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Aaron's Patience by Tiffany Patterson (25)

Chapter Twenty-Four


We stumbled through our bedroom door, Aaron’s arm tightly banded around my waist. His teeth ran down my neck, the scarf I’d worn long ago discarded somewhere between the car and the bottom of the stairs. I shivered when he bit my sensitized skin and then sucked it into his mouth, easing the sting. He repeated that move over and over again as his hand went to the back zipper of my dress, pulling it down. I was grateful he hadn’t yanked it off, tearing it, but I spoke too soon. Once the zipper was completely undone he tore at the sides of the dress in a hurry to completely remove it from my body.

“Don’t rip it!” I admonished.

“I’ll buy you another one,” he growled just before I heard the tearing of fabric.

I wasn’t given time to reprimand him again when I was spun around and the lace panties I wore were also ripped to shreds. A strong hand at my back forced me to bend over at the waist. His hands covered my wrists.

“Hands on the bed,” he ordered. His hands went to the rounded globes of my ass, squeezing and pulling them apart.

I threw my head back, moaning loudly when I felt his hot tongue outline my tight hole. He kicked my legs farther apart, exposing even more of me to him in this vulnerable position. His tongue moved lower, until his entire mouth covered my sex. He ate at my cat like a man starving. He moaned into my pussy, the sounds sending little tingles through my core. My legs began trembling, and my arm muscles strained to hold me up. My toes curled into the carpeted floor and I lifted my head, belting out my husband’s name as I came, coating his face with my essence.

I fought to regain control of my breathing. I turned just in time to see Aaron, still fully dressed, undoing his belt buckle. My hands went to his, pushing them aside. I’d said my mouth wasn’t sore and I’d meant it. I wanted to deliver the same pleasure he’d just given me. I reached inside of his pants and wrapped my hand around his burgeoning erection. My fingers couldn’t even wrap around it in its entirety. I pushed his pants to the floor with my other hand, and sank to my knees in front of him. I kept my eyes on him because that was how he liked it. He loved watching me pleasure him and he wanted me to see it. I remembered since the first time he’d shown me. He’d been the only man I performed this act on.

I used my tongue to run a ring around the tip and then down the underside of his dick. I tasted the tangy, sweet drop of precum that emerged from the tip, swallowing it. Aaron’s frown deepened. I smiled at his growing impatience. One hand went to the base of his cock while the other went to my throat. He held it to my lips.


My mouth fell open and he wasted no time pushing in. I let my teeth lightly graze the top of him and I felt a zing of satisfaction at the hiss that came from his throat. I pushed his hand from the base of his erection, wanting it all to myself. I bobbed my head up and down, working to take more and more of him. He moved his hands from my throat and cock to my face, both of them now cupping my cheeks. His hips began pushing in and out, as he held my head in place. Per usual, Aaron took over, fucking my face.

“Take all of me,” he growled when I gagged.

My vision began to blur from the tears that were beginning to emerge. I moved my hands to his hips, attempting to slow his pace down.

“Move your fucking hands,” he ordered.

I dropped my hands to my sides, and relaxed my jaw, allowing him more space. I felt the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat. I also felt my own wetness dripping down my inner thighs. I continued to lick and suck where I could as Aaron pounded my throat.

“Hollow your cheeks,” he grunted, face and neck straining. He was on the verge of coming. “You’re going to swallow every bit of it.”

That’d been a foregone conclusion, but I nodded my head in agreement anyway. Well, as well as I could with him still fucking the hell out of my face. I felt it when his cock swelled even more, and a split second later my tongue was coated with his hot, sticky semen. I swallowed what I could. He finally pulled out of my mouth, allowing me the space to swallow, just as another spurt of come squirted from him. I held my mouth open to catch every last drop, just as he’d directed.

I was exhausted by the time he finished coming, my jaw ached, but Aaron was like the damn Energizer Bunny. He lifted me from the floor and carried us to the leather chair that sat in the corner of the room.

I gasped and called his name, when I felt him insert a finger into my anus.

“Your pussy is too sore but your ass is mine.”

Moaning at his salacious words, I glanced over my shoulder to see him with the same tube of lube he’d used the day before. I straddled my legs over either side of his, bending over to let him massage the lube in. Butterflies fluttered in my belly at the nervousness and fear that began to rise up. A butt plug was one thing, but Aaron’s cock was another. No, it wasn’t the first time we’d had intercourse this way, but it’d been a long time.

“A-Aaron,” I stuttered.

“I won’t hurt you … yet,” he growled.

I closed my eyes as another flood of wetness seeped from my core. I remembered Michelle’s words from earlier. I was just as bad as Aaron. Even the thought of pain felt good as long as it came from him. I must’ve been some kind of masochist.

I braced my hands on either side of the chair, when Aaron lifted me by the hips and placed his cock at the entrance of my backside.

“Mmmm,” I moaned as he breached me, stretching me to fit him.

“Don’t tense up,” he cooed in my ear.

I grabbed his hand at my waist, needing him to pause.

“Move your hand.”

I continued to hold it, suddenly unsure that I wanted to do this.

“Move your hand,” he ordered again, tightening his hold on me.

I did as he directed and again he slid farther into my ass. The burning sensation caused me to wince. He pushed until he was all the way in. He didn’t move at first, letting me adjust to being stuffed in this way. His large hands around my waist traveled up to cup both of my breasts. I squirmed and moaned when he pinched my nipples, plucking them. I squeezed my eyes shut as the burning in my ass gave way to a deeper sensation in my core. I wiggled my hips.

“You-you have to move, Aaron,” I pleaded, my body seeking more of this growing feeling.

His hands went to my hips again, raising me along his rod, and pulling me down again. His hips rose to meet me, pounding against my hips.

“Open your eyes!” he yelled.

I did and realized the mirror that lined our bathroom door gave us the perfect view of our lovemaking. I’m sure that’s why he’d set the chair up there in the first place. I rose and fell on his cock, breasts bouncing as he made me his in every way imaginable.

“Touch yourself. Let me see it.”

I widened my legs and moved my hand to my clit and began massaging it. Aaron’s eyes zeroed in on my hand, watching me pleasure myself as he continued to take what was his from the back. Within a few minutes a tightness began building in my toes, making it’s way up my body.

“I’m about to come!” I yelled, breathless.

Aaron’s response was to grunt and pick up the pace. He smacked my hand away from my pussy and continued the job himself, pressing firmly against my clit, massaging it. My hips jumped at the increased impact and I came again, yelling his name. Soon after my climax, Aaron pushed my torso against his body, fusing our bodies together. He leaned over my neck, biting down and growling as he came inside of me. I held onto his arm and wrapped my other arm around the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair to soothe him as he orgasmed.

He held me tightly for a long while after he finished coming. I felt like he was forcing all the air from my lungs the way he held me so close.

“You’re mine,” he repeated over and over into the crook of my neck.

“I know,” I agreed.


I swallowed. “Forever,” I whispered.

Only my agreement seemed to calm him enough that he loosened his hold on me. Loosened but didn’t let me go entirely. Not even when he pulled back, lifting my hips so that his cock fully expelled from my body on a loud “pop.” He kept his hands at my waist, directing me to the bathroom and setting me down on the toilet. He went to turn on the shower for us to clean up before going to bed. I drifted off to sleep that night, completely satiated, wrapped in Aaron’s arms.



Taking another sip of the aged bourbon, I let the burn on its way down soothe my nerves. My eyes narrowed as I heard footsteps moving toward my office. I wasn’t alarmed. Only a handful of people in the world had the access to get up to the office this late in the evening. Therefore, I wasn’t surprised when a few seconds later, my office door was pushed open and standing on the other end was my younger brother, Joshua.

His eyes scanned my face before narrowing when they landed on the glass on my desk. He sighed, stepping inside of my office and shutting the door behind him. Moving to my desk, he sat down across from me.

“The only other time I’ve seen you drink was about six years ago…” He paused, waiting for me to saying something.

I remained silent, opting to take another sip from my glass.

Joshua nodded. “Yeah, you were tight lipped then, too. But now that I think about it, it was right around the time all that shit was going down with that Japanese company. You and Alicia were freshly broken up. One could’ve assumed it was the break up with her that drove you to drink, but we both know you didn’t give a shit about your fiancée.” He rested his chin on his fingertips, peering at me with his dark, brown eyes.

“You have something to say, say it,” I stated dryly.

“Kyle and Kennedy are five, add nine months for pregnancy and that’s almost six years.”

I rolled my eyes. Joshua loved beating around the fucking bush. He knew as well as I did the reason I touched alcohol that night six years ago was the same reason I was drinking yet again that night. One woman. Patience.

“It must be bad. You’re drinking a fourteen-thousand dollar brand of bourbon.” He looked toward the twenty-five year old Rip Van Winkle bottle.

“I told my wife I love her,” I confessed.

Josh raised an eyebrow.

“She didn’t say it back.” I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair, feeling foolish. I was never this goddamn insecure.

I stood, peering at Joshua at the same time he let out a low whistle.

He shrugged. “What’d you expect?”

I shook my head and moved to the window. He was right but I wasn’t in the mood to admit it out loud. What had I expected? For her to open her heart to me again after it was crushed the first time? Yes. Selfishly, that’s exactly what I’d expected.

“She’s the puzzle piece I never knew was missing until it arrived,” I stated, staring out of the window, my back to Joshua. “She calms me and makes me feel invincible, all at the same time. Do you have any idea what that’s like?” It was a rhetorical question. I didn’t expect my brother to answer. He surprised me when he returned with…

“Yeah, I might have an idea of what that’s like.”

I turned, gaze narrowed, and stared at him. His brows were knitted, eyes staring at the floor in front of him, a frown marring his features. I’d seen that look in the mirror many a night after Patience and I separated, and in the intervening years. It was the look of a man missing his other half. My heartstrings tugged.

Joshua lifted his head, noticing me staring at him. He schooled his face just before rising from his chair.

“But you have her here, now. You’re married and you two have two beautiful children…don’t fuck it up by rushing her,” he warned, his voice deepening.

I actually felt the left side of my face kick up into a semi-grin. By all accounts, Joshua may appear to be rather lighthearted and easy going, but that’s because most people don’t get to see this side of Joshua. Save for the boardroom, he rarely showed his ruthless side to outsiders. But he is a Townsend through and through. We all have our less-than-innocent streak. Joshua was no different.

“Don’t tell me how to handle my fucking wife,” I growled for good measure. Dark side or not, Joshua could go fuck himself if he thought he could tell me how to handle Patience.

A smirk creased the hard lines of his face. “Just a little friendly advice.” By then he’d moved past the desk, to pat me on the shoulder.

“Fuck off,” I grunted.

Josh chuckled. “I’ll just take this off your hands.”

I peered over my shoulder to see him reaching for the bottle of bourbon. I grunted. He can fucking take it. “Tell the boys down at the club you fight at to enjoy it.”

“You kidding? Those assholes wouldn’t enjoy good bourbon if it bit them in the ass. I’ll keep this for me.”

I lifted my shoulder in a shrug before turning back to the window. I heard my office door open and close as Joshua departed. Sighing, I turned back to my desk to finish up the work I was supposed to be completing. However, my thoughts kept drifting back to my wife. I’d told her repeatedly that I’d loved her. And though her eyes lit up and she bit her bottom lip as she spasmed around my cock, from my words alone, it still clawed at me that she hadn’t said the words back. Deep down I knew why. She was afraid. She had a right to be considering what happened after the first time she’d said those words to me. I told myself I wouldn’t push. I’d give her time. Just not too long. I wanted…no, needed all of her. Body, mind, and soul. I was that selfish.




For the next week I was reduced to wearing scarves or using makeup to cover the marks left by Aaron on my neck. I was amazed at how his passion showed up on my body.

I woke up the following Tuesday morning to an empty bed. That wasn’t unusual, seeing as how Aaron was such an early riser. He and Kyle were usually down in the den working out and then going over Kyle’s readings and studies for the day. Every now and again I would peek in on the two. It warmed me all over to see how gentle and loving Aaron was with Kyle. Our son blossomed under his father’s care. The boy who hated to even say his ABC’s, wouldn’t hesitate to try to read a word out loud or recite new words he’d learned. Unfortunately, Kyle was still more shy around Kennedy and I when it came to reading but he was coming around and so much more quickly than I’d thought was possible.

When I got up to go see if Kennedy was awake and start breakfast, I found Kyle looking forlorn in the hallway.

“Hey, buddy. Where’s Daddy?” I asked, brushing a stray curl out of his face.

Kyle’s little shoulders rose and fell. “I don’t know.”

I gave him an odd look. I guessed Aaron must’ve had to leave early for work that day instead.

“Well, how about you come help Mommy cook breakfast?”

“Okay,” he agreed, but his usual enthusiasm wasn’t there.

On our way down, I tried to explain to Kyle that his father had a big, important job and sometimes that meant he wasn’t going to have as much time to spend with him as he’d like. I think he understood, but the sad look in his hazel eyes told me he still hated it. I bit back my own anger at Aaron. The least he could’ve done was told Kyle he wouldn’t be able to work together that morning.

I fixed a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and fruit before telling Kyle to go upstairs and wake his sister. A few minutes later the pair were barreling into the kitchen ready to eat. It was the first time in a long time that it was just the three of us for breakfast. Though I’d always loved the days when the three of us would eat breakfast together, without Aaron there, something felt like it was missing.

The children ate and then I sent them upstairs to brush their teeth and get dressed while I took a quick shower and prepared myself for work. We were having preschoolers from Excelor Academy come over for story-time that day. I loved reading to children that young. Though Kyle and Kennedy were still young, it made me yearn for the days when they were babies or toddlers. They were so much more independent now than they had been just a few years prior. It felt like forever ago. I pressed my hand to my belly, remembering Aaron’s words the almost week and a half prior. I wanted more children as well.

I stepped into the doors of the library, shaking my head to ward off those thoughts. I was angry at Aaron for standing Kyle up that morning. I didn’t need to think about bringing any more children into the picture until he understood that he couldn’t drop our children whenever work got busy.

“Morning, Patience.” Moira smiled as I stuffed my shoulder bag behind the front counter.

“Morning. What’re you reading?” I inquired, stepping closer to look down at the book she was thumbing through.

“It’s a book on Mandarin. One of our members ordered it from the main library.”

“That’s interesting.” I continued to look at the integral shapes and symbols that formed words in Mandarin.

“Look, there’s your name,” Moira laughed, pointing to one of the symbols.

My eyebrows dipped as I stared at the symbol. “That’s the Mandarin word for Patience,” I stated disbelievingly.

“It is. Beautiful, isn’t it?”

I swallowed, nodding my head. It was also familiar. I’d seen that symbol everyday since Aaron had been back in my life.

“Look. The Mandarin symbol for patience is made up of two separate symbols, one of which means the blade of a knife, and the other means heart. This symbolizes how difficult it is to practice patience…” Moira read the meaning behind the symbols. “They’ve got that right,” she mumbled. “Patience is hard as hell to practice sometimes, especially with some of the patrons that come in here.” She giggled.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat and threw a smirk her way. My mind was far past thinking about any of the library’s patrons. But I pushed away those thoughts. Thankfully, Moira soon closed the book and moved on to discussing our schedule for the day and what needed to get done. I retrieved the cart that held the returns and began organizing them to place back on the shelves. The morning went rather quickly, and ended with the visit from the preschoolers.

That afternoon a group of teens from one of the local public schools piled in after having a half day, many of whom needed to conduct research for a project. I was surprised at this day and age many teens even still used the library for research, but then I was informed that the teachers had required at least two books for this particular project. That reminded me to bring up an idea I’d been thinking of to Moira.

I thought it’d be a good idea for the library to host a tech and research series, open to the public but geared to many of the underserved pre-teens in the city. I told her of a similar series I’d been a part of while living in Oakland, where the tech gap continued to grow between the underserved and the more privileged students. She agreed to look more into it if I presented her with a put-together proposal. I planned on putting one together over the next few evenings.

I left work that day feeling accomplished, and as if I was doing some good for the community. Helping people, especially young children, discover a love of reading was my passion. It weighed on me incredibly heavy when I couldn’t do the same for my own son. But seeing his growth under his father’s tutelage quickly pushed those feelings aside. The reminder of that thought, sparked my anger again at Aaron. I’d sent him numerous texts throughout the day, and called at least twice but to no avail. Usually, he responded within a few minutes of a text. I knew he was okay, lest I would’ve heard from one of his security, or Joshua who worked with him daily. I figured I’d just take it up with him later that evening after the children were asleep.




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