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Claimed and Mated by James, Delta (7)

Chapter Seven

Marco paced the empty gallery. He had everything ready. He had indulged her and shown her he was a generous man. He had arranged a romantic private dinner in one of the most beautiful spots in all of Florence. Marco could barely contain his excitement as he heard the door open to the museum.

His shock and flash of anger were palpable when the driver walked in without his Catherine by his side.

“Where is she?” he demanded.

The driver quaked. “She is at the address you sent me to. She sent a note,” he said, extending his hand.

Marco snatched the envelope and read Catherine’s cold dismissal of all he had done. Marco swore. He saw the effect his anger was having on the poor driver.

“It is not your fault, my friend. My mate is merely continuing in her naughty behavior.” He gestured to the table. “Please, my friend, enjoy yourself.”

Marco left the museum. Return on his investment? Did she think he was trying to buy her affections? Marco walked through Florence thinking how his well thought out scheme could have gone so awry. He knew his mate was as spirited as she was intelligent and beautiful. He laughed at himself. What a fool he had been.

Marco had done his homework once he knew his mate’s name. Catherine Livingston had enough of her own money to buy anything she liked. What he had seen as trying to spoil her, she had seen as his trying to buy her. He would need to apologize to her for his mistake and ask that she forgive what he was sure she saw as his arrogance.

He marveled at what a long walk through the beautiful city streets could do to restore his good humor and give him perspective. When he had left the museum, his palm had itched to make contact with his Catherine’s backside for defying him. Now he could see her perspective and that same hand wished only to caress and fondle that same lovely derriere.

Marco smiled as he recalled seeing her respond to his call. He had to remind himself that she wasn’t a wolf and most likely did not understand what those feelings represented. He would have to be patient. He would bring his Catherine to heel and they would have a wonderful life.

Tomorrow he would go about setting things right with her.

* * *

Catherine and Sera enjoyed what was mostly a lovely evening. Her pasta dish had turned out even better than she’d hoped. They had talked of their pasts, their current plans, and what their futures might hold. Sera had been none too subtle in pointing out that Catherine’s could hold Marco DeMedici.

“Pfft,” said Catherine, dismissing the idea. “He doesn’t even know me. I’m quite sure if we met he’d change his mind pretty damn quick.”

“He’s an interesting man. There’s the public side, which is well known. But he is just as well known for having a private side. I know that the people who work for him and live in the surrounding town have nothing but good things to say about him.”

“Well, then they can have dinner with him. And he’s not the only one with a public and private side.”

Sera laughed. “Jesus, Catherine...”

She was interrupted by the front gate buzzer. Sera got up to answer and was told there was a delivery for Signorina Livingston. Sera turned to look at Catherine.

“Do what you want. I’m not getting up.”

“Fine, Miss Stubborn, I’ll go get it and bring it to you.”

Sera ran out the door and collected the items from the delivery man. She came back in and walked over to Catherine with an enormous grin on her face.

“You do what you like with the notes. But you are not sending these handmade chocolate truffles back.”

“You don’t know that they’re handmade.”

“Oh, but I do, Godalpho’s only makes handmade truffles that cost the earth and are worth every dime.”

She offered Catherine one of the chocolates along with another handwritten note, presumably from Marco DeMedici. Catherine took the envelope and opened it. She read aloud the note enclosed:


I fear my actions, which I intended to delight you, have had the opposite

effect. It was never my intent to make you feel as any sort of investment.

I merely wished to provide you with a wonderful vacation here in

Florence without having to worry about money.

Please accept these chocolates as my way of acknowledging my error

and allow me the honor of buying you a meal or even a drink at your

convenience. I would appreciate the opportunity to allay any concerns

you may have and to offer my sincere apologies for any insult you may

have felt.


“Well, that just may be the nicest mea culpa note I’ve ever heard. But how does he expect you to let him know when it’s convenient?”

“It won’t be convenient,” Catherine said to her. “And the address of his hotel is on the envelope. I will have a note delivered to him in the morning.”

Sera rolled her eyes. “Catherine, what is the matter with you? The guy goes out of his way to basically give you a dream vacation. Then when you throw it back in his face, he apologizes and offers to buy you dinner... again.”

“I don’t see it that way. The note is calculated to manipulate and control the situation. His first salvo didn’t work, so he’s dropped back and means to come at me again. Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

“Good lord, you’re stubborn.”

Catherine grinned at her. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. Enjoy the chocolates. I’m going to bed.”

Catherine went into her room and once again used the back of the paper Marco had used to pen her response.

Dear Mr. DeMedici,

Thank you for your thoughtful note and the chocolates. Neither was

necessary. I will ask again that you send me the total for the expenditures

you have made on my behalf so that I may reimburse you for them.

You asked for a convenient time to meet. I fear there is no convenient

time as I have no intention of meeting with you. I have plans for my

trip, which do not include you. Please turn your attentions toward

another. I’m sure she will be more appreciative.

C. Livingston

* * *

Catherine slept fitfully. Her dreams were interrupted repeatedly by Marco DeMedici and his wolf companion. Doggedly he pursued her in her dreams. She managed to wake herself each time before he reached her only to fall back asleep and find him in pursuit once more. Each and every time as he would close in on her she would hear and feel a low rumbling growl... not from the wolf but from the man.

The next morning she dropped the note off at the front desk of his hotel before heading out to the Bargello Museum. Once again her money was refused for a ticket but she left the cash with the ticket seller any way. She found herself wandering through one of the galleries when she was approached by the director.

Signorina Livingston?”

Catherine turned, pasted a smile on her face, and forced herself to remember that the woman standing before her was not the person with whom she was annoyed. The jerk really didn’t seem to be able to grasp the concept of no.

“Guilty as charged. May I help you?”

“There was no need for you...”

“I know,” Catherine interrupted, “to pay for a ticket or anything else while I am here. Mr. DeMedici has paid for everything, including asking you to give me a guided tour. I will tell you what I told them at the Uffizi yesterday, I prefer to wander. If you choose not to accept the money I gave to the ticket taker then please give it to your favorite charity or to anyone you wish. Is there anything else?”

“No, signorina. Except to say that I have known Marco DeMedici for a long time and I can assure you that he is a man of honorable intentions.”

Catherine smiled, this time genuinely. “Warned you that I might not be all that receptive?”

The woman smiled back. “He did mention that if you chose to wander on your own I was to abide by your wishes. Welcome to the Bargello Museum; enjoy your time here.”

“Thank you. I will. And I do appreciate the offer of a guided tour by a woman with your reputation.”

“It would have been my pleasure.”

Catherine spent a good part of her day in the museum. While arguably not as famous as the Uffizi, it was second to none in the quality of its collections and the way they were displayed.

* * *

Marco saw the note slip under the door of his hotel room. He noted that once again, she had merely marked through her own name and written his own.

“Catherine,” he muttered under his breath without looking at her note.

He glanced at his watch. Griffin had agreed to come back into the city this morning to meet him for breakfast and to attend the final meeting on the sale. Marco dressed and bypassed the ancient elevator in lieu of descending the grand staircase into the hotel lobby.

He entered the hotel’s restaurant and saw that Griffin had already arrived.

“Griffin,” Marco hailed as he joined him.

“Good morning, Marco.”

“My friend, already you look more refreshed.”

“I am,” said Griffin with a smile. “Between the vineyard itself, the people already there and those from your vineyard that joined us, I have found a lovely respite. Best you take care or you may find me a permanent resident.”

“Nothing would give me greater pleasure. Well, nothing except for my Catherine to cease her misbehaving.”

Griffin laughed. “So you know her name?”

“Catherine Livingston. She is American. A former corporate shark who was in a devastating automobile accident a few years ago. When she had mended physically, she took herself out of the rat race to study art. She graduated just recently at the top of her class.”

“And just how did you come by this information? I take it if your Catherine is still being naughty, she didn’t tell you.”

Marco withdrew the note and read it. He tossed it with irritation to Griffin. “She is being most vexing. I tried to see it from her point of view when she failed to join me for dinner at the Uffizi. You can see the apology I sent her, and still she refuses me.”

Griffin laughed, causing Marco to scowl at him. “Oh, she more than refused you, Marco, she ever so politely told you to fuck off.”

Marco growled and Griffin continued to laugh until Marco joined him.

Griffin leaned over and patted his friend’s shoulder. “Look at it this way, at least you’ll know she didn’t agree to be your mate because of your wealth.”

Marco grinned. “Yes, I suppose that is the best way to look at it. But she is still being most naughty. I followed her yesterday and each and every time I called to her she had a physical response.”

“But she’s human, Marco. She doesn’t even know what the call of an alpha is or that you are her fated mate.”

“I will teach her.”

Griffin chuckled. “Oh, I’ll just bet you will. And your beautiful mate will have either have a very sore backside or a soreness in her most feminine parts to show for the error of her ways.”

Marco leveled a look at him. “Most likely both.”

“Ah, but which do you desire more.”

Marco chuckled. “Depends on which part of my anatomy you’re talking to. My palm literally itches to be spanking her beautiful bottom. To have her face down over my knee and begging me to forgive her and stop her punishment. But this damn knot I’m suppressing is insistent on breaching her at the first opportune moment.”

“Either way,” said Griffin, sipping his coffee, “I believe your Catherine’s days of being unmated are in short supply.”

Marco laughed. “That they are, my friend. That they are.”

They finished their breakfast as Griffin brought Marco up to speed on the needs of his new property and some more detail regarding Luca’s plans. Marco was glad to hear the excitement and peacefulness in Griffin’s voice.

They left the hotel headed for the lawyer’s office to finalize the paperwork and transfer the deed of sale. They were getting ready to head into the building when Catherine’s scent reached him. Marco stopped to scan the crowd for her. He could feel Griffin watching. Once Marco located her, he pointed her out to his friend and then sent a small, focused alpha wave of energy in her direction along with a distinctive growl that only she would be able to hear.

The combination of the two seem to wash over her and caused her to have a visible, physical reaction. Marco watched as she shivered and then looked around. He smiled as her eyes locked with his for a moment before she tried to shake off the effects of his call to her.

“You will not find it so easy to continue to ignore my call, my Catherine.”

Griffin chuckled. “I almost feel sorry for her. She hasn’t a clue.”

“No, but she will,” Marco said as he smiled. “And sooner rather than later my Catherine will learn to heed my call or find herself getting her bottom spanked for failing to do so.”

Marco and Griffin continued into the building. Marco was interested in concluding this business so that he could focus solely on Catherine.

* * *

There it was again. That feeling of energy that washed over her and yet seemed to penetrate every fiber of her being. This time she felt it coming from a specific direction. As she followed its path back, she looked up to find her eyes locked with those of none other than Marco DeMedici himself.

Damn the man. What power was it that he had that he haunted her dreams and now seemed to be able to find her across a crowded square in the middle of the bustling City of Florence?

She watched him and the companion who had been with him the other night enter the building. She could feel the loss of his presence. She had to admit, if only to herself, that the man most definitely had a power over her. Several times she had felt that wave of energy yesterday. She now realized he must have been near, watching her. That was altogether too creepy for words.

Catherine turned to walk away and then checked herself. She decided to have a little change in plans. She would go amuse herself walking through some of the open markets and then see if she couldn’t confront the man in person at his hotel. Maybe if she told him off to his face in front of others he would finally get the message. Perhaps being dressed down by a woman in public would convince him she had no interest in him.

Several frustrating hours later she headed toward the grand hotel in which DeMedici was staying. Even the open market vendors wouldn’t take her money. Over and over again she heard there was no need as DeMedici had provided for her.

As she entered the hotel, she noticed the architecture and artwork that she’d missed this morning when she dropped off her note. It was superb and at another time, she would have liked to spend some time here to study it. But for now, she wanted to accomplish her goal and leave as quickly as promised. The concierge came from behind his desk.

Catherine put up her hand to ward him off. “Please don’t. I’ve heard it all morning. Mr. DeMedici has arranged for, Mr. DeMedici has paid for, Mr. DeMedici has provided for... I’m sick to death of it. Do you have any idea when the great Mr. DeMedici might deign to honor us with his presence? He and I need to talk and he needs to get it through his thick skull that I’m done with his shit.”

The words were no sooner out of her mouth than she felt that all too familiar wave of energy wash over her from behind. She felt the goosebumps raise on her arms and a warmth spreading through her being.

She looked at the concierge.

“He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?” she whispered.

“Well,” said the kind older gentleman, “not right behind you.”

“You wish to speak to me, Catherine?” came the low grumbling voice from behind.

Catherine whirled around. “Not really; thus the reason I’ve sent you two notes asking you not to contact me again. But apparently you’re having a problem comprehending that. So despite what I would prefer to be doing, I’m wasting my time here having to tell you what should already be obvious.”

Marco grasped her gently by the upper arm; when she tried to pull away, he tightened his grip.

“This is not the place for us to talk. Why don’t we go upstairs to my room and we can discuss the misunderstanding that still seems to separate us.”

Catherine lost what little remaining grip she had on her temper. She stomped on his instep, causing him to momentarily ease his grip. She jerked her arm away. Before Marco could make another grab for her, she stepped forward and into his space.

“Listen to me, you arrogant prick. I have no interest in you, your money, or anything else you think will get you whatever it is you think you want. Leave me the fuck alone. I don’t give a good God damn that you’re Marco fucking DeMedici. To me you’re just some piece of shit asshole who can’t take no for an answer. There is no fucking misunderstanding between us. I understand you perfectly. It’s you who is too fucking stupid to get it through your thick head that I have no interest in you. Do we understand each other now, motherfucker?”

Catherine found she was out of breath, but feeling quite proud of herself. DeMedici just looked at her.

“Are you quite finished, my Catherine?” His voice was cool, calm, and betrayed no sense of anger whatsoever.

“I am not your fucking Catherine nor will I ever be!”

“Have you said what you needed to say?” he asked in a quiet, concerned tone.

“Yes,” she said. “Yes, I have.”

“Good.” He moved in close, holding her close with the vise grip he now had around her arm. He leaned in to whisper so only she could hear, “That was an uncalled for display of temper. You will learn to control your temper in front of others, or I will control it for you. The language you displayed was far beneath that of a woman with an MBA from Harvard who just recently graduated at the top of her class from Cooper and will soon be the mistress of the DeMedici pack and mother to my children.”

A part of Catherine’s mind was screaming for her to get away... to break free from Marco. The other part of her brain and everything in her physical being screamed at her to yield to him... to surrender herself to his dominance. She was broken from her quiet reflection and focused on his words when she felt his hand run down her back and slide over her rump, stopping at the lower curve of the swell of her buttock to squeeze it gently.

Marco continued, “If you ever use that kind of language with me again in public or in private, I will wash your mouth out with soap before putting you over my knee and spanking your very beautiful bottom.”

He kissed her cheek gently. Catherine felt frozen in time and space.

“I’m going to take you upstairs. Should you decide to reflect on your belligerent and unacceptable behavior and apologize to me when we reach our room, I will take you to bed where I will pummel your pussy with my hard cock as I have longed to do since I first caught your scent at the restaurant. I would have wooed and seduced you into my bed and made gentle, sweet love to you the first several times. However, as you have shown a need for my dominance, I will provide you with the strength and passion you need. Should you continue in your naughtiness once we are alone, then you will receive the first of what I believe will be many bare bottom spankings before I fuck you long and hard into the night.”

She pulled back from him but could only get so far. “You are fucking crazy,” she whispered, hoping she sounded more frightened than what she really was... aroused.

Her whole body felt alight with his fire. She could feel his energy crackling over her flesh, raising the fine hair along her arms. A warm sensation settled over her and seemed to seep through the pores of her skin and permeate into the very marrow of her bones.

Confused and unsure of how to extricate herself from the situation and before Marco could anticipate her next move, Catherine balled her fist, pulled it back, and let fly. It connected with his nose in a most satisfying manner. She could hear it crack. Instead of letting her go or retaliating with a blow of his own, DeMedici pulled her closer into his body and bent his head to take possession of her mouth. Catherine would always recall it that way—that he took possession of her mouth, not that he kissed her.

His lips came down on hers and his tongue thrust past her teeth as he pulled her resistant body into his. While strong and passionate, the kiss was also soft and beckoning. He stroked her mouth with his tongue as his one hand continued to fondle her ass.

Catherine could hear and feel what she could only describe was a low grumbling noise that was part growl and part purr. It enveloped her as if a fog had settled around them. She pushed against Marco’s chest despite his continued sensual assault on her mouth. He released his hold of her arm so that he could wrap it around her upper body. The other hand continued to hold her close, pulling the lower half of her body into his. There was no mistaking the hard length she could feel pressing up against her.

Catherine could feel her control of her own response slipping away. She couldn’t understand why someone didn’t do something to help her. And then she realized her body had betrayed her completely and was molding itself to fit his large, hard frame.

Marco lifted his head briefly to gaze into her eyes and smile.

“No,” she whispered softly.

“Yes,” he growled before capturing her mouth once again.

This time she offered him no resistance whatsoever and gave herself over completely to him. He growled in pleasured response. Catherine rubbed herself like an alley cat in heat against him. She couldn’t understand why he kept just standing there kissing her and holding her close instead of taking her up to his room to get naked. She shocked herself with that thought. She knew that in this moment she wanted nothing more than to get naked with this man she had just cussed out and who had just threatened to spank her and feel him repeatedly thrust that hard length into what she knew would be her drenched pussy.

The thought had no sooner actually formed in her mind, than she felt Marco’s strong arms swing her up into his arms, cradling her against his chest. He walked toward the grand staircase and took the steps two at a time until he came to the mezzanine level... the most exclusive part of the hotel.

He expertly manipulated the keycard into the lock without ever putting her down or releasing her. She reached down to open the levered door and he smiled. Once inside the room, he leaned back against the door, shutting it firmly.