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Billionaire's Stripper: A Billionaire's Virgin Romance by Posey Parks, Shantee Parks (3)



I never lied to my father before. However, I told him I was working at a computer software company. Luckily, I have a full college scholarship. The stripper job would allow me to pay his medical bills. I couldn’t believe I, Lydia Rena Carmichael, was going to become a stripper.

My cousin Karena who grew up around the corner from me, turned me onto the idea of stripping. She said with my cute face and body I would do well. Her body is stacked. Voluptuous breasts, tiny waist, big ass, and thick thighs. Her dark chocolate complexion gains her the attention of the high rollers. She’s willing to go farther then I’d ever be willing to go. There was an older customer who’d give her ten stacks just for sucking his dick in the parking lot.

Once she met Bryce she was able to get off her knees. She said she didn’t mind sucking dick, but she wouldn’t allow every man to fuck her. Not sure what Bryce said to her because he gets the royal treatment. You can look into his eyes and see he likes her a little more then he’d like to admit. Her high cheek bones, slanted eyes, and long jet-black hair have several men hypnotized. She’s like me mixed, black and Cherokee Indian.

I have jet black hair too, but I chose to color it blonde just to switch it up a bit.

Karena taught me a few routines before my audition. I did well. They hired me on the spot. My first night on the job, my nerves were out of whack. I felt the acid rising in my throat. My eyes scanned the crowd. The hungry stares were hard to accept. My thoughts became consumed with why I was stripping, to help my dad. The second I focused on the goal, each night became a little easier.

The money I was raking in was definitely helpful. Soon, my father’s medical bills were almost under control. I moved into my own apartment. A place of serenity and refuge from the world. If I was able to, I’d sit in my apartment, listen to music and day dream what it would be like to sit and have coffee with my mother. Sometimes I imagine how great a grandmother she would have been to my future children. I doubt I’ll ever get over the loss of my mother.

Listening to the lecture in finance class, I take notes on my laptop while my recorder records my professor’s words. It’s important I don’t let my thoughts slip thinking about Hayden. I don’t need a man disrupting my education. I have to stay on track. I graduate with my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in June. Immediately I begin the MBA program in the fall. Glancing at my watch, I realize I have three more classes. Then I’m done for the day.


Walking toward my red Honda Accord Coupe, I glance over my shoulder.

I smile. “Hey Curtis! How are you?”

“I’m good. Did you understand the lecture in Finance today?”

I pointed toward my backpack. “My recorder recorded all the gibberish. I’ll read the chapters this week before the test Thursday.” I unlocked the driver side door.

“Let me get that for you.” Curtis removed my backpack from my shoulder, opened the door, placing my bag on the back seat.

“Thanks Curtis. That bag is heavy.”

“If you wouldn’t walk so fast after class I would carry it for you.”

I smirked. “Thanks. I need to get some studying in before I go to work.”

He smiled. “Can I take you out Saturday?”

“Curtis, you are sweet. But, I need to focus on school.”

I grabbed his hand holding it tight. “Thank you, for always thinking about me. I don’t mind hanging out as friends, but nothing more. Maybe we can study next week for Physics.”

Lowering his chin, he frowned. “I would always think about you Lydia.” A bitter smile took his lips.

The hairs stood on my arms. Curtis is nice, but I’m not interested in dating him. He is attractive. However, right now, I can’t get Hayden out of my head. It wouldn’t be fair to Curtis to go out on a date, knowing he wants more.

He rubbed his dark brown clean-shaven chin. “Alright, Lydia. We can study next week just as friends.”

Excitedly, I pulled him into a hug.

“Thanks, for understanding.”

He held me longer than I intended. Slowly, I pushed back from him. Sometimes, Curtis makes me feel uncomfortable.

“See you later Curtis.”

“Bye, Lydia.”

On my drive home, I remembered back to my work shift last night. Not that I was looking for Hayden, but I didn’t see him in the club. Ok, I admit, I looked around the club for him a little. He said he would be there every night. Who was I kidding? I knew I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. Its all for the best that I forget about him.

After studying for two hours, I took a nap.

I stood gazing out the oversized window, watching cars speed down Ponce De Leon. I smiled then darted out the door to work.

“Hey Maurice!”

“Scrumptious, how you doing tonight?” he asked, opening my car door.

“I’m good,” I replied passing him my car keys.

The night air ripped through me. I wore a sweat shirt, leggings, and black Ugg boots; my usual attire.

“What kind of crowd are we looking at tonight?”

“Much like last night. A celebrity and his entourage asking for all the best strippers at his table.”

I smiled. “Great, thanks Maurice!”

“You know I got you Scrumptious.”

Maurice works valet and is one of the club bouncers. I work at Make It Rain strip club. The best strip club in the country. We are often riddled with Celebrities. They think because they are famous rules don’t apply to them. I try not to bend over in their faces, because too many times my pussy was licked by a drunk ass celebrity. The bouncers kick them out. They vow to never come back, then return a couple of weeks or a month later. They always return.

After swinging around the pole upside down, I flipped off, doing the splits against the stage floor. The purple strobe lights danced over me, reflecting against my purple thong bikini. The boss informs us who we will dance for before we hit the stage. Usually the first table of our shift is the money table. I wear a bikini to match the color-coded table tent. The customer feels special, usually gets me a nice tip.

Tonight’s celebrity wasn’t as bad as the one last night. Slapping my ass, I can handle, but man handling me, pulling me down on their lap, grinding their dicks against my ass pisses me off. I danced and socialized with the celebrity for an hour. We usually dance, talk, and serve champagne until they are drunk. That’s how we make good money off celebs.

I took a quick break at the bar, slamming down a cup of water.

Someone tapped my arm. “Scrumptious.” I turned toward the voice.

“Hey, Cherry!”

“Hey, girl. There is some dark and mysterious guy sitting in the back corner. He’s asking for you.”

“Ok, thanks Cherry.”

It’s nothing new. Repeat customers often ask for me, but usually don’t sit in the back corner of the club.

Slowly, I strutted in my silver glitter stilettos toward the mysterious man hiding behind dark gold frame aviator sunglasses and a black baseball cap. Leaning forward slightly in the smoke-filled club, I recognized those sexy slender lips. I stopped in my tracks. My heart plummeted to my feet.

Hayden rose, pulling me toward him. This man, shit, is going to kill me. I’m so nervous right now, I hope he can’t see I’m shaking.

He sat leaning back against the long black booth bench, pulling me onto his lap.

My fingers breezed through my long blonde hair. “Hayden, what are you doing here?”

The devilish smile curled his lips. “I told you I would be here every night until you went on a date with me.”

I folded my arms. “Well, you missed a night. You weren’t here last night.”

He smiled again. “You were looking for me?”

“No!” It’s just...I would know if you were here. I covered every inch of this club last night.”

“It’s ok baby. You don’t have to admit you were looking for me.” His hand slid up and down my shaky arm.

Sitting up straight, he leaned into my ear. “I was here beautiful. I was sitting right here, watching that pig celebrity Stacy Dean slap your ass, kiss your ass cheek, then tried to finger fuck you in front of his entourage.”