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A Royal Expectation: The Young Royals - Book 4 by Emma Lea (12)

Chapter 11


I hustled to Alyssa’s office, not sure why she had requested my presence. As far as I knew we didn’t have any press conferences scheduled for at least a week and I had a regular meeting scheduled with her tomorrow. It always made me nervous when she called me in unexpectedly. As much as I loved Alyssa, I was still a little intimidated by her role as queen. The fact was, every day I had to pinch myself and remind myself that I was working for royalty. I kept expecting it to be taken away from me at any minute so whenever she called me in, it was like being called to the principal’s office.

I tried not to think about the fact that I would have to give my resignation soon. I didn’t know how quickly Lord Cameron planned for us to marry, but I doubted he would drag his feet. It would come as a surprise to her, no doubt. She had only heard about the two of us yesterday and I hadn’t given any indication that there was more to the relationship than just dating. I didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag too soon, though. I wanted to hold on to the dream a little longer.

I stepped into the outer office and smiled at Priscilla as I approached her desk. She gave me a strange look and then slapped a newspaper on her desk in front of me. I remember doing the same thing to her when she had first started dating Dom and I looked down at the paper with dread. There it was, in black and white, a picture of myself and Lord Cameron at dinner the other night. I had an odd dreamy look on my face and Lord Cameron looked to be in the middle of explaining (man-splaining) something passionately.

Oh God.

At least Mother would be pleased, as would Lord Cameron, no doubt. I looked to be completely enraptured by him, although I knew it must have been one of the times that I had zoned out and was thinking of something else. Probably Drew.

“Care to explain this?” Priscilla asked.

“No, not really.”

Priscilla huffed and pulled the paper away from me. “I’m your best friend Jeanette, and you leave it to the newspapers to tell me that you are in love with a viscount?”

I sighed. I think I may have uttered similar words to her when she was dating Dom.

“It’s not like that,” I tried, but she didn’t look like she believed me.

“A picture tells a thousand words,” she said, and her tone sounded hurt.

I reached over and laid my hand on hers. “I promise you that it is not what it looks like. Yes, I am dating Lord Cameron, but I am not in love with him.”

“Then why are you betrothed to him?” a familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned slowly and swallowed. How on earth had that little tidbit got out?

“Alyssa,” I said.

“Lady Jeanette,” she responded, her tone cool. She only used our titles when she was mad. I gulped.

“I can explain,” I said.

“Someone had better,” she replied and then shook her head as if to clear it, “But not now. I need you inside.”

I steadied my nerves and followed her through the door only to be shocked for the second time in five minutes.


Drew stood and turned to face me, his eyes lighting up.

“Jeanette,” he said and took a step towards me, taking my hand and raising it to his lips.

Someone coughed discreetly and my eyes darted to the side where Freddie was standing, an eyebrow quirked.

“Freddie,” I said in greeting, pulling my hand from Drew’s to turn to Freddie and accept his kiss on my cheek.

“Yes, yes,” Alyssa said, herding us toward the couches and taking her seat. “I was just telling Freddie that he needs your expertise in handling the press release for Drew’s appointment.”

I watched as Freddie rolled his eyes. “And I was telling Alyssa that I have my own media liaison.”

“Well, that’s true,” I said trying to corral my thoughts. It was hard to think about work when I was sitting so close to Drew. “But even you must admit that they are a little…”

“A little what?”

I winced as I spoke. “A little behind the times. Monticorp doesn’t even have a social media presence.”

“We buy and sell multibillion dollar properties and we own some of the biggest shopping malls and precincts in the world.”

“Exactly,” I said, jumping in, “You own some of the most state of the art buildings I have ever seen and yet your press is still so old school. You are leading the way in innovative shopping experiences, but that’s not reflected in your online footprint.”

“I don’t think our shareholders care all that much.”

“No, but what about your customers? What about the people that are in your centres every day?”

“She has a point,” Drew said and I couldn’t help the flush of pleasure at his words. “Even Brooks’ company has a social media presence.”

“I’m going to have to employ someone to do that job, aren’t I?” Freddie asked, looking very put upon.

“I can help with that,” I piped up and then regretted it. “If it’s okay with Alyssa?” I looked at the queen for her thoughts and she rolled her eyes and waved her hand in acceptance.

“How do I even go about finding someone?” Freddie asked.

“Leave it to me,” I said, brimming with excitement. I loved this part of my job, far more than dealing with the press corps. “I’ll set up your profiles and I’ll get in touch with some of my contacts and find someone who will be perfect for you.”

Freddie sighed and glared at Alyssa. “This is all your fault, you know,” he said, but there was no heat in it.

“You know you love me,” Alyssa said, standing when Freddie did. Drew followed suit and then me. Alyssa kissed Freddie on the cheek and shook Drew’s hand. I went to follow them out, but Alyssa put a hand on my shoulder. “Stay,” she said and I knew I was going to cop an earful.

“Take a seat,” Alyssa said indicating the chair near her desk.

I sat and she walked around the other side to take her seat. Alyssa very rarely got angry. She took most things in her stride and wasn't prone to temper tantrums or screaming matches. As she looked at me across the desk, though, I could tell that she was not happy and I couldn't really blame her. I had lied to her.

She took a moment to straighten some papers on her desk then she carefully clasped her hands together and rested them in the cleared space, all while not looking at me. When she did raise her eyes to mine, I could see both anger and hurt in their depths.

“When were you going to tell me?”

I cleared my throat and shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “Um, once the arrangements had been finalised.”

“Why didn't you tell me the truth yesterday?”

I looked down at my hands, ashamed. “Because I knew how all of you would’ve taken it,” I said, “especially after what happened to Priscilla.”

Alyssa took a deep breath before speaking. “So you are going to marry him even though you don't love him?”

“Yes,” I said.

Alyssa sat back in her chair and looked so miserable that I wanted to reassure her, but what could I say?


I shrugged and looked down at my hands again. “He’s a viscount for one, and my mother has always wanted me to have a title of my own. He’s doing business with the boys

“And that business includes you?”

I looked up at the frostiness in her voice. “No, of course not,” I said.

“But you don't love him,” she said, standing and pushing away from the desk. “Is a title that important to you? What if I gave you a title? Then you wouldn't have to marry some guy that you hardly know and have no feelings for.”

“I don't care about the title and I don't think you can give me one anyway.”

She swung around and glared at me and I swallowed.

“Then if it's not the title and it's not the business he is doing with your brothers, what is it?”

I sighed. “Look at me, Alyssa. I am plain to look at and too thin and too tall and my nose is a bit crooked and my eyes a boring brown and my hair an insignificant colour. No man has ever looked at me with desire and I do not expect any man will. Here I have an offer for marriage that gives me a good home and a man with a good upbringing, why shouldn't I take it?”

“You are not plain,” she replied hotly, “And all that other stuff is crap. Besides, I've seen a man look at you with desire in his eyes in this very room.”

I shook my head. “Drew is just a friend.”

“I think he wants to be more than just a friend. Isn't he the one that kissed you at the wedding and got punched for his trouble?”

I blushed hotly. “Yes but

“But what? You aren't even giving him a chance.”

“My family won't approve,” I said quietly, slumping in my chair, “and things with Lord Cameron have already progressed too far for me to call it off.”

“Nonsense,” Alyssa said, taking her seat again. “Nothing's final until the wedding vows are said. Look at what happened with Alex and Freddie.”

Freddie had literally burst into a court room to stop Alex marrying some American who had promised to buy her family out of debt. It was all very dramatic and romantic and something that I knew would never happen to me. Men did not do dramatic and romantic grand gestures for women who were uninspiring like me. Alex was a graceful beauty who had half the men in Merveille swooning after her. I was chopped liver next to her.

“But I want to marry him,” I said.

She looked at me shrewdly, her eyes narrowed and her brow furrowed.

“No,” she said.


“I can say no. I can tell you not to marry him. He is a peer from another realm and I can deny your right to marry him.”

I rolled my eyes. “I think we've been through this before. You can't say no.”

She stood and slammed her hand on the desk. “I'm the queen, why can't I do queenly things like stop you making the biggest mistake of your life? You don't even know this guy or love him. I haven't even met him and I already don't like him.”

“The only reason you don't want me to marry him is because it means you'll have to find a new media liaison,” I said hotly, losing my patience with this conversation.

Her eyes widened at my accusation and she dropped into her chair and reached across the desk to me. “You don't really believe that, do you? Jeanette you are one of my closest friends and I love you like a sister. No, I don't want you to go, but if you really loved this guy and I knew he would make you happy, then I would give you my blessing. But that's not happening here and you know it. What is the rush? Why not take your time to get to know him and find out what he's really like?”

I felt tears prick the backs of my eyes and my throat closed over. I took a breath and forced the lump down my neck so that I could speak. “Mother is sick,” I whispered, “I don't know what is wrong with her because she won't tell me and she is refusing to go and see a specialist until she knows that I am happily situated with Lord Cameron.”

“Oh, Jeanette,” Alyssa said, squeezing my hand, “I didn't know.”

“No one does. I'm not even allowed to tell the boys,” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I blew it out. “Ever since Dad died, Mum has been so sad. I tried everything to cheer her up, but she's never been the same, not until she introduced me to Lord Cameron. This is her dream for me and who am I to deny her her dying wish?”

“Oh, honey. Can't you see that you will never be happy if you go through with this? I know you love your mum, but marrying a man because it will make your mother happy is not the answer. What happens after she passes? You will be left living with a stranger, tied to him through the bonds of marriage because of your mother’s wish. That is no way to live your life.”

There was a strained silence between us. I understood what she was saying, but she wasn't in my shoes. She had her happily-ever-after. She had Will and they were desperately in love. I didn't have that and I didn't think I ever would. But Lord Cameron was a good guy and I knew he would treat me well. It wasn't a fairytale ending, but it wasn't a tragedy either.

“At least let me get Benjamin and Von Bartham to check him out, if only for my peace of mind. If I can't get you to walk away from this farce, please let me make sure you are going to be safe with him. After the incident with Priscilla, I just wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you.”

“He is nothing like the baron,” I said with a sigh, “But, fine. Look into him and you'll see that there is nothing to worry about.”

“Good,” she replied, “But you have to promise me that you won't do anything in the meantime.”

“I promise,” I said.

Alyssa stood and came around the desk. I stood and hugged her, knowing that whatever happened from here on out, I would always have a friend not only in her, but also all of the girls that had come to mean so much to me. I had never had a group of close girlfriends before and it was nice to have that support system, even when they stuck their noses into my business.

I walked out of the office and stopped at Priscilla’s glare. She was my best friend and I had withheld information from her. But to be fair, she had done the same and nearly got herself killed in the process. That was no excuse and I knew better.

“Do you have time for coffee?” I asked.

Her expression gentled and she looked over my shoulder to someone standing behind me.

“Go,” Alyssa said, “I might just take a break myself and see what my husband is up to.”

Priscilla gathered her bag and we walked out into the hall together. Jamie and Meredith jumped apart as we swung the door open. I wondered, briefly, what was going on there but I had more pressing matters to think about, namely how I was going to apologise to Priscilla.

We made our way down to the staff dining room without speaking and it wasn't until we were seated with our drinks that she finally spoke.

“Were you going to tell me?”

I sighed. Why had I thought that keeping the secret from these women was a good idea? I had hurt them by not trusting them and I felt bad because I knew better. They might not agree with my decision, but had I been upfront with them from the start, I know they would have supported me given half the chance. I was a coward.

“I'm sorry,” I said, “I know I should have come to you first especially after the riot act I read to you over the whole Piérre thing. I just knew you would be disappointed in me and I was scared to lose you as a friend.”

“You wouldn't have lost me as a friend. I might not like what you are doing but you know I would've been there for you no matter what.”

“I know, I do, but

“But you were ashamed to tell me.”

“No, not ashamed, not exactly.”

“The reason you didn't tell me was because you knew I would try and talk you out of it. But if you really loved this guy and wanted to be with him, nothing I could say would have changed your mind. The only reason not to tell me was because you don't love him and you knew I could talk you out of it. So, you waited until things were in motion and couldn't be turned around so I couldn't talk you out of it.”

She was right.

“It's not the same situation as yours,” I said in my defence. “And I knew that if I told you I had allowed my mother to arrange a marriage for me, you wouldn't stop to hear my side of the story. Lord Cameron is not the baron. He is a viscount with good standing among his peers and has a large estate. It's not a love match, but it's not exactly purgatory either.”

“Do you love him?”

No, but

“Are you happy?”

Yes, but…”

She smiled as I faded out. “Does that but have anything to do with the cute guy who came to see the queen with Freddie today?”

I rolled my eyes. “Drew is just a friend.”

She grinned. “He may be just a friend, but he is gorgeous.”

“Hey,” I said, indignantly, “you have Dom.”

She shrugged, “That doesn't mean I'm blind. And what does it matter to you if he’s just a friend?”

“Okay, fine. I like him, I do, but he…”

“He doesn't have a title and he's from Australia and he works for a living. All the things that your mother would find completely inappropriate for you.”

“Exactly,” I said.

“But what about how you feel?”

I thought about Drew and the way he made me feel when we were alone together. The way it felt to ride my bike next to him, or gallop across the paddock with him. He was thrilling and exciting and he made me feel alive, but that did not mean we would work as a couple.

“I think I could fall in love with him given half the chance,” I said honestly, “but it would never work out between us. We're just too different.”

“Never say never,” Priscilla said.




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