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Calamity Rayne II: Back Again by Lydia Michaels (15)

Chapter Fifteen

I might be nesting…


The days that followed were so perfect, I wondered if all my previous angst and worry had been imagined. It seemed the wave of anxiety had passed and all systems were under a great woonami warning—that’s a wooing tsunami.

While Hale searched for a new nanny, I delayed my plans to go back to work for Remington and spent the days helping with Elara. Elle had become quite the first mate and every day she and Barrett sailed somewhere new. Some nights they stayed in the cabin of his sloop and others they returned home.

I asked again if something was going on between the two of them, but she said no. I wasn’t sure if the new Elle would lie to me, and maybe she wouldn’t, but I couldn’t imagine spending that many nights with a guy like Barrett Davenport and nothing happening.

The morning before their last excursion led me to believe my best friend was back but changed, more than anything else I’d witnessed so far. I’d just put Elara down for a nap and was quietly coming down the stairs when I paused at the sound of Barrett’s voice.

“Don’t forget the chips.”

From the landing I could see Elle in the kitchen, but not Barrett. She nodded and placed a few snack bags in her pack. It was so ordinary, yet strange to see this side of Elle. Then I saw Barrett and my breath held.

He approached her from behind, leaning around her body to inspect the bag. “You got everything.” He wasn’t asking but praising.

Elle turned in the space of his body and the granite counter and smiled up at him. “I’m getting good at this.”

Barrett smiled, but it wasn’t the expression he flashed during photo shoots or when flirting with other pretty girls. This was a genuine smile I hadn’t seen often—or ever. He carefully tucked a strand of Elle’s blonde hair behind her ear, but that was as far as he went. There seemed to be a subtle tremor in the air that neither of them wanted to rattle. The moment stretched and I expected to see them kiss—after all, it was Barrett—but all he did was look at her.

“You’re good at a lot of things.”

The look on my friend’s face was a priceless show of pride and confidence with so many vulnerable undertones, I decided whatever they were doing together was just fine and good for Elle. It might even be good for Barrett, too. I couldn’t quite explain it to Hale when I tried. It wasn’t so much of a sexual tension I felt as much as it was a shared common interest and delicate, newborn friendship. I knew then Elle had control of the situation and I could stand down.

Besides, I was enjoying my time with Hale’s daughter more than I was willing to admit. Lately, her hearing and vision seemed so sharp. I could tell she was absorbing everything I said. Sometimes she’d even babble back and we’d have a lengthy conversation about her nine-week-old concerns and my ongoing deciphering of the world.

“And that is what you call a corn dog. You’ll have to wait until you have teeth to try one. I’m not sure when you’ll be getting your chompers, but I’ll teach you about all the good carnival cuisine when you’re ready. Funnel cake is another favorite.”

As I pushed her stroller down the sidewalk I continued to educate her on the sort of food I knew she’d never experience with the Davenports. Elara stared at me from under the canopy of her carriage and smiled. Sometimes her grin would falter and she’d look at me as if questioning my sanity, but I was pretty sure that was just gas.

“Are you excited to see your Grandpop? We’re going to surprise him. Yes, we are. And he’s going to be grumpy, but it has nothing to do with you, cuteness.”

As I turned onto Remington’s property I waved to Alfonse who was washing the limo out front. I left the stroller on the path and slid the diaper bag over my shoulder before gathering Elara into my arms. Letting myself in, I smiled at Marta who briefly came over to tickle Elara’s foot.

Remington’s voice echoed from the back of the house so I waited in the foyer for him to finish his call. Miles, who was organizing some papers in the kitchen, looked up and waved. He seemed to be adjusting well as Remington’s right hand.

Swaying, so Elara didn’t fuss, I waited and listened for the call to end.

“And what did I say was going to happen?” Remington grumbled, not sounding happy.

Elara babbled, her voice echoing over the marble tile, which had her eyes widening.

“Shh, shh, shh,” I gently hushed her, swishing her slowly from side to side the way she liked.

“I’ve said from the start, giving her that property was a mistake and getting it back would be impossible. You didn’t want to listen and now look at the mess on your hands.” Remington paused. “The estate’s been in the family for generations, Hale. You disrupted that. I can’t help you.”

I frowned at the mention of Hale’s name. Were they talking about the New England property, the one Hale had used as part of his settlement with Elara’s mom?

Jasmine didn’t want a baby, but she sought comeuppance for the pregnancy. She was currently recovering in Paris on Hale’s dime, and that was fine, being that she’d signed over custody to him, though he wasn’t Elara’s actual birth father.

Her biological father, for reasons I still couldn’t fathom, would never be disclosed to the child or the public, but that was also fine because Hale was a great dad and Remington wasn’t.

“I’m surrounded by idiots. Miles, get me a drink!” Apparently, he was off the phone.

“We came to visit,” I announced, stepping into the den.

“Meyers. There’s something on your hip.”

I rolled my eyes. “Say hello to Grandpop.”

Despite his posturing, Remington took the baby into his arms and grimaced in the most loving way. It was the sort of sneer that said the verdict was still out, but something in her little face appealed.

“You sure are a pretty little thing.” He perched Elara on his knee, making frowny faces at her as she cooed and sighed.

“Mr. Davenport, I have your martini,” Miles said.

“Put it on the table.” Looking down his nose, he studied Elara under his lashes. “What brings you by, Meyers?”

“It’s a nice day. We figured a walk would be fun.”

“Getting a little comfortable in your apron strings.”

I smiled and plopped the diaper bag on the floor as I dropped into a chair. “I’m having fun.”

“Hale have any new candidates for the au pair position?”

There had been a couple interviews, but we hadn’t found the perfect person yet. I wanted someone older. Hale wanted someone certified in CPR with a background in early childhood. His requirements were obviously more logical than mine, but we were trying to compromise, hopefully landing somewhere in the middle.

“We’re still searching.”

“At least he got that girl out of your hair.” He shifted Elara and found a comfortable position. “Your friend’s been spending a lot of time with my other son.”

“She’s more of a seaman than me. But she says there’s nothing going on between her and Barrett.” I sensed that might change very soon.

He chuckled. “Either way, it gets him out of my house. I can only take Barrett’s philandering for so long.”

“He learns from the best.” I eased back and tucked my feet under my legs.

“Watch it. You’re talking in front of my granddaughter.”

I liked seeing Remington with Elara. It looked right and brought out his softer sides, which were still pretty crude and jagged, but I could tell he enjoyed her.

“Classes started at the university.”

And now it was my turn to surprise him. “I picked up my books yesterday.”

He arched a brow. “Did you?”

I nodded. “I’m taking astrology.”

“Jesus Christ,” he muttered.

I smirked. “You said I could take whatever I wanted.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re set on keeping your head in the clouds. I suppose it’s enough to get your feet wet.”

And it was. I liked looking at stars and we had a deal. This way, everyone was happy, though I knew Remington would rather see me take something a bit more useful in the real world. “You were on the phone with Hale?”

His gaze drifted from Elara to me. “There’s a situation.”

My stomach pinched, but nothing as severe as I was used to. The Davenports were solution-oriented and they’d figure it out. “A situation with Jasmine?”

“You should talk to Hale about it.”

“Oh, come on, Remington.”

“She’s pissed about his counter offer. Apparently, she’s attached to the idea of living in New England.”

I’d never been to that property, so I clarified. “When you went to Maine this summer were you staying at the estate?”

“Yes. Hale’s portion is down a ways, but I checked out the renovations. She’s certainly getting paid for her time.”

My stomach soured as I considered that time also included her interactions with Remington—interactions that took place while Jasmine and Hale had an arrangement. Remington betrayed not only his son but also his beloved wife, Rachel. It was something he carried with him because Rachel died before he could ever make it right.

Hale was alive and well, but Remington showed little interest in making apologies there. The man had an almost arrogant entitlement in terms of helping himself to what others considered theirs.

It was fucked up and I hated even thinking about it because I loved Hale and part of me loved his father. The whole Jasmine thing was icky and I wanted it to go away, which was why there had been a counter offer, to begin with. If part of her settlement was Hale’s portion of the New England estate, the woman would always be near the Davenports.

Hale, being so angry with his father after discovering his treachery, hadn’t cared that this would be inconvenient for Remington. But once he calmed down, he realized he’d made a mistake. Revenge was not a natural motivator for Hale and he was now trying to renegotiate the terms and offer Jasmine a different property.

“But she’s still in Europe, right?” I asked, hoping Hale still had time to negotiate.

“For now. Her lawyer’s stirring the pot. It’s never wise to renegotiate once you’ve established the upper hand. It reeks of weakness.” His brow furrowed. “Meyers, I think she made a…” His head drew back. “That’s your jurisdiction.”

I laid out the changing mat and took Elara. Remington sipped his martini while I cleaned her up. Once she was fresh, I gave her a bottle and we continued to chat, but avoided further talk of Jasmine. It would all work out.

“You’re good with her,” he commented as Elara closed her eyes, resting in my arms.

“I haven’t damaged her yet, so that’s a plus.”

“I dropped Barrett once. That probably explains a lot.”

I laughed and tucked the bottle away in the diaper bag. “I should probably go. It’s her nap time.”

He nodded. “Wrap up that babysitter search so we can get back to reality.”

I smiled and carried Elara back to her stroller. On the walk home I wondered about Jasmine. There was no doubt in my mind she didn’t want Elara, but I still worried, unsure how ironclad the adoption papers actually were. Though it was in Hale’s favor that the biological father was close by, it wasn’t anything he could disclose in the public’s eye.

When I got back to the house I carried Elara to her crib. Hale was in the office and Elle wasn’t home. I cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast and made sandwiches for lunch. When I knocked on the office door, Hale waved me in, still on the phone.

Placing his plate on his desk, I sat across from him and ate as he finished his call. His eyes creased with stress and his mouth was tight. “Add another thirty grand to the offer and see what happens.”

My eyes widened at the number, but I kept my thoughts to myself. When he hung up he sighed. “Thanks for lunch.”

“I took Elara to see your dad.”

“How did that go?” He was obviously distracted.

“I heard him talking to you on the phone. He said there’s an issue with Jasmine.”

He chewed his sandwich, his eyes watching me closely. When he swallowed he waved a hand. “I’m handling it. We have a few months until she’s back in the states.”

“Was the thirty thousand for her?” We rarely discussed money, but I was curious.

“On top of the money I already offered, and her choice of property anywhere in New York.”

I didn’t know much about New York, but I knew living in the city was expensive. All of this money was in addition to the initial payout Jasmine got when she agreed to take the pregnancy to full-term. “She wants to live in New York?”

“It’s where her career was.”

I already had a guess, but I wanted to check because maybe I was wrong. “What does she do?”

“She’s a model.”

“Oh.” Figured. Ugh.

His penis had been in the vicinity of her magnificent model vagina and I didn’t know why I was thinking about that, but I was now very conscious of my meal and all the calories it hid. Who was I kidding? I had zero discipline or interest in competing with that woman. I shoved the last bit of my sandwich in my mouth. So worth it.

“It’ll all work out. Eventually, I’ll hit her price.”

But he’d already paid her off. The house in New England was the final part of the deal. All of this exploitation of Hale’s finances seemed like abuse.

“What if you pulled back your offer and she had no choice but to take it?”

“I can’t do that.” And I knew exactly why. There was always a risk to playing hardball and that risk was sleeping upstairs in a little pink jumper.

When he finished his lunch, I took our plates to the kitchen and washed them. My shoulders were tense, so I distracted myself by folding laundry and reorganizing Hale’s pantry. I typically wasn’t a neat freak, but there was something about touching those household items that made me feel good, as if claiming my domain. It was like playing house, something I hadn’t done since childhood, but suddenly enjoyed again.

He came into the kitchen just as I was sorting through his silverware.

“Hey,” I said, closing the drawer. “I put all the knives back in that wood thing on the counter.”

He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Stressed.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

He arched a brow. “What are you offering?”

I glanced at the clock. “Elara will probably be asleep for a while longer.” I shrugged. “What do you want?”

His expression relaxed as he crossed his arms over his chest, easing his weight against the counter. “You.”

I smirked. Well, okay.

Prancing closer to him, I gave a cheeky grin. “How do you want me?”

He studied me for a moment and I saw the shift in his gaze. Hale rarely showed his cards, but I could usually predict his hand by a glance or the way he breathed. He was definitely stressed and in need of letting off some steam. I usually benefited from his intense moods, so I was happy to help.

His fingers grazed my jaw. “I want you on your knees.”

Yes, yes, yes. This was why I absolutely understood and respected blowjobs now. Before, they seemed like an assault of the tonsils that would be solely unpleasant. But since meeting Hale, I learned they were so much more.

There was this whole power play thing about them, me submitting and giving him control until he slowly but surely lost it. Women might start a BJ on lower ground, but if done properly, a good blowjob could bring a man to his knees.

My eyes followed him as I lowered to the floor. “Like this?”

He gave a curt nod and unfolded his arms. Resting his palms flat on the countertop, he looked at me and waited. I loosened his belt and he was already hard by the time I had his pants open. Glancing up at him, I batted my eyelashes and he nodded.

Rising off my heels, I stroked him gently. He sighed and tipped his head back. I kissed the tip and licked up his shaft.

He grunted. “You’re being a tease.”

I glanced up at him and grinned before taking him into my mouth. Breath hissed through his teeth as his fingers knotted in my hair. I shut my eyes and let him direct me, using my mouth to ease his stress.

There was nothing gentle about his hold, but every time I glanced at his face I saw his love and affection. When I felt him getting close I tightened my lips and sucked harder. He growled and jerked my hair back, his control slipping fast.

Staring at me for a heated moment, his eyes darkened as his breath labored. “I need you.”

He yanked me to my feet and bent my body over the counter, my feet arching and toes pressing into the floor. My dress lifted as the sound of my panties tearing rent the air. I was already soaking wet and moaned as he thrust deep, filling me to the hilt. My arms stretched over the granite surface as his hands pressed into mine, holding me in place as he thrust hard.

My cries echoed through the house, reverberating with the smacking sound of flesh. It was a relief, no longer having to waste time on condoms. Since the Pill had taken effect Hale took full advantage of having me whenever the mood struck, not that he ever really hesitated before.

His gravelly voice mingled with my pitched cries as he moaned and pounded into me. My body tightened and fluttered as he fucked me to orgasm and then filled me with his release.

I trembled as his weight gradually blanketed my damp skin. He kissed my shoulder and whispered, “Thank you, baby. I needed that.”

I giggled. Apparently, we both did. “Anytime, sailor.”

He smacked my ass and I jumped as he withdrew. “Sorry about your panties.”

“Totally worth it,” I rasped, peeling my body off the counter.

Standing, my legs were a bit shaky and he helped me adjust my clothes. The front door opened and Elle came in. Hale turned and zipped his pants, taking a moment to latch his belt.

Elle paused the second she spotted us in the open kitchen and raised a brow. “Sorry. Am I interrupting?”

Hale smiled and kissed my temple. “I have some work to finish. I’ll see you in a little bit.”

I grinned at Elle, sure my face was flushed. “We were just … organizing.”

“I can see that by your hair.” She dropped her bag on a stool and folded her hands on the counter.

I grinned. We just had sex there. “So how was sailing?”

“Awesome,” she sighed. “I really like boats. Did I used to like boats?”

“Not that I recall. How’s Barrett?” Inquiring minds wanted to know…

She smiled and rolled her eyes. “He’s so funny. You guys should come out with us sometime. I could show you all my maritime knowledge.”

“Did he show you his … mast?” I wasn’t too savvy on the nautical terms, but I knew the mast was the big post that held the sails or something like that.

Elle snorted. “No.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. “Give me something, Elle. You two have spent every day together for a week. You expect me to believe nothing’s going on?” And I saw that moment in the kitchen…

“Nothing’s going on, Ray. I swear.”

I frowned. That didn’t make sense. Barrett always had something going on and Elle always had a sort of celebrity crush on him. “Why not?”

She shrugged. “I’m just…” Her lips pursed. “What if I do it wrong?”

“I think you have us confused.”

She smiled, but I recognized true concern in her eyes. “I don’t remember sex.”

My eyes widened. “Really?”

She nodded. “I mean, I remember dating people, but … as far as doing the actual deed, I can’t remember much.”

“Oh.” Well, I could see how that might be a problem. “Maybe the guys you dated weren’t that memorable, to begin with.”

For a good part of my life, sex was terrible for me. But now I got it and I was sad for Elle. She was missing out on something incredible.

“I think he tried to kiss me the other day, but I got nervous and moved away.”

I hesitated. “Elle, I don’t know if Barrett’s the right person to experiment with. He seems to only move at one speed and it’s faster than usual.”

“Really? I think he’s the perfect guinea pig. He has plenty of experience. And as far as moving fast, he’s been really patient with me.”

Taking a deep breath I accepted there would be no talking her out of this. “Well, just remember to use a condom. Davenports have strong swimmers.” And Barrett sailed his mast in international waters.

“Can you give me some pointers?”

My eyebrows shot up. “Me?” When she nodded I bit my lip. “Um…never stick your finger up a guy’s ass without explicit permission. I did that once and the guy didn’t take it too well.”

“Ew! Why would you do that?”

“I heard it makes them come faster.” And I was curious, which we’d already established.

“What else?”

“I don’t know, Elle. Watch porn.”


“Porn. Pornography. Videos of people having sex.”

Her eyes widened. “Where the hell am I gonna find that?”

“Oh, boy.” I glanced at the office door and to the coffee table where I’d left my phone. “Give me a minute.”

I took the baby monitor into the office and set it on Hale’s desk. “Can you get Elara when she wakes up? I need to help Elle with something.”

“Sure. Is everything all right?”

“Yeah, just girl stuff.”

Once I grabbed my phone, I followed Elle up to her room where we locked the door. I also stole two pints of ice cream from the freezer on the way, because it was customary to have treats during any sort of theater.

“Okay. Buckle up. We’ll start with an amateur search, because in reality, no one talks that cheesy.”

I did a quick online search and the site I frequently visited popped up before I finished typing. “It does that because Google’s smart. It has nothing to do with my recent search history,” I lied and typed amateur sex.

“Holy shit,” Elle said as a close up of a penis filled the screen.

“Well, what did you expect?” I clicked on the video, but the guy was terrible with the camera. “Hold on. I can find a better one.”

For the next hour, we watched people fornicating. Elle might have seen a little too much for her forgetful, somewhat virgin, eyes. I, on the other hand, was ready to go find Hale again, but Elara was awake, so that wasn’t happening.

Elle blinked, sitting back on the bed with her ice cream. “You do all that?”

“Well, not the butt stuff. I’ve never been to fifth base with a guy.” That was still a little outside of my wheelhouse, but I’d try anything once. Those women seemed to enjoy it.

“I don’t know if I can handle all that.”

“You’ve done it before,” I reminded. “Even in the butt a few times when you were drunk.”

She frowned. “I did?”

I nodded. “Look, just do what you’re comfortable with. It’ll come back to you. I mean, look at me. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, but Hale was patient and I learned.” Maybe Barrett could be patient, too.

She blew out a breath. “Okay. I think I’ll just practice kissing if he tries again.”

I grinned because although our roles were somewhat reversed, this felt like our old friendship. “You’ll get there. Look how fast you’re adapting to everything else.”

She smiled. “Thanks, Ray.”




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