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A Perfect SEAL by Jess Bentley, Lexi Whitlow, ReddHott Covers (16)


“Arie, I want to know what the fuck is going on and I want to know right now.”

Pierce has just stomped back into the apartment, and he looks furious. His hands are shaking, his face is red, and I get the impression he wants to punch a hole in the wall. The only thing stopping him is the fact that Chloe is still awake and watching him carefully. It’s like she knows exactly what is going on and is just waiting to judge his next move. I’m sitting on the couch, and I grab a pillow to hold for comfort, even if it’s only emotional.

“Maybe if you tell me what you’re talking about, that might help,” I say, trying to play it as innocent as possible until I know how much he knows. He crosses his arms, clearly impatient and not in the mood for games.

“Oh, I don’t know, Arie. Some goon in a tracksuit just threatened me and my daughter, in extremely vague terms. He was following us down the street for blocks, watching you, specifically. So, I’m going to ask you one more time, Arie. What the fuck is going on? What have you gotten yourself, and by extension my family, into?”

I start running scenarios in my head. He’s going to kick me out. He’s going to turn me into the cops. Can he turn me into the cops? He’s going to hand me over to the Cannizzo family. I’ll have come this far only to lost Chloe again. What the hell do I say?

“I didn’t get you into anything, Pierce. I’ll handle it. I promise.” He’s not going to accept that.

“That’s not an answer, Arie. This guy was not fucking around, and it wasn’t me he was interested in. So, are you going to tell me or not?”

“Not,” I respond, trying not to make eye contact, afraid he will see right through me.

“Goddamnit, Arie. Fine. You want to play it this way, fine. But the Arie I knew would never have gotten mixed up with people like that. And the fact you’re refusing to tell me the truth makes me believe it’s even worse than I can possible imagine. You’re putting me at risk, but worst of all, you’re putting Chloe at risk. I can’t have that. As far as I can tell, there is only one way to handle this.”

My stomach drops all the way down to my feet. He’s going to make me leave. I think I’d rather he just drop me off in front of Cannizzo’s headquarters and let them kill me. I can’t go through all of this again.

Pierce sighs. “That Auckland meeting dad was talking about? I’m supposed to fly over there tomorrow and set up a satellite office in the city, then meet with some new clients. I was supposed to be there for two or three weeks while I get everything organized and acclimate the new clients to our way of doing business. I was going to go alone, and leave Chloe here with you. Instead, I think you should both come with me. And maybe, while we’re there, you will decide it’s in everyone’s best interest that I know what the fuck you’ve gotten yourself into.”

My jaw drops. I’ve never been outside of Manhattan, even when we were dating as kids. I’ve never even been on an airplane. So, the idea of flying all the way to New Zealand is absolutely amazing. And terrifying. I also feel like a jerk, because Pierce is only taking us with him so I don’t get him and Chloe hurt. How could I possibly have thought I would just skate my way through this with no consequences?

Chloe toddles over and crawls up into my lap with a smile, then lays down in my arms and starts to doze off. I have to bite my lip to stop from crying. I missed my little girl so much, but have I been selfish? Should I have just stayed out of her life, and Pierce’s, for their own good? I feel like I am just making a mess of everything, and Pierce is doing more than he should have to, to make up for my stupidity.

“Are you sure? This seems like a lot of expense, and effort, on your part… for me. Maybe you and Chloe should just…”

Pierce shakes his head. “First of all, I can’t take Chloe to New Zealand by myself, look after her, and get the work done that I need to on my own. Second, what kind of asshole would I be if I abandoned you here in the middle of whatever the hell this is?”

Pierce, I…”

He holds up his hands. “I’m not going to push you, Arie. But don’t think this is over either. When we get back from Auckland, you’re going to tell me what is going on. Deal?”

“Deal,” I say, choking back tears. I’ve never cried, or almost cried, this much in my life. Even when I was sick, even when I thought I was going to die, I didn’t cry this much. I’m starting to feel like a bigger baby than my child, who is an actual baby.

“Okay, go pack up your stuff. You have a passport, right?”

Shit. Bailey. He was getting me a passport. I wonder if that’s gone through. “Um… I was in the process of getting one. I need to make a phone call and see where I am in the process. How long do I have?”

Pierce scowls and looks at his phone. “I can put the trip off for a day or two, but not far beyond that. How are you getting… You know what? Never mind. Just add it to the list of things you owe me explanations for.”

As he leaves the room, I grab my phone to call Bailey. He answers on the first ring.

“Twice in one day! To what do I owe this distinct pleasure, Miss Blanchard?”

I peek around the corner to make sure Pierce is safely ensconced in his room before I say anything else. He’ll get his explanations, but today is not that day. “You mentioned getting an expedited passport for me. Any chance you can make that super expedited?”

“Speak of the devil and he shall appear! Your passport arrived just this afternoon. I checked my office mail on my way home. Wait… why? You’re not running, are you? Did something happen?”

The concern in his voice actually gives me a sense of comfort. It’s been a while since I believed anyone was truly looking out for me, even though I’m not sure why he’s been doing so much for nothing in return. “No, not exactly. Though I think Cannizzo is having me followed? I don’t know, honestly. Something is going on. But Pierce wants to take Chloe and me with him to New Zealand for a work thing until it blows over.”

“He knows?” Bailey asks, his voice skeptical.

“No. But I will tell him. Eventually. Just not now.”

“Uh huh. Well, I’m not going to bust up in your business since Mr. Cochran knows I am little Chloe’s former guardian. I will have a bike messenger bring you over the passport now. Keep an eye out. And Arie?”


“Watch your back. If Cannizzo is having you followed, this may be worse than we thought.”

When I hang up, I look down at Chloe’s sweet face as she sleeps, and yet again, I have to choke back tears.

What the hell have I gotten her and Pierce into?