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Blood Ties (The Edge of Forever Book 2) by D.C. Gambel (17)



I didn’t go back to The Angelo Tower after that night. Jade became our go between. I was angry at Sebastian for forcing my hand into telling Grayson and my father about the night I was attacked. I was even a little mad that no one told me about the blood tie I shared with Sebastian until then either. I had spent all this time questioning what I was feeling when it was easily explained.

Grayson didn’t ask me about Sebastian after that night, but I would catch him looking at me when he thought I didn’t notice. I didn’t know if it was betrayal over my feeding from Sebastian or that he thought I had feelings for someone else, but he would look at me with longing in his eyes. His lovemaking was tender and drawn out. We would spend hours in bed with him worshipping my body, drawing out everything. He would keep me on the brink of an orgasm for what felt like an eternity until I thought I might go mad before he’d finally allow me some relief from the ache that built. It was both astounding and heart wrenching. He made each time feel like it might be the last time. I didn’t know if he thought I was going to leave or if he was contemplating it, but the notion would have me in tears as soon as I was alone and knew I wouldn’t be overheard.

The day of Damien’s small party, which by my book was still large, Grayson and I spent the morning and the better part of the afternoon in bed. We didn’t need all the time in the world to get ready for the evening. We were vampires after all. So instead we started our day the best way possible, rolling around naked.

Grayson was buried between my thighs. His hips moved, pushing him in deeper causing my back to arch of the mattress. I could feel my body slowly building when he paused for a moment. I opened my eyes and saw him taking his time just looking at me. He brushed my hair from my face with his fingers using gentle touches.

“I love you,” he whispered to me. The feeling behind his words was almost like he was saying them for the first time. I looked into his eyes and they were his normal gray, not the honey green they turned when his vampire nature took over.

I smiled softly at him and with a tear escaping my eyes I whispered, “I love you too, Grayson, more than anything else in the world.” He leaned in placing a soft kiss on my lips before moving his hips once more. He kept his rhythm slow, but I fell apart all the same.

After a few rounds between the sheets, we decided to go out for a late lunch or early dinner, depending on your perception. When we arrived at the restaurant, the waiter sat us at a square table with four chairs; one on each side. It didn’t take me long to understand why. A few moments after sitting down, I heard a familiar voice.

“There’s my girl.” I turned in the direction and saw Shawn. I hadn’t seen him since the day Grayson had tried to get him to talk to me. I had thought about calling many times, but I just didn’t know how to apologize. I was also scared that he might not want to talk to me. There had been a time when he and I were almost inseparable, but now we both had men in our lives that loved us. Even now, I didn’t know what to say to him. I looked to Grayson.

“I invited him. It’s my fault that you two aren’t talking.”

I looked at Shawn skeptically. He was holding hands with Clive. The last time we had spoken we both had been hurtful, maybe unintentionally, but still. Shawn spoke first breaking the ice.

“Gaby, I’m sorry for what I said. I miss you. Can we please just put it behind us and move on?”

Grayson reached under the table and squeezed my knee. It was a subtle way of telling me that forgiving him was the right thing to do.

“I’ve missed you to Shawn, but I…”

“Gabs, I was just worried about you. I still am, but I understand now that I have to back off sometimes. If it’s something you want to talk about, you’ll come to me and I shouldn’t have pushed. It’s just hard. You’re my girl and I don’t like seeing you hurt.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry too.” Shawn gave me a tight smile. “Just sit down Shawn.”

He chuckled and so did Grayson. “See I knew you couldn’t stay mad at me forever,” Shawn shared as he sat down next to me, putting Clive directly across from me.

“That’s because you’re my best friend.”

“Look at all these men surrounding you. You must be one lucky girl,” a waitress gawked as she passed by admiring the man candy around me. She was right. I was one lucky girl.



After I was done with my hair and makeup, it was time for my dress. I had kicked Grayson out of the bedroom so I could have the area to myself. I wanted to surprise him. I had chosen a blush colored dress. The bodice was tight and was only being held up by my breast. The skirt began immediately below them falling around my body, but flowed when I walked. I left my hair down only putting large curls through it allowing them to drape down around my shoulders. I left my jewelry simple wearing the heart necklace Grayson had given me at the opening of his hotel, and with studded diamond earrings to match.

When I walked out of the room in my pale stilettos, Grayson froze mid step taking me in. As the silence grew, so did my nerves.

“See! Now we can’t go,” he stated like there was no more explanation needed.

“What?” I giggled, nervously.

“Nope. I can’t go.”


Grayson closed the distance between us. He stood an arm’s length away. When his eyes lowered, mine followed. I bit my lip when I saw the problem. His erection was pressing against the zipper of his slacks.

“Well, we can’t have that,” I teased before reaching behind me and unzipping my dress, letting it pool around my feet. Grayson grinned before closing the space between us.

We were late arriving at The Angelo Tower, but it was worth it. I had needed a few minutes to make myself presentable again. As we rode the elevator up, for once I didn’t feel the familiar pull that I felt when Sebastian was near and I was grateful.

The dining room that was used for the vampires in Damien’s nest had been cleared and decorated. It now looked like an acceptable ball room. Round tables were spread out across the floor, covered in black table clothes and silver runners. Candles and Black Baccara roses where spread on every surface. Crystal garland and lights were draped above. It was the most gothic, elegant room I’d ever seen. I wasn’t sure if it was really Damien’s style. He seemed to be playing in to the vampire image.

“You out did yourself, Gabriella,” Grayson leaned in whispering to me. Most of the guest lived in the building so the room was already quite full.

“You think so?”

A waiter took that moment to appear with champagne flute filled with blood and a hint of Cristal. Grayson took two and handed one to me. He looked at it seeming impressed.


We found our table. Damien had insisted on a seating chart. Grayson and I sat watching the other vampires. It was strange seeing the way they moved and behaved. I was so used to being in the human world that I forgot just how strange vampires could be. There was a table of human food and blood done in different variations. Grayson decided to help himself to some. He offered to get me a plate, but I declined. I watched as he made his way to the table. It made me a little nervous seeing him walking through a hoard of vampires, when less than a year ago we were fighting against them.

“I see all is well with you, Gabriella.”

I felt my blood run cold. My body became alert as I prepared myself for an attack. I didn’t need to turn to know it was Ava.

I stood quickly not wanting to give her an advantage from my position. “What are you doing here?”

Her expression was amused. “I am a guest here.”

“What the hell do you mean, guest?”

“It is the grandest thing. I have been offered sanctuary.”

“By who?”

She grinned wickedly. “Your father.”

“You’re a liar!” I spat.

“Am I? Then how is it that I am here?”

“Does he know what you did?”

“What have I done? Nothing but hearsay. Unless, of course, you are speaking about the visit you received from some old friends of mine? Then no.”

I didn’t know that my blood could feel any colder, but it tingled through my system feeling like a thousand icy pin pricks.


Her grin grew larger making her look almost like the Cheshire cat. “You did not know?” My fists clenched. I couldn’t help but glare at her everything in my body was begging for me to attack her, but I knew this was not the time or the place. Plus if Damien had really offered her sanctuary, my attacking her would cause more problems than just a disruption of his party. “Why do you look so hostile Gabriella? You are here,” she waved her hand at me. “You obviously handled yourself.”

My mouth was dry so I swallowed preparing for my next exchange, when I felt Grayson’s hand slip around my waist.

“The human all the ruckus was about? I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. Avaline Sinclair.” She held her hand out to Grayson. His eyes danced back between us before extending his hand.

“Grayson Alexander. Pleasure to meet you Avaline.”

“Please, you must call me Ava. After all, we are family now.”

“I’m sorry?”

“Has Gabriella not explained? Her mother’s sire was mine. Therefore, we are all tied through blood.”

“Anton was your sire?” He asked.

Ava’s expression changed at the mention of his name. Her gaze turned icy as she shot daggers my way. During their entire exchange, my eyes had stayed fixed on her. I was prepared in case she decided to make a move.

“Yes,” she croaked. It was barely audible. In a moment her facade returned. “Well, it was a pleasure seeing you again. I believe we will be seeing more of each other quite soon.” She turned and walked from the party. Neither of us moved until we saw her leave completely.

“Ava?” Grayson asked. I nodded. “Ava, is here?”

“Yes. I don’t know what was going through Damien’s head to offer her sanctuary after everything she’s done?”

“Perhaps you should ask him?”

“Oh, I plan too.”

We did our best to make small talk with the others. None of them knew that Grayson and I were day walkers and we kept it that way. They may have been Damien’s people, but it didn’t mean I trusted them.

We returned to our table in hopes that we’d find Damien. I had briefly caught sight of him with my mother, but when I glanced again they were gone. After making our rounds through the room, he still hadn’t reappeared. We were seated at his table so it made sense that he’d have to show up there eventually.

The music changed to a slow song. Grayson stood and offered me his hand.

“Dance with me?”

“Grayson,” I sighed.

“Gaby, it’s a party. Now get up and dance with me.” I smiled and accepted. I wrapped one hand around his neck as he pulled me tight. We moved around the floor that had been made the dance area.

“Is this better?” He asked.

“Yes,” I sighed, but it wasn’t content.

“What’s wrong?”

I huffed then lowered my voice to a barely audible whisper. “I’m here because Damien wanted me, but I’d much rather be at home with you.”

He chuckled. “You didn’t get enough of me before we left?”

I pulled back just enough to give him a wicked look. “I will never be able to get enough of you.”

“Pardon my interruption.” I felt my cheeks flame at the sound of Damien’s voice. Of course he had been MIA the entire night until I started speaking of having sex with my fiancé. “I was hoping that perhaps I might cut in?”

Grayson gave me a cocky smile at seeing my embarrassment before handing me off. “Of course.”

Damien placed his hand on my back and the other in my palm then began moving me around the dance floor.

“Is my party not entertaining, Gabriella?”

I felt my face turn redder knowing that he had in fact heard Grayson’s and my conversation before he approached.

“It’s not that.”

“What is it? Please explain.” His tone wasn’t angry. It was more curious.

“I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but I don’t really get along with vampires.”

“That does not surprise me in the least. Neither do I.”

That was surprising. “But you’ve surrounded yourself with them.”

Damien halted our dance. He looked around briefly before placing my hand in the crook of his arm and escorting me from the room. There was a door that led to the actual kitchen area and he led me through it. The room stood completely vacant.

“I do not wish to upset anyone. You understand?” he spoke. “I surround myself because they are mine. Their nature is barbaric and as their sire I have tried to help them, with not the best of luck. But they are all my children.” I was readying myself for a question but he continued. “And better to have them around then to have them elsewhere where I cannot keep a watchful eye on them.”

I stood there silent not quite knowing what to say or rather how to say it.

“You have a question for me Gabriella? Ask.”

I took a few steps away, leaning against a counter. “Ava.” Was all I could utter without completely going off the rails.

“Ah, yes. Miss Sinclair. Do not believe for a moment that she is here for her benefit.” He walked over to me placing his hand on my shoulder. “You are my daughter. My blood. Better for her to be where I can have her in my sight. Do you understand?” I did. It was his way of protecting me.

The door opened and a member of the wait staff entered. “I’m sorry sir, but you asked to be found when it was time for dinner to be served.”

“Yes, my announcement.” He turned to me. “Please excuse me, Gabriella. I have news I must share.”

Damien left followed by the waiter. I took a moment just to calm my nerves after everything that had happened in such a short time. My anger over Ava, my embarrassment with Damien, not to mention the anxiety I felt over being there at all. As I approached the door, I felt a hand grab my arm pulling back against a hard chest. My first instinct was to scream, but then I felt the familiar pull. Sebastian.

He released me and spun me to face him.

“What the hell are you doing?” I scolded.

“I need to talk to you.”

“Now? So that’s how you justify sneaking up on me?”

“You won’t talk to me otherwise.”

“How the hell did you sneak up on me anyways?”

He had the nerve to look guilty. “I dissipated in. I knew if you felt my presence you’d be on guard.”

“How?” Was all my temper would allow me to muster. How had he even known where I was? How did he know exactly where to dissipate in to catch me off guard? He hesitated then pointed to the small security camera in the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes. His stalker tendencies knew no bounds. “What do you want to say to me, Sebastian? Grayson is waiting for me.”

He looked unsure what to say. I stood there waiting for a few moments before I decided enough was enough and made my way to the door. But just like before, he grabbed me. Only this time he pressed me firmly against a wall. He must have used supernatural speed because we were further into the kitchen against a wall with no cabinets.

“What the hell…”

“Shh…” He whispered cutting me off with a single finger pressed against my lips.

My breath hitched in my throat and my protests were silenced. I could feel my chest rise and fall all too rapidly. He used his body to pin me to the wall and I couldn’t think with him so close. Everywhere his body touched, mine hummed. It was a bit overwhelming.

“This is what I want to talk about.” He spoke after a pregnant pause. He let his finger fall away. It grazed my skin causing my eyes to flutter shut from the sensation.

“What?” I asked when I opened my eyes. My anger was gone replaced with something I was unfamiliar with.

“This, Gaby.” His fingers skimmed up my arm causing me to gasp. “I know you feel it. You feel that there is something tying you to me. When were close…how your body responds.” Proving his point, he ran his thumb down my lips causing them to part and my eyes to flutter close. “See?”

I shook my head. I knew I needed to get out of there.

“What about the night that we almost kissed?”

I licked my lips, just thinking about his lips against mine. “It wouldn’t have happened,” I mumbled barely able to speak past the lump in my throat. “Grayson…”

“Yes, Grayson. But how long do you think he’s going to hang around watching how you react to me?” Sebastian was so close now. A tilt of my chin and his lips would be on mine. When I didn’t move, he ran his thumb down my lips causing my body to shiver. I looked into Sebastian’s green eyes. I tried to remind myself it was just the Angel blood calling to me, but with him so close it was hard to keep that thought in the front of my mind.

“You know there’s a connection between us. I know you can feel it too. I know you want me Gabriella. Your body is your tell. Your pulse is racing, your breathing’s harsh and I bet if I ran my fingers up your dress,” he claimed as his hand grazed my thigh as it began sliding up the slit of my dress, “I’d find you dripping for me.” Sebastian whispered, but I halted his hand. He turned his wrist grasping my fingers in his palm.

Even though his words were vulgar, I couldn’t help the goose bumps that moved across my skin or hide the fact that he was right with every single word.

His body was so close that even a whisper wouldn’t pass between us. His mouth hovered only inches away practically begging me to close the distance. I’d be lying if I said the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. My eyes fell to his lips realizing how easy it’d be to close the gap. Almost like he read my mind, Sebastian began moving in. But at the last second I turned my head. I couldn’t do that to Grayson.

My gaze fell on the doorway. Almost like my mind had summoned him, there stood Grayson. Before I could do or say anything, Sebastian turned my head with a brisk movement of his forefinger on my chin and his lips fell firmly on mine. Time seemed to slow down as this all transpired. From Grayson walking in, to Sebastian kissing me, but it only took a matter of seconds.

My eyes closed for just a moment, for less than a second, but in that brief time, I kissed him back. My mind cleared and I shoved Sebastian off of me. I immediately wiped the feel of his lips away on the back of my hand then slapped him. His head immediately returned to its position like it had never happened.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I spat.

“Proving a point,” Sebastian conceded mater-of-factly.

I set my sights to Grayson, but when I turned, he was no longer there. “If you ever touch me again…” My words fell away.

“No need Gaby. I’ve proved my point.”

I spun on my heel and headed to the door where I had seen Grayson. I spotted him just as the elevator doors closed. I snapped my head in the direction of the stairs and with vampire speed, I raced down them. The elevator doors had just closed as I made it to the lobby.

“Grayson!” I shouted as I saw him move towards the glass doors and out into the city.

“I can’t talk to you right now, Gabriella,” he spoke without turning.

“Then just listen. Please?” But he didn’t stop. He actually quickened his pace. My heels clicked against the pavement as I followed behind him.

“You kissed someone else. Again!” I knew he was referring to the time I kissed Anton to save him.

“That’s not fair. And he kissed me. There was no kissing back.”

“You forget. I was there. I got a front row seat to it! Fucking AGAIN!”

I didn’t know what to say, so I did the only think I could think of. “I’m sorry, Grayson.”

We were several blocks away when Grayson stopped and turned to me. “I am not a jealous man, Gabriella, but you bring it out in me, first with Anton and now with Sebastian.”

“Anton was…”

“I know,” his tone calmed down and I hoped it meant that with it, his anger. “But Sebastian?”

“Sebastian is…” I looked away trying to find the words I needed before I let my eyes settle on Grayson. “I didn’t want him to kiss me.”

Grayson gave me an obviously forced half smile. “Yes, you did.” He put his finger to my lips before I could protest. “I know you wouldn’t have kissed him, Gaby. I know because you love me, but I…”

I never heard the rest. Something streaked out the corner of my eye drawing my attention down the alley. I moved in its direction when I heard Grayson groan. Before I could return my attention  him, I felt a sharp pain in my head then darkness swarm around me.





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