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Butcher by LeAnn Asher (13)


What are we doing here?” I ask Butcher as we pull up outside a gun shop and shooting range.

He turns to look at me. “Spoiling you.”

“Butcher!” I smack him lightly on the shoulder. I told him that I love guns, I always carry one on me, and I’ve got some stashed everywhere. I think back to the robbery, and I’m glad I had one stuffed under the shelf.

He steps out of his truck, slams the door shut, and walks over to the passenger side to open the door. I lean toward him, wrap my arms around his neck, and squeeze him. He steps back and I don’t let go—I wrap my legs around his waist. He chuckles and digs his fingers into my sides and I squirm, laughing. His lips press into mine—halting my laughter—and I open my mouth, deepening the kiss.

Someone honks their horn and I pull away slightly, kiss the side of his mouth, and hop down. Butcher puts his hand on the small of my back and, as always, he looks around the area to make sure there aren’t any threats.

He opens the door to the gun shop and I step in, and Butcher follows me. I look around the room, and the man behind the counter smiles at us. “Ah, Butcher, we have the gun you ordered.” He grabs a case that is tiffany blue, like the gun I wanted.

No way. Butcher is already staring at me. The man behind the counter opens the case. My mouth pops open. It’s the gun I wanted! The tiffany blue gun that I have been looking at for the past couple of months.

“I love it!” I turn around and squeeze his middle tightly, shaking him from side to side slightly. “I can’t believe you bought me a gun. Thank you.”

He just chuckles, and I let him go and turn around to look at the pistol that is waiting on me.

The man behind the counter smiles at both of us. “Let me show you how…” he says, but I already have the gun out of the case.

“I got it.” I smile.

I check the chamber and grab a loaded magazine. I slide it in, slide back the chamber, and put the safety on. “Let’s go shoot.” I grin and grab the tiffany blue holster that came with it. I put the gun it in and snap the holster on my side.

“I…I…all right,” he stammers, and I feel Butcher pressing up against my back.

His breath hits my ear. “Fuck me, Shay, you’re going to kill me.”

I laugh under my breath and turn my head from side to side, smirking at him.

“Behave.” Butcher’s hand taps my ass lightly.

“What is that?” I mock and step away from him, which causes him to growl.

“Follow me.” The worker motions for us, and I see Butcher grabbing the rest of my stuff for me.


Why the fuck must men look at her? The fucking man who owns the damn store hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of her since she showed him she knows how to work a gun. It makes me ready to kill every fucker around.

“Here you are.” He motions to a booth, and she steps past him, going straight up to it, and puts on earmuffs.

I set the rest of her stuff on the floor beside her and stand back up, eyeing the man who won’t take his eyes off of her. He’s pretending to watch her form, which is perfect. He reaches out to touch her hips, pretending to correct her, which pisses me the fuck off. I bring my own gun out and point it at him. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

He snaps to attention and backs away from her, and he throws his hands up in the air. “I wasn’t meaning anything.”

I roll my eyes and look at him like he is the dumbest shit in the world. “You haven’t taken your eyes off of her since we got here. I would advise you to leave.” The gun is still pointed at him. I motion toward the door, and he goes away.


I slide my gun back in my holster and lean against the wall, watching as she prepares and double checks her gun. She’s too fucking sexy for her own good.

She catches me looking and shoots me a blinding smile. I can’t fucking believe she is mine. I must have fucking done some kind of good in my life.

She takes the ear muffs off and turns to look at me. “You know there is a mirror there, right?” I follow her eyes and I know she caught me.

She laughs and puts the ear muffs back on and braces herself to shoot. She raises her gun and fires six shots almost simultaneously. She hits the button on the wall to bring her target up to us, and I step closer to take a look. Three shots to the head and three to the heart.

Fucking lethal.


I caught Butcher and it was hilarious. He tried to be slick and hide what he was doing from me. He was telling the worker off for checking me out—Butcher style, which consists of a gun pointed to the head.

Isn’t he just perfect? I sound crazy, but when did I ever claim to be normal?

“I’m hungry,” I tell Butcher as we walk out to his truck.

“Where do you want to eat?” He opens the door for me. I reach up to grab the oh-shit handle, and he pushes my butt to give me a boost.


He nods and shuts the door behind me.

Later That Night


“Shay?” Butcher calls from outside the bathroom door. I am getting ready for a large bonfire cookout thing at the Devil Souls MC clubhouse. To say that I am nervous is an understatement. I know all of the girls, but it’s way different now because of us being officially together.

“Yeah?” I open the bathroom door and stick my head out.

I gasp in shock at what I see. He is standing there with a vest with my name on it that says “Property Of Butcher.” If you don’t know the significance of this, in the biker world, it’s the same thing as marriage.

This is a big deal.

“Butcher,” I choke out as tears flood my eyes.

Butcher steps forward, looking angry. “Don’t cry, Shay, it kills me when you cry.”

Oh my god. He is literally trying to kill me. I widen the distance between us and press my lips to his, my tears falling onto both of our cheeks. I am falling in love with this man. He doesn’t say much, but when he does? It rocks my world

There is so much more to Butcher than what everyone sees. What I see is my Butcher. My Butcher is badass and dangerous, scary to the core, but I see a different part of him.

I pull back from him and grab the vest from his hand. He brings his large, scarred-up hand up to my cheekbone and wipes away my tears. The same hands that can kill someone in a few seconds, but to me his touch is gentle.

How lucky am I? I am so lucky to have him. He may think it’s the other way around—and he has told me so—but I am the lucky one. Everything about him is perfect to me.

I slide my arms into the vest. I smile at him widely. I love the feel of it on me. I pull my hair out and let it drape over one shoulder, and I slowly turn around, letting him take a look. Facing him, I smirk. “How does it look?”

He grabs my hips and pulls me to him, and our hips collide. “My name looks good on you.” The hand on my hip glides down to my ass and squeezes.

I throw my head back, laughing. “We better get going or we are going to be late.” I check the clock for emphasis and step out of his arms to slip on my boots.

“I will be outside.”

“Okay, baby.”

He stops, and I bite my lip to hold back my laughter. “Your ass is mine when we get home.”

He walks out of the room, and I laugh under my breath. I love messing with him.

I am sore after last night, but I am not going to let that stop me. I want him too much. Last night was one of the best nights of my life, and it was sure one of the happiest. I have never felt so content before, and that’s all because of one silent and broody man who stalked me. How does that sound for a fairy tale?

I take one last look at myself in the mirror, taking a extra second to admire my vest. Smiling at my reflection I bend down and slip on my boots before walking down the stairs and outside to my man.


Fuck. I didn’t know outsiders were invited to the party tonight—and this usually doesn’t happen—but to make it seem like we aren’t total criminals, we let people come inside for a bit then kick them out.

I park my bike and climb off. Shaylin is looking toward the field where the party is being held. I take this moment to admire her, and it’s looking like I should take her home. She could wear a sack over her head, and they would find something else to admire.

“Butcher! Over here.” Vin is standing at the edge of the field waving me over.

I thank god her property patch came in, or I wouldn’t let her in. There are some pretty pussy boys who come to these parties to seem like billy bad asses.

Shaylin puts her small hand on my shoulder, bringing me from my thoughts. She climbs off the bike and tucks herself into my side. “Let’s go see your friends.”

Growling under my breath, I do as she asks.

We walk across the field, and I see fuckers staring at her then at her patch and down at the ground. That’s right, fuckers, eyes on the ground if you want to keep them.

“Bitches.” I tear my gaze from the pussy boys and follow Shay’s gaze to some want-to-be ole ladies in the corner of the field. I feel Shaylin’s hand slide from my hip to my back pocket, and she grabs my ass.

I just got claimed.


I just claimed Butcher, and he knows it too, because a large smile spread across his face. Those hookers in the corner were looking him up and down.

I didn’t like that.

These skanks are women who want MC men. The men don’t touch them, because these women want to use them and the MC men don’t like that. So the skanks show up at these open parties, and then they leave because no one pays them any mind, which pisses them off. These men don’t like easy.

“Hey, Shaylin!” Jean yells across the field, and I tear my eyes from the skanks.

“Hi Jean!” I say once we get close to her.

She eyes me up and down and looks at Butcher before giving me a blinding smile. “We need to talk!” she practically yells and grabs my hand, attempting to pull me from Butcher, who holds fast and growls deeply.

Jean rolls her eyes at him. “We are just sitting on the couch by the fire.” She motions to the other girls and he lets go, but I can tell he doesn’t want to.

“I will be okay. I got Tiff.” I wink and pat my back. His face softens, and I can see the amused glint in his eyes.

“Tiff?” Jean asks as we step away from Butcher, and I grin at her. “My gun.”

We walk together to the group of ole ladies sitting on the couch, and a club member stands on either side of the couch. My uncles’ women are never left unprotected, because we have enemies. We live beside the ocean and people want to use our town to funnel in drugs. This brings us up against some scary people. But I refuse to have a bodyguard. My father agreed because I live outside of the county and I’m in Devil Souls jurisdiction.

My dad is a sucker and I gave him the pouty eyes. I wish my dad would find himself someone to spend the rest of his life with. I know he loved my mom, but I don’t think it was the all-consuming kind, not someone who he was meant to grow old with. My dad deserves that. He spent his whole life raising us kids and only worried about us. We were his life, and now it’s time for him to live his life for himself. He should have been doing this for years, but I think he just needs a push. Maybe I will set him up on a blind date, but do I want to be murdered?

“Hi Shaylin!” four different voices ring out, and I wave at them. Jean pulls me down beside Alisha, who is getting prettier by the second. It should be a crime how pretty she is. Hell, every one of these women could easily pass for a model.

“I see you are now an ole lady.” Chrystal nods at my vest.

I grin ear to ear as I think back to when he gave it to me earlier. “Yeah, I am.”

Alisha pulls me into a hug, and then another girl takes her place hugging me and welcoming me to the family. These women are genuine. You don’t get that with a lot of people.

“I have been meaning to call, but I need to order a cake and cupcakes for my daughter’s birthday party coming up in a month.”

“Text me the details and I will book you in,” I tell her.

I look around and see Butcher talking to Techy, but he is staring directly at me. I blow him a kiss, and he ducks his head to hide his smile.

“I never thought I would see the day when Butcher would be brought to his knees,” Jean says and I shrug.

“He brought me to mine too,” I tell her and they all say, “Aww.”

“So you fucked him yet?”

I laugh at how blunt she is. “Yeah.” My mind wanders and I visualize him above me, moving inside of me. Stop, Shaylin, save it for later.

“How big is it?” Jean whispers and her eyes widen. All the other girls scoot closer.

“I didn’t really measure.” I move toward them. “It hurt like a bitch—and he is as wide as my wrist, at least.”

Alisha looks at me in sympathy. “Techy is ten inches, so I get it.”

I wince and scoot back on the couch so I am facing the party, and my eyes gravitate to Butcher. I see a skank standing right behind him.

Oh, hell no. She better stay right where she’s at.

“Did you ever find someone to come work for you?”

I tear my gaze from Butcher to look at the girls. I shake my head. “No, sadly.”

Kayla perks up. “Paisley, Torch’s daughter, is looking for a summer job.”

“Tell her to come in whenever she can and we can talk it over.”

“Thank you!”

I look back at Butcher, and what I see makes my blood burn like fire. She is touching his arm, and he pulls away sharply and backs away from her. She moves closer to him, and she is going to touch him again.

That isn’t going to fly with me.

I stand up and stomp over to them. Jean yells, “Oh shit!” and the other girls cheer. The bitch knew I came here with him.


She is pissed. She glares at the girl who was hitting on me, walks past her, and wraps herself around me.

I fucking love this shit.

Shaylin smiles smugly at the girl, and it takes everything in me not to laugh. The girl glares at Shaylin, before opening her mouth. “What’s your deal?” Her snotty, babyish voice irks my nerves right off the bat.

“You were hitting on my man. What the fuck is your deal?” Shaylin steps closer to the girl.

“Like I give a fuck?” She looks me up and down, and I blink in disbelief. “I can have him on top of me.” She snaps her fingers. My thoughts go back to the fucker who said something similar about Shaylin.

I step out from behind Shaylin, ready to tell the girl off. Why would I touch something like that when I got my Shay? Does she not see what I have? Women.

Shaylin smiles a huge-ass smile.


“You shouldn’t have said that.” Shaylin grins at her.

The girl looks confused. “What are you going to d—” She doesn’t finish the word before Shaylin is on her ass, punching her in the mouth.

“Ugly bitch! All of these women here are ugly!”

Shaylin bursts out laughing, and the girl stands up to face her.

“I really didn’t feel like fighting today. I just wanted to have fun with my man and the ole ladies. Now you have fucking disrespected them and hit on my man. You’re asking to get your ass beat. No hair pulling, I can’t stand that.” Shaylin points at her in warning and goes back to grinning.

The girl brings her hand toward Shaylin’s hair. Shay catches her hand and bends it backwards, and the girl screams. “I told you no hair!” Shay brings her free hand to the girl’s throat and pushes her down, and the girl lands on her back.

“Who is under who now?” Shaylin cackles.

“Man, your woman is crazy,” Vinny says and I look at him, grinning.

“I know.”

Vinny bursts out laughing. “Both of y’all are crazy.”

I am not denying shit.

“Apologize to the ladies.”

“Fuck you, bitch.”

Shaylin sighs dramatically and flips her hair over her shoulder. “Damn, I was hoping for the easy way out.” She smacks her hard across the face. “You need to learn some manners. Apologize.” Shay turns the woman’s head so she’s facing the girls, who are watching, amused.


“You’re really pissing me off.” She slides her hand up from the girl’s neck and cups her face. Then she slams her head on the ground. “Do it now.”

“I’m sorry!”

“Good girl.” Shaylin is still grinning like a loon. She pats the woman’s face hard. “Now all you gotta do is tell my man you will never look at him again because if you do I will cut out your eyes.”

“You’re crazy!” the girl screams. Shaylin rolls her eyes, and her hand goes back to the girl’s throat. “Tell me something I don’t know. Now go on.” She waves her hand in my direction and winks at me.

She is perfect.

“I will never look at you again or your girlfriend will cut my eyes out.”

I shake with laughter, and I hear people around us doing the same.

Shaylin stands up and takes the girl with her. “I’m taking out the trash. I will be back.” She half drags the girl by the throat to the gate and lets her go. Then she kicks her on the ass, and the girl falls a few feet away.

“Butcher, I think she is crazier than you,” Jean says.

“She is perfect, isn’t she?”

Shaylin walks straight to me, and I watch her body move with every step. I am only so fucking strong. I walk to her and throw her over my shoulder. I need my woman.


I am thrown over his shoulder and I smack his ass, which causes him to retaliate. His hand lands on my ass hard.

People catcall all around us, and Butcher moves into the woods behind the clubhouse. He walks for a bit until we are out of sight of everyone. Butcher slides me down his body, and my feet hit the ground.

I am backed up against a tree with him towering over me. “You’re too fucking hot, Shay.” He slams his mouth onto mine as I gasp. His hand fists my hair, pulling slightly. I moan in delight at him being aggressive.

I feel his hands at the button of my pants. This is so thrilling. I am about to have sex with a hundred people just across the field. I feel my zipper being lowered, and I push his hands away. I drag my pants, along with my panties, down my legs leaving me open and bare for the world. I bite his lip and pull his hair, pulling my upper half closer to him. A hand snakes between my legs, and I almost fall to the ground.

“Soaked,” he growls and presses me hard against the tree. I unbuckle his belt, unbutton his pants, and push them down, along with his underwear, freeing him.

His tongue moves against mine, and I clamp my teeth down on it and grab his dick. He hisses and tears my hand away. He lifts me off the ground, and I wrap my legs around his waist.

He bends down slightly, and I feel his dick at my entrance. I shudder with pleasure at the feel. I open my eyes and break my lips from his, and I lay the back of my head against the tree. His teeth skim my neck as he presses inside of me, which causes a slight pinch of pain.

I dig my heels in and raise my hips so he has better access. My back arches as he slides farther inside of me and, once he is fully inside, I gasp and arch my toes. I have never felt anything so good. There is nothing better than to be filled fully.

“So fucking sexy.” He brings his hips back and slams back inside me.

“Fuck.” I gasp and drag my nails down his bare back. He hisses in pain and then slams inside again, harder this time. I love it.

“Faster.” I moan and kiss the side of his neck. He does what I ask.

Minutes, hours, seconds—I am not aware of time. All I know is Butcher and the feel of him moving inside of me. It’s something I know I will never tire of. This isn’t just fucking. Every touch, every movement means something.

Butcher means something to me, and I know I am falling in love with him. I think I have been for a while, but now it truly hits me. Tears fill my eyes, and I close them before he sees. I bring my lips to his and kiss him with every emotion I am feeling but not saying.

He strokes my clit, and I cry out loudly as I come hard, clamping down on his dick. I feel him come a second later, filling me.


He didn’t wear a condom. I open my eyes wide and look at Butcher, who has completely stilled. “I am on birth control.”

“I am clean, there hasn’t been a woman besides you in many years, and I just got tested a month ago.”

He kisses my sweaty forehead and I move away from the tree, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Ready to go home?”

I nod and he sets me down on the ground. I bend down and grab my panties, cleaning myself as much as possible before slipping on my jeans. I watch Butcher’s white ass disappear into his jeans.

He grabs my hand, and we walk through the woods to his bike. I am not wanting to face the crowd right now with my sex hair and cum running down my leg. Not attractive.

We come out of the woods and head for his bike, and I see the skank is still hanging around outside of the gate. Butcher hands me the helmet and I slip it on. I move my hair to one side and button the snap.

Butcher climbs on and I follow him. His hands wrap around my knees, and he pulls me flush against his back. I laugh and wrap my arms around his middle, and my lips find the side of his neck.

He starts the bike and, as we pull out toward the gate, we pass the girl who I beat up earlier. I give her the one-finger salute. I feel Butcher shaking with laughter. The girl obviously has no common sense.

We arrive back at his house about fifteen minutes later. His house is even more beautiful at night because of the golden light coming from inside, enhancing the interior.

“We should go boating tomorrow.” I look over to the shed that has the jet skis and the speedboat.

“Fine with me.” He climbs off.

“I think you’re trying to spoil me?” I flash him a sheepish smile. He bought me the gun that I had been eyeing for months, and I just found out the whole collection will be in soon, including a higher powered rifle.

He arches an eyebrow. “Is it working?” He picks up my hand and helps me off the bike.

“Oh yeah.”

He kisses my temple. “Then I am doing something right.”

I am swooning right now—he is so sweet! He twines our fingers together, and we walk up the steps to the house. He unlocks the door and we walk inside.

“Grab something to eat and I will run you a bath.”

I grab the waistband of his pants, pulling him toward me. “Only if you join me.”

He kisses my forehead, but I catch a small smile. His hand lands on my ass and I jump. “Behave.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Honey, do you think that is possible? When am I ever good?” A finger runs down the middle of his chest.

“Shay,” he growls in warning, but it doesn’t faze me. I will let him think he won because I do want that hot bath because I am sore, not that I will tell him that. He punched a hole in the headboard last night—it was a total breaking down moment.

The stairs creak as Butcher walks up the steps, and I shuffle over the refrigerator to find cold pizza. Nothing better than cold pizza. I grab my bottle of wine also. Aren’t I winning in life?

After I finish my pizza, I walk upstairs with my bottle of wine and a glass. I’ve got to make myself look semi-normal and not drink out of the bottle like I want to.

I cut across his bedroom to the bathroom, which is huge—and the massive tub is to die for. The bathroom is bathed in a soft glow that gives it a very romantic feel.

Butcher has his back to me, stark naked. I take a moment to admire the view of his backside and the tattoos covering his back. He looks over his shoulder at me and walks over to the tub, steps in, and slides into the water. I never thought a man could look so sexy in a tub, but my man isn’t normal.

I slip my cut off and lay it gently on the counter. Then I bring my shirt over my head, unsnap my bra, and toss them both on the floor. Then I unbutton my jeans and slide them down my legs, leaving me naked.

“Damn,” Butcher mutters under his breath, and I wink at him.

I step into the steaming bathtub.

“Your back to me.” I look at him in confusion, but I turn around so my back is to him. I sink down into the water and close my eyes. This feels amazing. His hand drifts down my back, and he pours water down my back, wetting the bottom half of my hair.

“What are you doing?”

“Let me care for you,” he whispers, and his hand smooths my wet hair down my back. “Lean your head back.”

I lean my head back, and he pours a cup of water over my head but doesn’t get any on my face. He does this a couple more times before I hear a bottle opening, and I crane my neck to see he has a shampoo bottle in hand.

The smell of my vanilla shampoo hits my nose. I hold completely still. His hand touches the middle of my head, digging his fingers in to massage it. I lean my head back, giving him better access.

This is heaven. I sigh and brace my hand against his knee. For the next fifteen minutes, Butcher washes my hair, conditions it, and washes my body.

I have never felt so cherished in my entire life.

After he carries me to bed, both of us still naked, he gently lays me down on the bed and climbs in beside me. I sit up and push on his shoulder, making him lie down flat on his back, and I bring my leg over his hip, straddling him.

“You made me feel more special earlier than I have ever felt in my whole entire life.” I drag my hands from his stomach to his chest, and my finger strokes the scar above the middle of his chest.

“You are special, Shay.”

I close my eyes; my nose burns with tears. “You say you aren’t sweet, sweetheart.”

“Just to you.” He chuckles and his hands slide along my legs, stopping once he gets to my inner thighs.

Opening my eyes I bend down and kiss the long jagged scar. Then I move to the next, the next, and the next. I kiss what people would call imperfections, but they are what make Butcher who he is.

“You are perfect.” I kiss the scar on his cheekbone, and I feel him shake his head. I lay my forehead against his, looking into his eyes. “You’re perfect for me. We are both crazy.” I laugh and he laughs along with me. I will never grow tired of him smiling and laughing.

I have noticed that the shadow in his eyes isn’t there. When I look into his eyes, I see happiness. I put that there. I make it my mission to make him happy. He deserves that and so much more.

I could ramble about this forever because I just really care about him. I care about him, and I am not afraid to show that. Call me cheesy but I am not hiding who I am.




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