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A Selkie’s Magic (The Selkies Heart Book 1) by Lana Lea Short (6)

Chapter 10


After he literally bumped into Aileana at the pub yesterday, they decided to go on a hike the next morning to the local moors. Kendrick met up with her in front of the local Bed and Breakfast in town.

She was decked out like she knew what a Scottish hike was, down to the prerequisite day pack. Aileana wore faded blue Levi’s and dark blue thermal shirt with a red plaid flannel shirt, along with her hiking boots. She had a black baseball cap pulled down low on her head. Her dark auburn hair pulled back in a low ponytail, the long, loose waves hung to her narrow waist. The Wayfarer sunglasses were hiding her large, luminous dark green eyes.

There was something that was so attractive about a woman who didn’t have to be wearing a fancy dress and all that war paint on her face. Aileana was a natural beauty, a woman who was at home in her own skin. Her attitude appeared to be, ‘this is me, deal with it or not, I like myself, hope you do too’. The same attitude she had as a confident teenager.

She also relished her tomboy ways, but she seemed to enjoy being all female when she wished. It was almost as if she loved to keep people off balance and guessing when it came to knowing who the real Aileana was.

She saw Kendrick then.

“Good morning, hope ye slept well and are rested. I thought we would hike over toward Loch Croispol today. I brought a few pieces of fruit and bottled water in mah backpack,” he said to her. He watched her smile; it lit up her lovely face.

“Good. That should go well with the brownies I made. I also brought cheese and salami, along with a couple slices of my seanmhair’s brown bread. It sounds like we’re not going hungry today.” She laughed. “So we’re headed to the area around Loch Croispol. Sounds like an ideal hike.”

 ‘It’s a brèagha hike this time of year, ye will enjoy it.”

She grinned as she said, “Let’s hit the road, Jack, or the trails, whatever.”

After about two hours of hiking and showing her the Scottish countryside, they decided to take a breather. They had taken the small least used trails, which were slow going, but the most scenic. They crested a small sized mountain and both agreed that this was a perfect place to stop.

“This countryside is magnificent; it always takes my breath away. I’ve not hiked here in years.” She sighed. “It’s been way too long.”

“I just can’t believe that ye’re, here again. I had wondered if ye were still coming to Scotland each year. I didnae approach yer seanmhair to ask as I thought it would seem strange for a grown male to be asking after a teenage lass.”

She laughed as she said, “I’m so sure, Seanmhair would have wondered if you might be some kind of perv. Even though you were always a gentleman in our friendship. Now that I am grown, she wouldn’t bat an eye at you asking. I often wondered what you were doing each summer I came to visit my seanmhair.”

“I mainly helped my athair in the family business or worked on the oil rig. I see ye still have the pink pearl. It looks lovely made into a necklace; I was surprised to see ye wearing it at the pub when I bumped into ye.”

“Yes, the pearl, I had it made up that fall after I got back home to the States. Because of the teardrop shape, I decided to add three small diamonds in an inverted triangle at the top to show off the beauty and the unusual shape of the pearl.”

“The pearl does your beauty, justice,” he said with a wink and a nod to her.

“Did you go to Ireland and kiss the Blarney Stone?”

“Nay, lass, I only speak the truth, when I talk with ye. Ye have ken I am honest with ye.”

“What a refreshing idea from a male!”

“Ouch! Sounds as if ye’v had a problem or two, with the male species.”

“That is part of the reason I decided to come to Scotland to stay. Not that I ran away, but I wanted a fresh start,” she said.

“Nay, I would never think yer the type of woman to run!”

“My philosophy is when one door closes, another opens,” she stated as she laid back and started viewing the clouds above.

Kendrick tried to watch her without looking too obvious. She had a contented smile on her lips. He desperately wanted to sample her lush pink lips so, he decided to take a chance and damn the consequences. He needed to know if his desires were one-sided or hopefully would be reciprocated.

She turned her head. “Why are you watching so intensely?”

“Well, that’s what males do. When we see something we want.”

She laughed. “You want me? Why don’t you let me sample one of your kisses to see if I want you?”

Her brazen response was all the encouragement Kendrick needed. His erection strained and pushed against his fly. He moved closer to her, trying to make adjustments in his jeans, without her seeing that his body reacted to her like an inexperienced youth.

He zeroed in on those full pink lips like a dive bomber going in for the kill. He slid his lips across her lush mouth, savoring the feel and taste of her soft sweet lips. He was in sensory overload, tasting and feeling, and her skin smelled of honey and spice. Kendrick’s brain was in a fog as he tried to process the smell of her skin and the sweet nectar of her lips. He sensed there was more to his feelings than just appreciating Aileana’s body.

Kendrick had to have more. He started to sip at her lips and glided his tongue along the seam of her mouth until he felt her lips start to open to his. He plunged his tongue inside. Her tongue sparred with his, stroke for stroke. This was no timid lass, but a hot-blooded woman, who could give as well as she received.

“Lass, yer taste outshines the finest wine.” he murmured. Then he brought his lips to her slender neck. His tongue swirled up her neck, and it slid up to her small seashell shaped ear. He ran the tip of his tongue along the edge of her ear and dipped into the shell. He heard her soft moans as he gently probed her. He ran his fingers through the long length of her silky auburn hair. He moved his hands to cup her face as he then went back to her mouth to taste her sweet nectar. He felt as if he’d been drugged and was now an addict for her sweetness.

Kendrick hands slowly slid down her neck to her shoulders, holding and caressing her. His right hand moved to the swell of her breast, to cup a young, firm, lush handful. His thumb stroked her nipple to an erect peak. He could feel her heart as it started beating wildly beneath her breast. The Selkie in him could smell the sweet spice of her arousal. He knew she would be wet between her legs. His erection was now painful, enormous and hard like a field cannon.

He brought his lips to her nipple and sucked, taking each in turn through her thermal shirt. The swollen pebbled peaks were too enticing to resist. They wanted his attention and wanted to be free to feel his rough tongue and be licked to even harder peaks. He wanted to taste her sweet flesh and bite those sweet peaks until she screamed his name in bliss.

As their passion took them higher, he pulled her on top of him as he rolled onto his back. Kendrick wanted her to feel what he wanted to plant deep in her body. He was able to make small sliding motions with her body against his. His cock was at the juncture of her mons. He hadn’t dry humped with a lass since he was an untried young lad. The gentle stroking of their bodies made all the sensations more intense as he slid her against himself. He knew he was close to making a wet mess in his pants and that wasn’t going to happen.

He reached for her hand and placed it on his erection. She pressed against his rigid length and gripped him with his Levi’s between her hand and his dick. He started to move his hand to unbutton his fly. He was ready to rip the buttons open, but she stopped his hand with her own. He groaned as he became aware she put the brakes on their building lust.

“I’m not ready to take this any further than what we’re doing now. I know that sounds somewhat out of place considering I have my hand glued to the front of your pants. I can’t think clearly and I am not ready to jump into this. Please try to understand.” Her voice was husky with unspent passion.

Bheag aon, little one, I am not going to rush ye now or ever. Dinna fash I understand that someone hurt ye before. We will move at whatever pace ye need. Ye just turn my world inside out when I am with ye,” he whispered.

It was agony to let her go and not fill her with his aching thick length. But he realized that if he wanted her as his sweet prize, he had to stop and let her set the pace. In the end, he hoped he would be the one to reap the rewards for his patience. She was more than just a conquest. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he kept feeling there was something more important than just a quick release.

After he liberated her from his arms and mouth, Kendrick sat up slowly in an effort to get his bearings back. He attempted to make their banter light and easy between them. He didn’t want to let her go, but he didn’t want her to run from his touch. He could have used his Selkie magic to get what he wanted, but that was not how he wanted her to come to him. He wanted her, on her own, to need him as much as he felt the need for her.

With any other human woman, he would use his magic to seduce them to make them want him. But for some reason, his conscience would not let him use his magic on her. With Aileana, he didn’t want to use the magic he wanted her to choose him. Was it that he still remembered her as trusting young lass? Who he knew then as a friend or was it some other reason his mind still hadn’t made clear to him?

He said to her, “Let’s have some nourishment for our walk back home. Let me try some of yer homemade brownies. I want to see what kind of cook ye are.” He winked at her and smiled playfully to lighten the mood.

“I will have you know I’m a fantastic cook, and making brownies is baking, not cooking.” She laughed.

“Well, as ye say, whatever! Let’s try them out and see if ye’re a respectable baker or not!”

After they finished their packed lunch, they started their hike back to the village. Aileana took the time to snap pictures of the countryside and various flowers. They talked briefly to a couple of sheep crofters that they came across on the way back home. She had various questions about the new lambs in the flock of sheep. She was such a curious woman always wanting more knowledge, perhaps that was the writer in her. The sun started to set as they reached her seanmhair’s cottage door.

“Aileana, I enjoyed our day together and want to enjoy more of them with ye,”

“I enjoyed being with you. It was a wonderful day filled with pleasant surprises! I loved hearing about what you have been doing, the last twelve years. You’re easy to talk to and be with.”

“So ye’re okay with the surprises! I didnae mean to frighten ye off,” he said.

“Hell no, it takes a lot more to scare me off. I do like surprises when I am in the right frame of mind. I’m just not on the same page as you are yet.” She smiled.

So taking a cue from her words, he leaned down to take her in his arms. He pulled her close to his body, enjoying the feel her lithe body as it started to mold to his. He took his hand and pulled her head to his and nibbled on her lower lip until he felt her lips open to his. He dipped his tongue in to taste her sweet mouth.

He took his time with that one kiss and then stepped back and let her go. The look on her face said it all. It had the desired effect; he wanted to leave her wanting more. God help him because leaving was one of the toughest things he’d ever done. His body protested in a big, hard and uncomfortable way not to leave. He guessed it was time this Selkie took a long swim and tried to work off some of that lust and frustration.