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Claimed and Mated by James, Delta (21)

Chapter Twenty-One

Catherine spent the next two days in a lovely sexual haze with her new mate. That Marco was a skilled lover she had learned the first time he took her into his arms, but he was also creative and seductive as hell. Catherine had come to find the feeling that permeated every fiber of her being when he called to her was almost as addictive as his knot.

They spent their time not actively engaged in pleasuring one another talking, sharing the stories and secrets of their lives as well as planning for their future.

On the last morning of their scheduled seclusion, they were tied together with Marco on his back and Catherine happily ensconced on top of him.

“So tell me, mate, we spoke some time ago about children...”

He chuckled. “And you fear that as an egotistical member of a male-dominated society that I would only be happy with sons.”

“It did occur to me,” she agreed. “And that was short-sighted and judgmental of me. I should have known that you would love any children that came from our union regardless of gender. But I never asked you how many children you wanted.”

“As many as you will allow,” he admitted quietly. “I am not unaware that the greater burden of children falls on their mother—both before and after their birth. But I swear to you I will not be a distant or uninvolved father as I see often among humans. Ours is a society where children are cherished and both parents are involved in their lives.”

“Then the DeMedici dynasty shall continue for another thousand years at least for I want lots of children. And I expect you to give them to me. But I have to tell you I will be hoping for sons.”

He quirked his eyebrow at her and she giggled.

“I wouldn’t wish you as a father of a girl on my worst enemy, much less my own child.”

“How can you say that?” he asked, somewhat outraged.

“Are you kidding me? Some young wolf pup comes sniffing around your daughter and he may well end up seasoning a keg of our wine.”

“I would nev—” His protest was cut off by Catherine laughing at him. “That is enough out of you, mate. And I will trust you to raise our daughters to be...”

“Careful how you finish that, mate,” she said with a feral gleam in her eye.

“As I was about to say before I was interrupted, to be just like their mother. And if he is worthy, I will tell her mate precisely how to handle her.”

“They’d have to be an alpha for that to even be possible,” she sighed contentedly.

Marco laughed. “Our daughters will be the most coveted in our society and could only be truly happy with an alpha mate. As for our sons, they too will be highly desirable.”

“How does that work? I know women aren’t allowed to lead a pack... yet. But does the oldest inherit the title or what?”

“Only an alpha male can lead a pack. If all of our sons are alphas then tradition is that the eldest is his father’s heir apparent. However, it is not law and I would designate whichever son or son-in-law that I felt best able to lead and protect our pack.”

Catherine was quiet for a moment. “I think it is not an easy task to be alpha and lead one’s pack.”

“But the rewards are many if one is blessed with a mate such as mine.”

She giggled again. “Yeah, you say that only because you have me tied to you. We’ll see how you feel later today when we have to return to reality.”

He chuckled and fondled her backside. “I say that in anticipation of taking you to bed tonight and tying you from behind again.”

Catherine blushed and nuzzled the hollow of his throat. “That is a rather dreamy way to sleep, is it not?”

“That it is.”

He was quiet and Catherine looked over her shoulder to see that the sun was well above the horizon. “I’m going to have to share you today, aren’t I?”

He nodded.

“They’re going to be so happy to have you back that you will barely notice you have a mate.”

The swat he delivered to her backside was swift and painful, making her yowl both from the sting and from not being anticipated.

“Never will anything come before you. Never forget that. And it will be you they are so happy to see. Me they’ve known forever. You are new and exciting and already have made their alpha happier than he ever dreamed possible. Your women will look to you to lead them.”

He rolled her onto her back and captured her mouth as he withdrew from her. As had become her custom, she fussed at her loss.

“You, my Catherine, are a mate beyond compare and I am the most fortunate of men to call you mine,” he whispered.

“So what’s the dress code around here?”

“Whatever you deem it to be.”

“Ah, good. Then to each their own and I get to play with all the things Sera picked. She did a really good job.”

Marco smiled. “Not in my mind... there are way too many clothes, especially as I prefer you naked and flush with desire.”

She giggled and kissed him. “When it’s just the two of us, I prefer that as well.”

With that he scooped her up in his arms and took her into the shower with him. After they were dressed they started out the door and Marco felt Catherine hold back.

“What if they don’t like me? What if they resent this newcomer absconding with their alpha?”

“They will not. You are my mate and they already love and respect you. Giovanni, Luca, and Valentina I am sure have all been singing your praises. You will see.”

He took her hand and led her down the hall and to the grand staircase that led up from the foyer. The foyer itself was filled with people... their people.

Before either of them could say a word, a great cheer went up and people began calling greetings... not just to Marco, which she had expected, but to her as well. Calls of Madonna rang through the vast space and Catherine found herself on the verge of tears.

Marco leaned down and whispered to her, “And you were worried they wouldn’t like you. They are enraptured by you as is your mate.”

They went down the stairs and Catherine found herself swept away from Marco and into the main dining hall, which was enormous. She looked back over her shoulder to see Marco’s head bowed in quiet conversation with Giovanni and a man she didn’t know. The latter didn’t worry her much as she didn’t know anyone outside of Giovanni, Luca, and Valentina, who quickly stepped up and took her place beside her.

Catherine had always been good at networking in social situations and even though this was now her home, she approached it in the same way. She made small talk and listened more than she talked. She finally got to what Valentina said was their table for meals.

She and Valentina went through the buffet. Catherine was amazed at the amount, complexity, and diversity of the items offered. Catherine took many samplings to be enjoyed.

“This all looks so good. I’m going to have to be careful or my curves will turn to fat,” she whispered to Valentina.

“Ah, you don’t know—between your new wolf physiology and your increased sex life, you don’t really have to worry about what you eat. If your Marco is anything like my Giovanni, you’ll work it off at night... and in the morning.”

She and Catherine were both laughing as they went to sit down with Luca.

He stood as they approached. “Madonna. Valentina.”

“Oh, lord, Luca, I thought we settled that I was Catherine. I’m not big on titles, especially in my own house. Even if said house is a palace. This place is so beautiful and so full of life.”

“The household staff, especially the housekeeper, chef, and main groundskeeper, are going to want to meet with you. They will now look to you, as Marco’s mate, for how you want things run,” he said.

“Either of you have any complaints or know of anything that needs fixing? I’m a hands-off kind of manager. The grounds are spectacular, this house is like a well-loved and cared for museum, and our chef isn’t being paid enough. I think they just ought to keep doing what they are doing.”

Valentina and Luca agreed with her.

Catherine smiled as she felt Marco’s presence before he actually joined her. He brushed her cheek with his lips as he sat down.

She turned to him and pulled his face to hers before kissing him passionately to the cheers of the room.

“I don’t think so, buddy. There will be no perfunctory kissing in this relationship,” she quipped with her eyes dancing merrily.

Marco laughed at her boldness. “As you wish, my Catherine. But do not protest when I sweep you up in my arms to carry you back to our bed to have my way with you.”

“Would it do me any good?”

“None whatsoever.”

They both laughed and were joined by all those who had overheard.

“What were you and Giovanni discussing and who was the other man?” she asked him.

“That is a discussion best served for my office after breakfast.”

“Is there news of my sister?”

“Yes, but eat your breakfast first, then we will adjourn to my office.”

“I’m not hungry. Tell me now,” she said stridently.

His rumbled reply did not surprise those who knew him. “After breakfast. Let the man who drove all night to be here at least put something in his belly.”

“I’m sorry, Marco. It’s just...”

“I know, my beloved. There is news and it isn’t necessarily bad news. Your sister yet lives.”

Catherine breathed an enormous sigh of relief. “Thank you. Thank you,” she whispered, kissing the hand he had used to cover hers.

“Eat, Catherine. If I know our alpha he has let you have little of either food or rest these past few days,” teased Valentina.

“Valentina,” admonished Giovanni.

“Hush, Giovanni,” interrupted Catherine. “You cannot fuss at Valentina for speaking the truth.” Turning to Valentina, she continued, “But you are wrong. He gave me plenty of rest and food when he had me tied to him.”

Marco, Luca, and Giovanni spit their beverages as Valentina and Catherine laughed together both at her outrageous statement and the men’s reaction.

“Now, my mate and alpha, we are even,” teased Catherine.

Marco shook his head indulgently. “See that it is so, mate. Giovanni tells me that our people are most anxious to hear us take our vows. What do you say to this evening? Gio already checked with you friend Sera and she has said she is available.”

“Then I say no time like the present if it won’t inconvenience anyone.”

“I have a small confession,” said Valentina softly. “I sort of already put a plan into motion. I’m not trying to usurp your authority, but I’ve done all the party planning until now and I knew everyone was anxious to see the two of you officially paired.”

Catherine laid her hand on her new friend’s. “You have done nothing but try to help. I will need you to continue to assist me. I’ve never done anything like run an estate of this size. You’ve seen my new wardrobe, anything appropriate for a quasi-wedding?”

“Oh, yes,” Valentina sighed. “Your friend wisely included the most beautiful ivory lace gown. It would be beautiful. And there is a DeMedici veil if you choose to wear it.”

“Wait a minute. This one,” Catherine said, pointing to Marco, “promised me rings for both of us and that mine would have an enormous diamond.”

“And they will arrive later this afternoon,” said Giovanni.

Catherine whirled to look at him and then back to Marco.

“I did let you sleep sometime, my mate. I selected our rings from those we had here at the estate. If you do not care for yours, you can choose another or have one made.”

Catherine felt tears welling in her eyes. “I’m sure it will be beautiful and I will wear it with great pride and pleasure.” She leaned across and kissed him. “Thank you, my Marco.”

“You are most welcome, my Catherine,” he said, smiling and returning her kiss.

They finished their breakfast with Luca, Giovanni, and Valentina asking her about her life and how Marco had finally run her to ground. Catherine found herself telling them the entire story including his having to run her to ground on the train.

“Oh, your sister will love to hear that,” said Giovanni. “Will any of your siblings be here?”

“Stefano and his mate and Tony are in route as is Griffin. Gia is too far gone in her current pregnancy and Aidan feels it would be unsafe for her to travel, which of course caused Gia to throw a tantrum. I did the Irishman no favors when I let him run my baby sister to ground.”

They all laughed save Catherine, who merely arched her eyebrow at her mate but held her tongue on the subject. Most everyone came by to welcome her and wish her well as they left the dining room. Once they were alone, Marco and Giovanni accompanied her to Marco’s office.

A tall, handsome, middle-aged man stood as they entered the room. He doffed his cap. “Madonna, you are most welcome. We are so happy Marco has found you and brought you home.”

“Thank you, but please call me Catherine. You have news of my sister?”

“I do. As you may be aware Marco’s friend, the Welsh wolf, questioned that snake Salvatore extensively. He was able to determine when and how your sister was abducted. As we suspected she was taken to be sold at auction to the highest bidder. We have been since that time trying to find out where she was taken from but have so far been unsuccessful. Your mate had me reach out to Salvatore to try to see if I could ascertain any additional information and to tell him his business would not be tolerated in Italy and that if he was still within the country when Marco returned from his seclusion with you that Marco would kill him.”

Catherine smiled at her mate. “Ever the charming alpha.”

All three men chuckled.

“As I was saying, at that point we simply sat back and waited for the rat to pack his bags and scurry back to his masters and the back alley from which he was sent. He did so, and we discovered a vast network of such abductions. They haven’t been used regularly or with any frequency until recently. With the declining number of female shifters available, finding women who can be turned seems to have become a preferable way to obtain a mate especially for those who are too wealthy or too unscrupulous to be bothered with reputable means. We will be trying to infiltrate the organization to obtain additional information.”

Marco stepped forward and shook his hand. “Thank you, Paulo. We will continue working until we can find Catherine’s sister and bring her home to heal.”

“I hate to be the bringer of bad thoughts,” interrupted Giovanni, “but if she is already mated, what will you do?”

“If she wants to leave, I will ask her alpha to release her and if he refuses, I will bring charges against him before the Ruling Council.”

“And if that doesn’t work?” asked Giovanni softly. “If he isn’t abusing her... and I am sure, Madonna, that you would think that any forced pairing is abuse, as would my Valentina... they will never agree to dissolve the union.”

Catherine gasped. “You mean she’d be stuck with this bastard?”

“Calm yourself, beloved. If the Council will not intervene then I will challenge the wolf to personal combat. If he lacks the courage or honor to fight me, we will go to war.”

Nothing was said until Catherine managed to utter, “Do you mean you’d risk yourself and our people for my sister?”

“Yes, but more for you,” he said softly.

“Giovanni, talk to him. She’s my sister and I love her but there has to be some other way than violence.”

“Not always, Madonna. If she is your sister then she is important to this pack. We will gladly follow our alpha to bring her home. We would do the same for any member of this pack. If you harm one of us, you harm us all.”

Luca nodded. “She is pack, Madonna.”

Catherine shook her head. “I don’t understand. You let your sister get run to ground by her mate...”

“But he was her fated mate. He did not buy her from me. When a man challenges his fated mate to run, it is only because he is certain of her, who she is and that she is simply being difficult... much like the current Madonna of the DeMedici pack.”

Catherine laughed in spite of herself. “So say you all?” she asked.

“So say we all,” replied Marco as the others nodded.




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