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Brett by Melissa Foster (7)

Chapter Seven

SOPHIE WAS PRETTY sure that the world had taken crazy pills while she slept, because Monday at her office was more chaotic than ever. The phone rang off the hook, Mick had an emergency meeting with a client, which meant she had to race through preparing the documents they needed, and she had a stack of contracts to work through and research to do for tomorrow’s meeting with a new client. To top it all off, Brett and Carson were there with several of their staff members, checking security on each of the computers. Every time she caught sight of Brett she blushed like a schoolgirl. She’d been trying to keep her nose to the grindstone, but she felt his presence like a shadow, even when he was nowhere in sight.

“Sophie?” Mick’s voice came through the speakerphone.

She picked it up. “Yes?”

“I left the Mortinson files on my desk. Can you please bring them into the conference room?”

“Sure.” She hung up the phone and headed into Mick’s office. He was a considerate, intelligent boss, and she liked working for him. She felt a little guilty for keeping her relationship with Brett a secret from him, but there was no need to rock the boat with their commitment not to commit.

As she picked up the file from Mick’s desk, a pang of sadness whispered through her. She believed in following her heart, but what if her heart was wrong? She held the folder against her chest and gazed out the window, thinking of how nice it felt to fall asleep in Brett’s arms. She wished he’d stay overnight, but she knew it was probably better that he didn’t. Waking up with him would make it even harder if he realized he couldn’t commit to their noncommitment after all.

If I feel trapped, I run. I fight.

She saw Brett’s reflection in the window as he snuck up on her, and her body thrummed with anticipation. He slid his arms around her waist from behind. His eyes were soft and happy, and a sexy smile played at his lips as he placed a sweet kiss on her neck.

“Did you get my note this morning?”

She’d found a note beside her bed and had read it a hundred times. Hope you slept well, Sexy Sophie. I really don’t like you only for sex, even though it probably looks that way. I guess asking you to meet me in the break room today would make that even harder to believe. He’d added a winking smiley face. The note was pure Brett, and even knowing she’d never make out in the break room, she’d dressed in a black pencil skirt and a white blouse that was just tight enough to show off her assets, and she’d added a pair of black heels, because if she couldn’t be the bad girl, she could at least drive her Bad man crazy.

“Oh, that was you?” she teased. “I was trying to figure out which of my lovers had left it.” She turned in his arms, enjoying the jealousy shining in his eyes. “You shouldn’t hold me like this at work.”

“Why not? Because of the friend you met yesterday afternoon?”

Shoot. She’d forgotten about that excuse. She peeled his arms off her and said, “Because I don’t need Mick or anyone else finding out about us and making things uncomfortable.”

He gathered her close again with fire in his eyes. “What if I want them all to know?”

All? Or just that friend you mentioned?” She should tell him there was no friend, but she liked knowing he cared enough to be jealous.

His eyes narrowed and he ground out, “Everyone.

“Then you’d better get over your commitment phobia, because I can’t chance making my workplace awkward for a guy who might run scared when things get serious.” She stepped out of his arms, but he snagged her hand and held tight. “Brett, I have to get these to Mick before he thinks I’ve gotten lost.”

“Soph…?” His eyes filled with a curious, deep longing, and the troubled gaze hit her smack in the center of her heart, making her want to walk right back into his arms.

“Relax. I’m with you, regardless of who else knows. I don’t want to cause gossip in the office, but I’m in, remember? You’re the one who’s a little slow on the uptake. One day you’ll wake up and realize I’m the best there is. Until then, no kissy-touchy in the office, okay?” With a sassy shrug, she left the room, wondering where in the heck that courage had come from.

Sophie brought the documents to Mick, and when she returned to her desk, she found their newest associate, Charlie Hammond, waiting for her. The other girls in the office called him Charming Charlie. He exuded Southern charm, with his side-parted blond hair and wise brown eyes. He was an old soul who took the time to ask how everyone was doing and really seemed to care about their answers.

“There you are,” Charlie said. “Busy as a bee today?”

“Busier, but I always have time to help. What do you need?” Sophie came around her desk, trying to remember which task she needed to take care of next, but her mind was still playing with Brett’s expression. The stubborn stud was totally into her. Why couldn’t he just take a leap of faith and go with it?

Charlie sat on the edge of her desk and opened a file. “I need some research done for a new client.” He thumbed through the file, explaining what he needed, and when he was done, he glanced at the stack of work on her desk. “Are you sure you can fit this in? I don’t mind asking someone else.”

“Absolutely. I’m working through lunch today. I’ll get it done and have it to you by five.”

He thanked her, and when he walked away, she noticed Brett standing down the hall talking with Carson—and watching her. She was surprised the carpet hadn’t caught fire with the way he was looking at her.

“Lunch today?”

The voice startled her, and she turned to find Amanda standing behind her. “Hi. Thanks, but I can’t. I’m swamped.”

Amanda glanced down the hall at Brett and Carson and crossed her arms over her navy dress with a serious expression. “Is Brett behaving himself today?”

“Oh, you know Brett. He doesn’t really know how to behave.” And I like that about him. Most of the time.

“True, although Mick thinks he’s growing up, or going through a rough time about something and doesn’t want anyone to know. We had breakfast with the girls and his brothers yesterday, and Brett didn’t come. Carson said he went directly into the office after their run instead. And you know Brett. He never works on the weekends.” She gazed down the hall at him again. “Dylan mentioned that Brett hasn’t left NightCaps with a woman in months. Ally and I think he’s seeing someone, but the guys think we’re crazy.”

Sophie and Amanda had been friends since she’d begun working at the firm. Did it make her a bad friend for not telling her about her relationship with Brett? She didn’t want to risk Amanda telling Mick. Even though they were all friends, Mick was still Sophie’s boss, and the last thing she wanted was for him to think she was Brett’s newest plaything.

Her gaze darted down the hall, and Brett’s lips tipped up in a secret smile meant only for her. She wondered if he could read her thoughts, too—I am your plaything and you are mine, but we’re so much more than that. I have faith in you. I hope you don’t let me down.

“I don’t think you’re crazy,” Sophie finally answered. “I think your woman’s intuition and Mick’s male intuition are both probably right. Maybe he’s finally met his match and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.”

Amanda smirked. “Then maybe he should start by not looking at you like he’d like to drag you into an office and inspect your briefs.”

BRETT HAD NEVER been driven by jealousy before, at least not the way it was currently fueling him as the workday came to a close and he found Sophie and Charlie chatting by the coffee machine in the break room. She looked hot in her tight skirt and blouse, but she also looked professional, all clean lines and perfect makeup. She belonged in a frigging fashion magazine, and he hated to admit it, but so did Charlie with his tailored suit and expensive shoes. He’d seen them together several times today, their heads close enough to kiss as they looked over documents, and each time grated on his nerves more than the last. The urge to walk over and stake claim to his beautiful Sophie was so strong, he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge to keep from reaching for her.

“How’s it going?” Brett asked too gruffly.

“It’s been a long day, but the end is finally here,” Sophie said with a smile. “How’d the security inspection go? Did we pass?”

I’ll know after I interrogate this guy. “The company is locked down tight. I just need to tie up a few loose ends.” He took a drink of water. “Hey, Charlie. Did you catch the game on Sunday?”

Charlie picked up a folder from the counter and said, “No. I’m afraid I’m not much of a sports fan.”

“Really?” He lifted his brows to Sophie, knowing she’d read did you hear that in the look. She loved football, and he realized she had given up watching the game last night to be with him. But he still wanted to know who her friend from work was that she’d gone out with yesterday. “Were you around here Sunday? Working?”

“No,” Charlie answered uneasily.

“Hot date?” Brett ignored Sophie’s eye roll.

“Actually, no.” Charlie stood up a little straighter. “And you’re asking because…?”

“Just trying to get to know the employees. We take security seriously around here and like to know who’s in and out of the office, that sort of thing.”

“Brett’s amazing at security, but his desk-side manner could use a tweak.” Sophie emphasized the last word, giving Brett a disapproving look. “I think he’s trying to make sure there were no unauthorized people in the office this weekend. Right, Brett? You’re not just being nosy.”

Brett clenched his teeth. “Right. Exactly. Sorry if I came across any other way. Just doing my job.”

“Well, I wasn’t here.” Charlie smiled at Sophie. “Thanks for taking care of that research today. I appreciate your time.”

“My pleasure,” she said professionally. As soon as Charlie left the room Sophie turned on Brett, anger and amusement warring in her eyes. “What was that?”

“Just checking out my competition.” He felt like a prick, and the worst part about it was that he was the one keeping them from going public with their relationship, not Sophie. He hated this part of himself. The part that had always fought being boxed in like a rebellious teenager. He didn’t know what drove his need for freedom, or rather, his hatred of feeling restricted, and he had no idea how to get it under control. Although lately all I’ve wanted is to be boxed in with Sophie.

“Your competition?” She laughed softly.

“I assume he’s your special friend from work. And hey, if that’s what you’re into, a guy who doesn’t watch football, with his too-white teeth, perfect hair, and—”

“Ability to commit?” she asked with a playful smile, but he knew it was a loaded tease.

He pulled her into his arms, unable to tease or keep his distance a second longer. “Soph, I’m trying.”

She stole a glance over her shoulder and then whispered, “I know you’re trying. Thank you. I’m with you, Brett, and I’m hoping this works for us, but you can’t go around scaring off any guy I talk to. There was no friend Sunday. I’m sorry for telling you there was. It was the only excuse I could think of at the time.”

His heart hurt at that. “You lied to me so you wouldn’t have to spend the afternoon with me?”

She nodded. “I was hurt by what you said about if I hadn’t slugged you, but we already talked about that. I’m learning to speak the language of Brett Bad, and we’re communicating better every day. But if you want me to be yours, you have to trust that even though you can’t function in a committed relationship, I can.”

“Jesus, Sophie,” he said softly. “I’ve never been jealous, but I can’t stand the thought of you with anyone else.”

“And you’ve turned me into one of those ridiculous women who can’t walk away when red flags are waving.”

He couldn’t suppress his smile. “You’re anything but ridiculous, and those red flags are for passion, not pain.”

“You’re impossible.” Her eyes darkened, and she glanced over her shoulder again. She put her arms around his neck and whispered, “Kiss me quick.”

He lowered his lips to hers, and they both sighed into it. Just like that, all the jealousy went out the window. She righted his world, centering him, making all his edginess subside, and as he deepened the kiss, he knew he was skating on thin ice. She already owned him.


They jumped at the sound of Amanda’s voice. Sophie’s cheeks turned bright red, and she fidgeted nervously with her blouse, but there was no hiding her arousal—or his. Brett turned away to adjust himself.

“I um…What was…?” Amanda started to turn away, then spun back around, her finger moving between the two of them, her face as red as Sophie’s. “What did I just…? Did I see you two…?”

Brett cleared his throat and grabbed his water bottle. “I’m tryin’ and Sophie’s denyin’. Same song, different day.” He winked at Sophie, hoping it came across as the overzealous flirtation Amanda was used to seeing. “Maybe next time you’ll kiss me back.”

Sophie scoffed, gratitude rising in her eyes. “In your dreams.”

“I’ve told you before, I call them fantasies. And you star in every last one of them.” He walked past Amanda and said, “One of these days she’s going to be mine. You just wait and see.”