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Baby for the Dragon (No Such Thing as Dragons Book 5) by Lauren Lively (28)



Chapter 1

The hairs on my neck stood. It happened every time my boss was near. He gave me the creeps and on more than one occasion I had to politely remind him to keep his filthy hands to himself. Ever since I turned down his advances he made up his mind on giving me the worst cases and projects. I lifted my tired eyes to see him standing in front of my desk with a smirk. I knew that look. It meant he had something planned—and I wasn’t going to like it.

“Ms. Baines, I have a new assignment for you.”

Leaning back in my chair I nodded giving him permission to sit in the chair and waited for him to spit it out.

“You’re going on a trip.”

“Where to?”


I gulped. Out of all the places he could have sent me and it was to the planet full of the most temperamental species humans had ever studied. “What for?”

“We need to learn more about them, what’s in their blood.”

I gasped. “You know that’s against the rules, Ryan.” Everyone knew that the King and Queen made the rules. They still allowed us to do testing, but never of their blood. And I knew what happened to those who tried getting the blood of a Denynso. They never came back that’s what.

He shrugged. “You’re sneaky enough and no one pays much attention to you. We need to know what makes them so powerful.”

His eyes lit up and I shuddered. I knew exactly why he wanted a sample of their blood. It was the same reason every other scientist wanted it, and it was exactly why they had all failed.

“Oh, and preferably the blood from their strongest warrior is what you need to get. You’ve heard of him right?”

Of course I had. Everyone in my line of work had heard of the monstrous Denynso called Pyra. He was one mean son of a bitch and no one wanted near him. Well, besides all the women that vied for a place in his bed. But there was nothing scientific about that.

“You know I won’t do that.”

He shrugged. “Then you’re job is as good as gone and so will your reputation. You’ll never work again. Not in this field!” He spun on his heel and looked over his shoulder. “Might as well practice saying, “Do you want fries with that?” because that’s the only work you’ll ever get. You know how much we need this information.”

“Wait,” I said and sighed. I couldn’t lose my job. It was all I had, my livelihood. I’d have to find a way to convince the leaders to let me have a sample and test it. Maybe fudge the results or something. I would find a way. “I’ll do it!” I prayed I live long enough to explain why I was asking for the one thing they’d refused since we learned of their species.

His smile widened as if he had won the biggest prize. He knew I wouldn’t be coming back and that was his plan all along. They’d kill me before I got close enough to the warrior, and if I managed to sneak by he’d break my neck with two fingers. I shuddered. This wasn’t going to be a fun vacation. I needed to form a plan and offer the Denynso something they couldn’t resist, but I didn’t have anything—not really. I only hoped I could get them on the off chance that they wouldn’t want me to lose my job. Maybe they’d feel sorry for me, throw me a bone or something. No matter how small it was, I’d take it.

“Good, I knew you’d see it my way. You need to be ready at four a.m.”

Then he left me stewing knowing he’d given me an impossible task. If I was going down, I was taking that piece of shit down with me. I smiled evilly. They were an angry species. It shouldn’t be too hard to piss them off and let them know it was all Ryan’s idea.

After he left me alone, I did what I was best at. I hacked the system and copied the surveillance from my office. Right there I’d be able to prove what was going on to the Denynso, if I could play it. I already knew there wasn’t electricity, but I’d charge my laptop for that purpose alone. Proof my boss was a scumbag and it was his idea to send me there to specifically break their rules. Maybe I’d have a chance to survive my stay there, but coming back home wouldn’t be so great.

Chapter 2

I was ready to go and waited for my boss well before four. I hadn’t slept at all. All night I planned how I would handle the situation my boss had put me in. I knew they would be expecting another scientist. I’d have to meet with them before I step foot on their compound. From what I had learned it was a very secure planet. Warriors scoured the land to keep watch over the humans, and be on the lookout for an attack from their enemies.

I shuddered and thought about what I’d heard about their enemies. There were several horror stories of the attacks on Uoria. The Klimnu were disgusting beasts. Luckily they hadn’t managed to make it to Earth yet or humans would be in big trouble.

Ryan strolled up to me at four on the dot and smiled handing over my paperwork.

“Here’s all the stuff you’ll need when you get there. I have you down as routine testing for plant and animal life. You’re there for up to six months. That should be plenty of time to get what I need.” He gave me a look and I didn’t miss the tone.

I nodded, but inside I was fuming. He was trying to get me killed. I was his competition, and the one that turned his ass down. He didn’t take rejection well, and now I was paying for it. But I was smarter than him and would come up on top.

“All right, well you know how to get in contact if you need anything, but I’m sure you won’t.”

I kept my mouth shut because this was all a fucking set up. I couldn’t believe he’d stoop so low, but maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was up for the promotion he wanted. Luckily I’d learned to control my Irish temper. My mother always told me one day it would come in handy to have self-control, and now I was learning.

Without a word I picked up my bags and boarded the ship. I was nervous as hell. This was the first time I was traveling to another planet, and I wasn’t too sure about it. I wasn’t the type of person who wanted to experience new things. I’d much rather stay in the lab by myself. I felt Ryan’s eyes burning into my back and straightened without turning back. He wouldn’t get a rise out of me. As soon as the metal door clanged closed I let out the breath I’d been holding and muttered, “stupid ass mother fucker.” He would get his.

The very human pilot chuckled. Apparently I spoke a little louder than I thought. Oh well. Everyone knew how I felt about Ryan so it wouldn’t be a surprise that I’d be cursing him. They also knew I had a temper and I held a grudge like no other. I glared at the man and he shrugged before getting ready to take off.

The ship shook and my stomach dropped. Leaning back in my seat I held my breath and closed my eyes. My hands gripped the arm rests and I clenched my teeth as I was lifted into the air at an unknown speed. My stomach rose back up into my throat and I nearly lost what little I had eaten. As soon as the ship leveled some I was able to relax but the speed hadn’t slowed and I kept my eyes shut hoping the medication I had taken would kick in soon knocking my ass out.

* * * *

I woke up to the pilot shaking me. I swung my fist and smiled when I heard the satisfying crunch of the bone in his nose breaking. I didn’t like being touched especially without permission.

“Shit!” he shrieked. “What the hell, I was only waking you up. I’ve been trying for nearly an hour. These warriors are starting to get antsy.”

I shot up and grimaced. “Sorry,” I replied sheepishly. Now I felt bad. “Sorry about your nose.”

“It fucking hurts. No wonder everyone is scared of you.” His eyes watered and he’d lifted his shirt to catch the blood.

I smirked. “Yeah, well next time refrain from touching me. Use a blow horn if you have to, but keep your damn hands to yourself.”

He nodded and winced. “You got it, but please get the hell of my ship.”

I stood and stretched knowing I’d just slept for probably five days. My body wasn’t ready to stand and I wobbled but caught myself before I fell. “Give me five.”

He didn’t respond so I took it as an okay and paced the small area while the rest of my body woke up. I needed to be alert when I met the King and Queen. My insides fluttered like butterflies. I wasn’t the biggest socialite and meeting people, human or not, wasn’t my thing. After the given five minutes I walked behind the pilot and laid a hand on his shoulder. He jumped and looked at me in fear.

“Thank you for the ride, and again, I’m sorry about your nose.”

He nodded curtly. The bleeding had stopped but his right eye was almost swollen shut. “I’ll remember the blow horn next time.”

I chuckled. At least he was able to find humor in getting his ass kicked by a woman.

I stepped off of the ship and gasped. It was so familiar, yet not. Everything was so alive. The grass waved in wind, and the sky was almost violet with pinks and oranges. It was breathtaking. I stood taking in the surroundings. The ship rumbled to life vibrating the ground. I didn’t even bother looking back. I was stuck here for the next six months. Life was about to get a whole hell of a lot more interesting.

My view was blocked by the largest body I had ever seen. Even I felt tiny to the beast in front of me, and instinctively I balled my hands into fists. I had to be in front of the warrior everyone spoke about.

“You’re the new one?” he asked in a gruff voice that vibrated along my skin. The sound shot right through my body.

I gulped and looked up, and then up some more before nodding. “Yes, I’m Eden Baines.”

He smirked down at me. “Come, you must meet the King and Queen.” His voice was a bit tenser, and I wondered why. Must have been that temper I had heard about.

Chapter 3

Pyra wanted to roar. The moment she spoke, something inside of him came to life. A heat so intense filled him he was barely able to hold back his gasp. It wasn’t acceptable. This measly human was not his mate. She was tiny. There was no way she’d be able to handle all seven feet, and three inches of him.

He wasn’t ready to be shackled down by the all-consuming love he’d feel for her. His body already was going through the change, and they hadn’t even touched. He had this feeling for days. He was edgier than normal, though for him that wasn’t saying much. He flew off the handle more than once and fought five of his brethren. Now he understood why.

He stalked to the main house, not looking back. He couldn’t look at her, not yet. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep his hands to himself if he really saw her. From what he’d seen she was perfect. Fairly tall for a human woman, pale skin, fiery red hair, that he knew would match the glint in her bright green eyes. He noticed every tiny freckle that dusted her skin. He hadn’t missed the slight gap between her two front teeth when she spoke. He also didn’t miss the way she averted her eyes or didn’t offer her hand like most of the others did. She didn’t want to be there, he could tell right off.

She did well to keep up with him. She kept space between them, and it was only her heavy breathing that let him know that his pace was too fast. His mind automatically went to helping his mate and he slowed—too much because she slammed right into him and flew back from the force of hitting him.

She yelped and skidded on the soft grass. “Hey fucker,” she yelled.

He spun around surprised by the vulgar word coming from her sweet looking lips.

“You nearly killed me!” She stood and wiped her hands on her jeans. Her face was flushed from anger. When she realized all the warriors nearby stopped and she turned brighter and looked at the ground nibbling her lip.

Pyra wanted to brush her hair from her face, wanted to suck that lip, but instead he bowed his head. “I apologize.”

She glared up at him as if she thought he wasn’t serious, but she nodded and started walking again. He turned back around and turned to the path to the Great House.

He could hear the loud thump of her heart but kept his eyes forward. She was a spitfire, but now she was embarrassed. He could sense it. “You know, you sound much like us when we get pissed. You have a formidable temper.” he called over his shoulder.

“So I’ve heard,” she grumbled and he chuckled.

“Here that’s normal, don’t feel embarrassed by your outburst. My brothers were all just surprised to see a human act like us so much.”

“I usually have better control.”

“I doubt it. I think you react without thinking 90 percent of the time.”

“If that was the case I’d have lost my job the first time my boss touched my ass. So no, I think I’m good with control.”

He liked her snarky attitude, but what she said pissed him the hell off. He spun and again she ran into him apparently not paying attention and this time before she flew back he gripped her shoulders and held her up. She gasped and looked at him with wide eyes. She felt it too. The touch of the mate, he closed his eyes and bit his lips trying to gain control. All it took was the one touch and he wanted to throw her on the ground and ravage her until she knew who she belonged to. He rubbed his thumbs in circles on each shoulder and then the pain hit.

The little woman brought her knee up a second time when the first wasn’t enough. She kneed him hard and shoved him back. Dammit she was tough. He buckled over and groaned. When he lifted his eyes he knew there was fire in them because she backed away fearfully.

“That fuckin’ hurt!”

“Well don’t touch me asshole!”

Oh yes, she was his. As much as his nuts hurt, his dick was still harder. Her hands were fisted in defense and her chest heaved. More strands of her hair fell from the tie and surrounded her face. Her pouty lips puckered up and her nose scrunched adorably.

When he could stand normally again, because he wasn’t lying, it had hurt like a bitch. She was one tough human. “You are amazing,” he breathed.

She froze and he could see her body shaking in rage. Someone had hurt her because she learned very quickly that she did not like to be touched.

She stood tall and waited, for what he wasn’t sure, but he knew she wasn’t going to be easy. His mate would challenge him. He smiled thinking his life just got a hell of a lot more interesting. “I won’t touch you, but this time I was trying to keep you from getting hurt.”

She glared. “Fine, but let’s get a move on please. I need to talk to your King and Queen.”

“Very well.” He wasn’t happy that she didn’t seem to like him; not even a little bit. He was the type that grew on others over time. Yeah that was it. He led the way and met his parents. They’d heard the commotion and were about to send his brothers for him. He shook his head.

“It’s okay she doesn’t like being touched.” He told them with a shrug. She was behind him so she didn’t see the look that passed between him and his parents. His father smirked and his mother, though leery, smiled wide. That was all they needed to know, and no harm would come of her. Ever.

She stood beside him after she had composed herself and gasped. His parents made an impression. Father with his foot tall Mohawk, much like his own with his pure orange eyes signifying his mating. He was even taller than Pyra at seven and a half feet tall. He had jagged scars from the battles he had survived. They were a badge of honor for their kind. His mother had knee length white hair and her eyes were also orange but lighter. She was tall, thin, and at nearly seven feet her frame was willowy.

“Dr. Baines meet Queen Thiea and King Criea.”

She bowed and stepped in front of him. “It’s very nice to meet you. Sorry about the—commotion.”

His father chuckled. “That’s nothing dear. It’s common for stifles here. You are Eden correct? I do not like all these—formalities you humans use.”

“Yes, I’m Eden.”

“Very well, come in dear.”

She seemed surprised by how accepting their kind could be. As long as the humans followed their damn rules, and there weren’t many. Don’t hurt any of them. Don’t lie to them, and don’t try to steal their blood. Simple, yet so many humans broke those rules. Pyra hoped his human would be the exception. He’d hate to have to protect someone he didn’t trust.

Chapter 4

I followed the King, who looked very much like the warrior following behind me and gasped. No wonder he was so well known. He had a temper, was a cocky son of a bitch, and he was the King and Queen’s son. It all made sense now. There was no way in hell I’d get a sample of his blood. Ryan was out of his god damn mind if he thought I’d even try. The man was huge, and I had a feeling it wouldn’t be hard for him to snap me in two.

I felt the warrior behind me. My back stayed tense as he stared at me. He kept a good distance between us, but the heat coming from him was outrageous. I looked over my shoulder to see a strange flicker of orange in his eyes. It looked like the King’s but it didn’t last before they shifted back to blue. I blinked and faced in front of me so I didn’t keep making an ass out of myself. There was something about the giant that brought out the worst in me. I didn’t like how my heart raced or my pulse fluttered deep inside.

The King led me into a huge room with a huge table. It was filled with all sorts of food I had never seen before and my stomach dropped. Trying new things wasn’t really my thing. I brought food for myself that would last a year so I wouldn’t starve. Pyra seemed to sense my discomfort and he huddled close behind me.

“It’s okay. The food is actually a lot better than it looks,” he whispered.

He was too close. I could smell his scent. It was a bit spicy and my mouth watered. Suddenly I was hungry for something other than food. “I’m not hungry.” I was going to be stubborn as hell. No way would I admit anything going on inside of me right now. I couldn’t allow it to happen. It didn’t matter that he was the sexiest man I’d ever met, or that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been with a man. No part of his body would touch any part of mine. I was here to study their land. Maybe I would be able to convince myself of that eventually.

He chuckled and I felt his breath whisper across the back of my neck. I clenched my teeth holding back my building anger. Anger was good. I could deal with being pissed. That was normal.

“Please get out of my space,” I hissed.

He didn’t move back. Instead he placed one of his giant fucking hands on my hip. If I didn’t want to look like a complete asshole I had to deal with it, but he would pay. I smiled at the thought of kneeing him in his groin again. This time I wouldn’t go easy on him. “If you want to keep that hand, I suggest you remove it from my body,” I whispered sweetly.

He leaned into my space even more. Damn he was arrogant. It didn’t seem to matter what the species was, apparently males were all alike.

“Make me.”, he taunted. He wanted me to lose my temper. I couldn’t—no I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

“You’re gonna regret this, warrior.” I officially hated him. I couldn’t see why the women all wanted him. Sure I bet his body was unbelievable, but his attitude sucked. I didn’t appreciate men who thought they were god’s gift to women. He didn’t respect boundaries and that was a big thing for me. I couldn’t stand someone who thought they didn’t have to stay out of my personal space.

“Oh yeah?” He rubbed his finger across my hip bone, slow and intimate, too intimately. I was going to murder him. “I look forward to anything you dish out, angel.”

I chuckled. No one had ever accused me of that before. “We’ll see.”

Every word that slipped from my lips was met with a touch that threatened to bring me to my knees. I wouldn’t let him win. It was physical, that was it.

The King cleared his throat and his smirk in my direction was unsettling. It was as though he was waiting us out.

“Sit please dear.”

I gulped and pulled away from the hulking man behind me, but he stepped around me and pulled out the chair. My eyes widened in surprise. I didn’t think he had a gentle bone in his body.

He shrugged. “What? My mother raised me too.”

I nodded and sat down waiting for the King to tell me the rules. I knew he’d tell me, and I had planned to talk to him about my boss, but I didn’t want to do it in front of the warrior.

“I’m sure you know that we are graceful in letting humans invade our lands to run tests, and learn more about our species…”

I nodded.

“There are a few things we do not allow however, and under no circumstances are those rules to be broken. The paper you signed gives us the right to punish you within our laws if you break them in any way.”

Again I nodded. I hadn’t known that, but then again I should have read the fine print. If I made it home I was going to make Ryan sing soprano. He was going to wish he was dead by the time I was done with him.

The King’s eyes slanted. “Do you speak, Eden?”

I shrugged. “I’m not much of a talker, or a socialite for that matter. I speak when I have something important to add to the conversation.”

“I see,” he replied. He was curious about me.

“So I assume you won’t be causing problems. Other than the temper I’ve already witnessed.” With that he smiled.

I blushed. “I do have a temper. Usually it’s easier to control.”

“Ah, Pyra brings out the worst in you then, or maybe the best yes?”

I laughed I couldn’t help it. “I highly doubt my temper is to be considered my best, no offense.”

Pyra stiffened and when I glanced at him he was looking at me strangely. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking but he was focused on something. I looked down to see if I had gotten something on my clothes but there wasn’t anything there so I shrugged. He was strange. The fact that I was so aware of the giant man sitting silently at the table didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t like it, not even a little bit.

Chapter 5

Eden’s emotions were so strong that Pyra could nearly taste her nerves. He wasn’t sure what triggered it, but he noticed her eyes widened and the scent of her fear coated his skin. He watched her, waiting for another sign as to what could have scared her but she was tough and almost as fast as he felt it, it disappeared. Her posture was still stiff and her jaw was clenched tight.

“Is there anything you would like to ask?” his father asked.

Pyra didn’t miss her gaze shift to his uneasily then back to his father.

“I’d like to talk to you,” she said and licked her lips. “I’d like for him to leave the room first if you don’t mind.”

The King’s brows rose as did his. He didn’t want to be away from her, but at his father’s nod he fumed. “Very well,” he said to her. He gestured for Pyra to leave. What the hell?


His father shook his head warning him with a flare to his orange eyes. “No, it’s fine. You may wait for her outside so you can take her to her home while she is here.”

He growled and need surged through him. He didn’t want her anywhere but with him or with anyone but him. It was outrageous how he was feeling. “Fine,” he replied and then he shoved the chair knocking it back. Before leaving he leaned against the back of Eden’s chair. His face was right next to hers and he smiled when she shuddered. She wasn’t as unaffected as she appeared. “I’ll be waiting for you, and then we will talk.” It was a promise as much as it was a threat. She’d better not try to sneak off without him.

He could feel her glare. “Don’t hold your breath.”

He loved her temper. Their relationship was going to be volatile, but for some reason he had a feeling she was going to temper him down. Already he was feeling softer, gentler. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not, hopefully it didn’t interfere with anything outside of the home. With her he could be different, but with everything else in his life, his temper and rage was a necessity.

He chuckled and took a chance kissing her cheek. He knew she’d hold it together in front of his father. Her body went rigid and he felt her breath stopped for a second before she breathed heavily. Pyra groaned as soon as his lips met her flesh. Her skin was so soft and her scent was so sweet. He couldn’t wait to have her. His cock hardened thinking about how soft she’d feel when she submitted to him. He could imagine her sprawled out on his bed and kissed her cheek once more before tearing himself away from her. His eyes shifted to orange and in a rough voice he said, “I’ll be outside waiting for you.”

She didn’t even look at him, but he could feel her rage. She wanted to hit him—badly. He’d be prepared for her anger, but hopefully talking with his father would give her time to cool down. He’d pay for kissing her—twice, but with a smile he realized he didn’t care. It was worth it.

He glanced at his father and frowned. His dad was watching her body language. He noticed something Pyra didn’t and that meant he needed to talk to his dad.

“Pyra if you would please step out while Eden and I speak, and then and I’d like to have a word with you afterwards.” His tone was low and brooked no argument. She wouldn’t have noticed the tenseness, but a lump formed in his throat. Something was off with his mate, it was the only explanation.

He nodded and strode outside wondering what his father sensed that he hadn’t.

Chapter 6

As soon as the door shut and Pyra was away from me my body relaxed. His touch and taunts were going to drive me mad. I hated them, but worst of all it was because I hated how much I enjoyed his banter, enjoyed his touch. I’d never liked a man’s touch before, and that was the worst part of this. My own personal demons would try to suck me in and I’d fall into the nightmare that used to be my life.

Things I hated to think about normally to the surface invaded all thoughts and feeling, but with him, my past was almost a distant memory. Only my body instinctively reacted as if I was reliving every horrid thing that happened back then. I shuddered. I would never be normal.

“My dear, you look as though you’ve seen a ghost.” He leaned back in his chair and his kind eyes calmed me. There was something about this male that put me at ease. I didn’t get it.

“Are you unwell? I know my son can be overwhelming, and I would apologize for his behavior, but I can’t because I understand it.”

If that wasn’t vague or anything.

I didn’t understand his son’s behavior. It wasn’t appropriate, but who was I to tell the King his son needed a lesson in human boundaries. “I’m fine.” Leaning forward in my chair and resting my hands on the table I took a deep breath. “My boss sent me here to do the testing.”

“Yes, I’m aware of Dr. Austin. I find him to be quite—disturbed.”

I chuckled. “That’s an understatement, but I’m not here to tell you how much of a creep he is. I need to come clean before you found out somehow—most likely by him.”

Now the King straightened in his seat. Not as relaxed as he was. “Come clean? For what?”

I licked my lip and smiled. “He didn’t send me here to study plant and animal life.”

“Go on.”

“He sent me here to try to sneak the blood of your most powerful warrior.” I gulped. “I didn’t plan to come, and in fact I refused at first, but Ryan hates me. He threatened me so I agreed, but I swear I have no intention of trying to steal any of your blood. I’m an honest person, and I generally don’t let others control me, but my work is the only thing I have. If he fired me it would ruin me. I needed to get him off of my back long enough to go over his head. If I get transferred to another company during the time I’m here then I won’t have to worry about him any longer.”

The whole time the King watched me as if assessing me for any signs of a lie. “And why would he do such a drastic thing to you, knowing the possibility of you being killed?”

I shuddered. “Two reasons. The first is because I’m up for the same promotion he wants. I’ll probably get it because unlike him I have morals and I’m more qualified. And two, he’s been trying to get me to date him for years and has sexually harassed me on more than one occasion. I’ve rejected him more times than I can count.”

I hoped that my honesty paid off. I didn’t tell people my personal issues, and Ryan’s persistence was quite the problem.

“Do you have proof?” I didn’t miss the strange look in his eye.

I sighed. “I have surveillance video, but on the video it shows me agreeing to do it, but I swear I won’t go anywhere near your warriors, especially the one Ryan requested the blood from. I’ll stick to animals and plants like I originally planned.”

He nodded and his frown deepened. “Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, my dear. Staying away from that particular warrior isn’t’ going to be an easy task.”

“It will if he leaves me alone. If he won’t then I promise not to go near him with a needle.”

He chuckled and nodded. “Very well, I believe you. I don’t sense any lies, but I still want to see this surveillance you speak of. I don’t like knowing that someone is actively trying to steal our blood. I think he isn’t much of a man to send you to do the dirty work and that angers me very much. We won’t be working with this Dr. Austin again. If you’re telling the truth, you can stay as long as you’d like to complete your tests of our lands.”

I nodded and my shoulders fell. A weight had been lifted. “I need my bag.”

“Very well, I will also need my son to see this video. He needs to be briefed in case Dr. Austin sends someone else when he realizes you won’t do his dirty work.”

I gulped, but shrugged. “Okay my bag is outside.”

“Wait here.”

I sat back as the King disappeared to get his son. That man was going to be the end of my self-control. I could feel my temper as it mixed with desire. Dammit I needed to cool the hell down, and I certainly didn’t need a man to help me in any way.

Pyra came back with the King carrying my bags. He smiled at me, and I nearly lost my breath. It was such an unrefined looked. All of the tough, ‘I am man, hear me roar’ persona was gone. It was the most real I’d seen him, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about seeing his ‘human’ side. I didn’t want to like him. As long as he pissed me off I would be okay.

He handed me my bag and sat in the same chair he had vacated and leaned back in a relaxed position, but I wasn’t fooled. He was tensed back like a Cobra waiting to strike. I’d be lying if I didn’t find it completely and utterly sexy.

“So we have a stupid doctor on our hands, yeah?”

The king must have filled him in. I didn’t miss the anger in his tone. I knew it was horrible to learn because they’d been working with Ryan for several years now, and I was taking that trust away. I pulled my laptop bag onto the table and slipped my small notebook out. I booted it up and tapped my fingers on the table. “I don’t know how well it will work here, or how long my battery will last.”

“As long as we see what you told me about.”

I looked at him with serious eyes. “You will.”

I went back to work and signed in. The file opened easily, and I turned the screen to the king and prayed he would believe me when I told him I had no intention of following through. I really didn’t want to endure the kind of punishments they had in mind, and also for some reason I really wanted him to trust me, to like me. It wasn’t often I cared what someone believed of me, but I found myself caring very much what the King of Uoria thought of me.

The video played and the King watched in fascination as the whole scene played out—just as I had told him.

“What a fucking bastard!”

I jumped when the King slammed his fists on the table and then he shoved his chair back. It crashed against the wall and shattered. I had a feeling I was about to see exactly how deadly this species was. He sped from the room, but I barely saw him move. It was unreal. One minute he was there and then poof he was gone. Pyra looked as shocked as I felt.

“Whatever you told him—must have been verified and bad. I haven’t seen him this pissed off in ages.” Pyra’s voice sounded numb to my ears.

“I told the truth before someone else did.”

“I’m almost afraid to watch because if he reacted that way, I can’t imagine how I’d react.”

I sat back and sighed. “Is he coming back?”

“Yes, when he calms down.”

I leaned back and closed my eyes wondering if I was going to be punished for my part even though I would never betray them. I’d only be on Uoria for a short time, but I felt— almost at home. When I opened my eyes again he stood there staring at my laptop.

Pyra must not have been able to ignore his curiosity. He stood where his father’s chair had been and played the video. The further the video went the more his posture changed, his eyes flared, his body tensed and his jaw was tight. I could hear his teeth grinding together, but he was so calm when he closed the lid to my laptop.

“My father already told me some of why you agreed, but I need to know. I need to hear it from you that you swear you won’t try to steal anyone’s blood, especially mine.”

I gulped. I didn’t’ get what was so special about their blood but it wasn’t my place. I never intended to step where I wasn’t allowed. I was a rule follower. “I swear. I only said I would so he wouldn’t take my life away from me. Without being a scientist, I’m nothing. It’s all I have in the world. I would never break the rules like that, and Ryan knows that, but he didn’t expect me to come clean and show you proof of what he is trying to do. He wants me punished.”

Pyra’s eyes bored into mine. “Why though? Why would he risk your life?”

“He hates me.”

“Why?” he asked in a whisper and stepped closer to me.

I could feel his rage, see his body shaking and instead of scaring me, it aroused me. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, but I didn’t know why or how I knew it. I just did.

“We are up for the same promotion. He really wants it.”

Now he stood in front on me and I looked up. “It’s more than that yeah?”

I gulped. “I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie to me; I know what you told my dad.”

Of course he told him about the other stuff. I’d hoped he hadn’t and now he was testing me. It didn’t feel good. “I rejected him.”

“Why did you reject him?”

I chuckled. “Because I hate him.”

“No other reason?”

“I don’t like to be touched, and he has a problem keeping his hands to himself. I’ve broken his nose and his wrist.”

He nodded and moved closer. Our bodies were almost touching, but not quite. I couldn’t breathe. His body heat was suffocating. He was a man in every sense of the word, and I was drowning in his want, his need.

“He didn’t leave me alone,” I whispered.

“I’ll kill him.”

I gasped and shook my head. “No.”

He leaned in and his lips were so close I could taste him. As soon as I shut my eyes and was about to close the distance the king came back in a whoosh and cleared his throat. I jumped back from Pyra and shook my head. I glared at him and he stepped back. I was pissed at myself. I almost caved, and if not for his father I would have felt his lips on mine. I wasn’t sure what was worst; the fact that I yearned for the touch and it was interrupted or that he had the balls to try it in the first place.

Chapter 7

The King came back into the room interrupting the almost kiss. I was grateful because I didn’t want to cave. No matter how much my body disagreed with my mind. It didn’t matter that he was attractive and that there was a huge part of me that wanted to jump him. I didn’t know what was going on, but I couldn’t allow it to happen. His growl of frustration sent a thrill down my spine.

His father sat back down considerably more calm, but the rage was right below the surface, simmering. “Dear, I wanted to say thank you for coming forth with this video and being honest right away. Not many of you would do that, and I know that I’ve had to send many humans back home because I’d caught them doing unfavorable things. I wish there were more people like you from your world. After speaking to my wife, we have decided to discuss a compromise. I will get back with you when we decide exactly what it will be. Until then, please explore as much as you’d like, but keep the rules in mind, and do not under any circumstances, contact your boss. If you do, you’ll be sent home, and you’ll never be allowed to come back.”

I sighed in relief. “Thank you for trusting me, and I have no intention of contacting Ryan. I look forward to studying the plant and animal life.”

He stared me down with gentle eyes. “I don’t know why I trust you, but please don’t abuse it. I do hold grudges once the faith is broken.”

I held out my hand, the first initiation of physical contact. He looked at my hand then back at my face as he pulled my hand into his. They were warm and soft and instead of shaking it he grasped it between both of his hands. Heat engulfed me and there was a strange zing, almost like magic before a slight bit of pain, and when he pulled back there was a small symbol on my hand. I gasped and studied it. It was small and the black lines swirled and twisted nicely together. It was intricate, but when I looked harder I noticed the lines were letters.

“It’s a mark. Letting others know you are one of us now. It’s means, ‘sister of our brethren’ in our language.”

I knew they didn’t do this often—if at all, and I was honored. Tears filled my eyes and I sniffled. “Thank you. I promise you won’t regret it!”

He smiled. “And you don’t have to worry about your problem back home anymore.”

“I didn’t tell you what he did to have you fix it. I was dealing with it.”

He rolled his eyes and I swear he looked just like his son. “I know which is why I did it.” He smiled and rubbed the mark. “And how exactly have you handled it? By ignoring his advances and threatening him. You’re tough, but apparently it didn’t work or he wouldn’t have sent you here to break our most sacred rule.”

I slumped in my seat. “I didn’t know what to do.”

“You can stay here.” Pyra said and I looked at him. I’d forgotten he was even in the room.

“Uh, I don’t know if I’d fit in here too well. Besides you never let humans stay for more than six months, though I’ll stay the whole allotted time if that’s all right. The longer I’m away from home the better right now.”

“There are exceptions to every rule,” he said but he watched his father as if waiting for him to chime in.

The king nodded and smiled kindly at me. As much as Pyra drove me wild with anger and the harder it was getting to fight his advances, I felt the exact opposite about his father. I felt at ease with him. I’d never had a dad, but if I could imagine one, King Criea would be the perfect image.

“You may stay. When my mate and I decide on what we plan to do we will have lunch, but for now you must get settled. Pyra will take you to your cabin.”

I nodded and stood. “Thank you, I’m exhausted.” And I was. I’d ‘slept’ the whole way, but it wasn’t really sleeping. I was basically unconscious the whole time.

Pyra stood and walked over to his father. They hugged and I heard faint whispers, but I was too tired to care. I picked up my laptop and slid it back into my bag.

He took the strap from me. “I’ve got it.”

Normally I would have fought him, but every part of me hurt. I don’t know why it took so long to kick in, but I wasn’t sure if I’d make it much longer before crashing. “Thanks,” I muttered.

He nodded and I followed behind him leaving the house. He jogged down the stairs and I sighed. My legs were heavy, and it felt like I wasn’t moving at all. Pyra stopped and studied me.

“I could carry you if you want.” I didn’t miss the tone. He was messing with me. I thought.

That was all it took to wake my body up enough to get moving. “In your dreams warrior,” I sneered at him.

He laughed and spun walking down a path. I followed as fast as I could. I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing I really wanted to drop to the ground and sleep for a week.

Chapter 8

He’d been so close to tasting those suckable lips, and then his father had to come back and ruin it all. She was so beautiful, perfect really. He loved that she was honest. The video had made him want to rip the man to shreds, but it was what his father had told him about the scumbag that really pushed him over the edge. Sexually harassing his mate, now that was grounds for killing.

There was so much to her. She clearly had a problem with others touching her. He wanted to know what had happened. Why the thought of being touched turned her into a quivering mess or a ball of rage. Something happened to her, but he had no clue what it could have been. Humans were strange creatures. He’d find out everything one way or another.

He turned and saw her standing on the porch. Exhaustion filled her eyes, but she was stubborn and wouldn’t admit how tired she was. Not to him at least, but she told his father. Pyra loved it. As soon as it looked like she was done all he had to do was taunt her, and she was back to being the independent woman he was becoming accustomed to. He’d noticed it right from the start.

He shook his head when he saw the mark of his kind on her hand. She was the first in years. He couldn’t have been more shocked when his father marked her with their sign. He knew it wasn’t because she was his mate. The king wouldn’t honor someone with that status if he or she wasn’t worthy, and being his mate didn’t make her worthy, even if it made her family. She had already earned his respect and that was tough as shit to do.

He led her to the newest cabin. It was closest to his home. If he had his way she’d be in his home, and in his bed, but he knew that wouldn’t happen. Not until he got her to cave. She had to admit that she liked him at least a little bit, and right now by the way he felt her emotions and the fact she was glaring daggers at his back, he knew that wouldn’t be happening—today. He couldn’t help but laugh. She wasn’t going to make it easy and as frustrating as it was not to be able to pull her into his arms anytime he wanted, he was proud to have a mate that didn’t cave. He loved a challenge, and he always got what he wanted. And he wanted Eden.

At first, the thought of having a human mate wasn’t appealing at all, but the more he was around her the more he wanted her, and it wasn’t just physical. That’s what shocked him the most. He was a sexual being and proved it time and time again with the females. None of them were anything more than gratification, and they knew that, but with her, he could imagine lying with her, holding her. He shook his head. His brothers would bust his nuts if they knew the soft thoughts running through his head. He never thought he’d be that way, but his father told him it would be the best and worst feeling in the world. Falling in love was everything to his kind.

The path narrowed and dipped deeper behind the trees. She’d have all the privacy she wanted. The cabin was the most updated and he was glad he picked it. She followed behind him breathing heavily.

“We’re almost there.”

“I’m fine,” she replied.

He sped up and jogged up the stairs. Pulling out her key he unlocked the door and went inside. He put her bags down. He was back outside and sitting on the steps before she made it.

“You could have waited for me.”

He shrugged. “You’re too slow.”

She stomped a foot and cringed. “My legs are shorter than yours, you jerk.”

He laughed. She was too tired to put any heat behind her voice. “Uh-huh, has nothing to do with how tired you are?”

She jutted out her lip. “Nope, I’m fine.”

“Okay well let’s go in. I’ll show you around your new home.”

Her eyes widened and she licked her lips.


His eyes tracked the movement and he wanted to trace the path her tongue made.

“You don’t need to show me around. I’m sure I can figure it out.”

His eyes shot back to hers. “You need to know how to work everything. There is no electricity here.”

“I know.”

“So I’ll help you get set up and then I promise I’ll leave you alone.”

“Fine, let’s get it over with.” She said and pushed past him to climb the stairs.

He watched the sway of her hips and it took all his will power to keep his hands to himself. He went in behind her and shut the door. He sighed in relief knowing he was alone with her. That’s all he wanted. If she would get to know him, the real him, maybe just maybe things would be different and she wouldn’t hate him so badly. He hoped she’d throw him a bone. His fingers itched to touch her skin, but he knew that one touch would lead to so much more, and she wouldn’t let that happen.

Chapter 9

The door clicked shut and I froze. I was too tired and that was worrisome. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop myself from falling into his arms. Not when my body seemed to crave the giant beast. I didn’t know what it was about him, but each time he was near me, my heart galloped and my core clenched in need.

I smiled. If it was only physical attraction, if I caved maybe the need would go away? My time here would run smoother if I didn’t constantly feel aroused, and from what I’d heard about his reputation, once he got what he wanted he’d leave me alone. It was a win-win, only my heart jumped at the thought of being just another woman he bedded.

I took a deep breath and turned towards him. In the cabin he was even more imposing. He prowled toward me, with desire in his eyes. “I need to take a shower.”

“Water runs well here. I’ll wait.”

I glared. “Or you can leave and come back after I’m done so I can have some privacy.”

“There’s a door.”

I knew he wouldn’t give more than that. “Fine, but stay out of the room.”

He held up his hands and smiled wide. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

I laughed. “Somehow I don’t think I should be reassured by that.”

“Guess you’ll find out, yeah?” He started down the hall with my bags and I followed behind him. His shirt was so tight I could see each one of his muscles flex with every move he made.

He pushed open the door and placed my bags by a large bed. “This is your room, and the bathroom is right over there. We may not have electricity, but we use solar power to work our heating system. You’ll get approximately ten minutes before the water turns cold.”

“Okay, thanks.” I replied and waited for him to leave. He stood and stared for several seconds. “I think I can take it from here.”

“Are you sure? I could help.”

He chuckled but it sounded like he was struggling. He wasn’t messing with me like he had since I stepped foot on Uoria. I’d have to get better at controlling myself. Or maybe I needed to loosen up. Here was sexy man in my room who obviously wanted me. The lust bubbled over with how he devoured my body. I wanted see how far he’d go.

He stood facing me and I smiled. It was a real smile and I stepped in his direction. He flinched but didn’t move back. I shrugged and before he knew it I pulled my shirt off over my head. All thoughts left me. At that moment the only thing that mattered was him touching me.

He groaned and his eyes widened. The orangish color I’d seen a few time was back. I cocked my head to the side watching him, waiting, but he was frozen.

I reached behind my back and undid the clasp to my bra and slid it to the floor. His giant body shook and it looked like he was using every ounce of his self-control to keep his feet planted on the floor. He was surprisingly in control. It was impressive, but I wanted him to break. I wanted to feel the heat I saw behind the depths of his strange colored eyes that did strange things to me. They called to me, said I needed to submit to him. I was his for the taking. Instead of getting pissed I moaned and my eyes fluttered shut long enough to let the feelings of his desire wash over me.

When I opened my eyes he was still watching me. His chest heaved and his lips parted when I slid my hand underneath the waist band of my jeans. I wiggled my hips and pushed them down my legs taking my panties with them. In a matter of minutes I stood naked in front of a man I really couldn’t stand, but one I wanted desperately.

“Oh goddess, you’re perfect,” he whispered.

I hadn’t expected him to say something so perfect and his reverence shot to my core. I nibbled my lip waiting for him to take control, but he was still frozen in his spot.

“Are you going to stand there and stare at me, or are you going to move your ass over here?” My snarky attitude shook him out of his daze and he growled.

He strode to me in two giant steps and crushed my body to his. His mouth slammed down on mine and I lost my breath. There was so much power behind his kiss, and when his tongue entered my mouth I was done for. I gasped and wrapped my arms around him. He lifted me from the floor and tightened his hold. My body lit on fire.

When he pulled back he was panting for breath. “I thought you didn’t like me,” he said.

“I don’t.”

“Sure,” he replied with a small smile and kissed me again.

My shower was forgotten when he tossed me on the bed. I watched as his clothes were shredded from his body. The pile on the floor built and then he climbed on the bed hovering over me. I wanted to warn him, but it was too late. He slid into me with a speed unknown to man. I screamed and my muscles clenched. He froze and stared down at me.

“You were an innocent?”

I glared. “Not exactly, but it’s been a long time, like years, and that fucking hurt.” Tears slid down my cheeks.

“I’m so sorry Eden.” And for the first time I saw real regret in his eyes.

My heart clenched I didn’t like him upset. “Hey, it’s okay, but be gentle with me.”

I wasn’t sure if he was capable of gentle, but he proved me wrong. He took his time making love to my body. Each thrust was slow and steady. I caught on to his movements and lifted my hips meeting each new thrust. My body stretched and it no longer hurt. It was as if I was made for him. He fit me perfectly and when he twisted his hips the tip of his erection hit with such a force I climaxed without warning. My body bowed and my muscles tensed around him, holding him in place. I felt him come and we stayed locked together until both of our bodies came down from release.

Chapter 10

I lay looking at the ceiling wondering what the hell I just did. My body ached, but mostly I felt more relaxed than I ever had. Pyra was next to me, and even though I could feel his eyes on me I didn’t look at him.

“You weren’t ready.”

My eyes filled with tears. No I most certainly was not ready. No matter how much I enjoyed it at the moment, now—now I felt dirty. I shook my head doing my best to hold the tears back.

“I’m not sorry we made love, but I am sorry it was too soon for you.”

I looked at him to see how his eyes glowed orange at me. I don’t think they ever turned back to his normal blue since I had stripped. “I need to go for a walk.”

He nodded and got out of bed. “I’ll go with you.”

I rolled out of bed and flinched. “No I want to go alone.”

“Okay, I’ll walk you out then at least. I have to go meet with my brothers. It’s time for my scheduled patrol anyway.” His voice was low and there was none of his playful banter.

“That’s fine, I’ll get dressed.” I stood gasped. Every muscle in my body was sore. I knew he hadn’t meant to hurt me, but oh how I hurt.

He growled and I looked over at him. He frowned and looked disheartened. “I hurt you.”

“I know you didn’t on purpose.”

“I should have known. It didn’t have to be painful for you. If I wasn’t such a jack ass you’d be fine right now.”

“Hey, didn’t I tell you it had been a very long time. That’s not your fault.”

He turned away and picked up his clothes. They weren’t torn at all. He got dressed without looking my way. I dressed in the same clothes I had been wearing and put my shoes on. I needed out. The scent of sex filled the air and it was too much.

Pyra walked in front of me and I followed stiffly behind him. Shutting the door I took a deep breath of the air. It was clean and fresh, so much better than home. I followed him down the stairs and tipped my head back. The sun was no longer up here, and stars filled the sky. They were huge and so much easier to spot than at home. It was amazing how much Uoria was like home, but it was fresher. The Denynso took care of their lands. They didn’t take anything for granted.

Out of nowhere I was lifted in the air and thrown. I screamed and my eyes widened. The thing that threw me sped into my direction and wrapped a clawed hand around my throat stopping me midair. My body jerked forward like whiplash. My heart thudded rapidly in my chest, and I lost my breath.

I’d never seen anything so vile as the creature before me. His eyes were red and his sharp teeth dripped spit. He ran his tongue along the tips and leaned in toward me. I tried to scream again, but I’d lost my voice. Kicking out I landed a blow to his lower body. He roared and dropped me. I fell to the ground with a thud. My back burned and the scent of copper filled my nose. It was blood—and it was mine. The monster rushed down toward me, and even as I tried to lift my hands he fell on top on me holding me down. His claws bit into my wrists.

“You smell sweet.” The thing said and then his teeth were in my neck.

My voice was gone. I cried and sobbed, but each move I made only seemed to make the creature more excited. He sucked harder on my neck taking more of my blood. His grunts and groans did nothing to ease my fear. I felt myself fading away. I’d only been on Uoria for a day and I was already going to die. I smiled. At least I’d never have to go back home again.

The things body was ripped from mine and I saw orange eyes staring down at me. I lifted my shaky hand up hoping he’d end it for me. Everything hurt, and I didn’t want to suffer.

Instead he bent down lifted me carefully into his arms. The feel of his warmth surrounding me was a comforting blanket. He moved so fast, but I was fading faster. There was nothing to do but wait.

(To be continued in Part II…)

Book 2 – Saved by Sweet Alien

Chapter 1

Pyra raced to the infirmary carrying a limp Eden in his arms. Her eyes were closed and her lips were pale with a bluish hue. Her body was cold and the wounds on her neck hadn’t stopped bleeding. The Klimnu had torn into her, and no one knew how their bite affected humans. She was the first human to be attacked—that they knew of.

He shoved the door opened roughly not willing to set her down to use his hands. “Ciyrs!” he yelled and his voice echoed in the building rattling the glass cabinets.

His friend came running looking pissed like he wanted to rip him apart until he saw Eden’s lifeless body in his arms. The words died on his lips and he ran over to them with wide eyes.

“Shit, what the hell happened to her?”

“Klimnu attack.”

Ciyrs paled. “Here lay her down. I need to get some things.”

“Hurry up brother she is fading and too fucking fast!”

He rushed around the room doing who knew what and Pyra was starting to lose his patience. Finally his brother, and the healer of the Denynso, sat on a rolling chair and slid toward the gurney that Eden lay on. She didn’t move, and he could barely see her breathing. If it weren’t for their newly formed link he would think she was already dead, but she was alive. His mate was a fighter.

Brushing her hair from her forehead he prayed she’d be okay.

Ciyrs went to lay his hand on her but before even the tip of his finger touched her; Pyra roared and shoved him off the chair and across the room with a growl. He slammed back against the hard wall shaking the building with the force of his body and fell to the ground.

Luckily Ciyrs was the calm one of them. Instead of blowing a gasket he stood and shook it off only shooting Pyra a ‘fuck you’ glare. “I have to touch her to heal her.”

Pyra shook his head. “I’m sorry it was instinct and she’s injured, plus the bond is brand fucking new.

“I know I sense it. I won’t touch her inappropriately.”

He sighed. “I know, but I can’t watch.” He spun around and leaned his back against the gurney hoping his body heat and closeness would help her fight and heal.

He knew the moment Ciyrs touched her. The room heated exponentially and he felt his inner magic immerse into her body. He turned just as her torso lifted into the air and she took in a large breath. Her eyes shot open and then she screamed. The piercing wail hurt his ears and glass shattered. The whole compound would hear her pain. He couldn’t take it. It was blinding indescribable pain and he wanted to kill.

Pyra roared, but news travelled fast, and when he would have slammed Ciyrs into a wall he was restrained by not only his brother warriors, his brother, but his father laid a hand on him trying to soothe him. He hadn’t even realized they were there until strong arms held him back.

“He’s helping her.”

He shook his head and tears slide down his cheeks. “It’s hurting her.”

“No son, it’s not—not the way you think it is. She was dead. He’s bringing her back to life.”

Pyra froze. No way. She couldn’t have been dead. But when he looked, really looked at Eden he saw the signs. The blue on her lips was still present.

Ciyrs’s hands laid flat. One was over her heart and the other on her head. His eyes were shut tight in concentration and sweat poured from him. His face was pale and his hands began to shake. He realized what his brother was going through to save his mate. He’d never be able to repay him and owed him a great debt.

He wondered what it would do to her. Ciyrs hadn’t ever brought a human back to life. He knew with another Denynso it would mean a link was formed between the healer and the saved. He didn’t like the thought of them having a link.

“It will be like a brother and sister relationship, son. Nothing more.”

“How’d you know what I was thinking?”

He shrugged. “Because that would be my first thought as well. The most important thing is that he saved her, and she will live because of his gift.”

“I know, I’ll never be able to repay him.”

Finally Ciyrs removed his hands from her body and opened his eyes. Pyra physically watched as the magical link formed between them. Her eyes widened and so did his brother’s. It was like something inside them recognized each other and when he bent to kiss her, Pyra tried to move, but again he was held back.

“It can ruin the healing magic. They have to bond.”

He growled. “I know, but we just bonded before her attack. It’s too fresh.”

The king placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. “You’ll survive. Ciyrs is your brother.”

So he watched as his good friend kissed his mate. Only he didn’t kiss her lips, he kissed her forehead and caressed her cheek. “My sister,” he whispered and every voice in the room went silent waiting to see what happened. No one dared to even breathe. She was the first human to be healed, hell to be brought back to life in their long history.

She smiled when he helped her sit up. Her neck wound healed right before their eyes and hers latched on to Pyra’s. She smiled at him and then looked at Ciyrs. “I can never thank you enough. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Ciyrs nodded and helped her stand, and she wrapped her arms around him hugging him close. He made it brief before unlatching her arms from around him. “Go see your mate before he rips my head off.”

She nodded and turned to him. She blushed and walked over to him. She was quiet and docile, and he wondered if she would regain her temper. He sure as hell hoped she did. It was part of her charm.

When she walked right into his arms he was thrilled and curious. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

He was confused. “What are you sorry about?”

“Scaring you, I felt it. It was strange. The whole time you held me, I felt your pain and suffering. It nearly suffocated me, and I tried to wake up, but I couldn’t.”

“It’s okay Eden. You’re alive now.”

He looked over her head and saw Ciyrs watching them. His eyes shined, but there was something else in his expression, protectiveness.

He led her over to him and pulled him into a hug. “Never am I more appreciative than I am right now, brother. Thank you.”

He nodded and smiled. “It’s surreal, I didn’t think it was going to work. I also don’t know what the affects will be so I need to keep an eye on her and keep notes for future reference just in case, not that I plan to have to do that again. I’m utterly and totally drained. I need to freakin’ sleep for a week.”

“Rest and I’ll keep track of any strangeness. First, it seems her temper is gone.”

Ciyrs laughed. “It will probably come back. Her body went through a horrible ordeal, and she was technically dead.”

Those words made him shudder; he didn’t want to think of what would have happened had Ciyrs not been able to save her.

Chapter 2

I felt different. I knew I had died, and Ciyrs brought me back to life. Shit. There were so many mixed feeling inside of me. I wasn’t sure I’d ever feel like me again. How I felt about the man in front of me now was different than it was before that monster attacked me. I couldn’t even remember why I fought against our bond. Now it felt like second nature. The bond with the healer was a different story.

It was a good bond, and I could feel a part of him inside me. It soothed me and made me feel safe, like nothing would ever happen to me again.

‘You’re my sister now’, his voice echoed in my mind and my eyes widened. It was strange hearing voices in my head, but I knew his words were true. It felt like I had known him forever.

Pyra smiled at me, but the worry in his eyes still lingered. I could feel his suffering. He hated himself, blamed himself for the attack. How was he supposed to know there was going to be an attack at that very moment? I didn’t blame him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged his giant body. I tipped my head back staring at him willing his sadness away. “Stop blaming yourself.”

His eyes watered but he shook his head. “That’s not going to happen, Eden.” Then he brushed my hair away from my face. The touch sent a million sensations through my body.

“Can we go home now?” he asked holding me close.

Home? I didn’t have one really. That cabin was nice, but if I was going to be honest, I was a little afraid to be left alone after what happened. Pyra sensed my fear.

“There is no way I am letting you out of my sight.”

I nodded and a fire tried to come to life. My temper would be back, and when it was, when I didn’t feel so damn serene, I’d kick his ass. I turned and waved at Ciyrs. It was strange, but I almost felt like a little girl looking up to her big brother. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that bond. That feeling of anger kept growing, and I would bide my time and wait patiently. My anger was my crutch. It’s how I survived so long.

He tipped his chin and I was led out of the building. Pyra tensed and his hand tightened on mine.

“Can I just pick you up and run. This is bringing too much back.”

It was the fact that he asked and how vulnerable he sounded that made me agree.

“This one time, but don’t get used to carting me around.” Yes. I was starting to feel slightly normal again. He lifted me in his arms and ran. It felt like the wind was whipping in my face, and before I could ask we were standing on the porch to a different place.

“Welcome home,” he said with a smile and placed me gently on my feet. I raised a brow. There was no more arrogance in his voice. It seemed both of us were going through a change, and I wondered if his normal cockiness would come back like my temper was.

I refrained from saying anything mean because he was seriously upset. I followed behind him and gasped. His home was not what one would expect. Most men, human ones anyways, were known to be slobs. But his home was sparkling clean. I was afraid to walk across the floor.

“Well come on, I’m not going to bite and my house isn’t going to attack you.”

I sighed and kicked my shoes off before setting them nicely against the wall.

Pyra laughed. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Oh, yes I did. You’re place is super clean.”

He sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. I eyed the spot and sighed. My head was full of so much and all I wanted to do was rest.

‘Come sit with me, love.’

I reeled back. “What the hell is that?”

“It’s part of our bond, a link was formed and we have the ability to speak through the mind.”

‘Are you fucking kidding me?’

His chuckle reverberated in my mind, and I felt his relief.

‘Your temper is coming back, I was worried.’

“Talk out loud it feels like you’re yelling in my head.”

“Until you get used to it, that’s how it will feel. It’s normal from what I’ve been told.”

“You knew this was going to happen?”

“Yes,” he replied.

Fire burned inside. “You didn’t think that might have been important to mention before we fucked?”

His mouth dropped open, and I saw the hurt in his eyes.

“Is that what you think we did?”

I wanted to scream, to yell, and to say yes, that is what I think it was, but I couldn’t and I lowered my head shaking it. “No.”

He sped towards me and lifted my chin. “We made love Eden, and whether you like it or not things between us changed the moment I came inside of you. You’re mine and I’m yours. I do hope you will love me someday.”

He leaned in and kissed me. All it took was one touch and I was gone, melted into a puddle of growing messy love. He was right.

I moaned and wrapped my arms around him urging him to lift me in the air. I had almost died. Certainly that meant something needed to change. Life was too short to be so pissed off all the time.

His body shook and he carried me to the couch. When he sat down he situated me on his lap and I straddled him without breaking our kiss. I pushed my lower body against him and his hands gripped me tighter as if he was afraid to let go.

When I pulled back his eyes glowed and I was breathless.

“Well, does that mean you’re okay with our bond now?”

I shrugged. “You’re growing on me. I won’t promise not to get mad or freak out, but I’ll try not to be a complete bitch.”

He nodded. “I can live with that, and you’re not a bitch. You’ve had bad things happen to you.”

I tensed and eyed him. “How do you know?”

“Your memories.”

“You’ve seen them?”

“Only a few, but it just happened during the bond. It opened you up to me, allowed me to get to know you on a closer level.”

I went to pull away but he gripped my hips.

“Hey it’s part of the bond, Eden. I didn’t invade your mind on purpose. Your mind opened up to me.”

I sighed not liking that he’d seen some of the darker things in my life. Tears fell from my eyes before I could stop them. I was not a crier, but I guess dying kind of changes a person.

“Oh love, it’s going to be okay. I don’t judge you, and if I ever make a trip to Earth, I’ll hunt him down and kill him.” Pyra was pissed, and somehow that made it better.

It was in that moment I couldn’t ignore how I felt. The growing love was taking over all the hate that I held buried inside of me. He knew of my darkest secrets and still wanted me. And I knew that he wasn’t just throwing out words to make me feel better. If I ever took him back with me, he would hunt my stepfather down and kill him. Should I have been scared? Hell yes. Was I? Not even a little bit.

Chapter 3

Pyra carried Eden to bed when she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. He saw the moment she decided to stop fighting the bond. After that the silence stretched between them, but it was no longer uncomfortable.

He never thought the day would come that he felt calm and at peace. It wouldn’t last, but it was nice for the time being. Stripping off his clothes he got into bed and pulled Eden next to him. He wouldn’t be able to be away from her, at least not for a while. His brothers already knew he was going to be spending more time away.

As far as he could tell, so far she was fine and functioning well after her attack. She hadn’t really seemed too chatty, but he didn’t think that was really anything new.

She squirmed and her elbow nearly landed in his face but he deftly dodged it. She kicked and cried trying to get away. He let her go and she thrashed around on the bed. Her body broke out in a sweat, and she ripped the blanket from her body. It was then the scent of her arousal hit him and he gritted his teeth. Of course.

“Touch me,” she said and let her legs fall open. He watched her and waited to see if she was going to wake up.

When he touched her skin it was a hot as lava, much like his felt when he was over emotional. Her back arched off the bed, and he realized she was actually hurting. He didn’t know if she’d be pissed, but he sat up and leaned over her before he yanked her bottoms off. She didn’t even open her eyes, and when saw how wet she was he nearly lost it. Whatever was going on was real, but she wasn’t aware of what her body was feeling.

She shivered and moaned when the cool air kissed her burning skin. He slid her legs flat and kept them apart. When he slid his hand up her thigh she groaned.

He ran his finger over her slit and her hips jerked and she sobbed. Tears slid down her cheeks. “It hurts, please make it stop.”

He didn’t know what was going on, but she was in a major state of arousal and he couldn’t figure out why it hadn’t woken her up. He rubbed her clit with the tip of his index finger and her mouth fell open on a drawn out moan.

“Wake up love,” he said hoping she’d open her eyes. He felt wrong touching her without her permission, but it seemed to be helping.

She stuck out her lip when he stopped his movements.


Her body jerked and her eyes fluttered but still she didn’t wake up. He sat and watched her without touching her. Not even five minutes later she was crying again. Sobbing about the pain, and he’d had enough. She could kick his ass later.

He climbed on top of her bearing all his weight. “Wake up, Eden.” Then he slid inside of her.

Her eyes shot open and she gasped. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“You were hurting love, I tried waking you, but even yelling at you, you didn’t even try to open your eyes. Do you still hurt?” he asked and twisted his hips. He slid in deep hitting her g-spot and she screamed.

When her eyes focused she glared. “Why am I so fucking turned on right now? Did you do this on purpose?”

His eyes flared. “No, I just explained to you what happened. You didn’t wake up until I was buried deep inside of you, love.”

She eyed him but then nodded confused when she realized he was telling the truth.

‘I would never do anything without your permission unless it was an emergency.’

He felt her anger disappear and she kissed him, sliding her tongue into his mouth and pressed her lips against his with a force he wasn’t used to.

When she pulled back he could have sworn he saw orange, but that was impossible, wasn’t it?

“Fuck me,” she said and her voice ended on a growl.

“Shit, you’re so fucking hot.” Then he plowed into her hard. He’d worry about her changes later; right now he needed her more than he needed his breath. She moaned and groaned crying out and scratching his back. She went wild.

When she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist pulling him deeper inside of her he gasped. She felt different and he knew exactly what she felt like. She changed, and it was because Ciyrs saved her. He had to tell him, but now he rode his mate hard. Her whimpers and pleas were driving him into a lust he couldn’t manage, and his eyes glazed over. His inner beast took over fucking her, and she loved every damn minute of it. She met each movement and her breathy pleas drove him over the edge.

The bed creaked and groaned, and she screamed when the mattress collapsed beneath them. He rolled quick and kept her from getting hurt.

“What the hell?”

He grunted when his back landed against the wooden frame, but he smiled so she didn’t notice, but she did.

Why did you do that? You can’t let yourself get hurt.”

“I can and I’ll always do my best to keep you safe no matter what, love.”

“Do you?”

“Hmm?” he asked and grunted when he tried to move. A sharp pain shot up his spine and he mentally cursed. “Do I what?”

She blushed and looked down. “Love me?”

He was shocked by her question. Couldn’t she feel it? Humans were strange. “Of course I do. Do you feel it?”

She shrugged and pulled off of his body and stood holding out her hand to help him up. “No, not really; I mean I know you care for me, but—”

“Eden, I’ve loved you since the first touch. I didn’t think you were ready to hear it. Hell, you just started to be able to tolerate me.”

The tips of her ears turned red and she nibbled her lip. “Oh, well that makes sense.”

He stood slowly and his back cried in protest. He moaned and sucked in a breath. He didn’t want to worry her, but she saw his pain and spun him to look at his back. She gasped and placed her hand on the place where the wood splintered in his back.

Her hand caught fire and he felt magic. It was similar to Ciyrs’s and then the pain in his back started to disappear. He turned his head to the side and watched as her hand glowed green. She was fucking healing him.

He was stunned speechless as he stood still. When she yanked her hand back the glow disappeared, and he felt no pain.

“How—how did I do that?” She stared at her hand holding it away from her. “Did he give me his gift?”

Pyra didn’t know the answer. “Love, I’ve got no fucking clue how you did that. He brought you back; maybe it’s some residual power?” He didn’t believe that for a minute, but he could see she was on the verge of panic. Her eyes were round and wide and she was pale. Her body began to shake, and then she fell to the ground and convulsed.

“Shit,” he yelled and grabbed a large shirt and put it over her head and slid her panties and shorts back on. The shaking got worse and he scooped her into his arms forgetting he was butt ass naked, but at that point he didn’t care. Her body lit up like a human Christmas tree. She turned green. It was dark and all the Denynso gawked at them as he sped by. Most couldn’t make out much because he moved fast, and again he slammed into the infirmary.

Ciyrs froze and his eyes went from sleepy to panic in two seconds flat.

“How do you explain this brother?”

“Why is she glowing, and why is she having a damn seizure?”

“She fucking healed me!”

Thankfully Ciyrs didn’t bother asking why he needed the healing.

“That isn’t possible.” He grabbed her hand and Pyra watched as his brother went from disbelief to calm. As soon as she touched his friend she stopped convulsing and her body laid flat in his arms in a relaxed state. The glow slowly dissipated from her body.

Pyra was stunned. “Can I get some shorts?”

Ciyrs pointed. “You go get them, I can’t leave her right now.”

Pyra’s jealousy reared its ugly head. “SHE’S MINE!”

There was no response from the other man as he brushed hair from Eden’s face. She opened her eyes and groaned. She looked at Ciyrs and smiled. “Hey, you again.”

“Yes, well this time it seems we have a different issue, sweetheart.”

She frowned. “What happened?

“You don’t remember?”

“No the last thing I remember is—” she blushed. “Is waking up to that beast over there. Enough said.”

Ciyrs laughed. “Okay so you and Pyra were intimate, then what?”

“I don’t know.” She narrowed her eyes in concentration, but she really didn’t remember. Pyra could tell.

“We broke the bed, your eyes glowed.”

She shook her head. “I remember hurting and being really aroused.”

“Yes, she was in pain and thrashing around. I tried waking her but she wouldn’t wake up so I decided to make love to her. As soon as I was in her she woke up and boom we were fucking like animals. The bed broke, and I spun us so she wouldn’t get hurt, but I did instead. She panicked, and as soon as she laid her hand on me, she healed me. Then she fell into convulsions.”

Ciyrs smiled when she covered her face with her free hand.

“Hey it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We’re all sexual creatures and you’ve just bonded. It’s natural. Though it’s concerning about how he explained everything. I want to run tests on you okay?”

“Sure, if it’ll help.”

Pyra curbed his anger and watched them interact. He knew it wasn’t anything more than platonic with them, but the way she leaned into him and relied on him when he could tell she was hurting pissed him right the hell off. She was his mate, and Ciyrs wasn’t much help. He was actually babying her. He’d never seen anything like it. Their bond was strange, and he wasn’t sure how well he’d handle it, or if he’d get used to it—anytime soon.

Chapter 4

I sat on the table—again and held my arm still while Ciyrs took another tube of blood. He was as confused as I was about these strange things going on inside of me. I felt strange and my body felt sick. I was weak and tired. I wanted to sleep but he told Pyra to keep me awake. Only Pyra was mad at me. I could feel it. Even as he sat in the chair as far away as I’d allow and talked to me, there was distrust in his voice and my heart clenched.

I didn’t like it and when I tried to hold his hand he pulled away. I didn’t think I had done anything wrong, but I was having memory problems. Maybe I had. He would barely look at me. I tried to catch his eye and when I finally did, I pleaded with him. If I could feel his anger, than he should be able to feel my sorrow.

He sighed and shook his head standing. “Are you okay with her Ciyrs?”

Her new bondee smiled and nodded. “Sure thing man, you go do what you need. She’ll be safe here.”

Her mate spun on his heel and stormed out. He’d finally gotten shorts, but his chest was bare and she watched him go and her heart ached for him.

“He can’t handle the bond sweetie. It will take time.”

“How do you know?”

“The same way you can feel his anger, I can feel your confusion and the hurt by his disregard. I know him though, he’s got a lot of things in his head, and he doesn’t handle strong emotion well.”

“I don’t like that he’s mad at me.”

“Oh baby girl, he isn’t mad at you. He’s mad at himself, and maybe even me, but not you. He doesn’t like sharing you and because of our new special bond you’re attachment here isn’t only to him. We all crave the day we’ll find our mate, and he was no different, no matter how he acted. And imagine he finds you, you complete the bond, and then technically you die. How would you feel?”

“Protective, I wouldn’t want to leave his side.”

Ciyrs shook his head. “Males are different. He wants you to need him, but right now he feels you need me more.”

“Oh,” I said and frowned.

“Be patient with him,” Ciyrs said and brushed the tear away from my cheek.

I nodded. Males were unique in their own right, but add in a whole different species and it was a whole different ball park. I didn’t expect for it to matter so much that he was upset with me. I had never really cared one way or another if a man was angry with me, but now—it was different.

He blew through the woods running at speed no one would be able to see, not the warriors or even his father. He was fast especially when he was pissed. This was different. He wasn’t even really angry. He was jealous of another person. Never before had that happened, especially not over a woman, but Eden was his. They hadn’t even mated for long enough for the bond to nestle in his soul.

Everything was unstable. He could feel how upset she was, and at that moment he had to walk away. Now that he had blown off some steam he felt like an asshole. She’d just had a seizure and recently been brought back to life. He could have been a lot more supportive, but he didn’t know how to be. She went from hating him to acceptance of their connection in what felt like a split second.

He plopped on the ground and looked over at the horizon. The rising sun usually soothed him, but the ache was too deep. He craved Eden, wanted to be right there with her, but he couldn’t trust himself now. Not to react in the right way. He worried his temper would eventually take its toll and she would end up hating him.

He heard a rustle from behind him but he didn’t bother moving. He sensed Ciyrs before he saw him. “Why aren’t you with Eden?”

He sighed and sat next to him stretching out. “Your dad is with her. She’s doing better if you care.”

Pyra growled not liking his tone. “I fucking care.”

Ciyrs shrugged. “She doesn’t understand what's going on, hell neither do I. I didn’t know how deep it would go, brother. I wouldn’t ever do anything, but I won’t lie. A part of my heart aches for her, but it isn’t in the way you think.” He groaned. “I’m explaining this all wrong. It’s almost like she is the female version of me. The softer side. It’s weird as hell, but I’ll always want to protect her, wipe away her tears, and beat the shit out her mate when he hurts her, and right now if you don’t get back to her and apologize for being an ass, I’ll do it.”

Pyra laughed. “Right, you don’t even have a fucking temper, not like the rest of us.”

“I have a temper, but I also have control,” he seethed.

“Try me, I could use a punching bag right now, and you’re the perfect target since you’re the issue.” He stood and narrowed his eyes. He needed to kick his ass, then it would all be good.

Ciyrs stood. “You have no idea do you?” He shook his head and then swung.

Pyra didn’t have time to duck and with the force of the hit, he was thrown into the tree. The bark scraped down his back and he gasped as the pain hit before he fell to the ground. “Holy shit that fucking hurt!”

Ciyrs stood looking unaffected. “Good.” There was nothing in his eyes, not even anger, but he felt the protectiveness radiating off of him. “She’s like the baby sister I lost you dumb shit. Get over it.” Then he ran and was gone.

Pyra stared at the spot his friend had stood and couldn’t hide his shock. No one ever saw the violent side of their healer. And then he felt even worse. If he would punch the living shit out of him for being an ass to Eden then he certainly had some apologizing to do. He rubbed his cheek and cringed. It hurt like a bitch, and he would never underestimate his less tempered brother.

Chapter 5

I lay on the cot moping. I listened to the King explain Pyra the same way Ciyrs had. Now I was pissed. I understood it was hard to go through this. Hell I was the one who was attacked by a damn rabid beast, died, healed, and now I had a damn seizure. I’d only been on Uoria for a short time, but it felt like a lifetime.

I was beginning to think that I should go home. I wasn’t having much luck and my supposed mate vanished. I wanted to be by myself even if it was only for a little bit, but right now no one would leave me alone. If it wasn’t one Denynso it was another. I was grateful they cared, but damn could a girl get some privacy? I needed a good cry, and I sure as hell wouldn’t do it in front of anyone.

I stood and stretched feeling a dull ache spread through my body. There was something seriously wrong. I wasn’t equipped for this. I was probably still dying or something. Shaking my head, I paced the room slowly, but even that wore me out. Light danced before me and I swayed on my feet. Shit I was about to pass out—again. I closed my eyes and stood still hoping the feeling would go away. Instead I looked up into the King’s gentle orange eyes. I felt him lift me like I was weightless and was placed on the cot. Closing my eyes I decided passing out was better than falling over every damn time I moved.

* * * *

3 months later

I woke up to see a whole slew of faces staring at me. All of them had various levels of concern in their eyes. I groaned and tried to sit up, but nothing worked. I tried to speak but my mouth was dry and it tasted like something died. A straw was placed between my lips and I sucked the water down. It tasted funny but I wasn’t about to complain. I tried to think but my head was cloudy.

The others were still staring at me, and it was making me nervous. I spit the straw out. “What?” I asked and the sound of my voice wasn’t mine. It was deep and raspy. What the hell?

“You scared the shit out of us sweetie,” Ciyrs said and knelt by me.

“Why? Did I pass out again?”

He laughed but I saw his tears. When I reached out to wipe it away my arm wouldn’t move. “Why the hell can’t I move?”

“You were in a coma.”

“I see. For how long?”

“Three months.”

I gasped. “Oh, well that might explain it, what happened?”

“My healing did a lot more than we knew. I’ll explain it once you have some time. Gyyx went to get Pyra.”

“He’s not here?”

He chuckled. “He hasn’t left your side for more than a few hours sweetie. His dad sent him home to rest. He was in bad shape.”

“Oh, okay.” I closed my eyes, but then I felt the gentle touch from Ciyrs and peeked.

“Just checking to make sure you weren’t going to fall back into your coma.”

“I think I’m good. I feel better than before.”

“You should.”

The door slammed open and warriors were shoved to the side when Pyra came in with wide eyes. Ciyrs moved without having to be shoved out of the way and Pyra dropped to his knees. Everyone else scattered to give us privacy.

He stared into my eyes with tears in his own and picked up my hands gently in his. “I am so sorry. God, I am such an asshole.”

He sounded devastated, and I wanted so badly to comfort him. “Help me sit up.”

He brought my hands to his lips and kissed my cold fingers and nodded. He lifted me like I was a fragile piece of glass. Then he sat down and I leaned against his warm body. Instantly my heart picked up and his heat warmed me. I shivered and he wrapped his arm around me pulling me onto his lap. He kissed my cheek and I felt the wetness of his tears. When I tried to lift my hand this time I was able to and I wiped his tear.

“I’m okay.”

He shook his head and sobbed holding me. I never imagined such a strong man like Pyra would be sobbing like a child, but he was. “Hey, it’s okay.”

“Are you sure?”

“I don’t feel sick or anything.”

His body shook. “Did you before, that night?”

He was referring to our last night, apparently three long fucking months ago. The night I was broken hearted for the first time over a man. Knowing I’d been out that long and knowing how much he must have suffered I couldn’t even bring myself to be angry. I thought about his question. “Yeah, I felt weak and really sick like I could fall over at any moment.” I sighed. “And apparently that’s what happened. I vaguely remember your dad catching me.”

“Yeah he did, and then you wouldn’t wake up. Nothing worked, and Ciyrs thought you wouldn’t ever wake up. All the tests showed there was nothing wrong. He’s been a wreck. He blames himself, and he made it his mission to figure out what was wrong and save you.”

“It’s no one’s fault. I guess I needed a vacation from me.”

“That’s not funny.”

“I’m sorry Pyra. I’m sorry you were mad at me, and I don’t even understand why. I’m sorry about the bond between me and Ciyrs too.”

“Don’t. None of it matters. I am the asshole—”

“Let’s just move on then.”

“You’ll forgive me that easily?”

I raised a brow. “Don’t you think the last few months have been punishment enough?”

He gulped and nodded. “It was the worst hell I’ve ever been in. They made me leave you every couple of days to shower and sleep. Otherwise I sat by you trying to find a way to wake you.”

I leaned into him and he wrapped both his arms around me. “Do you need anything?”

I shook my head. “Just you. I’m so cold, and I’ve missed you.”

He let out a breath. “God, I’ve missed you too, love. Don’t ever do that again.”

He kissed my hair and I shuddered. “I’m probably pretty gross, but I doubt I can take a shower.”

“If you don’t mind Mom helping you she offered knowing you’d probably want to get cleaned up. She’s been here every other day or so giving you a sponge bath.”

I blushed. “Oh man that’s so horrible.” I knew my hair was disgusting. “I would like that. That’s what I want, and I think the water will warm me up. My bones ache from being cold.”

“I’ll go get her.”

He lifted me back on the couch to where I could lean in the corner and not fall over and went outside. A few seconds later his mother came in smiling.

“It’s so good to see you’re awake. We were all pretty terrified.”

I nodded. I hadn’t had a chance to get to know her, but she was basically my mother in law. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

“Of course honey. You’re family, and I wouldn’t trust any of the men to do this right. They wouldn’t know what to do.” She laughed and I smiled.

She helped me to my feet and I wobbled. “How long is this going to last?”

“It could be a few days.”

My shoulders slumped as I was led to the bathroom. I moved like an old woman and when I looked in the mirror I gasped in horror. I looked horrible.

Chapter 6

Pyra waited for Eden to get cleaned up and paced around. He didn’t want to be away from her any longer than he had to be. There was too much lost time, and he was a wreck. He’d gone home and taken a shower while his mother was with her.

His mother helped her out and she smiled at him. “She’s all good to go. I told her to just holler if she needed me.”

He jumped up and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.” He took over and guided Eden to the couch. He hated how weak she was. She was rail thin and didn’t look well, but to him she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

“I feel like an old woman. Get me a walker so I don’t need help,” she said tensely.

He chuckled. His mate didn’t like to be taken care of, or needing help.

“Do you want to go home instead of staying here? Ciyrs can do the tests later.”

“I want it over with. I want to know if I’m still going to freaking glow and heal like I did.”

“I doubt it. He thinks that is what caused this, but since no healer in all of history has ever brought a human back to life we have no fucking clue.”

“I still feel different, only less sick.”

He went into panic and sat her down and rushed away without waiting for her to say anything else. Ciyrs came rushing in behind him.

“He says you still feel off?”

I glared. “I didn’t mean to go get the doctor. I meant the changes I felt before, I still feel them, but I don’t feel like I’m going to pass out or anything. I don’t feel like me though.”

Both men visibly relaxed and she laughed. “Geez calm down.”

“Eden you have no idea what it was like for us.”

“I know, I wasn’t aware of anything.”

“Well we were.”

“Fine, do your tests if you have to.”

Ciyrs took another few vials of blood and Pyra took her home. She wouldn’t be leaving his sight, and if he had to be somewhere someone would be with her. Last time he left her she went into a three month long coma.

I lay in Pyra’s bed and sipped broth from a coffee mug. It had been three weeks since I woke up and I was still too weak and everything else I ate came back up. From Pyra’s worried expression, he was about to cart me back home and have human doctors do some tests. Ciyrs still hadn’t found anything and no one would listen to me. I was fine—mostly. He hadn’t touched me sexually since that last night and I needed a release. He was so worried about hurting me, but I worried it was because I was so ugly. I couldn’t even stand to look at myself. I was a skeleton. It didn’t matter how much I tried to eat. Something in my life was missing, only I didn’t know what it was.

He came in and smiled. “How are you feeling, love.”

“The same. Come sit with me.”

He nodded and sat next to me. I was getting stronger. I climbed on his lap and laid my head on his chest. It was my favorite place to be. I felt his heart thump, and he wrapped his arms around me holding me close. I tipped my head back and looked at him.

“Kiss me.”

“It’s too soon.”

I glared. “I’ve been awake for over three weeks. When isn’t it going to be too soon for you? Have you wondered if maybe that’s what I need?”

“If that could heal you baby I would fuck you into the next universe.”

I gasped at his words and my eyes dilated.

It was then his eyes widened. “Your eyes—they’re orange.”

I felt him harden for the first time and moaned. “Kiss me, please I need you.”

I felt his resolve chipping away. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.”

He closed his eyes, and I took the opportunity to press my lips on his. He stayed still while I kissed him. I kept the pressure light and slid my tongue along his bottom lip. His hands tightened, and I smiled against his mouth. He would give me what I wanted.

I pressed my body against his and rubbed against him. “Please, please take this ache away.”

His eyes shot open. “You’re hurting?”

I sighed and gripped his hand and shoved it between my legs. I knew he’d feel the heat and wetness through my shorts. “For you. Do you not want me?”

He growled. “Of course I do.”

“Then prove it.”

His eyes flared and he set me on the bed and stood stripping. I smiled. Finally, my core throbbed. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong, but something inside of me knew if he would give me what I needed I’d start getting better.

I lifted my shirt off and wrapped my arms around myself. I didn’t like my body, but when he eyes brightened I knew he still found me desirable.

“They’re still orange. I don’t know how this is fucking possible, but you’re one of us now, or at least you’ve adopted some characteristics.”

He was stunned, and at the moment I didn’t care what the hell color my eyes were. I wanted him in me, over me, and under me.

He walked towards the bed. His eyes were feral and a wave of lust washed over me. “Hurry.”

“Lay down. I’ve got to do this right, gently. I refuse to hurt you.”

I nodded and laid down spreading my legs wide for him. He could see the proof of my arousal.

“Oh shit.” His control broke and he was on me, but when I felt his fear I rubbed his back.

“You won’t hurt me,” I whispered.

“Never.” He slid inside me so agonizingly slow I cried out in frustration and went to lift my hips but he growled. “No, we do this my way.”

I whimpered when he slid out and then slowly eased back in.

My body wanted him so badly. “I can’t wait, seriously I need you inside of me now.” Then before he realized what I was doing I wrapped my legs around him and that pushed the rest of him inside me.

I moaned and clenched tightly around him holding his cock inside of me. “See I’m fine. Actually I am better than fine. Oh god you feel so good.”

His eyes widened. “You feel—different, familiar.”

I knew what he wasn’t saying. I suddenly knew what happened. Why I was so sick. Somehow Ciyrs changed me. I was now a female Denynso. I wasn’t sure how much so but enough that my eyes were orange, and apparently my pussy felt like a female Denynso.

“I’ve changed.”

He nodded and thrust in and out of me with ease. When I showed no discomfort he calmed and sped up. It was still slow and sensual, and I held on to him tightly as he rocked into my body. My senses heightened, and I could smell his arousal and mine mixed. I moaned and cried out when I climaxed. When my pussy tightened around him he grunted and I felt him come inside of me.

He clenched his teeth and sped up to finish releasing his seed inside of me. I grabbed his face and kissed him with love. For the first time I felt it, I felt how he felt for me when we met. It all made sense. He was mine and I was his—forever. I would never let him go.

Chapter 7

News traveled fast. Pyra was still coming to terms with the fact that Ciyrs had turned his mate into one of them. They still weren’t sure how much of their genealogy she had, but it was enough that her eyes were orange and her reproductive system was like the Denynso females.

Turned out she did need him to make love to her. She was going through the mating heat as he did. It’s why she craved him and ached. Once they completed the bond for a second time, she seemed fine.

She was able to eat and was putting on some weight and almost had all of her normal energy back.

Eden spun in a circle out in the grass. Ciyrs released her from bed rest but made her promise to lie down if she felt weak and tell Pyra right away. So far her symptoms were gone.

“It’s about time. I’m out of lock down.”

He chuckled. She could be so dramatic, but he fucking loved her, and he was ready to tell her, and he knew she loved him too, but she had yet to even hint at feeling that way.

“Come here, love.”

She spun and danced toward him. He’d never seen her so girly. It was amusing and sexy all at the same time. Her cheeks were flushed and she glowed. “Come get me,” she teased and ran.

He loved the chase and narrowed his eyes until she sped faster than ever before. Then he ran and caught up to her wrapping his arm around her waist and lifting her off the ground. “Damn, did you realize how fast you were going?

She laughed. “No why?”

“You’ve picked up another characteristic.”

She grinned.

He kissed her and when she pulled back he saw tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong love?”

She shook her head. “I love you.”

He froze and glared. “That’s what I was about to say. You just stole my thunder woman.” But then he spun her around in his arms. “I love you too.”

I was changing more each day and growing stronger too. I was starting to throw up again however and that was concerning considering I had been sick for too long. I didn’t want to go backwards.

Ciyrs met us at the field. “Hey can I borrow you for a little bit, sweetie?”

I looked to Pyra first. I learned quickly that he came first and my bond with Ciyrs came second. It was a delicate balance.

He nodded. “Don’t keep her too long, I have plans tonight.”

I laughed and spun and ran into his arms kissing his lips before running to my brother because that’s what he was, though technically he was my maker. I wrapped my arms around him and he kissed my hair.

“Let’s go before you piss your mate off.”

He let go of me, but I looped my arm with his. Pyra was more bark than bite, and he’d really learned that there was nothing more than family love between me and Ciyrs. It didn’t surprise me when we went back to the infirmary.

“I want to try something,” he said and held open the door for me.

I went inside and saw one of the warriors sitting on the table shaking. He was pale and blood seeped out of a wound on his stomach.

“What happened to you?” I asked and instinct pushed me to him. My need to help took over and I lifted his shirt and gasped.


“With who?”


I froze.

He grinned. “It’s all good Eden baby, just a scratch, but it hurts like a bitch. I was hoping Mr. Healer here could help me out.”

The man in question stood back and crossed him arms. “I think Eden’s going to heal you.”

I laughed. “That’s funny, I haven’t’ shown any signs since my coma.”

“You’re changing more each day. Try again. It’s a small wound so focus and heal him. That will tell us what we need to know.”

I shrugged. “Okay but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’m probably useless to this poor guy here.”

He smirked. “I highly doubt you’re useless to anyone.”

Ciyrs growled. “Shut it, Ero.”

I grabbed a warm rag and cleaned the blood from his wound. He flinched but didn’t make a sound. I was gentle, and once the blood was gone I could see it was really just a scratch, but it was deep. I cupped my hand over it and closed my eyes focusing just like I had seen Ciyrs do. I felt my hand warm and Ero groaned. I opened my eyes and his head fell back and his lips were parted. I watched as my hand glowed green like it had before, and then his skin knit itself back together. When Ero moaned I pulled back.

“You’re all good.” I blushed when I noticed the affect the healing had on him. He blushed too and looked away covering his lap.

“Shit Eden, I’m sorry.”

Ciyrs chuckled. “It’s normal to get aroused by the healer’s touch.”

I laughed. “Pyra will hate this even more now.”

“How do you feel? Sick?”

I shrugged. “I’m fine right now.”

He nodded and Ero hopped off of the table and bolted from the room.

“He won’t come near me again for a while will he?”

“If he knows what’s good for him no.”

“It wasn’t his fault though.”

“Doesn’t matter, you’re Pyra’s.”

I glared and cocked a brow. “And you’re point is?”

“Hey it would be no different if he aroused another woman right?”

My eyes flared, and I growled stalking toward him. I wrapped my hand around his throat lifting him from the ground. “Don’t even say that.”

Then just as quickly as I felt it, the anger was gone and I let go stepping back in a panic. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”

His eyes were wide. I’d never shown any kind of temper toward him, and our relationship was the happy go lucky type. He was pretty much the only one who saw that side of me.

“What the hell was that?” He rubbed his neck.

Tears spilled down my cheek. “I don’t know.”

Then I ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents in my stomach. For the next hour I lay with my face against the tile and growled anytime Ciyrs tried to help me. I’d hurt him, and I was literally sick over it. What was I turning into?

Chapter 8

Pyra pounded on the door, but she ignored him. He knew she was okay because he heard her sobbing and that actually scared him more. “Love open this damn door now!”

“Go away!” she yelled back.

He sighed and went to talk to Ciyrs. His friend was shaken up. When Ciyrs called for him he ran in a panic thinking something horrible had happened. Every time he was away from her he feared she would slip back into a coma. When he found out that she freaked out about a comment Ciyrs had said, he couldn’t help but chuckle. A female, especially his female who already had a temper, didn’t mess around when it came to their mates. He’d found that out when he made a comment about how he used to sleep around. His nuts still ached anytime he thought about her reaction.

“You shouldn’t have teased her.”

“Yeah well, she’s never been violent towards me, and she’s still sick. I want to test her blood again. What if this is her way of rejecting the change?”

Pyra paled. He hadn’t thought of that. “I’ll get her.” He stormed down the hall and slammed the door open. What he saw stopped him in his tracks. She was asleep on the cold, hard floor. Without thinking he scooped her up and carried her shivering body out of the bathroom. She reeked of vomit, but he didn’t care. He laid her on the table. “I’ll be back.”

Then he disappeared. He went to the main house and found his mother. “Mother.”

She looked up from her breakfast and her smile fell from her face as soon as she saw him.

“Is she okay?”

He ran his hands over his Mohawk. “She healed one of the other warriors today. Ciyrs said something triggering her temper and she nearly choked him out. After she realized she hurt him, she freaked out and was in the bathroom throwing up again.”

He didn’t notice his mother’s eyes light up. She wiped her face and pushed her plate up and stood. She was always so poised. “Go back and wait for me.”

He nodded knowing not to question her.

When he came back, Eden was awake and her puffy eyes shined with tears. “I’m horrible. How could I have hurt him?”

“It’s okay love, I’m sure he’s over it by now.”

“I know you didn’t mean it, sweetie,” he said and kissed her forehead.

She sniffled. “I’m so fucking emotional, it’s ridiculous. I’m never like this, and I never have been.”

“That’s because you are carrying my son’s child—my grandchild,” his mother said as she walked into the infirmary. Silence followed his mother’s announcement.

Ciyrs smacked his head. “Why the hell didn’t I think of that?”

“Simply because you’re not a woman.”

He hurried away to use some of the blood to test her for pregnancy.

“That’s why I’m so sick—and mean?”

His mother laughed. “Honey I hate to say this but you’re usually mean. It’s the teary, sappy emotions that are new.”

Eden laughed and shook her head. “Thanks for that.”

“Anytime. You fit in well here. You were made to be one of us. We simply didn’t know it was possible, and who knows maybe it isn’t.”

“So I’m probably a fluke?”

“It’s quite possible you are. But we are blessed and thrilled to have you here with us. You’re a wonderful daughter.”

Eden burst into tears again and Pyra cringed. He didn’t know what to do with tears. Anger, sure was easy, but her being upset riled him up. Made him want to hit something to fix it, but it wouldn’t work with the sad stuff.

They waited impatiently for the test to be done. A pregnancy test by blood took a bit longer, but when Ciyrs came back he beamed. “By god we got it. Congratulations, you’re going to be parents.”

Eden paled. “Of what though?”

“Who knows, but Denynso is apparently quite dominant, and since you’re one of us now, I would assume your baby will take after our genes. We won’t’ know until birth though.”

Eden looked towards the Queen, “What’s pregnancy like for you?”

“Much like yours really. Only seven months instead of nearly ten.”

“That could be a blessing,” Eden replied and rubbed her belly. He stared at her hand and she froze. “Are you okay?”

He shook his head and gazed at his mate. She was carrying his child, and she was more Denynso than human now. He never imagined his life would turn out like this, and now he was going to be a dad. Was he ready to take on a baby that could very possible be more temperamental than the both of them combined? Probably not, but he sure as hell wouldn’t change it. She smiled at him and his heart melted further, she was perfect.

“I’m good love,” He lifted her hand and laced their fingers. “Let’s go home.”

She nodded and yawned. “I am tired.”

Instead of waiting for her to stand he lifted her and carried her out of the infirmary.

When he got home she walked in and stopped looking around. “I’ve actually finally begun to think of this place as home. I don’t know if I would ever want to go back to Earth now. I wasn’t happy there, and even though I loved my job, I hated my boss. I didn’t have any friends, and my family left much to be desired. I’m more at home here than I ever have been anywhere. I think it was fate.”

He stood behind the love of his life and wrapped his arms around her. He thought so too. Things were about to change, and he needed to work with the others to secure their compound. In seven short months the start of the new Denynso generation would be born. He didn’t want his child living the way he and his brothers did. It was time for a change, and he was going to make sure it happened or he would die trying. Noting else mattered now. Just his new family.

(To be continued in Part III… )

Book 3 – Wanted by Gentle Alien

Chapter 1

He swung his fist against the bag and it broke apart. The sand spilled to the ground in a cloudy pile of dust. He bent at the knees and braced his hands on his knees breathing heavily. For the past several days he felt like he was going crazy. Never before had his emotions been so palpable, and he found he didn’t like it.

He always gave the brothers a hard time about their temper and had prided himself on being in control of his own. Now though, he felt no better than Pyra when he was pissed that Eden spent time with him. Hell, he understood how hard it was for him, but it wasn’t something he could control.

Now Pyra was even more protective. Eden was carrying his child and no one really knew what that entailed. She was the first human turned Denynso, and she was also about ten weeks pregnant now. He had been running tests, and so far everything seemed normal. He refused to lose her. She was his sister. It was almost like she was the other half of his soul, like a twin, only closer.

He spun and slammed his fist into the other bag and that’s all it took for the seams to split. Sweat poured from his skin and his palms were sweaty. Violence wasn’t his thing.

“Ciyrs, what the hell brother?” Pyra asked and looked at him curiously.

His body shook and for a second he swore he saw everything in orange, but that was impossible, none of the females here were his mate. Shaking his head his vision went back to normal and he focused on his friend’s words.

“I felt angry.”

Pyra laughed and looked between both ruined bags. “I’d fucking say you did. What happened? You never get mad.” Then his eyes widened and he panicked. “Is everything okay with Eden?”

“Yeah, she’s not why I’m pissed. In fact she’s doing great, though be careful she’s getting emotional.”


“Pregnancy hormones I guess. Our kind only gets mean. Apparently humans cry—a lot.”

He chuckled. “Eden doesn’t cry.”

Ciyrs cringed. “She does now. Seriously be careful. Don’t be mean or too sweet. She’ll cry.”

Pyra shook his head still not believing him. “Okay so if it isn’t Eden, why the hell are you so emotional?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been having strange dreams, and then I’m not really sleeping. I’ve been on edge all week, and I don’t know why. I do know I don’t like it. I’m not a warrior, I’m a healer. It’s important I stay centered. But my power is on the fritz too. Ero, of course came in today after another fight with a Klimnu and I healed him, but then my temper flared, and here I am.”

Pyra smiled. “And it feels like you want to kill everything?”

Ciyrs frowned. “Yes.”

“You’re mate is either here or coming. I swear that’s how I felt before Eden showed up. For a few days before, and then when she was here I got a hard on that wouldn’t go away, no matter what I fucking did. That’s how you’ll know she’s here brother, and it sucks now. The built up anger rages uncontrollably. You remember all the fights I got into? Even it scared me, and I’m probably the most temperamental of us all.”

He shook his head. “That’s not real reassuring Pyra, but I don’t think I’m feeling the same thing you did. I don’t know if I will have a mate, ever.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know how my connection to Eden has changed that either. I thought it was maybe because of our bond, but I don’t get angry after seeing her. I actually feel a lot more at peace.”

“You’ll figure it out. You’re the brains around here.”

“I hope so and soon; I can’t keep doing this. I don’t like how it makes me feel afterwards.”

“Well let me know when you start feeling the way I did. And I guess my work out is pointless now. You’ve ruined my favorite equipment.” He chuckled and sped from the room leaving Ciyrs alone.

Ciyrs left the gym and sped to the infirmary. It was basically his home, and he’d been spending more and more time there trying to figure out how he had turned Eden. The baby she carried would be his godchild, and he wanted to make sure she was alright. And, that there wouldn’t be any more surprises.

After calming down he decided to call it a night and go home for a change. It had been nearly a week since he last saw his own bed. The Klimnu attacks were getting more violent. They were more organized, and the warriors were doing their best to keep them at bay, and getting injured in the process. No one could figure out how they were getting onto the compound.

There had to be an access somewhere they weren’t seeing, but King Criea wasn’t having any luck with the others of their kind. Ciyrs knew there were other clans of Denynso, different races so to speak, but they had always stayed segregated from each other. They were all very territorial, and there were boundaries no one would cross. The leaders were talking about alliances but nothing had been set in stone. Apparently, it was only his compound that had been breached so far, and the others didn’t want to take the chance of the Klimnu finding their compounds. It was understandable, but still didn’t make sense for them not to work together.

Ciyrs sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. Suddenly his eyes flared orange and he hardened painfully. He gasped and instinctively gripped his cock and sucked in a breath. He hadn’t had an erection like this for—longer than he liked to think about. He gripped himself and moaned. Yep he was definitely going home. But Pyra’s words ran through his minds. If his warrior friend was right, he’d stay this way until he mated.

For the first time in weeks Ciyrs smiled. If Pyra was right, he’d be meeting his mate. He’d finally have the one thing he craved more than anything in the world.

Chapter 2

I sat with my shoulders hunched over. As much as I wanted to do my articles, meeting the famous Denynso was still nerve wracking. I’d heard so much about them, and now I was going to their home… Uoria. On a normal basis I was the type of woman who stayed to myself. I had firm control over all of my emotions and wasn’t a people person, unless it was for the job.

I rode the ship and my knee bounced nervously. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I sighed and pushed my hair from my face and adjusted my glasses. Soon I’d meet the King and Queen of the compound.

The pilot came back and smiled. “It’s about landing time Miss Eliana.”

“Thanks,” I replied keeping my eyes lowered. Then I held on tight to the arm rests as the ship descended to the ground faster than I would have liked. My heart raced and I felt it in my throat. The flying part was okay, the landing not so much. I broke out in a sweat and swore.

When the ship hit the ground softly and shuddered to a stop I let out the breath I had been holding.

I stood and braced my hand on the chair as I regained my equilibrium. My latest email let me know I would be escorted by the warrior named Pyra. Everyone back home had heard of him. He was sort of legendary everywhere. I knew he was huge, and that he was newly mated to a scientist named Eden.

I jumped when the ship door slid open and chuckled. I clearly needed to get my nerves under control. Taking a deep breath I stepped down carrying my travel bags. It was dark and the sky was an amazing shade of blue with a mix of violet. Stars filled the sky and the scent of fresh grass filled my senses. The air was so clean, not like back at home where every corner carried a different stench.

Naturally, I wasn’t paying attention and ran into a hard wall of muscle. I looked up and up some more until my head tilted back painfully. Orange eyes stared down at me with a smirk. “Crap you're freakin’ huge,” I said without thinking.

The man’s mouth crooked up into a smirk. “And you’re tiny as can be, woman. You must be Eliana?”

I would have been offended, but I couldn’t deny how small I looked. Compared to him I was like an infant. “Yeah, and you must be the famous Pyra.”


“Yep, you’re a legend back home.”

He shrugged. “Well, I guess that’s a compliment then. The king and queen have been anxious about your arrival. You’re doing a story about us? To make us more appealing to your kind?”

I giggled. “A series of stories, articles about what it’s like here. Your King and Queen seem very determined to mix our species and helping each other out. It’s a win-win really. I am a damn good writer so this will be a success.”

“Well let’s go.” He gripped my bags and smiled. “My mate has been complaining I’m not a gentleman. If only she could see me now.”

“I’ll be sure to tell her.” I said deadpanned. Here was this big giant of a man and he was worried about what a woman thought of him. It surprised me. I’d heard of his reputation, and it wasn’t how he seemed to me. He seemed like a happy man who wanted his mate’s approval.

“Thanks, it’s important that she knows I’m sweet right now. She’s carrying my child.” He beamed and I was taken back. This was the first I’d heard of a pregnancy.

“Whoa, that’s—uh great. Congratulations.”

He frowned. “I shouldn’t have told a complete stranger that. I’m just happy, and you’re a reporter no less. Shit.”

“I won’t tell, and let’s just say that was off the record until you want to go public Earth-bound?” I smiled trying to reassure him.


Something in his eyes pleaded with me. “Yes, my lips are sealed.”

He nodded and led me down a long path to a giant house. It was beautiful and grand. Better than any house I’d ever seen in my life. I’d grown up in the ghetto and now the crummy apartment. Journalism didn’t pay well, not yet. I had no regrets though. I would starve just to be able to write every day of my life.

Suddenly my escort was thrown back and another man tackled him slamming his fist into Pyra’s face. Pyra didn’t stay down long and he held the other man close with his arm around his neck.

“Ciyrs, what the fuck?”

His eyes glowed orange, but only for a second as he locked gazes with me. I gasped and felt my panties dampen. What the hell?

The man literally growled. “Mine,” he roared and tried to break free.

Pyra laughed and held him tighter. “Calm the fuck down. Do you even need to freak out right now? Think of Eden you douchebag.”

The other man named Ciyrs, instantly calmed and nodded, his eyes changed from orange to a color I couldn’t make out in the dark.

“Sorry,” he muttered and then he looked away from me. Pyra let him go and he sped off, so fast I didn’t really see him go. He was nothing but an amazingly fast blur.

Pyra rubbed his jaw and frowned. “Well that was unnecessary, but fucking funny. I called it.”

I stared at him confused and he shook his head. “You’ll understand soon. Very soon indeed.”

He continued walking to the house slowly. As he said that, the other man came back looking a lot calmer than he was and glared at Pyra. “Go back to Eden, I got this.”

Pyra smiled and nodded. “It’s nice to meet you shorty, and remember your lips are sealed.” His smiled widened when the other man’s eyes flared with anger and he fisted his hands. “See ya around.”

“Thanks,” I replied and cocked my head to the side to look at the heaving chest of the other man.

His hand gripped my chin tipping it back to meet my eyes. His touch was electrifying and I shivered.

“You’re lips are sealed for what?”

I figured he knew so I shrugged. “The new generation. He slipped. I promised I wouldn’t write about it.”

“I see.” He stared at me with such intensity I gasped. There was something about him. He was perfect. His voice vibrated along my skin, sending shivers down my spine to the front of my body and settling in the space between my legs.

Chapter 3

So the fucker was right. Ciyrs was on his way home when he passed Pyra walking with the smallest woman he’d ever laid eyes on. She was at least a foot and a half shorter than him, and his eyes flared orange and a rage so deep and strong, one he’d never felt before took over when he heard her speak. She was with Pyra and even though rationally he knew Pyra was with Eden, a beast inside of him snapped. She wasn’t supposed to be around any other males.

Before he knew what he was doing he attacked the cocky warrior and slammed him to the ground, but even in a rage Pyra still out maneuvered him.

He kept his finger on her chin but she still couldn’t meet his eyes. “What’s your name beautiful?”

Her eyes widened and she licked her lips. His eyes followed the movement and he raged harder wanting her so badly.


Her voice came out as a mere whisper, and she stared at him in confusion.

He rubbed his thumb gently along her jaw before letting go. “I’m Ciyrs, and I apologize about that. I’m usually not so—violent.”

She laughed. “Isn’t that kind of a Denynso trait?”

“I have more control.” He let go of her chin and scrubbed his hand down his face and sighed. “Normally.”

“I see, so what’s changed?”

“We need to take you to see the leaders. They are watching right now—with amusement I might add.” He changed the subject. It wasn’t the right time to tell her. She had just gotten here, and he wanted to give her a moment to get used to the changes.

She glanced around him and her eyes widened. “Are you all giants?”


“Well, I’m not going to fit in well then.”

He scanned her body. She was tiny, thin, and short. Her breasts were perfect and so was she. “You’ll fit in fine.”

He led her to the house and climbed the stairs not bothering to hide his apparent erection. He was in too much pain to care.

“What happened to Pyra?” the king asked.

“I sent him home to Eden.”

“I see.”

“Sorry about my—display.”

Criea laughed and clapped him on the back. “We’ve been there, son. It’s fine. Let’s meet our newest family member shall we.”

She didn’t say anything as she stood staring at them. She followed him inside and he felt her gaze burning into his back. All he wanted to do was strip the clothes from her body and make love to her. This was out of control. He had control. Losing it was unacceptable.

He pulled out a chair and gestured to Eliana to sit and she smiled timidly at him. Without a word she sat in the chair. He could already sense her. He could hear her heart race as if it was his own. He refrained from touching her and sat in the other free chair. The king and queen stared at him and then his lovely queen smiled. “I see.”

That’s all she needed to say. Everyone knew, and now maybe he wouldn’t have to be so apologetic. It was fucking unreal how much he wanted to hurt someone.

“It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Conner.”

She cleared her throat. “Oh it’s Miss actually, I’m not married, but I would prefer no formalities. I’m Eliana.”

“Very well, you may call me Criea if you wish. This is my mate Thiea.”

“It’s nice to meet you both. It’s an honor to be here really. I can’t wait to learn about your culture.”

“You know there are some things that must be left out correct?”

“Yes, every article will come to you first before I send it back. I won’t print anything without your approval.”

“Very good. Now you’ve met my son and our residential healer.” He gestured toward Ciyrs. There are many more, but you must be careful, and I’d like to assign you a guard. We’ve had some—security issues.”

“I’ll do it.” Ciyrs said.

“You’re not a warrior.”

He clenched his teeth. “But I can protect her. I have something the others don’t.”

She didn’t say a word, but her eyes stayed on his.

“If that is satisfactory to Eliana, then fine, but she will be assigned a warrior as well.”

He growled and slammed his hands on the table. “I don’t need anyone to fucking guard her.”

The king smirked and he paled.

“Oh dammit, I’m so sorry. This is getting out of control.”

“On a normal basis I would have thrown your ass to the ground Ciyrs, but because I understand what you are going through that’s your one and only free pass. Do not let it happen again.”

He nodded and licked his lips. “Yes sir, I apologize.”

“Very well. Take Eliana to her cabin so she can get settled.” He turned to her and smiled. “If you leave the cabin, you have to be accompanied until we fix our issue. I apologize for not giving you a fair warning throughout emails, but I was afraid you’d change your mind about coming.”

She smiled. “I understand and I have no problem with being guarded by Ciyrs.”

He nearly groaned with how she spoke his name. He couldn’t wait to hear her scream it.

“Even though he isn’t trained like the warriors?”

She shrugged. “He seems very capable of protecting me, and for some reason I trust him. So I’m good.”

The king leaned back satisfied, and Ciyrs wanted to beat his chest. She trusted him already. He smiled and nodded at her. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I know,” she replied.

In that moment time stood still and the air thickened with her scent. She smelled sweet and spicy all at once. He could also sense her need to be accepted. She was like him. She held back too. His mate was strong and controlled.

Chapter 4

My breath caught and time stood still. His eyes glowed orange again, and I found myself lost in the depths. There was something so powerful about the way he looked at me. I felt something in my heart. It was trying to tell me something. But I looked away. The thing I craved so badly would never happen. My whole life I knew a life alone would be inevitable. I was destined to live solo. That’s what my mom told me right before she left me.

I looked away and took a deep breath stopping the tears before they filled my eyes. I wasn’t weak, and I certainly wasn’t going to cry in front of them. I plastered a smile on my face.

“I’m actually really tired if you don’t mind.”

The king stood and laughed. “Of course, we really have no idea what the trip is like.”

“Long,” I said and kept my smile.

“Okay well, meet with me when you are feeling better, and you can give me a run down on what your plans are.”

“Sounds great, thank you.”

Ciyrs led me from the house with his giant hand on my lower back. His heat burned my skin. He kept quiet as he led me down a dirt path. We passed others and all of them stopped to stare, but then their eyes widened and they moved on. It didn’t take long for me to figure out what was going on.

He was protective of me for some reason. It almost seemed like he was possessive. That didn’t make sense though. I’d just met him.

“You’ll love it here,” he said and smiled. “There’s a lot you’ll be able to write about.”

I nodded and stepped closer to him to see what he’d do. He wrapped his free arm around my waist and his fingers dug into my hip. I didn’t have a lot of meat on my bones and I gasped.

He let go and sighed. “Sorry, I have to remember you’re small.”

“Is that bad?”

“No, you’re delicate and need to be handled with care. I like that—a lot.”

I lowered my eyes nervously, but I couldn’t ignore the bulge in his pants. He was big everywhere. I’d never been with a man ever. I couldn’t imagine being able to handle someone like Ciyrs, but oh I would love to try. He did funny things to me.

He gripped my hip again, but this time kept his fingers loose. We didn’t talk. The silence was comfortable as he led me down a different path.

“The cabin up here is empty. It was Eden’s when she first came, but she didn’t stay long before she mated with Pyra.”

“It happens fast for your species then? Mating I mean?”

“I guess so, besides the king and queen, Pyra was the first to mate. It’s new for us really. We’re all envious of Pyra and hope that by combining our kinds, more of us will find our loves. It’s the most important thing in our lives, especially now that we know it’s possible to mate with humans. Though Eden isn’t anymore.”

“She isn’t what?”

He stopped. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

I grabbed his hand. “I won’t tell.”

“She died, got attacked and I tried to heal her, instead I had to bring her back to life. Apparently doing that turned her into one of us, and she and I are connected too, but only like brother and sister. She’s able to heal now as well.”

I felt an anger I’d never felt before. I didn’t like hearing about him having a connection with another woman. Jealousy clouded my features, and I found my heart pounding and my hands clenched. “Oh.” I didn’t know why I was so pissed, but it was the first time in a long time I’d been angry. He felt me tense up and rubbed my hip.

“What’s wrong?”

I shook my head shutting the anger off. “Nothing. So you can turn humans then?”

“I don’t know. It’s the first time it ever happened, and we don’t know if it was a fluke or something I’ll always be able to do.”




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