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Charming Hannah (The Big Sky Series Book 1) by Kristen Proby (17)

Chapter Sixteen


“I HOPE I DON’T step on a jellyfish.”

We’re on the sand, walking down to the water. I have the binoculars hanging around my neck for whale watching, we stepped out of our shoes at the beach entrance, and we’re both in shorts, so there’s no need to roll our pants legs.

“I’ll keep an eye out for any rogue jellyfish,” he says. He’s holding my hand, our fingers linked. The sun is just starting to set on the horizon.

“I read somewhere that when they sting you, it hurts really bad and the only way to take the sting away is to pee on it.”

“Well, that’s a delightful thought,” he says. “I’m not really into that sort of thing.”

I push his arm, making him splash in the water. “I’m not either, perv.”

“I will defend you against all jellyfish and the threat of pee.”

“And they say chivalry is dead.”

He stops in front of me, his back to me. “Hop on.”

“I’m not gonna pass that up.” I hop onto his back and he catches me around the knees. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and lean in to kiss his ear. “This is nice.”

He doesn’t say anything for a while as he carries me down the beach. I’m watching intently for whales and laughing at seagulls who have flown over to see what we’re up to, and to see if we have a hand out.

He finally sets me down, and I plant my feet in the sand, ready for the water to wash over them.

“Oh, it’s like bath water.”

“It’s warm in the summer,” he agrees and watches me with happy eyes. “You look beautiful like this.”

“Like what?”

“Happy. Playful.”

I stop and tip my head back, take a deep breath and smile. “I feel happy. And you were right, I’ve been able to relax, and that’s a huge gift.”

“And it’s only day one,” he reminds me.

“That’s right.” We’re walking further down the beach. The sky is a riot of orange, blue, and purple. The sand is getting rockier, so we turn back toward the resort. “We walked further than I thought.”

“It’s easy to do on the beach.”

“Have you been here often?”

“I’ve actually never visited this resort before, but I love the ocean. When I was a kid, my parents would bring us to the Oregon coast every summer. It’s colder up there, but still fun.”

“I love it. I didn’t know what I was missing.” I glance up at the resort, all lit up in the twilight. “It’s beautiful.”

“And quieter than I expected. I thought it would be flooded with tourists.”

“It’s mid-week. Maybe that has something to do with it.” He nods, and I keep rambling. “You know what else I’m enjoying?”

“What’s that?”

“We don’t have to share each other. Neither of us is in danger of being called in to work, and we’re not putting in odd hours. I get to spend a block of time with you, uninterrupted. That might be the best vacation of all.”

“We should do it often. Just schedule it and make it happen.”

“I would do that.” I actually love that idea.

“Or, better yet, you should just move in with me.”

I trip on my own feet, surprised at the suggestion, and Brad catches me before I fall on my face.

“Easy. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Holy shit! I’m not fine. He just asked me to move in with him as casually as asking me to go to the movies.

We’ve never said the L word.

I’ve almost said it once or twice, but that’s not the same as saying it. Not even close. How can he ask me to live with him if he doesn’t love me?

“What do you think?”

“About what?”

Okay, that was lame. But I don’t know what to say.

“Moving in with me.” He smiles down at me and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to think about it.”

“Makes sense,” he says with a nod, and then he completely drops the subject. So now I don’t know if he regrets mentioning it, or if it’s really that casual of a thing for him.

And of course I’m going to spend forever overthinking it. I wish I had my phone on me; I’d text Abby.

I’ll text her when we get back. She’ll know what to say.

“You’re suddenly quiet,” he says.

“I think I’m just tired,” I lie, feeling guilty about it. I’m all pumped up with adrenaline now. “It’s been a long day.”

“So should we skip dessert and go up to the condo?”

“I think that’s a good idea.”

He nods and leads me up to our condo, and once inside, I make a beeline for the bathroom. I lock the door and stand in front of the mirror, staring at myself.

I look not a little scared.

Because I am.

“He just asked you to move in with him and you clammed up,” I whisper to myself and shake my head in disgust. What does that mean? That maybe I don’t love him? That I should break up with him?

I frown and shake my head, dismissing that idea. There’s no need to be rash.


“Just a minute.”

I take a deep breath, push my fingers through my hair, and glare at my reflection in the mirror.

Pull it together.

I open the door to find Brad leaning against the wall, waiting for me.

“There are other bathrooms,” I point out and walk into the living room with Brad on my heels.

“What’s going on?”

“With whom?”

“With you.” He grabs my arm to stop me from pacing. “Talk to me. I can hear the wheels turning in that gorgeous head of yours.”

“You threw me,” I reply and pull out of his grasp. “How can you just toss those words out so casually, like it’s nothing? It’s not nothing, Brad. It’s not a little thing.”

“Moving in with me?”

“Yes.” I roll my eyes and pace away from him. “You should move in with me. Like you’re asking me to hike in the park.”

“I may not be good at words, Hannah, but you’re right. It’s not a little thing. It’s the biggest thing in my life.” My eyes fly to his bright ones. His jaw is tight, his hands fisted. “I hate that I only get to see you a few times a week because of the responsibility of our jobs. I don’t want to see you when we can both squeeze it in.”

“So, it would be convenient then.”

“Yes. No. Fucking hell.” He shoves his hands through his hair and stomps away from me and then back again. “You’re infuriating, you know that?”

“Back at you.”

“I love you, goddamn it.” He grips my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. “I don’t want to live without you. I can’t focus on anything but you, Hannah. When I’m not with you, I’m thinking about you. I want you to move in with me so I can see you more, spend more time with you, sleep next to you every night.”


But he doesn’t let me finish. He scoops me up and hauls me into the bedroom, lifts my sundress over my head and tosses it carelessly on the floor, then guides me onto the bed. He shimmies out of his clothes and covers me completely.

“You always make me feels so small when I’m under you.”

“You are small,” he murmurs and kisses my cheek. “But so fucking strong. Brave. Funny.” He kisses down my neck to my breast and plucks my nipple in his teeth. “Sweet.”

“Oh my.”

“Listen to me.”

“I’m listening.”

I glance down to find him smiling up at me. “I love the hell out of you, sweetheart.”

I swallow hard and let my head fall back, staring at the ceiling.

Don’t cry. That would be so damn embarrassing.

“Look at me.”

“You’re bossy.” But I do as he says. He looks mighty pleased with himself.

“This.” His hand covers my core. “You.” He kisses my navel and then higher on my breast bone. “Are mine.”

I cock a brow and watch as he lays open-mouthed kisses all over my torso, leaving heat and electricity in his wake.

“That’s right,” he continues, not waiting for me to respond. “Your body and your heart belong to me, Hannah.”

“Awfully sure of yourself, Chief Se—”

“Now isn’t the time to be funny,” he growls and covers me again, his face even with mine. “I’m serious, Hannah. You’re mine, goddamn it, and I want you with me.”

“If I’m yours, you’re mine too. It works both ways.”

He frowns as if he’s confused. “Of course. Haven’t you heard what I’m saying to you?”

“Yes. You’re claiming me, and telling me, but you haven’t said anything about being mine, and that’s the only way this is going to work.”

“Baby, of course I’m yours. I told you, I don’t see anything but you.” His fingers gently glide down my cheeks as he sinks inside me, making me gasp in pleasure. “I’m yours completely. That’s why I want you to move in with me. Everything I am, and all that I have belongs to you.”

“I just want you,” I whisper and moan when he begins to move in earnest. “Because I love you too. I’ve wanted to say it for a while, but I thought it might be too soon.”

“If it’s how you feel, it’s not too soon.”

I smile and lift up to kiss him. “You’re not so bad with words, you know.”

He tips his forehead against mine and moves in a steady, even rhythm. He’s not fucking me now. He’s making love to me more beautifully than ever before.

He’s strong and masculine and brave. And with me he’s gentle and sweet. I trust him. I enjoy him.

I love him.

“So what do you say? Are you going to move in with me?”

“Of course.”

He grins. “You had me worried there for a minute.”

I cup his face gently. “I’m yours, remember? No need to worry.”


“You slept late,” I say the next morning as Brad comes stumbling out onto the deck. He’s rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Do you want coffee?”

“Please.” He drops onto the couch next to me and curls into me, snuggling closely.

“I can’t pour the coffee with you on me.”

“Coffee after this.”

I smile and run my fingers through his hair the way he likes. We were up most of the night, making plans and just talking. One thing about Brad and me is we never run out of things to talk about.

The sun is up and the world is awake, and I didn’t want to miss it.

“How long have you been up?” he asks.

“About an hour. I ordered room service, and I’ve been out here soaking in the ocean.”

“I’m glad you love it here,” he says and sits up. I reach over and pour him a cup of coffee, fix it up the way he likes, and pass it to him.

“You’re usually the one making me coffee. This is kind of nice.”

“I don’t remember the last time I slept this late.”

“You needed it.” I set my iPad aside and take a bite of my bagel with cream cheese. “Do you feel rested?”

“Yeah. And ready to get busy making plans.”

“For today?”

“For when we get home and we move you into my place.”

I laugh. “We have plenty of time for that. You don’t have to spend our vacation worrying about it.”

“I want it done ASAP. What are you going to do with your house? I assume you own it?”

“I’ll rent it out for a while. It’s a great investment, and I don’t see a reason to sell it right away.”

“Are you keeping it as a way out if things don’t work out for us?”

I frown and take another bite of my bagel. “I don’t like to think that way, Brad. I don’t think that things will go badly. But I’d be a fool if I didn’t have a back up plan.”

He watches me for a moment, his eyes cool.

“Come on, if it were Jenna, would you suggest she sell her house tomorrow and go live happily ever after with some guy?”

“If that’s what she wants.” I give him the whatever look and he shrugs. “Okay, no. I’d recommend she keep her house and that she be careful. But I would wish her well if the guy was as fantastic as I am.”

I laugh and scoot into his lap. “Well, that goes without saying. And I’m not bullshitting about the investment thing. Owning property in our little resort town is lucrative.”

“You’re right. Rent it out, sell it, hell, do whatever you want with it. It’s yours, after all.” He pulls his phone out of his shorts pocket and opens the messages. “I’m going to text a few guys I know to get some movers reserved. I figure with your schedule, you’ll need help with packing and stuff.”

“I hadn’t thought of that, but it’s a good idea. I’ll want to be on hand when they’re in my house, though.”

“We’ll both be there.” He’s typing out quick messages, and my own phone pings with a text.

Where the fuck are you?

“Oops. I forgot to tell Drake that I was leaving town.”

I bite my lip and type out a quick response and attach a photo of Brad and me at the pool yesterday.

“Is he angry?”

“Probably worried,” I reply. “He’ll be shocked when I tell him I’m moving in with you.”


“Because I’ve always said that I probably won’t ever do the commitment thing. Who wants to deal with a doctor for a girlfriend?”

“I don’t seem to mind it,” he replies, his attention still on his phone.

“You know, it’s impressive that you’re able to text and still hold a conversation with me at the same time.”

“I’m a man of many talents.”

I grin and there’s a response from Drake.

You scared me. We’re supposed to let each other know when we go out of town.

“See? He’s just worried.”

I know. I’m sorry. It happened really fast! It was a surprise from Brad. But all is well and I’ll tell you all about it when I get home.

“I have movers coming next Tuesday.”

“That’s in four days.”

His eyes find mine. “Is that a problem?”

I just laugh and shake my head. “When you decide you want something, you don’t waste any time.”

“Not when it comes to you, sweetheart. What do you want to do today?”

“I want to walk on the beach again. Or better yet, go for a run on the beach. And then I want to be lazy at the pool for the rest of the day.”

“We can do those things.” He leans in and kisses me sweetly. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For all of it.”