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Black Obsession (A Kelly Black Affair Book 3) by Thomas, C.J. (4)



“G o, Kelly, I’ll take it from here,” Giselle said as she pushed me away .

Glancing over my shoulder I saw her stretch her arms out wide, making a barrier between me and the swarm of media that buzzed in our wake .

Walking briskly to my car, I felt like I could breathe again. Giselle did a fantastic job holding them off, allowing me a clean escape .

Blowing out a heavy breath, I couldn’t believe it .

First, I was set up. And now the media ?

Grinding my teeth, I hated to even think that Madam was behind any of it. But once the seed was planted, it sprouted and started to branch out into a thought more believable. It had her brilliance written all over it, coated with her manipulation .

With my car in sight, I was glad that I had chosen to drive my Audi TT. Out of all the cars in my fleet, its window tints were the darkest. And it was that secrecy that I needed most today. Making it all but impossible to see inside, I could retreat back to my quarters and come up with a game plan on how best to repair the damage already done .

My feet hurried over the pavement and all I could think about was how everything in my life started to go wrong the day Madam called Oscar to get him to convince Mario to accept Colin Cobbs’s representation .

Since then, Mario had pleaded down, I’d nearly lost Kendra, and now I had to face a possible trial myself. Adding it all up, it was enough to send fire out of my ears .

Reaching for the door handle my heart skipped a beat, surprised to find it unlocked. Without thinking too much into it, I knew that I needed to confront Madam in person, to look her in the eye when I carefully accused her of bringing the firestorm of media down upon me .

This was all fucked up. None of it made sense. And the media was one part of the equation that really threw me for a loop. Madam and I were supposed to be in this together and, yet, our plan to convict Stone was unraveling quicker than I ever could have anticipated .

With one leg inside, I began to lower myself into my seat only to come to a complete stop when I saw two beautiful eyes sparkling up from the passenger seat floor. “Shit. What are you doing here ?”

Kendra smiled. “Not the response I was expecting .”

I sighed, knowing that deep inside I was thrilled to find her here .

“I heard you were arrested .”

Lifting my head, I looked back to where I’d come from. Giselle wasn’t going to be able to hold the group off much longer and I knew the clock was ticking against me .

“I needed to see you.” Her slender arms reached out, calling me closer .

Falling inside, the car sank on its wheels with my weight and I immediately shut the door. “Bella. ” My cock twitched at hearing me say her pet name. “You shouldn’t be here .”

“I called you,” she mewed. “You didn’t answer .”

“I was kind of busy.” My left hand fell to the steering wheel, my fingers curling over the grip .

“As soon as Giselle told me, I came.” Her body lifted off the floor from which she was crouched on and I held up my hand, having to put a stop to it before someone could see. “They told me you weren’t here .”

Pain lined my face. I could only imagine the terror going through her head as she learned of my arrest. After the week we’d just gone through, the rain seemed to keep pouring buckets with no end in sight. Reaching over the center console, I took her hand between my fingers and brushed the promise ring I’d given her with the pad of my thumb .

Her eyes hooded over and, in that moment, she was the sweetest thing in the entire world .

I would remember this. Her loyalty and what she’d gone through to get here wouldn’t go unnoticed. “I’m here,” I murmured. “We’re here .”

There was a familiar glimmer in her eye. I knew that look, had seen it before. It was the same look she had on her face when I first handed her the contract I wanted her to sign. And as our eyes danced, I knew that neither one of us knew what the future held—or what might happen next—but when we were together, it didn’t matter .

Slowly, I lifted her hand and kissed the tops of her knuckles. “I’m here, Bella . You can stop worrying .”

Her lips curled upward at the corners but there was still apprehension in her shoulders .

Turning the key, the engine roared to life. “Once we’re out of the parking lot, and the coast is clear, I’ll have you come up .”

She nodded, surrendering to my command, making me hard .

I could feel her watching me as I scanned the parking lot, looking for the best route to take. Maneuvering between the rows of vehicles, I passed a couple of cop cars and avoided the reporters’ vans, keeping a keen eye out for ambushing paparazzi .

My muscles were tense, my chest tight, but my focus was on keeping my breathing steady. “We have to go to Madam’s .”

Kendra frowned .

Reaching over to take her hand, I said, “This is business. It has nothing to do with us .”

“We’re fine, right?” Her eyes rounded .

Squeezing her tender fingers, I nodded. “We’re more than fine .”

But there was something else on her mind. I could see it. The way her brows knitted to tangle the lines on her face had me pressing to know what was swirling around in that head of hers .

“What is it ?”

“You don’t remember ?”

I straightened the wheel after finally leaving the precinct parking lot and rolled to the stop sign, making a complete stand still before checking for oncoming traffic. Then I turned back to her and flashed her a questioning look .

“Your promise.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “The one you made this morning before you left .”

My heartbeat quickened as the memory of this morning sank in .

“Do you remember what you said ?”

When I blinked I could hear my words ring between my ears. I’ll take you for a nice, romantic lunch. You can drink wine, and then we can come back here and make love. Nodding, I asked, “And you’re still interested ?”

She smiled. “But I understand if you want to put it off .”

Turning my gaze forward, I sighed .

“Kelly, every fighter needs his head cleared before stepping into the ring .”

A chuckle rolled through me and when I turned to look at her, I knew she was right; my meeting with Madam—and all the problems that needed to be solved—could wait. At least until later this afternoon .

“Let me make you forget.” Her eyes were soft and round as her hand reached for me. “I owe it to you .”

Glancing into my rearview mirror I pulled my hand away, feeling empty as soon as I left the comfort of her touch. Reaching inside my jacket pocket, I pulled my ringing cell phone free .

“Hey,” I answered as soon as the caller picked up. “It’s me. Prepare me a private table for two.” I cast my gaze to Kendra. “And make it romantic .”

Then I hung up and told Kendra it was safe for her to get up from the floor. She stretched her legs out in front of her and buckled herself in. “Where are you taking me ?”

Without saying a word, my foot let up off the brake as I winked .

“Always secrets with you.” A gorgeous smile lifted her face .

“I like to think of this not as a secret, but a surprise .”

She giggled and filled my insides with warmth. Despite hating that she’d come all this way and risked being seen with me when I was most vulnerable with the media, I couldn’t deny how comforting it was to know that nothing else seemed to matter when we were together .

Punching the accelerator, we drove fast while keeping an eye for possible tails. I didn’t think that anyone was daring enough to follow me, but I didn’t want to assume that no one would, either .

We whipped around a corner, sped through a yellow light, and made another sharp couple of turns before I knew I had Kendra lost. “Are you sure you know where you’re going?” she asked .

Turning onto the main drag, I said, “If I’m not mistaken, I believe you’ve been here before .”

Her spine straightened and her neck craned as she peered out the window as we passed under the sign for Mojito .

Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she glanced at me with sparkling eyes. “You had me so confused. Is that where we’re eating ?”

Nodding, I said, “Unless you prefer we dine somewhere else .”

“No, Mojito is great .”

Reaching over, I settled my hand on her thigh just before pulling to the curb. I took an empty parking spot near the entrance, killed the engine, and immediately turned to face her. The softness of her hair through my fingers sent desire to my core and I reached out to stroke her cheek with my thumb, staring into her beautiful green eyes just before crashing my lips over her mouth .

She whimpered once our tongues touched .

With her taste intoxicating me, I deepened our kiss. She submitted to my will and sucked me in deeper. Several thrusts later, she pulled back and admitted, “Kelly, I’m happy you’re free .”

Diverting my gaze—unwilling to tell her that I wasn’t out of the woods yet—I said, “C’mon. Let’s get inside. Wes has a table waiting .”

Stepping out of the car and rounding the front of the hood, I met Kendra on the other side and eased my fingers through hers until I had her within my grasp. Leading her inside, we were quickly greeted by a young bright-faced hostess. “Mr. Black. So good to see you .”

“I called in a table.” My brows raised .

“And we have it prepared in the back.” She smiled and nodded. “Right this way .”

Kendra leaned into my arm and clamped her free hand around it. I liked the way she fit against me. I knew that I didn’t want anyone but her by my side. Together, we strode through the restaurant side-by-side as I kept an eye out for anyone who may have more of an interest in us than I thought otherwise should .

“Kelly—” Kendra angled her head up to me when she saw the red roses placed at the table .

“I want to make up for what you had to endure this morning.” A side of my face lifted into a smile .

She wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed. “I only did it because I knew that’s what you would have done for me .”

Bending my neck, I kissed her .

“Can I offer you drinks to start?” the hostess asked .

“Sparkling water for me and white wine for her .”

She nodded and left .

Guiding Kendra down into her seat, I kissed her temple. “Excuse me for a moment. I have to run to the men’s room .”

Stealing my hand, she reeled me down to her mouth. Pushing my tongue through her slightly parted lips, I pressed my muscle against hers and soaked in the brilliance that she was. And when I pulled away, I tugged on my jacket and promised to be back soon .

The murmur from the crowd in the front grew as I headed to the back restroom. Mojito was a hit, and I couldn’t stop thinking how it paid to be friends with people like Wes. Especially with the private table and flowers prepared for me on such short notice .

Entering the bathroom, I relieved my bladder then turned to the sink to wash my hands. Throwing water on my face, I debated where it had all started to go wrong .

It could have been any time during these last two weeks, or perhaps the seed that was now bearing fruit may have been planted five or six years ago. Maybe it happened before Nora’s death. Or the time Madam picked me up from my self-destruction when I didn’t know how to approach life without Nora by my side .

Staring into the depths of my dark eyes, I nodded .

If I was certain of anything, it was that Madam skewed my once rock-solid morality in favor of her more business-friendly, money-making ventures. I had been taken along for the ride, indulged in the riches and luxuries it brought. And now I wasn’t sure I could ever go back .

Splashing more cold water on my face, I wanted to wash the feelings of betrayal away and concentrate on only being with Kendra—for she was the light at the end of this dark tunnel. It was up to me to give her the afternoon I’d initially promised .

But I didn’t know who to trust .

When the door opened, I nodded to the other gentleman before drying my face and hands. Then I left, moving through the restaurant to find Kendra staring down at the roses, patiently waiting. “Sorry to keep you waiting .”

When she looked at me, her smile faded into the deep lines of concern that crossed her face. I knew she could see it—see the stress that kept my heartrate irregular. Lifting her hands up from under the table, she placed her palms up and slid her arms to my side of the table. “Take my hand, Kelly .”

I stared at her tiny, feminine hands for several seconds before finally letting my own hands drift down into hers .

“I want to take it away.” Her voice was quiet, sincere .

Nodding, and without saying it, I knew she knew what it was I was feeling. The darkness inside me tearing me apart. And I also knew how she could take my mind off of the problems that consumed my thoughts through what I wanted to do to her .

“I apologize for interrupting,” Wes’s voice said from behind. “Good to see you, Kendra .”

Kendra angled her head up to Wes and smiled. “You too, Wes .”

Wes leaned in and kissed her cheek. Then he said, “Mind if I steal Kelly away? I promise it won’t be more than a few minutes of your time .”

Her shoulders drooped as she reluctantly agreed .

Standing, Wes slapped my back and clamped his fingers around my neck. “Can’t wait to hear what the fuck happened,” he said close to my ear .

He led me to the far corner of the bar where two seats were always waiting. They were his seats. The ones kept in reserve for whatever particular guest he was in need of talking with. Today, it just so happened to be me .

Settling in, the bartender quickly placed a bourbon on rocks in front of Wes. Wes nodded and turned to me, red with anger. “You were fucking arrested ?”

“It’s bogus .”

“Bogus? From what I saw, it didn’t seem bogus.” The pulse in his neck ticked up another degree. “Because of you, our plan to take down Stone is now in jeopardy.” He turned his head and sipped his drink .

“It feels political,” I mumbled straight ahead .

“Then how can you explain Mario? A plea?” His eyes squinted as his jaw ticked. “And what’s next with Stone?” He tipped his head back, staring into me. “If it all falls apart because of your own stupidity, then we’ll be back to square-one with Madam flooding the market and having illegal drugs corrupting our city and destroying our people .”

“Wes,” I leaned forward and dropped my voice, “you’re not listening. I’m convinced this is a set-up.” Slowly, I locked eyes with him as I nodded. “And it might be Madam herself .”

Wes tossed back a healthy gulp as if the gravity of what he just heard was too much. “That’s funny,” he rolled his eyes back to me, “because I could have sworn that you were arrested because of her—” he pointed in Kendra’s direction, “—not Madam .”

“It’s not her,” I assured him as I took my eyes off my woman .

“Oh, no? Because I’m convinced the DA has been gunning for you ever since you stole her away. And if he can get these charges to stick, then he can go after Kendra,” Wes leaned forward, “and take any chances of you representing Stone off the table .”

Staring at Kendra, I could see Wes’s point. Without me being able to tell Oscar that I, too, wanted to see Stone put away, he thought he would have a harder time winning the case if I was to represent him. And he would, if I also wasn’t looking for a way to get him convicted. “So, what do you suggest we do ?”

Finishing his drink, he stood. “Wait here .”

“Where are you going ?”

“I need to speak with your lady.” Wes straightened his jacket .

“What about?” My heartrate spiked, not liking the idea of Wes ruining what was supposed to be a romantic afternoon with Kendra .

“Hear what she has to say about Timothy Parker.” He smiled, then turned his back and headed her way .




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