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A Baby for the Officer: Boys of Rockford #1 by Henley Maverick (4)



The next day


I had my work cut out for me. I’d been known to put my foot in my mouth, but I obviously hadn’t planned on doing that with a man who could potentially be my boss.

Note to self: insulting your future boss’s brother isn’t the best way to get started. Especially if you were going to rant about what a jackass he was and ramble on about how you uprooted your entire life just for this one job.

It made me seem a tad desperate.

And that was never a good impression to leave. He wouldn’t want to hire someone who threw herself at him and didn’t respect his brother. Even if his brother did deserve it.

Next time, I’d bit my tongue before sharing information with a random stranger.

Not that I would put myself in that situation again.

Okay, Lyla, think.

How was I going to get myself out of this pickle? Well, I think a good place to start was to dress the part. I rummaged around my suitcase for something appropriate to wear, but instead I ended up throwing clothes all over the room.

It looked like a tornado had passed through, and I huffed in irritation as I glanced around in dismay. I placed my hands on my hips and critically eyed the room hoping that maybe I’d be able to pick out an outfit amidst the mess.

A moment passed.

Then another.

And nothing.

Finally, I threw my hands up in the air, checked my watch and decided to go get something to eat from the café across the street. I marched down the stairs a little too forcefully, my feet pounding on the floor as I muttered under my breath about bad timing.

When I returned, I had a clearer head, and I was feeling inspired, so I carefully combed through my clothes until I found what I was looking for. It was a dark pencil skirt that was knee length, and I paired it with a button white blouse.

I nodded in satisfaction as I slipped the clothes on and quickly ran my fingers over them to make sure there weren’t any creases. It wasn’t an iron by any means, but it was better than nothing. When I was done, I found a pair of cream-colored heels, and I slipped those on as well.

When I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I grimaced. I would need to do something about the hair. Currently, it was a wayward mess that seemed to take on a life of its own. The curls were in complete disarray. I carefully combed through my hair, making sure to even out all the ends until it was somewhat presentable.

Finally, I pulled it up into an updo. My mother always said that an elegant chignon could do wonders for your looks. It could make anybody look elegant, sophisticated and just the appropriate amount of sexy.

I had always snickered at the mere concept, but now that I was looking in the bathroom mirror, I could see where the idea came from. It did make me look older, which was exactly what I needed.

After that miserable excuse of an interview, I needed to up my game, so I could get this job. The updo moved me toward the suave and smooth look that seemed to take women ages to perfect. Most importantly, I looked more like a responsible adult.

Someone who could be trusted to handle a baby.

Quickly, I added some lip gloss, grabbed my purse and headed out the door. On the way to his house, I kept wondering if this was a mistake.

After all, I was attracted to him. That in and of itself wasn’t the be all and end all. Unfortunately, it did present a complication. He was my boss.

If I were smart, I’d turn the car around and drive the other way. Better than to put myself in this position. But before I could do that, I realized I was already parking the car in front of his house. My hands began to sweat as I walked to the front door, my heart hammering in my chest.

I softly rapped on the door as I tugged my skirt down just a bit. Clay Baker answered the door in a pair of jeans and a loose flannel shirt. His salt and pepper hair looked neatly combed, aside from a few errant strands.

He looked different out of uniform. In regular clothes, he looked softer but more distinguished looking. The way he held himself practically commanded respect, and I could see the outline of his body in spite of his oversized shirt.

My face flushed at the thoughts that were going through my mind, and I ducked my head to hide it, though I was sure he got a glimpse of it.

Get a grip, Lyla, I chided myself as I tried to control my rampaging hormones. It’s not like I’d never been around a handsome looking guy before.

Sure, never someone like this, but still.

I can control myself.

I peeked up at him and noticed that he was looking at me with barely concealed surprise. When he noticed me looking, he gave me an easy smile and coughed. “Hi.”

I swallowed.

How had I managed to screw up again? In an attempt to look professional, I’d ended up going way overboard. This was made glaringly obvious by the contrast with what Clay Baker was wearing.

What the hell was I thinking?

He was hiring me to be a nanny, not his secretary. I should’ve stuck to my usual attire. In any case, it was too late to remedy that now. I would just have to make the most of it.

I straightened my back and gave him a professional smile. “Hi.”

He held the door open and gestured for me to go in. “Come on in.”