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Chief: Rebel Guardians MC by Liberty Parker, Darlene Tallman (12)

Chapter Eleven




My phone wakes me from my fitful sleep. “Hello,” I answer.

“Hey, man,” Law says, “wake up, I have some information that you’ll want to hear.”

“I’m up,” I say, sitting up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “What’s up?”

“You wanted at least a week’s notice, I’m giving it to you. You are on the dockets in one week from yesterday.”

“From yesterday, huh?” I chuckle at him.

“Yes, sir. The judge also wanted me to relay to you that he can marry the two of you in his chambers thirty-minutes before the hearing. It will be quick, and he’ll only have enough room for a few witnesses. You need to get your ducks in a row and have everything ready to go. You need to get to the courthouse at least forty-eight hours before and get your license filed.”

“Not a problem, I have the afternoon shift, so I’ll get Trinity up and moving and we’ll head down there this morning.”

“Sounds like a plan, catch ya later man, I’ve got a few more things to wrap up so I can hit the road for my leave of absence.”

“We’re going to miss you, man,” I tell him, feeling a bit nostalgic with everything he’s done for me. There is no greater feeling for a man than that of having those stand beside you through all walks of life. And Law has definitely gone above and beyond where we are all concerned. He’s one of the club’s biggest assets and I hope we don’t come across any trouble while he’s away. With Smokey and Bandit around, there’s always something coming up. Those two bozos have kept us young and, on our feet...but we wouldn’t trade them for anything in this world.

“Wake up, baby.” I lean over and slide Trinity’s hair over her shoulder.

“What? What’s happening?” she asks, and she looks as cute as a button. Damn, now I sound like a damn pussy. What is my world coming to?

“We need to get down to the courthouse this morning and file for our marriage license, we meet the judge in one week to adopt the girls and he’s fitting us in for a quick wedding.”

“Quick, what I always wanted when in the same sentence as my wedding,” she says sarcastically, I guess we’re still in a snit from last night.

“Sweetness? You okay?” I ask, my tone cautious.

She looks at me and I can see the apprehension in her eyes. “Turk, I’m sorry I’m a disappointment.”

Wait, what? “No, Trinity, you’re not a disappointment to me. What you did yesterday disappointed me but there’s a huge difference and we’re not getting out of this bed until you realize that fact.”

“I don’t see the difference.”

I sigh before pulling her so that she’s nearly in my lap while I’m leaning against the headboard. “There’s no way that you, my beautiful, stubborn, woman, could be a disappointment to me. Ever. You’ve healed my heart and soothed my soul. You’re giving me a family with you, the girls and that crazy-ass cat who insists on sleeping on my side of the bed. I was disappointed that you put your own health on the back burner. I get that your job requires you to be about the kids who need help, but sweetness, right now you’re still healing, and I couldn’t believe that you would risk yourself like that.”

“My recovery has gone like it’s supposed to, I wouldn’t have lifted or done anything that would have jeopardized that in any way. The doctor said just the other day that I am a textbook recovery statistic, I am right on schedule and healing nicely.”

“Well, we’re not taking any chances since I’ve got a wedding night with you in a week’s time,” I tell her, smoothing her hair back. I swear, she goes to bed with her hair braided to keep it in check and by the time we wake up the next morning, more hair is out of the band than in it. But I love her curls and don’t mind one bit. Bed head looks good on her, she’s a wet dream rolled into one package. My perfect match, and I wouldn’t get rid of her hard-headed ass if someone offered me all of the money in the world to do so. I scoop her up and carry her into the bathroom. We may still be in the no-sex part of her healing, but I enjoy this part of our day and won’t be denied. Plus, if we hold off until our wedding night, the anticipation and work up from this week will make it ten times more explosive when we do come together.




Gah, this man of mine is driving me crazy, rubbing himself along my body then moving away when I reach out to reciprocate his touch. He better be ready because he created a monster the first day we made love and other than those few days of the month, I anticipate being very active. Note to self, we may need to investigate soundproofing the room, especially now that Claree and Talon have taken an interest in one another. Lord knows I don’t want to be the one to blame for them wanting to explore and take things further than what is age appropriate. Holding hands is about all I feel they should be doing at their tender ages. I don’t want to even catch a peck on the cheek at this stage of the game, and oh my, Turk would have a heart attack if he even heard my thoughts thus far! I’m broken out of my reverie when he takes my hand and leads me out of the shower. Guess I had to get into a different mind zone to keep from jumping him like a starving animal. “We’re going to have to take Shelby,” I say, as he dries me off. Why he feels the need to do this when I have two capable hands is beyond me, but the feel of his calloused hands on me is wonderful.

“Let’s get the girls up and ready and we’ll grab breakfast, drop Claree off at school then hit the courthouse. You need to call Nan as well because she was organizing the reception for us at the clubhouse.”

“Okay, that works. Turk, I think I’ve got it from here,” I tell him as I grab my toothbrush and the toothpaste. He’s standing right behind me, both of us naked, with his arms wrapped around my waist. Seeing his darker skin against mine sends a shiver through my body. Then again, it could be his hard-on that’s pressed against my ass and lower back too. One night, we were lying in bed and I asked him if he’d ever take us to the reservation to visit his family, I know he’s got a tough relationship with them and I’d love to help him mend fences. But his resounding ‘absolutely not’ ended that conversation before I even had a chance to discuss it with him. One day I’m going to break down those walls he has built up where they are concerned. Maybe I can enlist Nan and secretly invite them to our wedding reception. If there ever was an ice-breaker this could be it. They can see and meet his new family, and hopefully we can all come together as one. Once we’re done dressing and getting ready, I go in to wake up the girls, only to find Claree already dressed, with her bed made, and sitting there combing Shelby’s hair.


“Yes, ma’am.”

“You do know you don’t have to do that, right?”

“I know. I’ve done it for so long, though, that it’s a habit. Plus, I enjoy this time I get to spend with her one on one.” My heart melts at what she says. Claree is an amazing big sister, she has a natural maternal instinct that I hope follows her into adulthood. Just not too soon, I hope and pray. I know she’s far more mature than her chronological age and it’s my goal to get her to let loose a little bit and be more like a kid than a mini-adult. Hell, I don’t remember making my bed when I woke up unless I was told to do so and yet, every morning, hers is made and her dirty clothes are in the hamper and everything is put away. Then again, the house she was living in after her mom died was chaotic, so maybe this is what she needs to ensure all is well. Something to keep a watch on, I guess. I also notice that she has changed Shelby’s diaper, clothes and cleaned up her room as well. I don’t want her to be feeling like she has to do these things for us to love her, I want her to know that no matter what happens in her life, we’ll always be there by her side.

“Claree, you know that you don’t have to be perfect and do all these things to stay here. We’re never letting you go, we love you and Shelby just like you’re our own. We’ll never abandon you two nor will we stop wanting you to be here with us.”

Her wide eyes look up at my statement. “I guess I figured if I did everything I could to help, you wouldn’t get tired of us being here,” she admits.

I pull her into a hug and kiss her head before saying, “Sweetie, kids are meant to be kids. I’ll never say you can’t help with your sister because that’s what good sisters do, they help. I just want you to know you can relax and just be a kid., we don’t expect perfection.”

“Okay, I’ll try...Trinity?”

“Yes, sweetheart.”

“Would it be okay if we started calling you and Mr. Chief, Mom and Dad? I know you’re not really, but I want you to be.” Claree looks up at me with all the love in the world shining in her eyes. I love these two little ones as if they were my biological children.

“We’d love it, sweetie. And as of next week, we’ll be your parents when the judge signs the adoption paperwork. Family isn’t only about the ones you share blood with, it’s also the ones you let into your lives and you and your sister are in ours until we take our last breaths.”

Turk ambles into the room, asking, “Are my girls ready to go?” We all smile up at him and I watch as he melts at the way we’re looking up at him as if he is what makes our world go round.




What a whirlwind morning! Once we finished with breakfast, we dropped Claree off at school then headed over to the courthouse and applied for our marriage license. Since I’m still off and it’s Turk’s day off, we’re now at the clubhouse hanging out with everyone. I can’t help but beam in happiness at the way Nan seems to be fawning all over Shelby. Seems my girl has won everyone’s hearts which is a good thing, because we have to watch her like a hawk. We’ve been lucky so far, only two minor seizures since she’s been home, but everyone volunteered and took classes to know what to do if a seizure happens. They all wanted to support her and that says alot about the character of these men and women I now call family.

“So, once y’all are done at the courthouse, you’ll come here for the reception and celebration party for the adoptions,” Nan states, writing notes on her ever-present pad of paper.

“And our wedding, don’t forget that that is a need for celebration, Nan.”

“Yeah, we need to celebrate that someone is willing to put up with his ugly mug,” Bandit hollers out.

“Soon, Chief and Trinity are gonna need a minivan,” Smokey laughs out. I swear, these two are going to be the death of the RGMC men. I know they make me want to find my own suite at the insane asylum sometimes when they get going.

“I happen to like his ‘mug’ very much,” I state. “And don’t you have a job you need to get to?”

Bandit laughs at my words before saying, “Nope. I’m up-to-date on all my contract work and we’re just waiting on the go-ahead to start working on the truck stop.”

Ah, the truck stop. I don’t understand a lot of what they do but Turk has assured me that every business they buy and get involved in is legitimate and with everyone’s best interests at heart. Since I’m in such a good mood, I look at Smokey and Bandit and say, “Someday, a woman is gonna come along and knock y’alls socks off. Personally, I can’t wait to see the two of you running around. Just remember, what you’ve thrown out there will likely come back to you in spades because I’ve got a long memory and so does DJ.” Karma’s a bitch boys, keep it up, I can’t help but think.

The conversation gets back on track and before I know it, we have the party planned and the guys are talking about some trip that they’ve been planning, apparently when I’m all healed, and before Cara delivers the twins, we’re going away for the weekend. Just the adults! I can’t help but become excited at the prospect of having an adults-only getaway. Thank goodness for Nan and the prospects, I’d love to be a fly on the wall during that escapade. Then I think about Claree and Talon and realize that there may not be enough adult supervision. “Uh, Turk?”

“Yeah, sweetness.”

“Um, are you sure there’ll be enough adult supervision?”

He spears Hatch with a look and they do that whole ‘talk with the eyes not with words’ thing that all of them have down pat before saying, “It’ll be fine, Trinity. We’ve already decided that the boys will stay with two of the prospects and the girls will stay with Nan and one prospect. There will be no hanky-panky going on while we’re away. I can guarantee you that.”

“I thought you had four prospects?” I ask. Damn, I get confused over this shit sometimes!

“Jaxson is coming with us and driving the SUV because Cara won’t be able to ride. It’ll have all our luggage and shit too.”

“Plus,” DJ pipes in, “Hatch doesn’t like Jaxson around Ralynn if he isn’t around.” We all snicker at that, because Ray has a deep-seated crush on poor Jaxson, who happens to run the other direction when the poor girl enters a room. I know that things might be different when they’re older, but right now, Jaxson thinks of her as a child and treats her like one, which makes me like the young man even more.

“So, what are y’all doing on the wedding night?” Cara asks, causing everyone in the room to burst into laughter. “Y’all get your minds out of the gutter! I know that’s gonna happen for fuck’s sake, I mean, are you going away or what?”

I’m about to respond when Braxton says, “Actually, we’re keeping the girls for them for the weekend and they’re going to try that bed and breakfast out first for us.” Oh, so now Turk and I are the guinea pigs for the group? What jerk-offs! Then again, it’s kind of sweet that they’re giving us a weekend away, not that I expect we’ll see much outside our room if I have anything to say. I can enjoy my man without any outside interruptions, sounds like a plan to me. I swear every time I think we’re going to have some alone time, his phone rings, pager goes off or one of the girls needs us for one thing or another. Yes, he has a pager for work, go figure, I didn’t even realize they still made those until I started dating Turk. I thought those had become dinosaurs in the face of technology, but hey, what do I know about law enforcement and their equipment.

“What’cha thinking so hard about, woman?”

“Just about how nice it will be to have some time away from all interruptions and just enjoy spending some quality time with you is all.”

“Sounds like a great break from everything,” Turk says to me.

“That it does.”

“Okay, love birds, I think we have your plans all figured out, what’s next?” DJ says.

“I think it’s time to take my woman home,” Turk says and suddenly the room erupts in cat whistles and hoots and hollers.

“God y’alls minds are always in the proverbial gutter.” I say to the boys. It’s no wonder we’ve got the kids asking about orgasms and sex the way they carry on! I’m with Turk, I think it’s time to head home, I’ve had about enough of the trouble twosome’s comedy act.

We say our goodbyes and leave after grabbing Shelby from Nan, which was a feat in itself. She’s really taken to Shelby and hates it when we take her away. But she’ll have her for a few weekends coming up and then she can get her fix.




The next week flies by and the next thing I know, it’s our wedding day. I can’t believe the way my life has drastically changed since the day that Trinity entered my life. “Are y’all ready yet?” I ask, knocking on the girls’ bedroom door.

“One second!” Trinity calls out. “Seems your youngest daughter-to-be decided she had to paint this morning so I had to give her another bath.” I shake my head at the exasperation I can hear in her voice. With her new medicines, Shelby has gotten more active and consequently, into more and more things.

“Let me guess, Claree left her water colors out again on her desk?”

“Yep.” I shake my head and hold the laughter back. In the last week, since Trinity had a talk with her, she's started acting more like a kid her age, than a pseudo-parent. She’s made a few friends at school and more than once I’ve had to remind her it’s a school night and to get off her phone. Then again, I kinda want to let her stay up and make up for some of the time she’s lost as a pre-teen. Then, Trinity reminds me that we still have to be the parents and not one of her friends. I just have a hard time saying no to that girl, unless I think it’s something that will affect her negatively in any way.

“Okay, I think we’re ready,” Trinity says, opening up the door. My mind goes blank as I take in the three of them standing there. She’s wearing a two-piece suit thing that I would call off-white, but she’d probably say it was something else. A lacy shell peeks out and I wonder what else is underneath. Feeling my body react, I immediately start reciting traffic laws. No sense in having the girls wondering why the front of my pants is extending. The girls are wearing matching dresses, with Claree’s hair curled down around her shoulders, and Shelby’s up in two ponytails, curls bouncing at the end.

“You look beautiful,” I say, leaning in and kissing her gently. She never wears much make-up and today’s no different, but there’s something almost luminescent about her today. I notice Claree has some shine to her lips, I raise my eyebrows in question to my woman, but all she does is smile brightly at me, dismissing my fatherly disapproval. I just smile and lean down and kiss Claree on top of her head, “Don’t grow up on me too quickly, yeah?”

“I’ll try not to,” she says sweetly. Well, okay then, I guess that’s about as good of an answer as I’m going to get. I usher them all out of the room and out of the house, I can’t wait until I get to share the same last name as my family.

Thirty-four minutes later, we pull up to the courthouse, and am shocked and happy to see every single member of my club, and their families, waiting on the stoop to the front entrance.

“I thought this was just a small affair?” Trinity asks, wrinkling her nose at me.

“That’s what Law told me, but maybe he was trying to surprise us, sweetness.”

We walk up and meet everyone, and Axe is the first one to extend his hand and says, “We know you wanted this small, but we can’t stand back and not be here to support you all on such a special day.” I hear Trinity sniff, and see her bring a handkerchief, up to her eyes, one that looks vaguely familiar. I look over and see Chef giving me a wink, the sly bastard. It’s my job to give her my hanky...fuck me, I must be channeling Cara’s hormones or something.

“Still have your man card in your wallet?” Hatchet asks me. The fuck!

“Of course I do, do you still have yours?”

“Nope, lost it the day DJ said I do, I suspect yours will be long gone as well.”

“Dickhead,” I say to him. “Let’s do this,” I announce and we all make our way inside.

Once we’ve all gone through the metal detectors, the security officer directs us to the judge’s chambers. Because of our group’s size, we have to go in two separate elevators. Knocking on the door, I hear a voice say, “Come on in.” I open the door and allow the women to go in first before following them, leaving my brothers to fall in behind me.

“Well, this is a nice surprise,” Judge Haskins says. “I know you two want to get married first so that these two young ladies will have the same name.”

“That’s correct.”

I watch as my brothers lean back against the wall and pull their women into their arms. Trinity and I take our places in front of him, and Claree is standing next to Trinity, with Shelby in her arms. The next words I hear are, “Dearly beloved…”




The wedding is over as quickly as it began. I’m in Turk’s arms with his lips attached to mine. As soon as the judge said the words, “You may now kiss your bride,” Turk took him at his word. When we pull apart, congratulations are shared with our family and we are ushered out to the courtroom, where the hearing can be documented. The four of us are standing in front of the judge’s bench, with every one of his brothers and their wives standing behind us. Talk about one of those moments I want to commit to memory. I know that every one of the men and women behind us would do anything for our family, just as we would for them. My heart’s overflowing with love and joy, when I hear the judge say, “And now, for something I always enjoy doing, making a new family.”

When everyone chuckles at his words, he gives what I can only say is a judge stare before continuing, “Not like that, although that’s not a bad thing. I mean through the miracle of adoption. Many times, older children and children with medical needs are overlooked by prospective parents when they want to adopt. I’m beyond thrilled that you, Trinity, and you, Turk, brought these two into your home with the thought foremost in your minds that they would be yours someday. Neither of you have wavered in this and in fact, I know that each of the family members standing behind you have sought the training needed to make sure that no matter who little Miss Shelby is with, she will be as safe as if she is with you. That’s commitment, folks, and I wish more families had that. Now, I want to ask Claree a few questions if that’s okay?” We both nod at him and he looks down from his bench at Claree.

“Claree, do you understand what is happening today? That once I sign this paperwork, you’ll forevermore be known as Claree Janisse Dennison?” I see Claree’s eyes widen as Janisse was her mother’s first name. We decided we wanted them to have something of her in their new lives and this was what we came up with.

“Yes, sir,” she whispers, her hand now clutching mine.

“And the little miss who is in her daddy’s arms, she’ll forevermore be known as Shelby Marie Dennison. Your parents wanted you both to have something from your mom as a reminder of how much she loved you both.”

“Now for the practicalities. Turk and Trinity, I believe you had Elijah do your wills, correct?”

“Yes, sir,” Turk replies. “He said you would file all of it together since we had to wait until Trinity’s name was changed to Dennison.”

“And are Braxton and Caraleigh Cunningham present? As well as Jayden and Donna Jo Hatcher?”

I hear the two men answer and hope the four of them are onboard with mine and Turk’s wishes. “Turk and Trinity have listed the four of you as the girls’ guardians in the event something should happen to them. Are you willing to step into that role should it be needed?”

I can hear the women openly crying and it’s taking everything within me not to join them.

“We do,” all four of them say almost in unison.

“Then by the power vested in me, this the twenty-second day of March, I am pleased to announce to you all Miss Claree Janisse Dennison and Miss Shelby Marie Dennison. May you all have long and happy lives.” I hear cheers all around us and even the judge is wearing a smile that brightens the room.

“Thank you,” I say to him, then turn to my new husband and daughters. “Let’s go celebrate!” I call out in contagious excitement. We all cheer and are full of laughter and smiles as we exit the courthouse and head to the clubhouse. I notice that our matriarch is missing and once I ask about her I’m told that she’s getting the final preparations done and will be waiting for us to arrive. I feel like this day couldn’t get any better, but oh how wrong I was.



We’re back at the clubhouse and Turk has spirited me away to get changed into something a little more comfortable. I think he really just wants to see what’s under my suit. As he closes and locks the door to his room, I raise my eyebrow at him. “What are you doing, Mr. Dennison?” I ask him as he stealthily walks toward me.

“I’m fixing to show my bride exactly what she means to me, Mrs. Dennison.”

“Oh yeah, and how exactly are you going to do that?”

“By worshiping every single inch of your body.”


“Oh yeah, right the fuck now.”

“But, Turk, everyone is waiting on us. They’ll know what we’re doing in here!”

“Don’t care, I need you now.”

“You always need me, how is this time any different?” I say, teasingly.

“This time my dear, you’re wearing my ring and carrying my last name. This time, I’ll be taking you as your husband. Any other questions?”

“Not that I can think of,” I say, and I can feel the excitement bubbling between my legs.

“Good, now it's time to get naked,” he all but growls out at me. I don’t know why when he does that it turns me on more than anything else ever has. I decide to be brave and give him a show.

“Sit there,” I say to him, pointing at the chair he has near the bed. I grab my phone and throw on my music app, I pick the eighties hits station. I turn around and see he’s unbuttoned his shirt and removed his jacket. I lick my lips at how delicious he looks, I can’t wait to lick him all over. I begin to sway my hips in sync to the rhythm. I slowly let my hair down and it hangs over my shoulders.

“Fuck me, Trinity. You’re like every man’s wet dreamed wrapped in one package,” he says, not taking his eyes off my hips as they’re gyrating. I love to dance, and by the look in Turk’s eyes, he’s liking watching me just as much. He’s mentally undressing me, and I can feel his eyes burning into me, with every move I make. I slowly and methodically begin unbuttoning my jacket, taking my time, and making each move count. The music switches to a faster beat so I turn around and bend over and shake my ass at him. I hear him groan and I feel sexy and beautiful. Slipping my hands behind my back,

Deciding I want to drag this out some, I slowly put my hand down my skirt and touch myself, I can’t believe how bold I’m being, but then again, we only get one wedding night and I need to make it count. I moan at the intrusion I’m inflicting upon myself. I look over my shoulder and see he has moved up to the edge of his seat. I quickly unzip and unbutton my skirt and let it fall to the floor, leaving me in a lacy shell and a slip that has a slit going up the side.

“Fuck, if I had known that was under there, we might not have made it out of the courthouse,” he mutters. What? It’s a plain lacy shell. Granted, it’s somewhat see-through, but really, it’s not super-risqué. Then again, we’ve had to wait four weeks so maybe that’s what has him going on. Winking at him, I reach down and palm my breast and can see his erection straining against his pants. Deciding to take a little pity on him, I get down on my hands and knees and crawl towards him. I see his eyes flare, he knows that I’m fixing to give him some much-needed release, or so he thinks. I make it to him and use his knees to lift myself up on my own. I twirl my hair around and lick my lips, he moans, and I smile at him. Feeling very much like the vixen I’m trying to portray. Reaching out, I allow my index finger to stroke down his pants-clad length and when he tries to grab me, I say, “Nuh uh, no touching the dancers, sir.” If his eyes get any darker, I may explode, but channeling every dancer I’ve ever seen, I set out to give him the lap dance of a lifetime. The music switches again, and we have a slow beat, so I use my sensuality and crawl up his body. I’m now standing upright and turn around and put my legs over his to where my ass is lined-up to his eyes. I begin to dance and twerk, and his hands come up and grab my hips. I remove them and switch my position, I am now facing him and grinding on his very stiff erection. I pull one of the straps down to where it’s hanging on my shoulder then repeat on the other side, grateful that it’s a bit...stretchy. I grab the bottom and pull up my top to where it sits on top of my breasts. He leans over and grabs one in his mouth, eliciting a moan from deep inside my chest.

“Enough!” he hollers out and picks me up, carrying me over to the bed.

In no time at all, I’m lying there in nothing but a skimpy scrap of lace that doesn’t even cover me and he’s tossing his clothes off. He spreads my legs as he crawls up the bed until he’s face to face with my soaked panties. I see him breath in deeply and shudder at the look in his eyes. He looks like he’s starving and I’m the only meal in sight. Before I can say anything, he’s snapped the sides of my panties and I’m there, open to his gaze. His eyes never leaving mine, he leans in and swipes his tongue from bottom to top before sucking my clit into his mouth. My back arches of its own accord and I can't help calling out his name.

“Turk, yes, more.” He continues his assault, his fingers moving and stroking while his lips and tongue move relentlessly against my overheated core. I reach down and grab a hand full of his long hair, removing the band so I can run my fingers through it. I grab on to my purchase, not sure if I’m trying to pull him closer or push him away. I feel an orgasm creeping up on me, and I still haven't been able to touch him the way I want to. “Turk...I wanted to touch you too,” I stammer out.

“Soon, sweetness,” he murmurs, increasing his pace. The tsunami that’s barreling up through my body has me seeing stars as I pull his head closer and ride out the waves. By the time I return to my senses, he’s gently licking me, staying away from my over-sensitized clit.

“My turn,” I rasp out. He turns over on his back and I see his cock jutting up towards the ceiling. I crawl over him and straddle him. I slowly move back and am on my knees with my ass sticking up in the air. I take my hand and wrap it around his girth. I swipe it up and down several times, and see pre-cum on the tip.


“What was that for?” I ask. The sting is minimal, but it surprised me. And I can’t figure out how the hell he managed to reach me, to boot!

“Quit teasing me, woman,” he says, a grin on his face. Yeah, he’s one to talk. He’s got teasing down to a fine art, but then again, I did dance for him.


“Cock-tease.” I smile slyly at him and lean down and swipe my tongue across his tip, making sure to remove his pre-cum with my tongue. “Like I said…” he starts, but he doesn’t finish because I take him in my mouth as far as I can. “Fuck!” he hollers out and lifts up in a semi-crunch type position. I use my hand that is not holding the base of him and push him back down to the best of my ability. He takes his cue and lays back down, but gathers my hair in his hands.

“Gonna watch you as you take me, Trin,” he rasps out, his hips surging upward.

I know we can’t do this long because I need to feel him deep inside me, but I’ve been wanting to taste him since I saw him standing in the doorway this morning before we left the house. I swallow him, and use my tongue with every up and downward move I make. I’m really getting into it when he curls up again and lifts me up under my arms and drags me back up his body. “Need you, sweetness, now,” he says before impaling me on his dick. The movement is so quick that I don’t have time to prepare myself for his girth and length. It doesn't take long for my body to accept him and I begin to bounce up and down matching him thrust for thrust.

His grip on my hips is so tight I’m sure I’ll have bruises but right now, I don’t give a shit. We are so in sync with one another that I can’t tell where he begins, and I end. My eyes roll back in my head and I lose my rhythm, he rolls us over and he pushes my knees up to where they are placed by my ears.

“Need you too much right now,” he says as he dives back inside of me.




I’m pounding away inside of my wife as if my life depends on it. I can’t seem to get enough of her right now, I’m not sure if it’s because she’s finally carrying my last name, or if it’s just her in general that drives me to insanity. Leaning in, I capture her lips in a kiss, likely a good thing, because I can feel the walls of her pussy clenching around my dick and I know she’s about to come again. “Come for me, beautiful,” I whisper against her lips before I swallow her scream. Can’t have anyone coming down the hall to investigate and with this crew, it’s possible. I won’t have her embarrassed, however, and if that means kissing her breathless, so be it. She freezes, and I know she’s coming, which sets off my own orgasm. I continue to thrust in and out as I come while I kiss her lips, her cheeks, her jaw. “Always so fucking good, sweetness,” I murmur.

“Is it me, Turk, or does it feel like we connect more with each and every time we make love?”

“We connect with each and every morning I wake up with you lying beside me, beautiful. You make me a better man with each breath you take. It’s not our lovemaking that brings us closer together, it’s our love and trust that we gift each other with daily.”

I hear a sniffle and tilt her chin so she’s looking at me. “No tears today, wife of mine.”

“That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, though,” she replies. Her smile says it all though, she’s sated and right now, I’m wishing we didn’t have to leave this room. But if I know one thing, it’s that Nan would tear me a new one if we didn’t.

“As much as I don’t want to leave, we need to get cleaned up and rejoin the rest of the crew.”

She laughs at the look on my face. “I need a short shower at least, Turk. You drowned me in your release and i don’t want to leave the room smelling like sex.”

“I like the way sex smells on you,” I tell her, meaning every word. I love the way she smells after we’ve been intimate with one another. I like knowing she’s carrying a piece of me on her, especially when she’s around other men. Call me a caveman, a Neanderthal, whatever, I don’t give a shit. Seeing that she’s serious, I pull us out of the bed and into the bathroom. Good thing we have other clothes here from previous overnighters. We jump in my shower that’s attached to my room, and do a quick cleanup of each other, I wanted to get dirty again, but my wife gave me a dirty look which made me think twice. Damn, why did I agree to a reception only hours after we got married, I need to spend the night buried deep inside of her, now I get to go deal with Jekyll and Hyde, otherwise known as Smokey and Bandit.

We walk out of the room hand in hand and the fucking clowns stand up from their seated positions on the couch and applaud us, fuckers.

“Alright, none of your usual antics tonight,” Axe calls out, giving them a ‘don’t mess with’ me look and he even used his president’s voice.

“Wasn’t gonna say nothing, Axe,” Smokey replies, his voice sounding sulky.

“Yeah, just wanted to congratulate the newlyweds is all,” Bandit states.

“Be very sure that whatever comes out of your mouth doesn’t embarrass my wife or you’ll have me to deal with,” I tell them both. Trinity squeezes my hand and I know she’s alright and not letting these two ruin her day. I’m going to be the first one to make their lives a living hell when they finally find their woman. If they ever find one that can deal with their warped senses of humor that is. I follow my woman’s lead as she takes me out of the room, we head towards the kitchen where she goes straight to the fridge and grabs me a beer and herself a diet coke. I hear a throat clearing behind me and turn around, just as I take a sip of my beer. I see my parents standing there, and without thinking, I spew my beer out of my mouth and it lands in DJ’s face.

“What the fuck?” she asks, giving me a death glare.

Ignoring her I say, “The fuck are you two doing here?”

“We were invited,” my mother says to me in response. I look and see my father shift from foot to foot. He looks just as uncomfortable as I do in this situation, well, fuck him. I don’t care how uncomfortable he is, he’s on my turf now.

“Son,” my mother begins. I cut her off.

“Who? Who invited you?”

“Ummm...that would be me,” Trinity says, holding her hand up in the air.

“And me,” Nan says coming in the room from behind my parents.

“You two ganging up on me now?” I ask in frustration.

“Of course not!” Trinity calls out.

“I need a minute,” I say, turning around and walking out the back door. I walk out towards the back of the property and hear someone following me. Not caring who it is, I keep going until I hit the fence line. I lean on the fence and rest my head against it. I can’t even believe that man has the gall to come here. I was never good enough for him, never Indian enough for him, I didn’t like the traditions he wanted me to learn and follow. I always did walk to the beat of my own drum. Lost in thoughts of childhood I don’t acknowledge the person standing next to me.

“Brother, hear them out,” Axe says. “Mom and Trinity didn’t mean anything by it, inviting them, they’re all about family and you know this. From the look on your dad’s face, I’m thinking that he’s realized he fucked up.”

“But why now? Why today?” I ask, my jaw clenched in frustration.

“Because it’s a day of celebration. You and Trinity getting married and adopting the girls, the three of them getting their cuts now that you two have emerged from your room. What better day than to let bygones be bygones? Not saying you have to move them into your house, but from the little you’ve shared, I know you were close to your mom.”

I sigh at his words because he’s right. Even though my dad pushed me hard, my mom always tried to soften his harshness, and we were close until I left. I didn’t mean to push her out of my life, but the reality is that if I have to talk to her, I’d have to deal with him as well. And that has always been something I’ve attempted not to do since the day I walked away and didn’t turn back.

“Your girls need grandparents, Chief. They’ve got us and of course, Mom, but they need your family too, brother.”

“Boy!” I hear a voice I haven’t heard in years call out to me. I turn around and see my grandmother, in her traditional garments. My jaw drops, and I can’t believe my grandmother hasn't left the reservation in years, twenty to be exact.

Lakota?” I say, in my native Sioux’s tongue, it’s the traditional name for grandmother.

“Boy, get over here and stop acting like a spoiled child.” My feet naturally gravitate towards her and she grabs me by my ears, like she did when I was a child and pulls my face down towards her. “Let an old lady get a look at you,” she says, and I smile down at her small stature. My grandmother learned the English language when my mother joined the family, and she’s always used it whenever she’s had a chance. I love this woman, she was my best friend when I was little, and I’ve desperately missed her.

“I’ve missed you, Lakota.”

“I’ve missed your spoiled butt too,” she says, causing me to laugh. I see Axe make his way back inside while I’m enraptured in my grandmother’s appearance. “Now, who is that delightful young woman who was holding your hand?”

“My wife, Lakota. We got married today,” I tell her proudly.

“Tell me more, grandson, I have missed much.” We sit on the back porch and I tell her all about Trinity and the girls, my job as the chief of police, and my RGMC brothers.




I watch as Turk walks out the door, and suddenly my bright idea doesn’t seem so much as a good type of surprise anymore. I look over to his mother and say, “I’m sorry, I just wanted your family to be part of our day.” An older woman steps through the door, shouldering her way past the two.

“My grandson is a stubborn one, you let his grandmother take care of him,” she says heading out the back door after him.

“My husband and son don’t have the best of relationships, but it’s something we are hoping to amend. You just gave us a reason to make it happen sooner rather than later.” I walk up and hug her, she is my mother-in-law after all. She reciprocates the embrace and we introduce ourselves to each other. Her husband is not so friendly looking, so I decide to let him lead. I take Leah, Turk’s mother, to meet the girls. All of the kids are in the media room being supervised by two of the prospects. I can hear laughter coming from the room and see it affects Leah just as much as it does me. There is something about children's laughter that can bring people together and break the ice. I look back and see Turk’s father following us, he’s quiet as a mouse because I wasn’t aware he was back there.

“Let me introduce you to your granddaughters,” I tell Leah before walking over to Claree and Shelby, who are watching the boys play Sonic the Hedgehog. “Girls, I’d like you to meet your dad’s parents.” Both girls turn to me with wide eyes and I hold back a smile.

“Leah, this is Claree and the little one is Shelby.” Leah’s eyes fill with tears as she crouches down to look at Shelby, who has curled herself around Claree’s legs.

“Hi, girls, I’m Leah, your grandmother, and that man over there,” she says, pointing in the direction of Turk’s father, “is Hotah, your grandfather.”

I can’t help but wonder what Hotah means in Sioux, and even further, I wonder how the last name Dennison goes with the whole Indian heritage thing. I’ve never questioned Turk on it, but now I’m truly curious. Something to ponder and ask Turk about when we aren’t around so many people.

Shelby then shocks the hell out of me when she peels away from Claree and goes to Turk’s father, who has moved closer, but is still standing there, all solemn-faced. She looks at him then says, “Up, up!” while raising her hands. I watch with what I know is a shocked expression on my face as this stern-faced man reaches down and picks up my daughter. She pats his face and grins, saying, “Hotah” over and over. Tears are streaming down Leah’s face watching her husband hold Shelby. Leave it to a baby to break the ice.

“Little one, you are precious,” Hotah says.

I watch as she leans her head on his shoulder. She’s not as trusting as she likely once was thanks to the abuse she suffered at her father’s hand, so her actions have stunned me.

Meanwhile, Claree is looking at Leah with wonder on her face. “I’ve...I’ve never had a grandma before,” she whispers. I remember in her file that her maternal grandparents were deceased, so this is all new for her.

“I’ve never been a grandma before,” Leah replies. “But I like it already.”

Claree grins before saying, “Me, too. What do I call you?”

Leah looks up at me before saying, “Lakota is the Sioux name for grandmother, but you can call me whatever you want.”

“Lakota,” Claree tries it out on her tongue, “I like it! It’s different than all of my friends and it is fun to say.” I see Leah smile at the thought of being called grandmother, I hope this is the beginning of mending a very shaky relationship between my man and his parents. I can only hope that this turns out the way I have hoped it will and doesn’t backfire in my face.

“Play!” Shelby says, having decided she was done. “Outside!” Hotah looks at me with confusion on his face.

“There’s a play area outside in the back. She loves it and that’s where she wants you to take her,” I tell him. I know my man is out there with his grandmother, so this should be...interesting, to say the least.

“Show me, please,” he says. I’m pretty sure he’s not used to using that word. It almost looked like a sour taste rolling off his tongue. I hide my inner smile and think this day is fixing to get a lot more say the least.

“This way. Claree, do you wanna come too?”

“Yes. You’re coming too, right, Lakota?” she asks Leah.

“Wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Leah says, grabbing Claree’s offered hand. Looks like the kids are trying to make them comfortable, guess I can join in, and attempt to make a peace offering, on my husband's behalf, then maybe he’ll take his cues from us...anything’s possible...right?

I motion for them to follow me and we head out to the back of the clubhouse where the play area is that Nan had put in during one of Braxton’s runs. I died laughing when Cara told me how that little woman managed to pretty much renovate the whole place while Braxton was gone. That woman is a hoot, but she loves each of the men here like they’re her own children, and with the kids, she’s fantastic. The girls may not have biological grandparents, but in my opinion, Nan has managed to more than make up for their loss. And now...that’s got me thinking about Christmas. I bet it’s going to be chaotic around here!

As we make our way outside, I see Turk stand up and I watch as his eyes follow our daughters and his parents as they make their way towards the playground. He doesn’t take his eyes away from them, even enough to notice me making my way over to him.

“Turk?” I ask, trying to get his attention on me.

“Yeah?” he replies, but never turns his eyes my way. I grab his chin and turn his face to where he has no choice but to look into my eyes.

“You’re a good man, Turk. Use that heart that you’ve shown us and try to mend those fences, the girls deserve to have grandparents in their lives. I’m not saying you have to forgive, I’m just saying to try and move past it, and try to make things better, at least tolerable for our future.”

“I’ll try,” he says on a sigh, but I have a feeling this road will be a long, unpaved one. His eyes leave me, and they return to our daughters. “Doesn’t mean I trust him with my girls,” he says, and I hear the anxiety rolling out with each word he said.

“Boy,” his grandmother starts, “get over yourself, we’re all older and wiser. Give your Chinkshi a chance.”

“What’s a Chinkshi?” I ask.

“It’s the dialect word for ‘father’ in Lakota language,” Turk tells me, finally looking at me of his own accord.

“So ‘Lakota’ means grandmother and ‘Chinkshi’ means father?”

“Yes it does, Thanke.”

“What does that mean?” I ask him with my hands on my hips. Thinking he may be calling me all kinds of curse words in a different language.

His grandmother laughs at me, “It means ‘my wife’.”

“Oh,” I say wrapping myself around Turk. “Sorry,” I bashfully say to him. He chuckles at me and holds me tighter in his embrace. “What is the word for mother?”

“Chunkshi,” Turk tells me.

“Maybe I’m too old to learn a new language,” I mutter under my breath. “I’m really happy your family knows English, otherwise we’d have to go through you to communicate.” Turk and his Lakota laugh at me, hey! I remembered a word, I’m so proud of myself right now. He kisses my forehead and I melt into his arms. I know it’s gonna be a long road, but it’s a start.

“Ugh, I hate to interrupt y’alls family reunion and all, but the old ladies are driving me crazy, we need to start the ceremony because dinner's nearly ready,” Braxton says.

“What ceremony?” Turk’s grandmother asks.

“The girls and Trinity are getting property cuts today,” Braxton replies.

“What is a property cut?” Leah asks.

“It’s basically, Turk coming out and saying that they belong to him in the eyes of the club. He’s responsible to make sure they are taken care of, and the club backs him up and offers our support to his children and wife,” Braxton explains.

“What he's trying to subtly say is that a property patch says we completely, in every way belong to him and our actions reflect upon him,” I tell the ladies.

“It sounds important,” Hotah says, which shocks me into silence. He really hasn’t said much other than to the girls, so the fact he’s entered into our conversation makes me think he really does want to mend the fences.”

“It is, Chinkshi,” Turk replies. “They’re mine until I draw my last breath and I will do anything and everything to ensure their happiness and safety.”

“You’ve grown into a man anyone would be proud to know,” his father murmurs. I don’t think he meant for anyone to hear him, but I know from the look on Turk’s face that he did hear what his dad said.

“Alright people,” DJ says clapping her hands together. “Enough of the family drama, let’s get this celebration started already.” We all look at her wide-eyed, leave it up to her to be so blatantly honest.

We get organized and Braxton stands before me, with Turk standing behind me. “Trinity, by accepting this cut, you are committing yourself to Chief. There will be no talk of divorce or splitting up, if something comes up, you both will work on it until it is resolved. Should something happen to Chief, we, his brothers of the Rebel Guardians, will stand in the gap and ensure yours and the girls’ safety and welfare.

I nod at him and feel Turk slide his cut over my shoulders, gently putting each arm in the hole. He leans in and kisses behind my ear and whispers, “Forever, my wife. Forever.” His voice is raspy, much as it is when he first wakes up and I shiver a little, my body heating up at his minimal touch. He chuckles and lightly smacks my ass before saying, “Later, Thanke.”

“Okay, Claree and Shelby? Y’all stand in front of your parents, please,” Braxton says. I watch as our girls come and stand before us as Twisted hands us their cuts.

“Claree and Shelby, today is a very special day for you both in many ways. First, the adoption this morning gave you both a new set of parents. Parents who will love you and be beside you as you grow into young women. Second, we are giving you cuts that say, ‘Property of our Dad, Chief’. What this means for you is that every man here is now an honorary uncle, and every woman is an honorary aunt to you. We will stand in the gap and protect you should anything ever happen to either Trinity or Chief. They’re behind you because they have your backs. Welcome to the RGMC family, girls.” Once he’s done speaking, we place the cuts on the girls. None of the women have dry eyes and I’m blaming Cara’s hormones for spreading amongst us.




“May I speak with you alone, Son?” Dad says, shocking the shit out of me. I honestly thought he’d only be here as a bystander to make my mom happy.

“Yes, sir.” I may have issues with the man, but it’s ingrained in me to show respect to my elders. Not to mention he’s my father, and I’d like to see what he has to say. We walk off from the rest of the crowd since the women are setting up the food.

“Son, I don’t...I don’t know where to start,” he says. “But, I want to say that I’m proud of the man you’ve grown into. Seeing you here, with a wife and children, among a bunch of people who are obviously close, makes me realize that I was too hard on you growing up for not wanting to follow the traditions I was used to. That wasn’t fair to you, or your mother. I wish I could go back in time, but all I can do is extend a hand and promise to do better in the future. Please say it’s not too late for us, and that you can see yourself forgiving the actions of a fool?”

I look at him and then look over to see my wife talking and laughing with the other old ladies, as well as my mother and grandmother. I want what he’s saying more than I want anything. Perhaps it is time to let shit go and look toward the future. “Chinkshi, I think we were both fools then. I was young and wanted to rebel, and as a man I can see how you would have had a hard time with that and me not wanting to bend to your will. If I agree to let bygones be bygones and move forward from here, you have to promise to not judge me in any aspects of my life. I can move forward, but not without a promise of communication instead of judgement. The men here are my brothers. Perhaps not by blood, but by choice and by our commitment to our club. They’ve been my family for years now and had my back.”

“I can see this,” he says. His speech pattern is more formal than most people’s, but I can tell from his relaxed body language that he means what he says. “I have no problem letting you be the man you’ve become, my son. Like I said, I’m proud.”

I hear a commotion coming from where the old ladies have congregated. I look over and see Cara bent over and her face shows anguish and pain. I stand up, not meaning to ignore my father, but I need to go over there and see what’s going on. I rush as fast as my feet can take me and see Cara standing in a pool of water, “What did she do, spill something?” I ask, and everyone looks at me like I’ve grown a second head.

“Her water broke, numbskull,” DJ replies. “You, go get Braxton,” she states, pointing at me.

I run to the back door and open it and yell out, “Axe! Your woman’s in labor!”

“Well fuck a duck, Chief, I coulda done that!” DJ states. “C’mon, Cara, let’s get you to the hospital.”

“Fuck a duck?” my father asks, “I did not realize this is possible,” I can see the confusion marring his face and it causes me to break out into laughter.

“She’s always saying something that makes no sense, pay her no attention,” I tell him, earning a death glare from my woman, of all people!

“She’s unique,” Trinity declares as she tries to downplay DJ’s antics.

“Uniquely insane,” I mumble, but apparently not low enough because I end up with an elbow shoved into my side.

As we’re going back and forth, Axe bursts through the back door and runs to his woman. Before any of us can say anything, he scoops her up and heads back into the clubhouse and presumably, to their vehicle.

“She needs to change first,” DJ yells. Jeez, this tends to be a circus when all these women get together. I get another elbow to my side and realize that my thoughts apparently exited my mouth. Hmm, better work on that one.





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