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Black Obsession (A Kelly Black Affair Book 3) by Thomas, C.J. (44)



T he elevator car slowed to a stop .

Lacing my fingers together, I extended my arms and cracked my knuckles .

Rolling my neck, I loosened my muscles, preparing for attack .

And as soon as the metal doors slid open, I stepped onto the top floor and was immediately drawn to the Parker Holdings emblem filling the wall in front of me. It was a bold sign, welcoming me to his world headquarters .

Curling the corners of my mouth into a knowing smirk, I couldn’t wait to see his face when I showed the pictures of him and his mistress. “How much is your empire worth to you, asshole?” I mumbled under my breath at the sign before turning to reception .

Sauntering up to the front desk, I pulled on my suit jacket and was quickly met with friendly eyes. She was young, attractive, and full of promise. Sadly, it was apparent she didn’t realize the man she worked for was a sexual predator and was about to be greeted with the wakeup call of his life—a story I was sure to expose to the world if Parker didn’t meet me on my terms .

“How can I help you?” her warm voice greeted me .

“Mr. Parker in?” I casually asked .

“Your name ?”

“Kelly Black .”

“Mr. Black, Mr. Parker is currently on a conference call.” She turned to her computer screen, her finger clicking on her mouse. “I’m afraid I don’t see you on his schedule.” Her brows pinched .

“That’s because I don’t have an appointment.” Slowly, I stepped around her desk, heading to the doors of Parker’s office .

“If you have a seat, I’m sure we can work you in .”

“That won’t be necessary.” I held up my hand, glancing between her and Parker’s office doors. “This won’t take long .”

She stood, openly staring at my brazen move. “Mr. Black

Barging into Parker’s office, his secretary’s voice vanished as soon as the door shut behind me. Parker stood facing the floor-to-ceiling windows and when he turned around and saw me walking toward his desk, his brows lifted. “Charles, I apologize, but I’m going to need to call you back .”

Pulling my hands free from my pockets, I picked up the framed photo he had perched on his desk. He stood in the middle, arms draped over the shoulders of his two grown children. No wife. Just the three of them, happy and smiling .

Ending the call, Parker fixed his gaze on me. “Next time make an appointment and I would be happy to have my lawyer join us .”

Setting the frame back where I’d found it, I said, “I didn’t mean to interrupt your call, it sounded important.” I pulled out the chair facing his desk and let my body fall into it. Crossing one leg over my thigh, I gave him a knowing look .

“What can I do for you, Kelly ?”

He found his way into his own chair as anger flared inside me. Not wanting to waste another minute of my time dealing with this asshole, I dove my hand inside my jacket pocket and pulled out the images Madam gave to me. Slapping them down on his desk, face-up, I didn’t need to say anything for him to get the picture .

His eyes were glued to the image on top and I swore he stopped breathing. After several long seconds of him blankly staring at it, he leaned forward and shuffled the deck, studying each photo with a careful eye. “What’s this ?”

“The next big story about to get leaked to the press.” I flashed him a bright-eyed look .

He eyed me for a second before continuing to finger his way through the stack for a second time around. There was fear twinkling in his gaze, and I liked what I was seeing. He was getting backed into the corner and the tables were turning. “Where did you get these ?”

I didn’t have to ask if it was true. If what he was doing to that woman was real. The look on his face was enough to prove his guilt. He’d done it. And, until now, I was certain he didn’t have any regrets .

Smirking, I said, “You had no chance when you came after me .”

Falling back into his chair, he turned away, rubbing his face with his hand as he did. Stealing a glance between me and the images on his desk, he finally started talking. “I didn’t want to, Kelly. I have nothing against you .”

“Are you sure about that?” My forehead pinched as I thought about the night I stole Kendra away from him .

“Anyone crazy about Kendra would have done the same.” His posture relaxed. “She’s an incredible woman. But you’re clearly the better man .”

A ball of fire spun in my gut as a possessive rage spread across my chest. I didn’t like hearing him mention Kendra by name. She was mine. He had no right to say her name. He’d destroyed any chance at me being civil when handling this. I could have lost my career, been devastated and sunk deep into a dark abyss similar to the time when Nora died. “I know about Oscar threatening you .”

He blew out a heavy breath. “I had no choice, Kelly. I couldn’t allow him to put my business under the microscope like that. Not with me about to close on my latest acquisition .”

I uncrossed my leg and dropped my foot to the floor. Leaning forward, I spun the photos around to face me. “What’s her name?” I asked, plucking the image off the surface and turning it around to face him .

He sighed. “Tonya .”

“Last name?” My brow formed a perfect arch .

“Craig.” Parker brought his elbows to the desk and held a photo of Tonya in front of his face. “Met her at Ty Lemon’s party.” His gaze flickered up to me. “I saw you there that night, too .”

“I was there.” I nodded .

“Look, Kelly.” He lowered the photo of Tonya. “I didn’t know she was a call girl until after the fact .”

“Call girl, you say ?”

“Cut the crap. Like you didn’t know .”


“On?” His expression pinched .

“Whether or not you go forward with the trumped-up assault charges you pressed against me .”

He turned his head to the window with a clenched jaw. “Who has a copy of these ?”

“Only me,” I lied .

“I can’t have this get leaked to the press .”

Spinning his desk phone around to face me, I picked up the receiver and held it out for him to take. “Then call the DA’s office. Now .”

His eyes narrowed at the phone .

“Retract the charges, and consider your secret safe .”

“Kelly, you know it’s not that easy.” He crossed his arms tightly over his chest. “If I do that, then the DA will be investigating me for financial crimes. If only out of spite. You know Oscar, he’s a dog when it comes to things like this .”

My cell started ringing inside my pocket. “Don’t worry about Oscar, he’s being handled as we speak,” I said, freeing my phone. “Keep these.” I tapped the photos of him and Tonya. “You can have the originals when I know the charges are dropped .”

Parker’s face grimaced as he watched me stand .

“Giselle,” I answered. “I’m in the middle of something. What is it ?”

“Where are you ?”

“Parker Holdings.” My eyebrows drew together. “Why ?”

“Judge Smith stopped by .”

My heart paused to take a breath. “And ?”

“I’m afraid the news isn’t good .”