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Blood Ties (The Edge of Forever Book 2) by D.C. Gambel (11)



I heaved myself awake screaming Grayson’s name while between my thighs throbbed with arousal. It was dark, but the Manhattan skyscrapers lit up the city like a night light.  I jolted when I felt a hand press against my shoulder. I would have blurred away if it weren’t for a firm arm wrapped around me. Blinking rapidly, it took me a moment to realize where I was. My vision was blurred and I realized I had tears in my eyes.

“Gaby, baby, it’s okay. You were just having a bad dream.” Grayson whispered in my ear. His voice was comforting and reassuring. It carried none of the pain and disappointment it held on the beach.

“Just a dream?” I begged, looking over my shoulder at him.

He nodded. “You want to talk about it?”

“No,” I shook my head. “Will you help me forget about it?”

He studied me quizzically for a moment before realizing my request. Picking me up he carried me to our room where he helped me forget the shame of my betrayal and reminded me that this was what was real while the other had just been a dream; a rather disturbing dream.



After a worrisome weekend where Grayson only fed from blood bags with no issue, Monday came quickly.

The early morning sun entered through the window in our penthouse apartment blanketing our bed in its golden rays. I smiled as I tried to come to terms with the fact that worrying about the sun being our enemy was behind us. Grayson and I had been careful about not letting him feed from me. We wanted to be one hundred and fifty percent sure that the effects of Saturday’s meeting were not temporary. And so far we had not been disappointed.

I laid there as Grayson’s alarm sounded, alerting us to the start of the day.

“Ugh…” He groaned, rolling over to silence the incisive screeching. Returning to his back, he looked over at me seeing the smile that was spread across my face. “I’m sorry it woke you.”

I rolled my eyes. It wouldn’t be his fault if the alarm woke me, not really. “I was already awake.”

“How long?” he asked, his fingers stroking my hip under the layers of linens.

A shiver ran up my spine. I saw Grayson’s eyes darken when he noticed. “Not long. Just laying here enjoying the sun.”

His lips pulled up on one side in a sexy smirk. “Like you’ve ever lived without it.”

I let my eyes rake over him, enjoying the sleepy look and bed hair, knowing I would be the only one to see him like this forever or at least until we had kids. That thought thrilled me, knowing, one day, that I would have a piece of Grayson growing inside of me.

“I thought I might once.”

“Gaby, you’re an immortal day walker. You’ll never have to live without the sun.”

Sensing that he didn’t understand my meaning, I repeated the comment, pressing it a little more. “I thought I might… once.”

His eyes lit up in recognition. “You thought you might, because of me?”

I shrugged. “I would have gladly given up the sun for you and spent an eternity basking in the darkness. As long as I’m with you, I’m happy.”

“I love you.” Before I could reply, Grayson sealed my lips with his. “It’s nice to know that you won’t have to suffer in darkness on my account. I guess we owe your father thanks for that.”

“And Sebastian.” The moment the words crossed my lips I regretted them. I saw Grayson’s expression shift to one of disdain even though he tried to hide it.

“Yes, I suppose we do,” he mumbled throwing back the blankets and climbing out of bed.

I was realizing that Sebastian might be a sore subject. Grayson had never witnessed me reacting the way I had towards another person before. It didn’t matter why. Grayson now had the memory permanently implanted in his mind. Stupid vampire super senses. A human mind would allow the memory to fade over time, but Grayson was no longer human.

I had convinced myself that all it was with Sebastian was sensing his powers; even though something about the notion bothered me.

I let the subject drop deciding that a change in topic was necessary. “So were you serious when you said I could work for you?”

Grayson paused in buttoning up his dress shirt. Turning, he studied me for a moment then gave me a full voltage smile. “You think I would offer you a job teasingly?” he pried with a quirked brow.

“Well…” I drew out teasing then giggled. “I just wanted to see if you were serious.”

“Then you must think that I simply offered you a job because I’m sleeping with you.” He bit his lip trying to refrain from laughing.

“Grayson,” I sighed, “you are not just sleeping with me. I’m your fiancée.”

“Ah, but you weren’t when I offered the job.” I rolled my eyes at his invasive techniques. “Yes, Gaby. The offer for the job’s still on the table.”

“Good,” I stated, rolling out of bed. I padded across the floor completely naked feeling his eyes on me the entire time. Once I had my robe wrapped securely around me, I spun to face him. When my eyes fell on him, he looked quickly away focusing absolutely too hard on buttoning his shirt. I bit my lip trying to hide the exhilaration I got when I realized he was admiring me.

Grayson cleared his throat. “So does that mean you’ll take the job?”

I waited patiently biting my lip with a wicked gleam in my eye until his gaze settled back on me. “No,” I spoke before turning to head into the bathroom. Grayson’s chuckle followed me out.



I kissed Grayson goodbye when he left for work. Not sure what to do with my unemployed self. I had spent my time since leaving Gates and Summers looking for Damien or being distracted by Shawn from looking for Damien. I went about getting ready for the day taking my time. I dressed in gray slacks and a white, silk, button up shirt.

When I had left the nest to live with Grayson, Anton had taken all my clothing and destroyed them. Grayson had taken me shopping since I had needed work attire, so that was mostly what my closet was stocked with. I had a few more casual things that Shawn and I had managed to sneak out shortly before Anton threw his tantrum. I knew I could always go shopping for more. Grayson wouldn’t mind and even if he did, I still had my own money, but I was comfortable in my professional clothing, for the most part. I had spent so much time in them it was hard not to be.

When I was done dressing I noticed the mail resting on the counter. That was when I first saw it. I didn’t normally receive mail and the fact that this didn’t appear to be a bill or junk mail piqued my interest. Tearing it open, my eyes scanned the contents causing my heart to hammer in my chest. There, written in newspaper and magazine clippings, was what could only be described as a threat. Letters were clipped in various size and colors from newspapers and magazines with an article attached. It was my engagement announcement to Grayson. I hadn’t even realized it had been released until that moment. I couldn’t even be excited about the announcement because the letter attached to it, written in large glued on letters, read,


Leave him or you will regret it.


I stared at it for what felt like hours. My first thought was Ava, but it didn’t seem her style. I thought about calling the police, but what if I was wrong and it was Ava or some other supernatural creature; the police would be of no help. Then I thought, perhaps I was simply over thinking the entire thing. What if it wasn’t a supernatural being at all? What if it was a human who maybe had an obsession with Grayson? That honestly seemed like the lesser of all the evils. We were vampires after all. I smelled it but didn’t catch a familiar scent so I crumbled up the letter and threw it away. I didn’t need anyone else threatening my relationship with Grayson. I had had enough of that with Anton. Things were finally going to be normal for us or as normal as they could be with being day walking vampires and I didn’t want anything to ruin that.

I jolted when I heard a knock at the door. I hadn’t been expecting anyone. Now that the letter had me on edge, I was leery about opening the door. Instead, I opened my senses as I moved cautiously towards it and felt waves of supernatural energy crash on me. I hesitated before slowly cracking the door revealing Sebastian on the other side. I felt my body react to him much the same way it had Saturday, but this time I was prepared for it so it wasn’t quite as overwhelming.

“Hi,” he beamed at me. He was dressed in loose fitted jeans that hung off his hips and a white t-shirt clung to his chest with a black leather jacket cast over his shoulder made him look like a model posed for the cover of a magazine. He looked like a regular human not the ancient fallen angel I knew he was.

“Hi?” We stood there in an awkward silence.

“Did I frighten you?”

I tried to shake off the feeling I developed from reading the letter. I wasn’t sure if it was my expression or the rapid beat of my heart. “No,” I declared like it was the most ridiculous notion. We stood there silently for a moment; all the while Sebastian’s gaze seemed to be studying me. “Uh, can I help you with something, Sebastian?”

He blinked then quickly recovered. “Sorry. Yes, Damien sent me.”


“What?” he asked with a keen grin finding humor in my confusion.

“Nothing. I just got the impression Jade was the errand girl.”

His smile grew. “She is, but she’s resting.” He shrugged like it was no big deal.

“Resting? I thought she was a day walker?”

“She is, but when you are the only day walking vampire surrounded by regular ones, you do your best to fit in. Anyways, Damien really wanted to see you, but was too busy to get away. So he asked if I’d come in his stead.”

“So I’m being summoned?” I probed leaning against the frame.

“No, of course not.” Sebastian looked down at his feet seeming unsure what to say. The silence grew between us once more. “Can I, come in?”

I realized how rude I was being talking to him in the hall like that. “Of course.” I stepped aside letting him enter. He brushed past me and I felt a shiver run down my spine from the brief contact.

“Nice rental,” he stated looking around.

“We own it, actually,” I mumbled shutting the door.

“Oh!” He continued to take in his surroundings. “Is Grayson home?”

“No. He’s working.”

“So the transfusion worked?” He questioned while looking anywhere but at me.

“It did. Thank you for your help.” I rubbed my palms down my arms trying to ease the goose bumps I felt across my skin.

“No problem.”

“So Damien wants to see me?” I asked trying to get us back on topic.

“Right.” Sebastian turned to face me. His eyes racked over my body. It felt like he was undressing me, yet at the same time he looked at me like I was a treasure, something to cherish. My mind took that moment to remind me of the dream I had. I felt my cheeks flush. Sebastian smirked like he knew what I was thinking. “There’s something he wants to discuss with you sooner rather than later.”

“You guys ever hear of a phone?”

“Of course, but your father doesn’t like them. Jade makes almost all his calls and…”

“And she’s asleep.” I nodded, understanding. “When does he want to see me?”


“Do you know what about?”

Sebastian shrugged. I wanted to ask more questions, to understand why Damien hadn’t just talked to me about whatever it was Saturday, or have Jade call when she woke. What was so important? But for some reason I didn’t. I simply nodded and grabbed my jacket, momentarily forgetting the letter.

Sebastian seemed weary when I hailed a cab. I could have called for John, but I didn’t want to have to wait or so I told myself. Part of me didn’t want to have to explain to Grayson why Sebastian was at the apartment. Grayson always seemed confident, but I glimpsed an ember of jealousy the night we met Sebastian and saw no need to fan it into flames.

“Are you germaphobic?” I joked when he hesitated.

“No, I just don’t trust these contraptions.” He kicked the tire of the yellow taxi and for the first time I caught a glance at his true age. Cars were so common place unless you were from a different time. I did my best to stifle a laugh I felt bubbling up.

“If you didn’t take a cab, how did you get here?”

He grinned crookedly finding humor in my question. “I dissipated. Wanna try it?” He held his hand out to me. I didn’t take it. Instead, I stared blankly at him. Dissipated? As in vanishing. I didn’t think that was possible. Sebastian chuckled then ushered me into the cab. He tried to appear relaxed and carefree, but I could see the discomfort in his eyes from being in the car.

We arrived back at the same building where I had been Saturday. Before I could protest, Sebastian paid the driver then rushed to my side and valiantly opened my door. He held out his hand for me and without thinking I took it, feeling a tingling sensation run up my arm starting where I skin touched. My blood turned to gasoline that was set ablaze. It burned through my body causing my breath to catch. As soon as I was free from the cab I released his hold trying not to make it seem obvious, but touching him made the tether feel stronger.

The moment she spotted Sebastian, the receptionist rushed out from behind her counter, but he waved her off. When he led me to the elevator I took that opportunity to hesitate. I didn’t want to be in close quarters to him with no one around. The way my blood burned near him made me nervous. I didn’t know why my blood reacted to him. It was different than an attraction. It struck me deeply at my very core.

“What?” He seemed amused.

“What if we get stuck?” I blurted. I didn’t know any other reason why I should hesitate.

He chuckled. The sound of it rolled off my skin. “Damien has everything updated with the best technology. His standards are better than code. The elevator is probably newer than the one you have back at your apartment.” Not having any other argument, I entered the elevator. “Did you really just get worried about the elevator stopping?” he grinned.


“You do know you’re an original vampire, right? You could easily rip the doors open with your bare hands,” he advised watching me. I turned to face the doors urging them to open. Sebastian came up behind me and whispered, “I think you might have been living in the human world to long Gabriella. You’re not bound by the same limitations as they are, or even your fellow vampire.” His words caused chills to run down my spine, but I refused to let him see he had an effect of me.

When we reached the floor, I exited slowly, not to linger there with him, but to prove to myself that I was fine. If it had been Grayson whispering to me, I would have felt a lot more than some chills. My fiancé’s whisper was enough to make my panties wet.

The floor wasn’t quite as quiet as it had been when Grayson and I visited. I could hear the murmurs of a voice, but it was distant even for my hearing. Sebastian’s hand found the small of my back. I did my best not to shiver at the contact, even though I felt my blood scream, and let him usher me forward. We walked down the stairs to the floor below. As we walked, the voice became more distinct and I was able to make it out as Damien.

“Yes, I can offer sanctuary until everything is investigated. I understand, but if she is guilty of what she’s been accused of, make no mistake I will not hesitate to end her,” I heard Damien say before Sebastian opened the cracked door. It explained how I had been able to hear him. I was still in awe of how similar Damien and I looked. He grinned and held up his finger in the universal sign for hold on. Sebastian gestured for me to sit then spun on his heels leaving me alone with my father. I felt a hint of disappointment at his departure, but also relief. “A room will be prepared and we will expect her arrival soon.” Without saying goodbye Damien hung up. “Gabriella,” he grinned. “Good of you to join me. Is Grayson not with you?”

“No, he’s working.”

“Am I to assume the witch’s potion did the trick?” I nodded. “Excellent. Then to the reason why I asked you here.” Asked seemed like the wrong word. Asking implies you have an option to say no. When Sebastian showed up at my door, I definitely didn’t feel like “No” was an option. “I am having a small gathering of close friends and I would like for you and your mate to attend.”

“A gathering?”

He bowed his head unable to look me in the eyes when he spoke. “I know I have not been there for you Gabriella, but I plan on staying in New York and most likely Manhattan for some time. Your mother has given me permission as the Master of the Nest in the area. She hopes, as I do, that you and I can become closer.”

“You want to get to know me?”

“Of course,” he peeked up hesitantly. He looked almost fearful of rejection. Part of me wanted to tell him where he could stick it, but another part, the part that had grown up wondering about her father, wishing he was alive, wanted nothing more than to give the man in front of me a chance.

“I’d like to know more about you. Like why you fell.”

He bit his bottom lip nervously. I didn’t know why my question bothered him. “I’m not evil, Gabriella. I know that is what one is told about fallen angels. That we are evil, therefore God cast us from heaven. I did not fall for a morality issue. I simply did not stop someone that disobeyed the rule.”

“You were cast from heaven for not being nosey?” I found it hard to believe that God lacked forgiveness over a simple slip up.

Damien chuckled. “No, that is not it.” He leaned back resting on the edge of his desk. “Angels have fairly simple rules and one was broken for my account.”

“I don’t understand.”

He sighed. “I was injured, badly. I knew I would not make it back to heaven to mend. I had been retrieving a soul that Lucifer had claimed. But before the mortal died, he sacrificed himself to save another. God redeemed him.” Damien was staring off looking like he was watching the whole thing play out. I was trying not to get too tied up on the fact that the devil was real. It made sense, but to hear it from someone who knew for sure... “Well, as you can imagine Lucifer did not take kindly to God’s interference and sent demons to stop me from extracting the soul. Several demons.” Whatever he was remembering looked bad judging by the pained expression of his face. “I lied on the floor aware that I was dying when a fellow angel appeared. I had taken several demons out before I succumbed to my wounds, but he took out the remaining.” He turned watching me. “Angel blood is healing, but there is a natural order to things and God believed it was my time. The angel was a friend and was not willing to watch me perish when he had the ability to save me.” His story reminded me of when I changed Grayson. I had the ability to save him, and I did even though I hadn’t had his permission. “He offered his blood and I accepted without hesitation. Neither of us where aware what the consequences would be. We were both condemned; him for breaking the rules and giving me his blood, therefore messing up the natural order of things and me for accepting it. As I’ve said, angels need blood when they’re on this plain, but for me the thirst was nearly unquenchable. It eased when I created Jade. It seems that with every new vampire created my thirst lessens.”

Damien seemed done with his story, but I was curious about one thing.

“Who was the angel who fed you their blood?”

Damien’s eyes seemed a mixture of emotions before he uttered a single word. “Sebastian.”



I arrived back at the apartment and could feel that Grayson was already home thanks to our mating bond. I had talked with Damien for a long time. I wanted to know everything. His experiences, his knowledge, anything. I had lost track of time. Sebastian had insisted on bringing me home, but I refused to have him escort me to my door.

I needed to talk to Grayson about Damien’s small gathering. Damien and I had discussed it and he’d informed me that if I did not want it to be public knowledge that I was his daughter, he understood and would not take it personally. He actually hoped that I wouldn’t want it mentioned, knowing that I was safer without people knowing. I agreed. My parents had split in order to keep me safe. Now that I had a clear head about it I was able to understand their reasons, but it didn’t matter. The New York nest was already aware of my parentage and soon so would others. It was easier to control the spin now.

Grayson was in the shower when I arrived home. I carefully stripped then quietly made my way to him, slipping inside effortlessly behind him. He didn’t startle, which disappointed me. Pesky vampire hearing. I wrapped my arms around him laying my cheek against the warm plains of his back and was overwhelmed with the comfort his nearness brought me. His hand instantly covered mine and I sighed at the small contact. Grayson continued showering for a few seconds when he suddenly stiffened. He lifted my hand to his nose, inhaling deeply.

“Gaby, why do you smell like Sebastian?” His senses seemed stronger than they had been or he was gaining better control of them.

The accusation in his voice was troubling. “I was summoned to see Damien today and Sebastian was my escort.” I spoke like what I was saying was insignificant.

“Summoned?” He turned to face me. I inhaled sharply watching the water roll off his body. Even after all this time, the sight of him in all his glory still was enough to get my heart pumping faster. I swallowed trying to regain my focus.

“Damien wants us to attend a gathering at his house this Saturday.”

“Saturday?” I nodded. “And he couldn’t call to ask?” I choose not to answer. I figured he was just spouting his annoyance with the situation. He seemed to ponder the information for a moment before he spoke again. “Gaby, I can’t.”

“What? Why?” My immediate thought was that he was resentful so he was being stubborn, but I knew Grayson wasn’t like that.

“I have a client flying in from California to sign a deal my company has been working on for months. I’m sorry, but I can’t cancel.” I bit me lip and lowered my eyes before nodding slightly. I tried not letting him see the disappointment that was radiating off of me. Grayson sighed. “Look, I’ll see what I can do. Maybe I can move some things around…” I heaved myself into his arms, sealing my lips over his.

“Thank you.” Having him by my side would make the whole thing bearable.



Saturday morning I found myself lying in bed with my fiancé enjoying the simplicity of the moment. My face rested against his bare chest while his fingers gently brushed my hair. The bedding was knotted around us. I wanted to freeze the moment, but all too soon Grayson unwrapped himself from around me.

“I’m going to try Gaby. If anything I’ll just be late.”

I beamed at him reminding myself just how lucky I was to have him. “I know Grayson. I’m just glad you’ll be there. I hate the idea of being around all those strangers. Not knowing anyone…”

“What about your father. And there is always Jade.”

I groaned at the mention of her name. Over the past week I had become more familiar with the ancient vampire. Her personality was a bit rough and somewhat of an acquired flavor that I just didn’t seem to have a taste for. Seeing the look that passed over my face Grayson chuckled. “We could not go? You could just wait for me here…in this bed.” I pressed my lips trying to stifle a smile. Grayson shrugged in a, at least he tried, way. “Tell you what? Once I get there I’ll rescue you from having to make polite conversation, alright?”

I sighed. “Alright.”

Grayson’s mouth lifted in the corner before placing a chaste kiss on my lips. “I’ll see you tonight.”

I settled back in bed for some time after Grayson left when I heard the front door open. “Gaby?”

“Shawn?” I called out wondering what he was doing here and why he just walked into my apartment.

“Yeah, you descent?”

I clutched the sheet to my bare skin. “Uh… No. Give me a minute.” I waited a moment to make sure Shawn heard me before climbing out of bed speeding around the room finding clothes.

Once I was descent, I left the confines of the bedroom to find Shawn resting on the sofa.

“Hey baby girl. Long time no see.”

“Yeah. You haven’t been around much. Does Clive have anything to do with that?”

“Don’t be jealous. You’re still my girl.”

“I’m not jealous. I’m happy for you. Not that I’m unhappy to see you, but what are you doing here?”

“I’m your stylist for the day.”

My brow knitted together. “I wasn’t aware of that.”

Shawn shrugged. “Grayson hired me. I think he felt bad that you’d have to arrive by yourself. So I’m here to spend the day with you and help you get ready.”

“Okay. You are aware that the thing doesn’t start until after the sunsets. My guess is it’s going to be vampire galore.”

“What do you expect Gabs? Your father, Mister Mac Daddy, the first vampire himself is throwing the damn thing. Plus, I’m here more for moral support. Your first vampire shindig outside of your nest; you must be nervous.”

“Not until you mentioned it. Thanks for that by the way.”

“Sorry.” Shawn hesitated before speaking again. “So coffee?”

I watched him for a moment. I had really missed him the last week and I knew he was trying hard to be there for me. With a nod I stated, “Coffee.”







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