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Come Back to Me (Love Across Time Book 1) by Annie Seaton (11)


A hot breath stirred against her cheek and Megan turned her head into David’s face, parting her lips softly to take his kiss. Her eyes opened slowly and confusion filled her as she looked into a white-tented wall.

Not David?

In her dream he had been lying next to her on the soft grass and his hands had been touching her face with feather light strokes.

“Are you with us now, darlin’?”

A pair of concerned brown eyes came into her view as she slowly lifted her head.

“What did you take?”

“What did I take?”

“Yeah, we think you must have had a bad trip. A couple of guys found you out in the field. You weren’t eating those mushrooms, were you?”

“What mushrooms? I only had a cup of tea.” Slowly Megan became aware of two men in some sort of medical uniforms hovering over her. She was in a tent and loud music slammed in through the opening. She sat up and put her hands over her ears. They were buzzing.

The two men exchanged a glance and the younger one passed her a glass of cold water. She took it and drank deeply, grateful for the cool liquid sliding down her parched throat.

“Where am I?”

“At the Glastonbury festival. This is the St. John’s first aid tent. You’ve been out of it for a few hours. The doctor checked you out earlier but he didn’t want to send you to the hospital because they’re out of room over there. He said to keep an eye on you and let you sleep it off.”

“We’ve got some questions for you before we can let you go.”

Megan nodded.

“First off, sweetheart, what’s your name?”

“Megan Miller.”

“Do you know the date?”

She squeezed her eyes closed. “It’s the first day of the festival so I guess it’s the 26th June.”

“Good girl, Last question. What’s your address?”

“In England or in Australia?”

“Here.” Her thoughts were getting back into some sort of order and the dull headache had eased.

“The McLaren place. Violet Cottage, just across the field.”

“Done good, love. Up you hop.”

A loud crash of drums and guitars came in through the open flap and the older man frowned. “Davy Morgan’s band is about to play. I swear they’re the loudest here. Hate that modern music.”

The young guy laughed. “But the young girls love him, Reg. We’ll have the next wave of them swooning and passing out within the hour. You mark my words.”

Megan followed the exchange with confusion as the events of the morning flooded her mind. “David Morgan’s here? And his band is playing?” She swung her legs off the side of the bed. “He’s all right, then?”

“Aye, he’s all right,” the man called Reg said. “He’s been caterwauling that newfangled music out there all afternoon. You’re lucky you slept through it, love.”

Megan stood carefully as the young man held on to her arm. He passed her the hat she’d grabbed from the hook this morning. “You had no shoes on when you came in, but you should be able to get a pair of those rope sandals at one of them hippie stalls.”

“You watch what you’re doing out there, young lady.” Reg towered over her with his hands on his hips and a stern look on his face. “We don’t want to see you in here again. You feeling okay now?”

“Yes, thank you. I’m fine.” Megan looked down at her bare feet. Her jeans were muddy around the bottom, but her clothes were dry. “I’m just going to go home. Honestly, I didn’t take anything. I must have fainted.”

Maybe it was delayed jet lag? Or it could have been that vintage wine we drank last night?

Maybe it was all a dream? But when she turned, Megan knew she was awake and this was real. She stepped towards the opening in the tent and turned back to the two men before leaving. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

Their attention was already on another woman lying on a stretcher on the other side of the room and the young man lifted one hand in a brief wave. Megan lifted the tent flap and stepped outside. It was almost dusk and the rays of the setting sun lit up Glastonbury Tor in the distance.

The quirky voice of one of her favorite artists from the seventies, Melanie Safka, drifted across to her on the still evening air. The words of the song “Brand New Key” sounded out in a melancholy wave. Either they were piping in recorded music or whoever was singing was a brilliant cover artist. Megan looked around curiously. The festival was nowhere near as crowded as she’d expected, apart from a large group of people gathered around a pyramid of scaffolding on the other side of the field. As the song faded away, a bright orange flash lit the night sky and strident guitar chords blared out. Clouds of smoke billowed above the stage as the sun slipped below the horizon in a brilliant shaft of gold.

The ground was muddy outside the tent and she looked around, trying to figure out the way back to Violet Cottage. She was still confused and unsure of what had happened. Her feet were bare, she had no money on her or her festival ticket, and she’d left the house unlocked. As soon as she could figure out which direction to go, she’d head home. Turning around, she looked across the dark field but couldn’t see any lights in the distance. A group of people came up the path behind her, and she was jostled across the grass towards the pyramid stage.

“Oh, man, how cool is that.” The man beside her grabbed her arm and pointed, as another huge orange flare lit up the sky. “Look, working with the universe, man.”

Megan shook his hand from her arm and hung back as they walked past her. The men all had shoulder-length hair and two of the women were wearing nothing from the waist up.

It was nothing like any of the rock festivals she’d been to in Australia. She wished she had her bag and camera with her to take notes and photos. Then she remembered her Smartphone in her pocket. Pulling it out, she tried to turn it on but the battery must have gone dead again because the screen stayed dark and blank when she pushed the buttons.

This festival was casual, nothing like the slick barricaded events she’d attended at home. She hoped they wouldn’t ask to see her ticket on the way out as she had nothing with her apart from the cotton hat now scrunched up in her hand.

That’s if I can find the way out. More people were coming up the path and she was jostled closer to the stage as they pushed past her. The smell of dope was overpowering and there was not a security person in sight.

“Peace, man.”

“Love, man.”

The words echoed around her as the throngs of festival goers headed towards the stage. The voice of her favorite singer sounded loud and pure through the huge speakers suspended from the top of the pyramid.

Megan pushed her way through to the front of the crowd. Her attention was totally focused on the familiar voice in front of her, and she elbowed and jostled until she could see the band. The music was deafening and the beat reverberated in her chest.

Bright lights glared down from the stage, and she put her hand to her eyes as the lights blinded her for a moment. The noise was incredible. She dropped her hand to her side and looked up at the stage.

David stood with his eyes closed and his lips caressing the microphone as the words and voice of his uncle, Davy Morgan, came from his mouth. Megan closed her eyes and swayed with the music. His voice was identical and the song was one she knew by heart.

It could have been Davy Morgan himself.


David got to the end of the first line of the song and looked down at the crowd in front of the stage. A mass of waving, swaying bodies, bright eyes, and bare chests filled his vision under the bright spotlight at the side. Most of the women had skimpy tops on…if they had a top on at all. There was more than one flash of bare boobs and he grinned across at Slim.

Slim was in his element. The bass guitarist was a breast man through and through.

As David belted out the words at the end of the second verse, his gaze settled on a face he  recognised. His eyes widened in disbelief as shock hit him like a truck

Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.

He recovered and kept singing but his chest closed as tension gripped his muscles.

Please God, let me be wrong.

Moving forward to the centre of the stage, he looked down at the woman who’d caught his attention.

Hell and damnation. It was Megan. Gazing up at him, her mouth was open, her face pale…but her expression was full of awe and adoration. Her head turned as though she sensed him looking at her, and as her gaze locked with his a sweet smile brought her face alive.

David couldn’t take his eyes from her face as the blood pushed through his veins in a slow thumping surge. The pace of the music picked up and he kept singing even though time had come to a grinding halt.

Don’t leave me, stay with me,

I will love you forever

Through time itself.

He sang the words without thinking about them until he reached the end of the chorus.

How fucking appropriate. Except for the bit about love.

How the hell had the woman from the twenty-first century turned up here in front of him at the fucking 1971 Glastonbury Festival? She had bewitched him and now he had a major problem on his hands. She must have known about the stones all along. He spun around at the end of the song, caught Bear’s eyes, and nodded towards Megan.

Bear’s eyes widened and he mouthed back at David. “How the fuck did she get here?”

David shrugged, and Bear launched into the drum roll that began the final song of their set.

David closed his eyes. Sweat soaked his shirt and the usual gimmick at the end of the last song was to pull his shirt off and throw it to the crowd.

This is going to be the performance of my life.

He took a deep breath, cleared his mind of everything but the song, and let the words fill his soul. The music dropped off and a hush fell over the crowd. They knew what was coming. Slim hit the guitar pedal and a series of long mournful notes hovered in the air. David stepped to the front of the stage and let the microphone stand go as he slowly peeled his shirt off and threw it into the crowd. A roar from below filled his ears as the drums kicked in. He picked up his guitar and looped the strap around his neck as Slim hit the deep notes on his bass guitar. The music reverberated through the night air and surged through his blood. Heat filled him from within and he had never felt more alive than he did in that moment. The night, the people, the pulsating music joined in one wave and he was at one with the universe. The muse was back and the synergy among the band, the music, the words, and the crowd was complete.

Pure, clean energy filled him. The connection had been made.

He reached the end of the chorus and a euphoric haze filled him. David stopped singing and let his gaze drop to Megan. The noise from the crowd surged as they sang the words.

Her eyes were fixed on him and her cheeks were flushed. Joy filled her expression and he realised that she felt it, too. Picking up the microphone, he sang the next verse. A shaft of pure sexual desire ran through him and his feelings poured out through the words of the song and the crowd roared in appreciation as he gyrated on the stage.

One final spin and the words died away with the music. David reached out and brushed his fingers across the dozens of hands stretching across the front of the stage as he ran from left to right. He paused when he came to where Megan stood.

He knelt down on one knee and held his hand out to her, calling loudly over the noise of the crowd.

“Don’t move. Stay right here.” She looked up at him and he squeezed her fingers between his.

“I’ll be down in less than five minutes,” he said.

She nodded, her dark eyes glittering with emotion.

David waved to the crowd as Bear gave one final drum roll and the next band moved on to the stage. The lead singer from Fairport Convention grabbed the microphone and yelled to the crowd. “Hey, guys and gals, do Davy Morgan and his band rock or what?”

A huge cheer went up as the crowd chanted for more and David took the microphone back for a moment. “More later. We’re back on in the morning,” he promised with a wave. “Don’t go away.”

He looked across at Bear and passed him his guitar as he ran off the stage and headed for the steps.

God, Megan, Don’t move. How the bloody hell did you get here?

For the life of him, he had no idea how she had found the gate. But she obviously had. Had the McLarens told her? Alice must have told her family about it, although she had sworn no one else knew. And now he had to get her back to the cottage before dawn and find his way back to the festival because it was bloody hard to find the correct lines and markers at the wrong time of day—as he’d discovered a few nights ago when he had come home to find Megan on his porch. Dawn, dusk, and midday were the easiest, if not the only, times to cross through the time gate.

“There’s no way she can stay. If she gets lost, I’ll never find her and she’ll never find her way back by herself.” Panicked, he tore down the steps.

“David, wait.”

He stopped dead as Holly appeared and grabbed his arm. “Not now. I have to go.”

“I have to talk to you.” Holly’s eyes were unfocused as she stared at him and her words were slightly slurred. “It’s real important.”

He looked down at her and she raised her hands to grab each side of his face. “David, you were beautiful. You did yourselves…the best…the best...”

David lifted her hands away. “Later, Holly.”

Before he could move away, she pushed into him and her hands were on the front of his pants. “You have gotten me so hot, David.” She’d never spoken to him like that before. Despite his disapproval of her publicity ideas, they’d always maintained a professional relationship.

“What the fuck are you on, Holly?” He narrowed his eyes as he looked down at her. Her pupils were dilated and she stared past him.

“Have you being smoking dope?” He grasped her arms, and led her to the stairs he’d just come down. Seconds later, Bear appeared at the top.

“Mate, look after her, will you? I’ve got to go and find Megan before she disappears.”

Holly was with it enough to glare at him. “Who’s Megan?”

David didn’t answer as he handed her over to Bear and he took off as the electric folksy music of Fairport Convention began to play. He ducked and weaved through the roaring crowd as hands reached out to him, but most of their attention was on the new band on the stage. His arms and chest were slick with the sweat running down his neck and face, and he reached up and pushed his hair back as it stuck to his brow and dropped across his eyes.

Finally he stood at the side of the stage and anxiously scanned the crowds.

Thank the gods.

Her reddish hair stood out like a beacon against the bright light and he pushed his way through the crowd.

“Watch it, man.” One of the concertgoers shoved him with his elbow as he tried to reach Megan but apologised as soon as he looked over at David.

“Oh, sorry. Hey, look girls, it’s Davy Morgan.”

David shook his head and grabbed Megan’s arm. She turned to him, her face rapt. Twin spots of colour stained her cheeks and she reached up and wiped her tears away with a shaking hand. He took her hand firmly in his and cleared a path through the crowd. Silently he led her away from the solid mass of noise, behind the pyramid and towards the riverbank. Along the way they passed three couples on the ground, totally oblivious to the world, immersed in their own private activity.

Megan’s soft gasp reached him in the darkness as she moved to the side before she stepped on a naked couple entwined on the grass in the middle of the path.

Finally they were away from the noise and the crowd. The air was soft and still as they came to a stop beside the riverbank.

Megan looked up at him wordlessly and he held his arms out to her.


She leaned into David’s bare chest. It was hot and slick with sweat. Closing her eyes, she felt safe for the first time since she’d fainted in the field this afternoon. It was like coming home. His strong arms held her close and the smell of sweat and stage makeup filled her senses. Finally he spoke and his voice seemed guarded.

“How did you get here, Megan? Do you know about the stones?”

“Yes, I know the Stones are due here. What’s that got to do with anything?” She stepped back from him and crossed her arms. A shiver went through her. Now that she was away from the excitement of the performance and out in the open air, the night was cool. She rubbed her hands up and down her arms as she looked up at David.

His face was closed, so different from the energy and life it had been filled with on the stage.

“He called you Davy Morgan.” Confusion filled her. “Why did he call you Davy?”

David dropped his forehead against hers as he reached for her elbows and his warm breath fluttered her hair.

“Because that’s who I am,” he said simply.

“You do his songs so well. It is almost as though you are him.”

Ice skittered through Megan’s limbs as David lifted his head and looked out over the fields into the dark night.

“I have to get you home, Megan.” His voice was quiet and distant. “Quickly.”

Something was wrong and she didn’t understand what was happening.


“Because you shouldn’t be here.”

“I know. I haven’t even got my ticket or my stuff. I really didn’t intend to come here. I followed you when you fell. I thought you’d taken ill. I was worried when I couldn’t find you. And then I must have fainted because I woke up in the first aid tent.” She reached her hand up to his face but he stepped back and dropped his hands from her arms before her fingers reached his cheek. “But now that I’m here and I’ve heard the music, I want to stay. I can’t miss a minute of this. It makes me feel so alive.”

David turned away from her and the strong moonlight highlighted the proud line of his back as he stood bare-chested beside her. A surge of hot desire spiraled through her and settled low in her belly. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Her heart beat in her throat, slow and steady as she searched for words, but they didn’t come so she reached out and let her hands speak for her. She trailed her fingers from his shoulders slowly down his hot, damp skin until her fingers paused at the top of his tight black jeans. Ever since she had kissed him last night, she’d known this moment was inevitable.

His skin twitched beneath her fingers but still he didn’t turn to her. She breathed in deeply and walked around to face him. Trailing her finger slowly down his bare chest from the base of his neck to the top of his jeans, her fingers lingered on the metal button at the top of the zipper and he dropped his head into her neck. She sighed as his hot lips moved down to her shoulder and he nipped at her skin with his teeth.

Pulling back, he muttered with a low groan. “I have to get you home, Megan.”

“Soon.” She would die if he didn’t touch her. “After.”


He pulled her deeper into the shadows next to the softly babbling water. They were alone and the noise of the concert was faint in the distance.

“I want you.” His words were simple and she held his dark eyes with hers. The heat from his skin warmed Megan and pushed her further over the edge. There was no going back.

She sat on the soft grass and lifted her hands in invitation. David dropped beside her and gently cupped her face in his hands, as he had the other night. But this time, his gaze was searching hers and there was intent in his eyes. His strong face was outlined in the moonlight and the wild black curls formed a halo around his head as the moonlight shone from behind him. Megan turned her head to kiss his palm and murmured against his warm skin.

“What if someone comes along? We could find ourselves up on YouTube before the night is over.”

David lifted his hand to cover hers and even her fingers tingled from his touch. “We’re far enough away to be private, but don’t worry. The solstice has played havoc with everyone’s phone.” He stared at her and his gaze was unwavering. “Trust me, no one will be taking photos with their phones here tonight.”

His deep voice surrounded her and need rushed through her blood. She arched her head back and gripped his shoulders as the wonder of the night filled her. The sky was brilliant with stars, and the soft halo of light from the full moon spilled down onto David’s loose curls. It was the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen.

Dropping her hands, she reached down to the hem of her T-shirt, pulled it up over her head, and dropped it on the ground before slowly getting to her feet. She stepped out of her jeans and stood before him, the moonlight bathing her skin with a translucent light.

David knelt in front of her and lowered his head. His long curls gently brushed the tips of her nipples and she sensed he was holding back as his mouth pressed against her stomach. Megan held his head against her bare skin for a moment before she lowered herself to the grass. When he took her mouth with his with a gentle kiss, she opened to him and let her tongue slide against his as he deepened the pressure of his lips. For a full minute, she savored the taste of him in her mouth, the warmth of his tongue, pushing and retreating. She drew a breath as his mouth moved along her cheek and caressed her ear before his lips blazed a hot trail down her neck.

“I want you, Megan. I shouldn’t. But you are in my blood.” His voice had roughened and held an edge of despair.

Megan’s whole body throbbed and her inhibitions fled as raw power consumed her. Her desire matched his. She didn’t care where she was, or if anyone could see her. Megan held David’s gaze as she slipped off the brief wisp of lace that was all that remained between her and sheer, naked freedom. She lay back in the soft grass and watched as he shed his jeans. A shaft of pure heat pulsed through her as he stood in front of her. The moonlight caught his body, but his face was shadowed. He was ready for her. He lay next to her but she craved his hard weight on her, in her, and filling her…but he paused and wooed her with gentle fingers. Thoughts flitted through her mind, sensations touched her skin, and the ache deep within her grew as his gaze locked with hers. He moved his head closer to hers and the close resemblance he bore to the rock star she’d idolised growing up actually stole her breath away for a moment. The face, the eyes, the voice, the emotions she’d carried within every time she’d heard his songs. And now this man, David, was taking the place of those memories, and the feelings consuming her were like nothing she’d ever experienced.

Who was he and where were these feelings coming from?

“Touch me,” she whispered and it came out with a sigh as she drew in a ragged breath.

Lightly circling around her nipples, his fingers teased her and she bit her lip. Her body ached, wanting him. Lighter circles around her stomach gradually trailed down to the fine hair between her thighs. She clenched her thighs, fighting the sweet sensations building and pulsing. In the distance, the music gentled and a soft, dreamy song drifted across to them.

“I need you.” Her voice was full of the need pulsing through her. “Now.”

He rolled on top of her with a groan and braced himself with his hands before plunging into her in one swift movement. An unfamiliar guttural sound came from her throat as she clenched around him. She rocked with him, lifting her hips in time with his thrusts, almost making their own music as the heat between them built to a crescendo. It rolled to one long glorious swell that gushed heat and music through her body and soul.

When their eyes met, she smiled and succumbed to him, giving in to the exquisite waves overtaking her as David groaned and buried his warm mouth in her neck.

Megan smiled and let his music take her under.


“Megan?” His voice was soft against her ear and she smiled.


She savoured the slickness of David’s hot and slippery skin on hers. A deep contentment filled her and she kept her eyes closed, not wanting to think about what had happened, but just to live in the moment and enjoy it.

But it had to end.

A cool breeze raised goose bumps on her skin as David pulled away and knelt beside her. His face was in the shadows and she couldn’t see his expression.

But when he spoke his words were soft and calm. “I should apologise but I’m not going to. That was an amazing thing that just happened between us.” He touched her shoulder and then gently ran his hand through her hair. “I want you to know, no matter what garbage I said at the cottage the other night, I don’t do this.”

“It was the most beautiful moment of my life. Did you feel the music?” Megan rolled to her side, untroubled by her nakedness. From the soft sounds drifting across to them, they were not alone in their pursuits of the night.

David looked around and picked up her shirt and passed it to her. “Yes, I did.”

“It was a perfect setting. Tell me. Am I dreaming?” Her voice sounded dreamy to her and she rolled her T-shirt up and put it under her head. It was unlike her not to be self-conscious and she stretched, savouring the soreness of her muscles.

 But as she stretched the physical tug of sensation broke into her dreamy state, and doubt seeped in.

Megan bit her lip. Had it all been a dream? Had she really experienced that sublime moment?

Has the whole day been one glorious dream?

“Did I just make the most beautiful love with David Morgan or am I dreaming of Davy Morgan?” Her voice was still dreamy and her eyelids were heavy. She couldn’t keep them open much longer.

“No.” David’s voice broke into her sleepiness and reassured her. “That was for real. Are you okay?”

She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “I just need a little nap.”

He laid her jeans beside her. “I’ll just go tell the guys I’m taking you…home…and then I’ll be right back. Don’t move. Okay?”

“Okay,” she murmured sleepily and closed her eyes.


A blackbird trilled at the promise of dawn and Megan woke. Despite the cold, a pleasant languor filled her body but she looked down in confusion, covering herself with both hands.

Oh my God, I’m lying stark naked on the grass next to a stream. She sat up and looked around but there was no one in sight. She put on her shirt and knelt by the brook. After a quick wash with the cold water, she pulled her jeans back on. Her shoes were still back in the field by that huge rock and the pink hat was long gone. Bemused, she sat beside the babbling brook and waited for David. The sun climbed higher and touched the fields with the rosy glow of dawn, but he didn’t come back.

Where was he? He’d told her to wait here, but she had no idea how long she’d slept or how long he’d been gone. She waited another few minutes before pushing herself to her feet. Following the brook, she wandered over a small hill. Music was still blaring from the stage, but a different band was playing. As she watched, she remembered being with David for most of the night, though time had lost all meaning for her.

But had they really been together or had she just dreamed about David?

Or Davy?

As she looked across the fields, her vision swam for a second, and the ground tipped beneath her feet. Had they given her some drug when she’d been in that tent earlier? Had she hallucinated? Megan shook her head in confusion, not knowing what was real or what was a dream.

She looked around through the crowds at the front of the stage, but there was no sign of David or his band. She’d  recognised his drummer and the guitarist as the two men from the pub the other day.

As a shaft of golden light lit the stage in front of her, the music stopped and the voice of the announcer came scratchily through the loudspeaker.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you David Bowie, who will herald in the dawn of the summer solstice.”

Bloody hell. Megan turned around swiftly and the simple piano chords of an early David Bowie song drifted across to her as he encouraged all the sleepyheads to wake up.

She listened and shook her head in bemusement.

What a strange choice of a song for Bowie to play at Glastonbury 2011.

“Oh! You Pretty Things” was one of his songs from the early seventies and had never been that popular. In fact, it had been from before he’d hit the big time. And it must have been a last-minute decision to have him appear. He hadn’t been on her ticket or in any of the promos she’d read about the festival.

What an amazing bonus.

She squinted.

It must be some sort of act or cover show? It couldn’t be Bowie. The singer seated at the piano was dressed in seventies clothes and had a seventies wig on to emulate Bowie’s early glamour look. She knew he’d played at one of the earliest Glastonbury concerts in the seventies—she’d come across that in her research. Maybe it was a re-creation for this festival?

But still she listened and closed her eyes. The singer copied the song brilliantly. His rendition was perfect.

When the song ended, Megan stepped to the side and looked around for David. She had no idea where he had disappeared to but she was determined to settle in and enjoy the music. She was at Glastonbury and she wanted to enjoy every second, no matter what strange things had happened to her.

She’d heard terrific music, had vivid, crazy dreams, and great sex…and she was not going back to the cottage until the music stopped…despite having bare feet and no money. Looking around, she grinned…she fit right in with the hippie crowd.







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