you, and you had a husband and two kids?” Atti asks. I sense the guilt when I turn slightly to face him.

“I see your point. I don’t think I could put my whole life on hold for a story,” I tell him. None of them reply, but I do get it. I can’t say I’m not a little jealous that anyone got to be with my hot men first. Wait, they aren’t all mine, or are they?

We soon get to the line of trees that marks the perimeter of the pack, and Jaxson drives us through after giving permission for Dab and Atti to come in. The pack doesn't look any different, the same cabins and the same paths. The main difference is that there are no kids running around, and the people smile sadly at us as we drive past. Jaxson drives the car in front of the main cabin, and we all get out. I let Jaxson take my hand and lead me to the front door. It’s weird to think that he is alpha now. There are two wolves, standing guard outside like before. One of them is black and the other is slightly smaller and brown. They nod at Jaxson as he walks us past, Atti, and Dabriel following closely behind us. We walk into the lounge, and I see Anna standing next to the fire. She is watching it and doesn't seem to notice us come in.

"Anna," I say gently, and she turns to face me. Her face is red from crying, and her bump is so much bigger than when I last saw her. It hurts my chest to see her looking so vulnerable and lost.

"Winter, oh god," she says with a shocked smile, and I let go of Jaxson to run over to her. She pulls me into a big hug the second I'm close enough, and we embrace for a long time. I even feel her baby kick my stomach.

“I shouldn’t have let Esta take me away that night. I should have saved you,” she says.

“I’m okay, Anna, are you?” I ask her.

“Some days, not always. I have a few months left before this baby comes, and I have to be prepared,” she says softly, a little crack in her words is all that I can hear to suggest it’s hard for her to say.

“Fergus would be proud of you, he was a good man,” I say echoing the words that I told Jaxson earlier.

"Winter?" I hear being shouted behind me and Anna lets go of me. I turn to see Freddy jump over a sofa and crush me to him. Damn, did he get bigger? He’s almost as tall as me now. I kiss the top of his head of brown hair, the blond tips reminding me who he is. Freddy smells so much like Jaxson, but there’s a hint of something else. I can’t explain it, but I couldn’t tell before. It must be a weird new vampire thing. Can I even call myself a vampire? I’m not really, I’m just different, and like Freddy, I guess.

"I was so scared that Uncle J was wrong, and you weren’t alive. I tried to find you in the fight, but I had to get rid of a vampire in the house who wanted to kill me. I did find my swords, and I saw you out the window. I saw that stupid, big vampire take you away. I missed you," he says, crying into my shoulder. I hold him close to me, feeling more than a little sad that the first time he saw his father was when he was carrying me away, he doesn’t even understand what happened.

"Oh, Freddy. I'm so sorry I scared you. You know I wouldn't leave you if I didn't have to. I was having a long sleep because the vampire you saw saved me, and I couldn't come back to you." I tell him.

I hear a muffled reply, "You’re not leaving now, are you?" 

I look over at Jaxson with pleading eyes. I can’t tell him I have to leave for a while again. Dabriel and Atti are staring at Freddy, and I know that they won’t let this go.

"Freddy, let Winter sit down. It's been a long day," Jaxson’s deep voice says. Freddy does and takes my hand in his. I sit on the sofa, and Freddy sits as close to me as possible, without getting in my lap. Jaxson seems to find this funny because he is openly smirking.

"Uncle J?" Atti questions Jaxson who nods as an answer.

“I didn’t realise you had a child, Anna.”

“Freddy is Demi’s son. Jaxson has brought him up.”

“I didn’t know she had a child.”

“Yes, when she came back from the vampires she was pregnant. She told us she had a relationship with another wolf that was kept there, but he died.”

“Interesting, and I’m sorry for your losses, Freddy,” Dabriel says to Freddy, who stares at him.

“Uncle J was like a dad, anyway,” he replies, and Dabriel tenses. Atti is looking at us in apparent shock but quickly hides his reaction as I shake my head at him. The room goes into a very uncomfortable silence.

"We need a private chat," Dabriel says darkly, and Jaxson glares at him.

"Freddy, go and get Katy and Harris." 

"I'll go and cook something for us all," Anna says, walking from the room. Her usually happy self is gone, and I'm scared I won't see it again.

"You’ll be here when I get back?" Freddy asks me, and I nod. He moves away and goes out the door. Everyone watches him leave.

"Is that Wyatt’s son?" Atti asks loudly when it’s been a few minutes since Freddy left, and there’s no chance of him over hearing us.

"Yes, "Jaxson replies. The one-word answer floats around the room, and we all don’t know how to respond.

"Are you going to bother explaining why Wyatt doesn't know? How a half-breed is even possible?" Dabriel asks, moving to stand in front of Jaxson. I’ve never seen Dabriel angry before, his wings flutter behind him, and his skin is faintly showing symbols. Both of them start staring each other down, as they are the same height. When I see Dabriel’s wings starting to spread out, and Jaxson’s eyes start glowing, I know I have to intervene. I move in between them as the power in the room becomes frightening. I see Atti moving closer, most likely to stop this if it goes too far. It's a tight fit with Jaxson at my front, our bodies pressed tightly together. Dabriel's hard body is pressed against my back, and it's hard for me to even focus on what we were arguing about: Freddy, Wyatt's son.

"Jaxson, I know you didn't hide Freddy from Wyatt because of anger. I know because you love him like your child, and you wouldn't ever hurt him like that. They just want to know and help you. Dabriel is worried about Wyatt," I tell Jaxson who looks down at me. His eyes slowly return to their normal green, and he nods. I take a deep breath, I was worried he wouldn’t listen to me.

I hug him carefully and let him keep me in his arms as I turn around. Dabriel is looking down at me, I'm surprised there is so much passion in his eyes. My breath catches as I'm sure I can smell how much he wants to kiss me right now. As much as I want to kiss him. I’ve always felt this desire for him, it’s overwhelming and sucks you in.

"How is he alive?" Atti asks breaking the eye connection between Dabriel and me. Dabriel moves away, his arms crossed tightly across his chest as he stares at Jaxson above me. Jaxson keeps his arm around my waist as he talks.

"I don't know. When he was born, we didn’t know what to expect. I was sure he would die. He didn't.”

“He smells and looks just like a wolf. The only giveaway is his aura. I guess you never let an angel see him,” Dabriel says.

“He hasn’t left the pack. He is a regular wolf. In fact, he’s stronger than all the wolves near his age, he has immunity to silver, and can heal super-fast," he tells them, and they look a little shocked.

"Why did you hide him from us? We would have helped you, brother," Atti asks eventually, as he sits on the sofa. He rubs his face with his hands, looking stressed.

"Demi made me swear not to tell Wyatt. When she first came here, she was so scared of his father. She would wake up screaming, refuse to eat, and she wouldn’t leave the house. She told me she would leave with Freddy if I didn't do a blood oath. I wanted to refuse but I couldn't. She wasn’t right in her head at that time, and I knew she would run. I swore not to tell anyone that could tell Wyatt," Jaxson says, and they both nod their heads.

"He needs to know," I say to Jaxson.

"He won't take it well lass," He replies. I can just imagine how badly that could go. I am his mate, so shouldn’t I tell him? Maybe he’ll listen to me for a second before going to punch and likely try to kill Jaxson.

"I’ll tell him. When the time is right, I can tell him for you," I tell Jaxson. He nods down at me, in agreement.

"Winter!" Katy shouts from the doorway. She knocks Dabriel out of the way as she gets to me and pulls me into a hug. I remember how painful their hugs could be before, and now it’s not as bad. I wonder if I’m stronger than before. Katy pulls back and looks at me. I look her over, too, she seems older than when I last saw her, just like Freddy. I think losing Fergus, and the other wolves have had a bad effect on the pack. Katy is wearing jeans and a pink top, she looks okay considering the last time I saw her is when I dragged her into the training room, and she had been shot. I notice her hair is shorter but it’s tied back, so I can’t see how short.

"What happened to you? You look like you've just come from an intensive makeover trip like they do on TV for ugly humans. Not that you weren't hot before, but wow," she says, and I laugh.

"Long story, but it wasn't a trip," I say, and she nods. Katy takes my hand and gives it a squeeze.

"You saved my life," I say, as I held onto her hand. I remember her jumping in front of me and knocking me down. I have no doubt I would have died there and then from that bullet. I was lucky in a way that I died closer to the main action, where Wyatt saw me and managed to save me.

"You likely saved mine too, by moving me. You’re pack to me," she shrugs, and I give her another quick hug. I’m so happy to see her okay.

"So, who invited the witch and the angel?” Katy asks as she looks around and then laughs. “That sounded like the start of a lame joke," she says, and I laugh.

"This is Atti and Dabriel. They’re friends of mine," I say and they both nod for a hello. 

"How do you always find the hot guys?" she whispers to me, and I smile.

"Don't know," I say, looking at them. I don't know how to believe they are my destined mates. I would thank the goddess for sending me them if I was sure she was real. 

"Let’s go and help Anna," I say to Katy who nods. I leave the boys with a warning look and say, "Behave and no fights." 

"Yes, madam." Atti winks, and Dabriel whacks him on the back of his head as I laugh.

"How the hell did you get those guys to listen to you?" Katy asks as we walk out.

"I didn't. I'm just friends with them," I say honestly, well not that honest, but I don’t want to explain the whole situation to her. At the moment, Atti and Dabriel are just friends. They have suggested they like me, but how much of it is the prophecy and how much is how they feel?

"Friends...right." Katy laughs. Anna is sliding around the kitchen when we come in, and she stops when she sees me. 

"We’ve come to help," I say with a smile. Anna smiles back a little, but it seems forced. I want to tell her that I don’t think she should be cooking a meal for so many people while she is heavily pregnant, but that will just upset her. I can see she is trying to keep herself busy and help in any way she can.

"I'm just making pasta. Light and easy to make. You could help me serve it up," she says, and we all get to work sorting the food out.

When it's all on the table, Anna shouts, "Food’s ready." And, I'm surprised how loud she can be. 

"How's the baby?" I ask as we sit down. Anna waits to answer as Jaxson takes the seat to the left of me. Atti grumbles but takes the seat next to Anna in front of me. Katy and Freddy sit on the ends. 

"Healthy. I'm trying to stay happy for my child. It's not easy when I miss him," she says and puts down her fork.

"When he’s born, you will have a piece of Fergus, Anna. He would want you to be happy," I tell her, and she nods at me and starts eating. I don’t know how to sympathise with her.

We all eat, while everyone chats. Atti seems to like Freddy as he shows him something funny on his phone. 

"That's the first time I've seen Anna eat a real meal in a month. Thank you," Jaxson whispers in my ear. His hand slides under the table and rests on my knee.

"No problem," I mutter as I start feeling dizzy as he rubs my thigh. I try to eat the pasta, but it doesn’t taste right. Everything is going blurry, and my hands are shaking. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but as I run my tongue over my teeth as they ache, I feel two small sharp points. Fucking hell, I’m a vampire. It hasn’t hit home until now, and all I can focus on is how the food in front of me looks terrible. All I can smell is Dabriel next to me, Jaxson and Atti smell good too, but Dabriel smells like a chocolate sundae right now.

"My little wildfire needs to eat," Dabriel whispers in my other ear. Jaxson and Atti hear because they both look at me. 

"My room," Jaxson says, he takes my hand and leads me out the room as everything gets blurrier. I hear Atti explaining to the others what we are doing, but everything else drones out. When we get to the stairs, I stop as everything blurs but the smell of Dabriel and Jaxson. I try to get to Dabriel, but he moves away, and Jaxson steps in front of him. Jaxson lifts me into a hug, not an ounce of fear in his eyes.

My body seems to know what to do as I go to kiss his neck. I don't think, I only feel my teeth painfully screaming at me, and I sink my teeth into his neck. The taste of Jaxson is amazing, I feel myself being moved as I drink, the revulsion I expected to feel isn’t there. I wrap my legs around his waist as my hands go into his hair. I can't help the loud moan that escapes my lips as I rock my body against Jaxson. I pull my mouth away, and look up at him. Our faces are inches apart, and my body is desperate for him. Jaxson takes my mouth in a passionate kiss. A kiss meant for a dying person, a kiss that is so passionate that I can't comprehend it.

"Winter," he mumbles against my lips, and his lips go down my neck. My neck falls back in pleasure, the need to be with him is ruling every thought.

"Guys, you have an audience," Atti’s voice comes through the haze. Jaxson tenses up but removes his lips from mine. A little growl fills the air from Jaxson. It’s not so much threatening as it is a warning.

"J, she isn't herself. She’s jacked up on sex hormones. You don't want your first time to be like this,” Atti says, my mind clears a little, and I know he is right. I glance up at Jaxson, and his eyes are still glowing a threatening green.

“You’ve already swapped enough blood, sex would make you mates forever, and Winter needs to choose that," Dabriel says, coming into the room, and I hear the door slam shut.

"Dab?" I ask. Everything hits me quickly. My hand falls to my now normal teeth.

"Jaxson, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I just," I blurt out quickly, Jaxson stops me with a small kiss.

"Don't over-think this. You’re part vampire now or a full one. Who knows? But if you need blood, I'm here," he says as he kisses my nose. The little gesture makes me smile.

"Me too, if I get that display," Atti says, and it makes me laugh.

Jaxson slides me painfully slowly down his body until my feet touch the floor. 

"I feel better, all day I've been tired and a little stressed, but now," I say, and they all smile at me. It must be a regular thing for a vampire.

“Whose room is this?” I look around, there’s a massive sword on the wall over the dresser. The handle is green and brown, as I look closer I can see the sword has wolves running down the middle of it. It’s so big I would be worried I’d fall over if I tried to pick it up.

“I finally get to see your sword, you weren’t joking when you said it was in your room,” I say.

“He didn’t mean that sword, I’m sure he meant his cock,” Atti says and Dabriel whacks the back of his head, again.

“Stop doing that shit,” Atti says, rubbing his head.

“You’re an idiot,” Dabriel says, and Atti grins as he replies, “Takes one to know one,”

“Make that a child as well,” Jaxson says, and Atti just laughs.

"I’ll go tell Wyatt about your feeding, and keep him up to date. I need to visit my mother too, so I'll be a while," Atti says and comes over to me. He gently kisses my cheek and then disappears.

"That's creepy," I say looking at where he just stood.

"Can I have a word with Winter alone, Jax?" Dabriel asks us both. He’s leaning against the closed door. His purple eyes are watching me carefully.

"Yes." Jaxson nods at Dabriel.

"We’ll stay in here tonight," he says to me, and his hand brushes mine as he walks to the door that Dabriel opens.

"I'm going to help Anna clean up and get Freddy to bed. Call me if you need me," Jax says by the door. Dabriel and he stare at each other for a second, and Jaxson nods.

"Good luck with that." I smile at him. He chuckles as he walks out and Dabriel shuts the door behind him. 

"Come here," he says, holding his arms open for me. I don't think as I practically run to him. He holds me tightly to his chest, and we both don't move for a while. I breathe in his scent, he smells like the sweetest thing I've ever smelt, and I feel my teeth getting longer.

"You smell like, well I guess an angel," I say, and he laughs. 

"Well, that’s what I am. I didn’t want you to feed on me first, angel blood is a lot stronger than other kinds. I can’t always be around in the next few weeks, and you will need someone else. Don’t think I don’t want you, never believe that for a second," he says and looks down at me. 

“You sure you don’t just like me because of the prophecy?” I ask him.

“I know we haven’t spent much time together, but one of my powers is to see the future. I cannot see yours well, only little things here and there, but the day I met you I had a big vision.”

“What of?” I ask into his chest.

“All of us. We were at a lake, Jax and Wyatt were in the water playing ball with Freddy. You were lying on my chest, and Atti was cooking some food on a barbecue. I never knew who Freddy was, but he was much older in my vision. He looked around eighteen.”

“And, you like me because of that?” I ask a little confused.

“No, for the peace and love I felt. The completion. The way you looked at me and how I felt for you. The vision showed me what I had already guessed. You are my future, Winter.”

“Dab,” I say as I look up, his skin is faintly glowing, and the effect is remarkable.

"You are so beautiful, Winter. I could spend the rest of my life staring into your eyes and never wanting to be anywhere else," he whispers. I don't say anything as I feel my heart pounding, for most guys that would sound cheesy but not him.

Dabriel is sweet, caring, and to me, he seems too romantic. I lift my head, sighing and press my lips to his. 

The first brush of our lips is all me until Dabriel takes over. His mouth widens, and our lips crash together in a strong passion. He moans as he lifts me higher, and I feel him moving us.

We don't break our kiss as he lays me back on the bed and hovers over me as he deepens the kiss. 

"Dabriel," I whisper as his body brushes against mine.

"Why do I feel like I'm always missing something?" Atti’s voice says from right next to us. Our lips freeze, and Dab lifts his head to stare at Atti. My eyes widen when I see his massive wings. They are full out behind his head, and I reach one hand up to stroke across his wing. 

"It's because you have terrible timing, Atti," Dabriel answers with a shiver. His purple eyes look down at me, and he moves his body off of mine. I sit up, and Dabriel sits firmly next to me, his hand on my lower back.

"Wyatt is a little angry that you lost control, but at least it was Jaxson you decided to make a meal of,” Atti says and sits on the bed on the other side of me. I feel like I’m in a perfect place, a place a lot of girls would sell everything they own to be in.

“Anyway, Wyatt and I think it’s safer if I spell you now and then see my mother later. I’ll spell you to have brown eyes and hide your scent, but it won't work if you lose control and go all silver- eyed."

I turn to look at him on the bed as he takes my hand. "So, no getting angry?" I ask. 

"No, Love," he answers seriously. I don’t like seeing Atti being serious, it’s weird.

"I need to return to my kind. I've been away too much, and my council is getting suspicious," Dabriel says, and I nod in understanding.

"Okay, I will see you soon, right?" I ask.

"Yes, and the next time we meet, I know our kiss won’t be interrupted," he grins and stands up.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"The same way I told you not to go to the party. You still ignored me," he says with a slight bit of anger in his gaze.

"I paid the price for that," I say, regretting my actions.

"We all did, and I should have been there, I won’t let you fall again, Winter.”

“He is good at the romantic shit,” Atti comments and I laugh.

“You’re right,” I say.

“Atti, I need a lift," he says, and Atti nods.

"Be right back," Atti says and kisses my head. I watch them both disappear before lying back on the very comfy bed.






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