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A Beautiful Heartbreak ( NYC Series #1) by alora kate (15)

Chapter 16 - Prescot





“You’re running out of room.”


My tattoo guy.

“Keep going,” I said. I laid face down in his chair. He was finishing up my back piece.

My scars needed to be covered, and Ace never questioned them. Piece by piece, session by session, I was removing my mother from my life.


Olive branches.

I’m covered in them.


“It’s some of my best work,” he said as the needle continued to puncture my skin.

“It better be.”

He chuckled, wiped my back, and then started up the needle again. “The extra tribal and shading really brought it to life. At first, I thought it’d be girly but all these additions really make it badass.”


She’s always in my head.



“Oh, hey,” Ace said and the needle stopped. I heard his chair roll across the floor. “I’ll be with you soon. Check out the books on the table, or the wall.”

“We already know what we’re getting.” I heard a woman say.

“I’m not getting a tattoo.”


It was her.




“Yes, we are,” the other girl said.

I heard the chair roll back over, and the needle started up again. “Chicks, man.”

“You almost done?”

“Yeah. So, we gonna finish your legs next?”


“It’s some sick ass shit, man. Anything else you want to add or blend in, just let me know.”

I wouldn’t be doing that.

It was enough.

It helped.

The process.

The pain.

The meaning of my art.

It helped.

Visually, the scars were covered. The skin was raised, would be forever, but the scars were gone.

The girls were talking, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying.


My shirt was on.

She saw me.

She smiled.

Her braces were gone.

She looked older.

But good.

Too good.

“Prescot.” She took a step toward me but only had eyes for my arms.

More doves.

More branches.

Eighty percent of my body was covered in them.

She touched me.

Her hands were soft.


“It’s beautiful.” She ran her hand over my arm and my body relaxed.

My thoughts slowed.

My mind calmed.


She looked up at me with soft green eyes.

She was still addictive.




“I’m sorry.” She dropped her arm and stepped back. “They’re just really beautiful.”

You’re beautiful.

“They are,” her friend said. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Bale.”


“How did you know my name?”

“I’m your lawyer.”

Ki opened her mouth to say something, but Ace interrupted, “Prez, man, you gotta pay up.”

I pulled out my wallet and handed him five $100 bills.

I tipped him well.

“Thanks, man. You know the drill. Call if you have issues.”

“I won’t.”

He chuckled and started talking to the girls. Alexa did all the talking.

Ki watched me.

I was still here.


She came to me.

“Can we talk?”

“I’d love to.”

Alexa stayed with Ace.

We were outside.

“You look great, Ki. Beautiful.”

“Thank you. Alexa made me dress up to celebrate getting my braces off.”

“You were just as beautiful with the braces.”

“Not really, but thanks.”

She didn’t know.

Just how beautiful she was.

“The right man knows just how beautiful you are.”

She blushed. So beautiful.

“I’m divorced.”

“The bitch finally signed the papers, then?”

“Thank you.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“You did, and I was a complete ass about the situation.”

“You were.”

She was honest.

“Molly’s my assistant.”

“We’re catching up fast.”

“I have a lot on my mind.”

“So do I.’”

“You still in trouble?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

Again, she was honest.

“My investigator’s very busy, but he is working on it.”

“I believe you. Alexa has her detective friend following us around tonight just to be on the safe side. Otherwise, I’m not out after dark. Like I’m some sort of princess that will turn into an ogre at sunset.”

I glanced around.

Not many people.

But enough.

“He’s the bald guy over on the corner.”

I glanced at him and then back to Ki.

“You feel safe with him?”

“Enough to celebrate.”

The door opened.


My time was up.

“We’re getting that tattoo, eventually.” She hooked arms with Ki. “You ready?”

Ki looked up at me.



“Can I call you?” she asked softly.




A small smile. “Soon.”