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Crazy B!tch (Biker Bitches Book 5) by Jamie Begley (24)


Crazy Bitch left Stud’s office so fast she didn’t bother closing the door, wincing when she heard it slam shut before she made it back to the clubroom.

Going to their table, she saw that they had already cleaned up the upturned table and broken beer bottles.

“Stud’s not going to be happy when he finds out you cleaned. I was supposed to do it.”

“I’m a big girl. I don’t need you doing my punishments for me.” Sex Piston brushed off the drops of beer that were clinging to the tabletop.

Crazy Bitch grabbed her purse. “I’m out of here. Anyone need a ride?”

“I got a new dress on. I don’t want it ruined by the springs in your car.”

Crazy Bitch started to tell her that it would be doing it a favor. The navy blue and white dress made her want to gag. It was suited for one of the uppity bitches who worked in offices who always set her teeth on edge.

“I haven’t returned my rental car yet. Calder paid for it for an extra couple of days. It has a sunroof.”

Fat Louise gathered her purse. “I’m ready. If I’m lucky, I’ll have time to get home before Stud calls Cade.”

“If we go now, you’ll make it. He was calling Calder when I left him.”

Sex Piston gave a low whistle. “You sure you don’t want to go home with me? He’s going to be pissed.”

“The day I get afraid about how a man reacts to something I’ve done, do me a favor and put me down, besides he’s still in Lexington.”

“Then what’s the rush to get home?” Sex Piston asked.

“I fucking gave my beer away like a loser. No reason to stay. I don’t think Stud is going to be giving me one of his.”

“I think you’re right there. He’s so mad right now he’d pour it down the drain before letting you have one.”

Crazy Bitch winced. “I really fucked up. I’m sorry I dragged you all into this bullshit with Sam. Where’s T.A.?”

“Bear hauled her off to his room. They haven’t come back, so she must be making it up to him. She’ll probably be the only one getting laid tonight.”

“No, she won’t.” Killyama took the beer that Train was handing her.

Crazy Bitch flipped the lucky bitch off, waving bye to the others.

“What’d you say?” Fat Louise asked, trying to keep up with her as they walked toward the rental car.

She looked over the roof of the car, waiting for her to catch up. “I said, Killyama is the luckiest bitch I know. She was the only one who had a car when we went to high school, she was the only one who had a mother with a brain, she works with two men who are not only hot but they know how to kick ass, and she’s the only one who’s going to get laid tonight. And she has the nerve to gloat to us!”

“No, she isn’t. T.A

“Bear couldn’t fuck his way out of a paper bag.” Crazy Bitch snorted, unlocking the car door. “Those ‘roids he uses to make his arms and neck bigger have shrunk his dick into a thimble.”

Fat Louise giggled as she got into the car. “T.A. brags about how good he is.”

Crazy Bitch started the car. “That bitch is lying.”

Pulling out of the parking lot, she drove toward Fat Louise’s house.

“How do you know?”

“I just know.”

“Did you and Bear…?”

“Hell no. I might have been drunk one night and accidentally went into his bedroom by mistake. T.A. was trying to get a rise out of his limp noodle.”

Fat Louise slapped her hand over her mouth. “Accidentally?”

“That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

She slowed the car, coming to a stop at a stop sign. Turning, she accelerated down the empty street, when the dark interior of the car was suddenly filled with red lights.

“Damn. It’s the cops.”

Fat Louise turned to look over her shoulder. “Were you speeding?”

“No… or I don’t think I was.” She was reaching for her purse for her license when there was a tap on her window.

She pushed the button, lowering it to see the grim-faced cop asking for her ID and registration.

“Was I speeding?” she asked, giving him her ID and the rental receipt that Calder had given her.

His lips tightened. “I’ll be back.” When he strode back to his police car, they turned to look at each other.

“I don’t think I was speeding.”

“I don’t think you were, either.”

The red lights highlighted their worried faces. Crazy Bitch knew it wasn’t a good sign when another patrol car arrived, pulling in front of her car and sandwiching them between the two cruisers.

“Passenger, step out of the car.”

Fat Louise gave a frightened squeal when the bullhorn shouted instructions to get out.

“Does he mean me?” she gasped.

“Yes, you’re the passenger. Be cool. Just get out and leave your purse.”

Crazy Bitch watched as Fat Louise opened the door and stepped out, leaving the car door open.

She remained inside until she heard the bullhorn again.

“Driver, exit the car slowly.”

She opened the door, getting out and facing the police car behind her. She had no more turned than she felt herself plastered against the side of the car.

“What…? Let me go! You can’t handcuff me for speeding.”

Obviously, they could. Handcuffs clicked onto her wrists.

Looking up, she saw Fat Louise in the same position.

Neither officer answered their questions. Taking their elbows, they led them to the end of the car, where they forced them to sit down on the curb.

A car with Sheriff blazoned on the side of the vehicle pulled up, neatly blocking them from sight of cars driving by.

Crazy Bitch started getting scared. The distant memory of the night that Winter and Lily had nearly been killed by a rogue deputy heightened the feeling that they weren’t acting normal.

She had only seen Eli May a few times around town. He had been sheriff since she was a little girl. He should have retired a long time ago, but the town kept voting him in office. Crazy Bitch promised herself, the next time he ran, her ass would be out campaigning against him.

“You been drinking tonight?” he asked, looming over them.

Fat Louise looked up, frightened. “Yes, sir. I had a beer, but I wasn’t driving.”

The sheriff glanced at Crazy Bitch. “How about you?”

“I had two sips, not enough to register.”

“We’ll see about that. Doug, give her the breathalyzer. You mind if I check out your car?”

“It’s not mine; it’s a rental.”

“It’s rented to a Calder Riggs,” the deputy said.

“Why you driving it, then?” the sheriff asked.

“My boyfriend rented it for me,” Crazy Bitch answered, meeting his calculating eyes.

Her instincts went into overdrive. The asshole was acting too cocky. She could tell by his demeanor that he wanted to get her for something. He was itching to arrest her.

“Guess I don’t need your permission to go search it, then, do we, boys?”

“I’m not giving permission.” She glared up at him. “I don’t have anything to hide, but I’m not giving permission. I have a friend who is a lawyer, and I know my rights. Either tell me what I’ve done and write a ticket, or let us go. If you’re arresting me, I’m not saying shit until I see my lawyer.”

The sheriff laughed down at her. “Send for the canine. If the dog gives you the all-clear, you can be on your way. What’d you pull them over for, Doug?”

“She blew a stop sign.”

“He’s lying.”

“I’m not going to dignify that accusation by explaining myself.” The thin, balding deputy looked like a puff of wind would blow him away.

“I bet you won’t, since you’re lying.”

“She’s telling the truth,” Fat Louise defended her.

“Where’s your ID?” the sheriff asked her.

“It’s in my purse in the car. My name is Jane

“When I want your name, I’ll ask for it.” The sheriff gave them a complacent smile as an SUV parked behind his car.

“Something tells me this isn’t going good,” Fat Louise whispered out of the side of her mouth.

“No shit.” Crazy Bitch made no effort to lower her voice.

They could only sit on the curb and watch as the deputy opened the back of the SUV, taking out a large German Shepherd. Holding the leash, the deputy led it to their parked car.

The Shepherd was led around the car, and then it sat down by the back door.

“How did I know Killer was going to do that?” The sheriff gave them a satisfied smile as he opened the back door.

“Go for it, Columbo!” Crazy Bitch yelled as he bent to look inside the car. “I don’t give a fuck what you find.”

“Don’t antagonize him!” Fat Louise shushed her, but Crazy Bitch didn’t care. The sheriff had been too sure of himself.

When he rose up a second later, she wasn’t surprised to see him holding up a baggy as he walked back toward them. “This was under the car mat. You have prescriptions for these?”

“Fuck you! I want my lawyer.”

“Doug, put loud mouth in your car. I’ll take the quiet one. Mack, secure their purses and call for a tow truck.”

“Sure thing, Sheriff.”

The deputy took her arm, jerking her to her feet, as the sheriff lifted Fat Louise to hers.

“Sheriff…” She dragged her feet on the pavement. “You hurt one single hair on her head, and you can kiss that badge goodbye.”

“You threatening me?” His smirk had her glad her hands were restrained.

“That deputy run my record?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You should read it. I don’t make threats.”

“Add threatening an officer when you make your report,” he told the deputy.

“You can shove that report up your ass!” Crazy Bitch snarled, trying to jerk away from the deputy’s hold.

“Add resisting arrest,” the sheriff said, shoving Fat Louise inside his car.

Crazy Bitch lowered her head as the deputy shoved her into the back of his squad car. Furious, she used her shoulder to keep him from shutting the door.

“You fucking know he planted that evidence on me!”

The deputy quit trying to shut the door on her, putting a hand on her forehead to push her farther into the squad car.

“I didn’t run that stop sign!”

The deputy looked over his shoulder, making sure no one was near him. “No, you didn’t.”

At the admission, Crazy Bitch lost her temper. Her hands might have been restrained, but her feet weren’t.

With one foot, she nailed him in the nuts, sending the deputy to his knees. His yell of pain sent the two officers who were still on scene coming to his aid. The deputy who had brought the dog pulled the foot she had used to nail in the other deputy’s nuts away from the door of the car so the other one could close it.

Cursing them, she started kicking at the window, wishing it was the bastards’ faces. She was still kicking the passenger side window when the deputy managed to get behind the steering wheel.

“You’re going to pay for that, you stupid bitch.”

“You fucking cocksucker! I’m not afraid of you.” She switched sides, trying to kick the wired cage behind his seat, making sure she was hitting the spot behind his head.


“My lawyer is going to rip you another asshole!”

She used her nails to rip at the upholstery behind her back as she kept kicking the cage.

When the deputy jerked the car to a stop at the sheriff’s office, she heard him call for help. Her rage was out of control, yet she didn’t care. It took three officers and a Taser to remove her from the cruiser.

After that, it was a blur as she was restrained to a metal chair, each limb handcuffed to the chair. Wheeled into a cell, she caught a glimpse of Fat Louise in the cell across from hers before the door was slammed shut.

She started wiggling on the seat, trying to make it move. Her rage was so overwhelming, adrenaline rushing through her system, that she refused to give up the futile struggle.

The deputy’s confession had sent her over a tipping point. He’d had no fear admitting he had pulled her over without reason. If he was so sure enough of himself to drop his guard once, he would do it again. All it would take was pushing the right button. She might not have a college degree, but she had a PHD in making men regret screwing her over.

Visualizing putting her head through the steel door, she felt the metal chair slide a scant inch across the concrete floor, despite the brakes the deputy had engaged before leaving her cell.

“Ha!” she yelled out, proud of her success, wiggling harder as the cell door was swung open.

It was her last thought before another jolt of electricity shot through her body, stunning her senseless and dimming the cell walls as her eyes involuntary rolled upward.

With sheer force of will, she twisted one of her hands in the restraints, visualizing an imaginary hand holding hers, giving her the peace of mind she needed to succumb to the waiting darkness.