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Crazy B!tch (Biker Bitches Book 5) by Jamie Begley (10)


“The sheets and blankets are in the hall closet. The spare bedroom is by the kitchen,” Crazy Bitch said as she came out of the bathroom after her shower, wearing her short blue robe that she had tied at her waist.

“You going to bed?”

“I’ve been up since six this morning, and I’ve been on my feet all day. I had to cut, dye, dry, and curl Sharon and Tilly Hines’s hair. They each tipped me a buck and told me I needed to go on a diet. So, yeah, I’m going to bed.”

She went into her bedroom, leaving Calder watching the ten-o’clock news. She threw her robe down on the bottom of her bed, looking around her room for her cat. Usually the manic feline would attack any male. Crazy Bitch corrected herself—anyone unwary to enter his—again she had to correct herself—her apartment. The hellcat was getting old. She was sure he was hiding underneath her bed and would come out when she went to sleep.

Turning off the bedside lamp, she yawned tiredly then, stretching out on her bed, listened to the soft music she had turned on.

Drifting off to the soothing sounds of a lonely violin, she sank deeper into sleep.

A loud yell had her bolting up in bed. Disoriented, she fell as she tried to get out of bed. Tangled in her sheet, she had to extricate herself from the covers before she could manage to get to her feet.

Hearing another yell, she ran to the bedroom door, flinging it open then running into the room she had told Calder to sleep in, to see him standing on his tumbled bed with a pillow in his hand.

“What are you

“Get back. There’s a snake in here!” he shouted.

“I don’t have snakes….” She carefully backed toward the door, peering around the upturned room.


She jumped when he pointed at something black that moved underneath the bed.

She started laughing. “That’s not a snake. It’s Manson.”


“My cat. Well, technically it’s Fat Louise’s, but she forgot to take him when she moved out.”

Red-faced, Calder jumped off the bed, then jumped back on it when a vicious claw raked his shin.

“It bit me.”

“He doesn’t bite. He doesn’t have any teeth.”

He jumped off the bed, moving in a walk-run toward her. “Why doesn’t he have teeth? Cade knock them out?”

“No, he’s old. Most of them were broken off, so the vet removed what was left. Cost me six hundred dollars. You think Fat Louise or Cade paid me back? Every time I mention it, they say it was her sister’s cat.”

“Did you ask her for the money?”

She’s dead.”

“The cat killed her?”

“He’s not rabid, just old.” She bent down to pick up the purring cat as he rubbed against her leg. “See? No teeth.” She lifted him higher so Calder could see the toothless, hissing cat.

“You should have saved yourself six hundred dollars and put him down.”

The cat hissed louder.

“Shh… Manson. He didn’t mean it.”

“Yes, I did.” He jerked his arm back from a darting claw that threatened to rip his hand to shreds.

Crazy Bitch rubbed her cheek against the spiked fur as his claws sunk into her night top.

She was carefully trying to lift it when Calder tried to help her and his knuckles rubbed against the globes of her breasts. She sucked in a sharp breath at his touch.

“Girl, you need to get your ass outta here,” Crazy Bitch said to herself as she awkwardly turned toward the door, making sure to keep her eyes away from his naked body, still picturing him in all his glory.

He might lack an inch in height compared to Stud, but Calder was broader and more muscular than his loose jeans and T-shirts had shown.

She was so close to him that she could touch him. And if she didn’t get out of the close confines of the bedroom, she was going to regret it in about five minutes… after she was done with him.

“Do not lead me into temptation,” she chanted to herself, stopping when Calder placed a hand on the doorway, blocking her escape.

“You sure you don’t want to stay and watch… another movie?”

“I’m sure.” She didn’t lash out at him the way she had intended. Instead, she sounded like she was about to cough up one of Manson’s fur balls.

She started to barge past his restraining arm when he gave her a quizzical look.

“Are you listening to classical music?”

“What’s wrong with that?” she snapped. “You don’t think I can appreciate it?”

“I’m just surprised. When we play music at the club, you make us play hard rock or punk.”

“That’s for dancing, not for sleeping.”

His eyes gentled. “You have trouble sleeping?”

“Sometimes.” She couldn’t believe she was admitting to a weakness she had never confessed to anyone before.

He dropped his hand, giving her space to leave. “Good night.”

She nodded, fleeing the room before she changed her mind and threw the sexy biker to the bed. Closing her bedroom door, she laid Manson down on the bed, where he clawed her sheets into a mound to show his dissatisfaction before choosing her pillow to curl up on.

Shooing him off the pillow, she lay down, trying to go back to sleep, but she didn’t fall asleep again so easily. She was tossing and turning until her body was so fatigued it gave in to a restless sleep that had her not hearing the alarm that was going off on the nightstand.

“Anna-Kate, wake up.”

The use of her real name had her eyes flying open. She hadn’t heard it since her mother had died.

“Do you want to sit here and talk about it, or do you want to get on the road?”

She tossed her sheet off, seeing Calder was already dressed.

Going to her dresser, she took out a pair of jeans and a green tank top that she could put a jacket over. At work, it would be hidden underneath her smock.

“Get out. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Gee, thanks for waking me up,” he said sarcastically, leaving the room.

“Thanks.” She slammed her door closed then dressed in a rush, dodging Manson’s attempts to swat her when she tried to put her boots on.

“I shouldn’t feed your hairy ass.” Jerking her jacket on, she hurried to the kitchen to place a bowl of cat food down. “I’m ready.”

Calder got up from the couch. “What about breakfast?”

She opened a kitchen drawer, taking out two protein bars, and tossed one to him.

“There’s breakfast. Let’s go.”

“You’re lucky I’m a man of simple needs.”

The only needs she had on her mind were the ones that had left her unfulfilled and restless the night before. She wanted to find the motorcycles and jackets so she could go back to ignoring the bastard.

“Next time I want you to stay the night, I’ll go to the store and buy some Pop-Tarts… and I’ll hide my mail so you’re snooping ass won’t see something I don’t want you to see.”

“I like donuts better.” He grinned, opening the door for her while ignoring her last comment.

“That belly of yours hasn’t seen a donut in years.”

His body was hard and toned. There was no beer or donut belly to mar the perfection that had her debating what to do to him.

His grin widened. “I saw you looking at me last night.”

“Kind of hard to miss… with everything flapping around.”

“It wasn’t flapping after I saw you in those panties and that white T-shirt.”

“Really?” She sniffed, climbing on behind him on his bike. “I didn’t notice.” She held on to his sides as he backed out of the parking spot.

“You noticed. Anytime you want another show, let me know. I’m available.” Giving her a wink, he pulled out, driving out of town.

There wasn’t much traffic as Calder drove along streets that gradually grew darker and narrowed down to a winding road that led to Treepoint.

Crazy Bitch held on to his waist. She had never ridden with him before. When they had gone out as a club, she had always been on the back of another biker’s motorcycle.

He handled the powerful machine with ease. She could feel the strength in his body as he held the bike steady through the dangerous curves. Numerous people had lost their lives by getting lulled into a false sense of security when taking the curves at speeds the locals knew to be wary of.

When they reached Treepoint, Calder made the turn that would lead them away from the town and toward the large mountain that was looming above them. The sun was just coming up as they traveled up the inclining road. Several houses were built along the route, but as it reached higher, the homes became sparse.

Crazy Bitch wasn’t afraid of heights, but she stopped looking down when she could see the tops of trees. She had a come-to-Jesus moment when a large truck rounded a sharp curve at the same time as Calder’s motorcycle.

Closing her eyes, she rested her helmet against his back, deciding not to look anymore. She had confidence in his ability; it was the assholes they had to share the road with who had her terrified.

The sight of the sign with an arrow pointing to a small road that would lead them to the overlook had her eagerness returning.

The overlook was empty when they arrived. As soon as Calder stopped the bike, she climbed off, wanting to kiss the ground.

“I wish I had brought a six-pack with me to enjoy the view.” Removing his helmet, Calder climbed off his bike to look around the tree-studded mountains appreciatively.

“You’d be driving back alone.” She walked around the area, trying to get feeling back in her legs.

“If that gas station we passed isn’t open, you might be, anyway.” Calder took out his phone. “Sweet. We made it with five minutes to spare before Greer’s clue.”

She gave him a victorious smile. “I bet everyone is in the club…” Her voice trailed off at the sound of a motorcycle. “Son of a bitch, is that…?”

“Stud and Sex Piston.”

Their eyes met in disappointment.

“That’s fine. We got here first. As long as it stays that way, they can keep eating our dust.”

Her friend got off the back of Stud’s bike as the brothers stood talking.

“Bitch, I knew you knew the answer.” Sex Piston’s calling her out on her lie didn’t make her feel guilty.

Pasting an innocent look on her face, she stared back unrepentantly. “You could have told me you had figured it out. I didn’t until I went to my car after I closed.”

“You lying bitch.” Sex Piston’s lips trembled in laughter.

Prove it.”

The friends shouldered each other as they went to stand next the men, both anxious for the clue.

“I wish he would send it before someone else shows.”

“Yeah, that sucks when it happens.” Crazy Bitch used her chin to point at the approaching car.

“Who in the fuck is that?”

“Viper and Winter.”

“Son of a

“Those were my exact words when you and Stud showed.”

Again, she had to mask her disappointment as Viper and Winter got out of their SUV. The small group didn’t have to say anything to each other as Stud’s, Viper’s, and Calder’s phones started pinging.

She wanted to grab the phone away from Calder when the men texted the clue to their clubs before reading it.

Calder finished first, reading it aloud.

If you figured out the first clue, then you know I wear a necklace. You will find the third clue in the clasp.

Crazy Bitch turned around in a circle before turning back to the group. The couples had already pulled apart to talk.

Calder moved to her, turning his back so the others couldn’t see or hear what he was saying. “It’s the rock.”

Her eyes darted to the rock. “How? It’s too big to lift.”

“Not if I have help.”

“Dammit! You sure?”

“Yes, if we’re at the right mountain.”

“We could go get my car and a chain and move it after everyone leaves,” she suggested.

“It would save time. If Viper and Winter have figured out the clue, they’ll just wait until we leave, and then they’ll have a start on the next clue. We can do whatever you want to do. I’ll leave the choice to you.”

She furtively glanced toward the other couples.

“Let’s do it. I can’t afford to miss more work.”

Calder gave her a searching look. “When did you miss work?”

“Stud is coming over.” She was relieved to be able to skate past the question.

Sex Piston stayed behind, talking to Viper and Winter. Crazy Bitch knew she was trying to distract them.

“The clue is under the rock.”

“No shit.” She was dying to get at the clue. That Stud and Sex Piston knew it was under the rock showed it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. If they knew, then Viper and Winter knew also. Giving a ragged sigh, she accepted the inevitable. “Unless either of you can pull a chain out of your saddlebags, we might as well work together.”

“I was hoping you two would be practical.” Stud grimaced. “She said to make sure that you know it’s not going to be a habit.”

“Same goes here,” she agreed wholeheartedly. “Let’s get this done before some other assholes come along.”

Stud didn’t look pleased that he was one of the assholes who had come along when they had already been there.

“They know it’s under the rock,” Sex Piston said as they drew closer.

The men immediately went to the large rock as the women followed excitedly behind them.

“If it’s too heavy to move, I have a towing cable.” Viper grunted as they tried to move the rock.

“Of course you do.” Crazy Bitch rolled her eyes.

“What does that mean? You don’t think we already knew where the clue was?”

Crazy Bitch had to give Winter props for defending her man’s honor.

“No, I meant it as a compliment, that he is always prepared.”

“That’s fine, then.” Winter gave her husband a look filled with pride and love.

They were trying to knock it over when Shade pulled up with Lily at his back.

Shade threw an arm over Lily’s shoulder when they got off. “Need some help?”

“No!” the women yelled out, but the men had already moved to make room for Shade.

Crazy Bitch stopped watching the men struggle with the rock and went to the overlook to see if she could see the road that led up the mountain. Squinting, she watched to see if others were coming, unconsciously moving nearer to the edge.

She felt herself lifted backward.

“We almost had it!” Stud muttered as Calder pulled her farther away from the edge.

Stay here.”

“I was fine. There’s a chain

“Which you were leaning over! I catch your ass that close again, the only clue you’ll be getting are my handprints on your ass,” Calder warned.

She didn’t scare easily, but his angry visage had her tongue-tied, leaving her only able to nod.

Calder went back to the rock, his anger tangible as he and the others strained, finally turning the rock over.

Stud bent down and pulled out a plastic bag. Unzipping it, he took out a sheet of paper and unfolded it.

“Read it out loud!” Crazy Bitch demanded.

“It wouldn’t make any sense if I do. It looks like a grocery list. One pound of potatoes, two cans of diced tomatoes, an onion…”

Crazy Bitch snatched it out of his hand, reading it. “Did he put his grocery list there by mistake?”

“Give it to me.” Sex Piston snatched it from her hand, going toward Stud’s bike.

“Where are you going with it? I want to take a picture of it before we put it back,” Winter berated her.

“I’m going to shove it up Greer’s ass. You can have it back when he’s done shitting it out.”

Stud caught her around the waist, taking the letter away from her. Taking a picture with his phone, he then gave it to Viper, who was standing near him.

“I’ll text it to you, Calder,” Stud said as he walked his wife toward his bike.

“Viper!” Sex Piston shouted as Stud forced her onto his bike. “Tell Greer I’m coming for him.”

After the others took pictures on their phones, the men moved the rock back into its resting place.

“How did Greer do that by himself?” Crazy Bitch overheard Lily asking Shade.

“He didn’t. Tate and Dustin probably helped him.” Viper wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“He used that big truck he’s so proud off,” Shade disagreed.

“The brothers are going to be pissed when they realize the clue is hidden under the rock.” Crazy Bitch got on the back of Calder’s bike. “None of you better share. Make them move it themselves.”

“Why? It’s pointless.” Lily’s soft heart had her wanting to give the clue out.

“Shade?” Crazy Bitch turned her head toward him at the sounds of more motorcycles approaching.

“I’ll handle it.” He steered his wife away to his bike. Starting it, he gave Lily no chance to talk before riding off.

She waved gleefully as Rider and Jewell, and Cade and Fat Louise arrived.

Squeezing Calder’s waist as they rode back down the mountain, she waited until he was filling the gas tank before taking off her helmet, showing him what she had with a wide smile.

Pausing when he saw it, he finally asked, “Do you know the answer to the clue?”

“Fuck no, but did you see who Rider’s partner is?”

“I saw her, but I’ve never talked to her. Why?”

She raised her hand for him to high-five her. “He’s riding with Jewell. We can cross him off our list without having to worry about him. He’ll spend more time fucking her than searching for the bike we’re going to steal out from under his nose.”




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