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Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality by Via, A.E. (3)

Chapter Four



How much are you going to fucking take? You must be turning into a real glutton for punishment in your older age. Hawk went back to one of the many rooms located on the upper-level of the warehouse to freshen up and put on some clothes. Jogging down the metal stairs he noted that most of the Beastmasters were gone. The only one that was still there was Dominick Strayhand – SEAL name, Viper, who was working alongside one of Pierce’s IT men, both their eyes glued to a large monitor.

“Viper.” Hawk waited for the computer genius to turn around. “Anything?”

Viper shook his head ‘no’. “Still tracking her. We know she bought a one-way ticket, so we’re thinking she’s going to stay for a while. So get packed, Backhander will probably have us heading to Miami soon. ”

“Do you know where she’s staying?”

Hawk didn’t turn around when he heard Pierce’s voice coming up behind him, the sweet sound raising the fine hairs on the back of his neck. He had to get the fuck out of there. “You can reach me on my cell, Viper. I’m going out.”

“We convene at 0700,” Pierce called after him, but Hawk refused to acknowledge the order.

Hawk straddled his Ducati and gunned the powerful engine before roaring up the alley and into a row of moving cars without stopping. He weaved in and out of traffic like he was in a high-speed chase. It was after eleven p.m. and the night crowd was just coming out to have a little fun… and so was Hawk. He’d die from desert dick before Pierce would get off his high horse.

He swerved over three lanes, just missing the median barrier and accelerated to seventy-five mph onto the I95 on-ramp. He’d get off at Baltimore Avenue and let that take him to Dupont, Washington DC’s gay district. The sleek all black machine rumbled deliciously between his thighs and Hawk found himself flexing his muscles tighter and squeezing the throttle in anticipation of receiving some much needed release.

Hawk sped past Victorian style homes, thrift shops, apartment complexes, strip malls, until he saw the lights of Dupont ahead. He had a nagging urge to turn around at the thought of another faceless fuck. There was only one face that kept coming to his mind. A soft angelic face, with plump pink lips and a roman nose. Bright blue eyes that were like the sky on a perfect sunny day. Hawk groaned at his rising cock and wished he could adjust it while he slowed his bike and eased into the parking lot of Cobalt’s bar.

He pulled off his helmet and laid it on the seat of the bike. Walking in to the dark club he quickly took in his surroundings. The large two level bar was full of taut, willing bodies. Men were gyrating to fast-paced techno on the dance floor. He looked up at the second level and had to blink his eyes back into focus because of the multi-colored strobe lights hanging from the ceiling – he never did like those things. His eyes finally adjusted and he could see as if they had spotlights on inside instead of strobes. He knew his eyes were practically glowing and he thought about pulling his shades out of his pocket and putting them on when he caught more than a few curious stares. He needed to calm down. His emotions greatly affected his sight. Pierce had him extremely upset by his recent behavior towards him and his team.

He removed his leather coat, went to the far side of the long bar and took a vacant seat beside a young guy with blond, tousled hair. His frame was perfect, significantly smaller than his own, smooth alabaster skin peeked out from under his metallic see-through shirt. His face was void of any facial hair or even stubble. When Hawk spoke up and ordered a beer, the petite man turned his blue-gray eyes in his direction and flashed him a megawatt, even, white smile.

“Wow! Your eyes are so pretty,” he said staring boldly. “Damn. Are those contacts?”

Hawk took the beer that was placed in front of him and took a long gulp before he finally gave the cute blonde his attention. “No honey. They’re not.”

He watched him shake his head in disbelief. “Gotta be.”

“No they don’t ‘gotta be’.” Hawk fought not to roll his eyes. He took another couple of deep gulps and realized he was already at the bottom of the bottle. Shit. This ain’t gonna work. Gotta go stronger. He didn’t want to think that he’d rather be in his own bed with a certain strategic genius in there beside him – or more precisely – underneath him, than here with this stranger.

He motioned for the bartender again and this time ordered a double-shot of Tequila. Liquid courage. He needed to gather the balls to take this man around the corner or to a hotel. One-night stands weren’t brought back to his home. It wasn’t like he was in love with Pierce. The man even said he didn’t like him to his face. Pissed even more when his mind kept flashing the vision of Pierce’s face in front of him, he slammed the liquid back.

He looked down at the twink that had attached himself to his right side, making his enthusiasm obvious. He threw a twenty and a ten on the bar and gripped the small apple-sized bicep in his arm, instantly liking the supple silkiness under his own gun-calloused hands.

“Let’s go,” he said roughly.

“You got it big and sexy,” his date for the night purred, and let Hawk practically carry him out of there.

Hawk stepped back out into the brisk fall air and made quick steps to his bike.

“Here, put this on,” he ordered.

“Oh shit! How hot is this?” he squealed, clapping his hands happily.

Hawk again had to suppress his irritation. He slammed his own black Scorpion helmet on, adjusting his ponytail and waited for his date to strap on the spare, half helmet. He threw his long leg over the seat gracefully and settled all the way to the back.

“Hey, what’s your name?” the twink half giggled. “Fine time for me to ask, huh? After I’m already straddling your crotch rocket.”

Since his face shield was on, the man couldn’t see his raised eyebrows. “It’s Hawk.”

“Oh really.” He gave a skeptical look. “Is that your government name?”


That made the pretty man frown in confusion.

“In case you were wondering my name is Colin.”

“I was wondering.” Hawk slid on to the bike. “Since you’re not scared, I take it you know how to ride.”

“Oh yes. My last boyfriend was in a biker gang. I loved riding with him. So free, so exhilarating. I also know this is a Ducati, so make her roar, hot stuff.”

That made one side of Hawk’s mouth curl up and his chest beat at a staccato rhythm as Colin nestled in as close to him as he could and squeezed him around his middle. The feel of Colin’s frail chest against his strong back was pleasurable, his small but firm thighs were squeezing him tightly, making him sigh with mild contentment.

Pierce’s eyes, smile, lips, ass, all flashed across his face in milliseconds – like a panoramic photo. Pierce wasn’t in trouble, and this wasn’t Hawk’s perception, it was his conscience.


He started the 899 Panigale. Did what Colin asked. Made her roar like the beast she was. He left the parking lot burning rubber, hoping there was a night of ecstasy up ahead. Hawk cut left in front of six lanes of ferocious traffic and felt Colin’s grip tighten – not from fear – from sheer excitement. Back on I95 with nothing but clear lanes ahead, his speedometer was close to the century mark. He took the exit that would lead him to a decent hotel downtown.

He spotted a Marriott that didn’t appear to have a full parking lot. Hawk parked and helped Colin off the back. With his helmet in his hand he made quick strides through the parking lot and straight into the entrance right up to the front desk.

After picking his not-too-choosey accommodations, he showed his ID, and the clerk said he was entitled to a military discount. He nodded once, took his key and helmet all in one hand since Colin had a death grip on his other one and went to the bank of elevators around the corner.

“You’re in the military?”

“Sort of. I’m a private contractor for the federal government.”

“What branch were you in?”

“Special Forces.”

“Which one.”

“The best one.”

“Of course.”

Hawk stepped into the elevator, retreating to the far corner for their short trip to the fifth floor when Colin pressed his body up against him and went for his mouth. He typically didn’t make a habit of kissing his one-offs but he loved kissing. He let their tongues dance, swallowed Colin’s sexy moans. He slithered up and down Hawk’s body like a snake, unzipping his leather jacket so he could caress his chest. Hawk tore his mouth away, and the back of his head thumped against the paneling.

He sighed with exhaustion. His team had been going non-stop for two-and-half weeks chasing Sherminisky, and it looked like there wouldn’t be much R&R before they had to run off to Miami.

Hawk needed to get off, but honestly his head just wasn’t in it. He was still seeing visions of Pierce, but gone were the images of sparkling baby-blues and perfect pink lips – now he saw blue eyes glowering with disgust, his lips turned up into a snarl while he spat his hatred of him and his team.

The elevator ding announced they’d reached their level and Colin grasped his hand and pulled him out into the hall. He yanked his hand out and whipped it around Colin’s thin wrist, reversing the hold. “Don’t drag me,” Hawk said nonchalantly.

“I’m sorry. You’re just one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen…and you’re a Marine.”

Hawk stopped abruptly and had to take a deep breath to keep his eyes from revealing flecks of gold that appeared like burning embers escaping from a fire. A fucking jarhead. “I wasn’t a fucking Marine… I’m a SEAL. That’s Navy,” he said, annoyed.

Colin turned when they’d reached their door and shrugged at his mistake, like it was nothing. “Oh my bad. But you said you were in the best one.”

“I also said I was in the Special Forces.”

“I know.”

“Forget it. Just open the door, Colin.” Hawk wouldn’t waste another millisecond on Colin’s ignorance of the branches of the military. But it did grate on his nerves that many civilians could be so blasé about all the freedoms and privileges they had living in this great country… and just who provided that freedom for them.

“Hey, I didn’t like hit a sensitive spot for you, did I?” Colin slipped inside but didn’t let the door click back shut. “I mean you’re not gonna like kill me by crushing my chest with one precise punch, making one of my ribs strategically puncture my lung?”

Hawk laughed out loud. He shook his head at his date’s unique sense of humor. “One, this is not a really bad Jet Li movie, and two, if I wanted to kill you I wouldn’t do it that way… I’d simply snap your neck.”

Colin’s mouth was wide open and he’d yet to let the door close and lock shut.

Hawk draped his leather coat over the foot of the bed and slowly advanced on the shaken man. “Relax,” he whispered. “I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

“Bullshit, tiger eyes.”

Hawk narrowed his eyes at the nickname. “You’re right. That was bullshit. I should’ve said: I’m not here to fight.”

“You’re here to make love.” Colin grinned and let the door shut.

Hawk didn’t respond to that. He’d loved once and this was hardly a comparison. Hawk got a firm grip on the back of Colin’s neck and took a large chunk of his throat into his mouth. He sucked hard, enjoying the small man’s gasping and moaning. He brought his other hand around Colin’s back and gripped his tight ass, massaging it thoroughly. Hawk licked his way to Colin’s ear, noticing the man was chasing his mouth. He pulled Colin further into the room and didn’t stop progressing until the back of his date’s legs hit the edge of the bed and he gave one solid push, propelling him backwards.

“Hey. Wait just a damn minute. I know some guys like that rough shit, but you just met one that doesn’t. So tamp down the pushing and shoving, SEAL. Besides, coming from someone like you, it’s a tad intimidating,” Colin said, all while removing his shirt and getting more comfortable.

“What’d you say?” Hawk squinted his eyes.

“You heard me.” Colin met his eyes, but quickly looked away.

Hawk eased over Colin slowly and looked directly at him. His emotions were all over the place and in actuality; he was getting pretty pissed off. With his perception and sight… he’d completely missed this. “Say it again,” he said slowly and softly.

Colin stroked the stubble of Hawk’s beard. “Look SEAL. You are wicked sexy – you got the whole crazy eyes thing going on – but you’re also a little scary. I’m sure you can be a nice guy, gentle even, which is what I prefer. I don’t need to be thrown around to get fucked. Not all guys that like big men necessarily want them to dominate them. I lost half my wood when you threw me down. ”

Hawk looked down but quickly closed his eyes. Maybe my perception is waning with my old age. He knew now how to get his man. Pierce mentioned that Hawk reminded him of a bully, but he’d completely let that roll off his shoulders. Because he saw the lust in Pierce’s eyes when he was against him. He’d been with so many smaller men that got off on his roughness that he’d convinced himself that that’s what all men wanted. Pierce did want it, but he needed to trust Hawk first.

He heard Colin snapping his fingers. “Hey handsome. You’re not having a traumatic memory moment on me, are you?”

Hawk leaned down and kissed Colin on his forehead.

“What’s wrong? You gotta’ have it rough or nothing at all?” Colin questioned with a confused look.

“Actually no. You just reminded me that I have a previous commitment that needs my immediate attention. I’m sorry but I have to go,” Hawk said gently.

“Oh come on. I didn’t mean to turn you off.” Colin scrambled off the bed jumping in front of him. “Maybe I can give the rough and tough stuff a try… just for you.”

“Absolutely not.” Hawk turned and got his jacket. “Don’t change what you like just to appease someone else.”

Hawk went to the door. “I’ll wait in the lobby for you.”

“No, that’s alright. I’ll just stay here since it’s so late and the room is already paid for. I can call a friend in the morning. Maybe I’ll jerk off picturing your beautiful eyes while your scent is still on me.” Colin winked.

Hawk smirked and walked back over to kiss his date softly on the mouth. “Thanks. Take it easy, Colin.”

“I hope he knows what he’s got.” Colin gave him a knowing look.

“Yeah. Me too.”