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Christmas With The Biker (Bad Boy Holiday Romance): Gold Vipers by Cassie Alexandra, K.L. Middleton (20)

Chapter 23






AFTER HELPING FRANNIE and Vanda, I drove to the clubhouse and changed back into my street clothes and cut. Church wasn’t for two more hours and I wasn’t about to sit around wearing the ridiculous elf costume.

“Hey, you’re here,” Tank said, noticing me after he stepped out of his office. “How did it go?”

“Good. We handed out most of the flyers. I think there’ll be a decent crowd of people Friday afternoon.”

“Great. Did Cleaner fill you in on what I’ve got planned for tonight?”

“The nursing home? Yeah.”

“Tomorrow we’ll be visiting the Cancer Ward at Jessica’s hospital,” he said with a thoughtful expression. “I want to do something special for those kids. Jess is always talking about them and I can’t imagine what they and their families must be going through.”

I nodded.

“You’re going to make a lot of children happy tomorrow dressed as Santa.” He patted me on the back and turned to leave. “By the way, there’s some wet meat and cheese in the refrigerator. And plenty of buns. Make yourself something to eat before the meeting,” Tank said before walking away.

“Will do. Thanks,” I replied, chuckling quietly at the term he used for cold cuts. It didn’t exactly create a vision to make your mouth water, unless maybe you were gay.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a couple of sandwiches. Grabbing a beer from the refrigerator, I sat down and turned on the television. Finding a station with a hockey game, I cracked open the beer and enjoyed the solitude, which I knew would only be temporary.  During third period Cleaner showed up and once again, began trampling on my parade.

“Hey, hey, hey. Long time no see,” he said, grabbing a beer from the refrigerator.

“What’s up?” I mumbled, sitting back on the sofa.

He kicked the refrigerator door shut with his foot. “Not much. How did everything go?”

“Downtown? Fine.”

“Did Blondie ask about me?” he asked, twisting the cap off of his bottle.

“You mean Chloe? No. Not at all.”

“I’m surprised. I saw her checking me out.”

I frowned. “You’re dreaming. She was not checking your ass out.”

“Maybe not when you were looking,” he said with a sly smile. “But, my ass was on fire from the holes her eyes were burning through my britches.”

“You fucking wish,” I grumbled.

Cleaner laughed. “I’m just messing with you. Are you sure you’re not interested in Chloe? You seem like you are.”

“No, but I think you should keep your hands off.”

His smile fell. “Why?”

“Because all you want to do is fuck her.”

“What’s wrong with that? She probably wants to get laid too. From what I hear she’s been single for a long time and too busy to date.”

“Who told you that?” I asked, wondering why that was. Looking like she did, and working in a hospital, she could have bagged herself a doctor or some other rich white-collared-worker.


“How does he know so much about her?”

He shrugged. “Probably because of Jessica.”

Of course.

“Anyway, I’m going to try and hook up with her. In fact, after the ‘Meet Santa’ tomorrow, Tank’s throwing a little party for us. He’s going to invite her and this time,” he smiled wickedly, “I’m going to be the one giving her a ride. You know what I’m saying?”

Shaking my head, I pretended to get into the hockey game, but all I could think about was Chloe. Hopefully, she wouldn’t fall for his bullshit. She certainly didn’t seem the type, but neither had Bonnie. Cleaner was right though. If I wasn’t going to claim Chloe for myself, then she was fair game. The idea of them together still pissed the fuck out of me.



 “LISTEN, YOU GUYS,” Tank said, staring at the five of us from across the table. “I know that some of you had plans for the weekend and I’m sure you weren’t too happy with me when I changed them. Hell, I would have been pissed, too. But, the holiday season is all about giving and at the end of the day, it’s what really matters. Especially when it comes to helping out our community. Tonight, we’re going to take a quick trip to the senior home-”

“We should go quickly before the old geezers fall asleep,” said Brock, one of the other Prospects who had a bad habit of interrupting people. “My grandmother is in bed by seven.”

“Plus, we’ll still have time to pound some beers afterward,” Cleaner said with a grin.

Tank let out an irritated sigh. “We’ll be leaving here in thirty minutes. The staff over at the nursing home wanted to make sure that everyone had dinner before we show up with candy and treats,” Tank replied. “And next time wait until I’m done fucking talking before you start yammering. This is the third time today, Brock.”

“Sorry,” he said, smiling sheepishly.

“Did you say that Candi was coming?” Cleaner asked, perking up.

“Not for you,” Brock ribbed. “At least that’s what I heard.”

We all laughed.

“Fuck off. I’ve never been with her,” Cleaner muttered.

“Bullshit. I saw you leave with her a couple of months ago. At the Halloween party,” I said.

“She gave me a B.J. That was it,” he replied.

“That’s what she said when he unzipped,” Brock said, making us all laugh again.

“That’s not what you’re momma said,” Cleaner volleyed back.

“Okay, enough with the shit,” Tank replied, although he too was smiling. “Candace isn’t going to the nursing home. They’d lose half their patients to strokes. Now, let’s talk about tomorrow and our ‘Meet Santa’ campaign.”

For the next ten minutes we discussed what he expected out of everyone and the schedule we were to follow.

“Jessica and some of the other Old Ladies will be there as well,” Tank continued. “They’ll be selling some Christmas ornaments they made and picture frames for the fundraiser.”

“What about that cute little blonde, Chloe?” Cleaner asked. “She going to be around, too?”

I sighed.

“I believe so. I have to talk to her again,” Tank replied. “We could use all the help we can get.”

“I’ll call her up for you,” Cleaner said. Looking at me, he wiggled his eyebrows. “Hell, I’ll even give her a ride.”

I could feel my eye twitching again. The guy just wouldn’t give up. Was he trying to test me?

“We’ll see,” Tank replied. He looked around the table, his face serious. “Listen up. I don’t want any of you meatheads making her uncomfortable tomorrow. She’s donating her time. Not her body. Got it?”

 Everybody nodded.

“Okay,” he said, banging the gavel. “Meeting adjourned. Let’s bring some holiday spirit to the old geezers up the road. Dodger, I’ve got your costume in my office.”

“Great,” I replied dryly.

“Oh, quit being such a fucking Scrooge,” Cleaner said, getting up.

“Yeah. He’s right. Lighten up. Get laid or something,” Tank said.

“Maybe he’ll get lucky with one of the old broads at the nursing home,” Brock said, chuckling. “Maybe you can ‘tea-bag’ an ‘old bag’.”

The guys laughed.

“Oh, Santa! Let me see that North Pole of yours,” Cleaner said, mimicking an old lady.

“Come and visit my chimney, I blew the dust out just for you!” Brock added.

“Sounds like some personal fantasies,” I said dryly.

“You guys are sick fucks,” Tank said, chuckling as he left the room.

“Dodger, can I borrow your Santa suit tomorrow night? I’d like to stuff someone’s stocking tomorrow night, if you know what I mean,” Cleaner remarked with a sly smile.

“Tank said to leave Chloe alone,” I replied, glaring at him.

“He said not to harass or make her feel uncomfortable. I’m just going to put the’ Old Cleaner Charm’ on and let nature takes it’s course,” he said.

“Charm?” I scoffed.

“Yeah. It works. You should try it sometime,” he said with a smirk.

Sighing in annoyance, I headed toward Tank’s office wishing that I was on my way up to Hoss’s cabin, instead of to an old folk’s home. Or in bed with a woman, now that I was horny after all the sex talk. An image of Chloe popped into my head, jacking me up even more.


Pushing her out of my head, I walked into the office.

“It’s over on the cabinet,” Tank said, staring at his laptop.

Seeing a large, plastic bag, I grabbed it and was heading back out of the office, when he told me to sit down.

“How are you doing?” he asked, turning away from his computer.

I shrugged. “Fine.”

Tank let out a sigh. “Look, I know you’re probably reflecting back to last year right now, when things were horseshit. Just remember that everything happens for a reason and you’re better off without… what was her name?”

“Bonnie,” I muttered.

“Right. Bonnie.” He studied my face. “You happy, brother? I mean, really happy?”

“Sure,” I replied.

“You seeing anyone special?”

“No. Which is cool. I’m not looking for anything right now.”

He leaned back in his chair. “I’m sure being with someone like Bonnie has made you skittish.”

“You can say that again.”

“What do you think about Chloe?”

My eyes widened. “Why are you asking me about her?”

He shrugged.  “Just wondering if there were any sparks.”


His eyebrow raised. “Really?”

“Well, I mean… the woman is beautiful. Any guy would be crazy not to be attracted to her.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Are you trying to set me up?” I asked incredulously.

“No. I’m just trying to open your eyes up to some possibilities.”

“Like I said, I’m not looking for anything and if I was, I wouldn’t be asking her out anyway.”

“Why not?”

“Because. She’s too… she’s too nice.”

“How do you know that?”

“I just do. I’ve been around her for the past couple of days. She’s like Cinderella or Snow White or one of those other princesses.” I imagined her singing in the garden, with little birds chirping along with her.

“So, if she was more like Maleficent you’d have no problem with her?” he asked, with a smile.

“She’s just not my type.”

“What’s your type?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Why are you so bent on finding me a woman?”

“I just want you to be happy and you don’t seem like you are,” he said in a thoughtful voice.

“And, you think I need a chick to be happy?” I asked wryly.

“Honestly, I don’t know what you need. But, if you can think of anything, let me know and I’ll make it happen if I can.”

Feeling defensive again, I was about to ask him why it mattered so much, but then realized that it was just how Tank was wired. He loved his club and wanted the best for them.

“Thanks, man. I appreciate it,” I said, holding out my hand.

He shook it. “No problem. Just do me one favor, okay?”

I nodded.

“Don’t ever think that any woman is out of your league. And if she acts like she is, then that’s her loss and you’re gain. Nobody needs a fucking snobby, bitch. They never make anyone happy anyway. Too busy trying to please themselves.”

“Point taken.”

“And, if you like Chloe, or want to get to know her better, go for it. Just because she’s different, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Hell, opposites attract. I know more than anyone. Besides you know what they say?” He smiled darkly. “A lady on the streets can be a freak in the sheets.”

I grinned.

He grabbed a toothpick out of the box on his desk and stuck it into his mouth. “Now, go get your suit on and try to be jolly, will yah?”