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Daddy’s Wild Friend by Charlize Starr (23)

Epilogue - Danny


The second Naval Academy Christmas Ball at the Dock’s End is even bigger than the inaugural event had been. I’ve expanded the menu, with Charlotte’s help, and there is a six-piece swing band behind the bar providing live entertainment. I think back to how I felt last year at this very moment, with Charlotte on my arm and so much trouble finally behind us. It’s incredible, it’s unbelievable, that this year feels even better. Not only is the ball bigger, but the Dock’s End is doing better than ever. We’ve had no problems since last year, and the customers and good reviews keep right on pouring in.

We opened our second location in the fall. It’s tucked away in a trendy Washington, D.C. neighborhood that I had never heard of, but that Charlotte convinced me and Hank was perfect. As usual, she was right. It’s been a booming success, garnering its own rave reviews and a steady flow of patrons. I glance over at Charlotte, at the hand, she has on my arm, the one that’s been wearing my ring since we got engaged over the summer. I can still hardly believe that this beautiful woman is with me. She’s agreed to be mine and I’ll be hers for the rest of our lives.

She looks amazing tonight, in a sparkling red dress that makes her skin look bright and soft. Her hair is pulled back, showing off the lines of her neck and her collarbones. I still don’t know if I believe in things like fate, but I can’t shake it on nights like tonight, the feeling that everything has lined up just right, somehow.

Charlotte and I are dancing when Hank comes up and says there are people here to see us. We head up to the front of the Dock’s End. Waiting by the doors are Michael, Amanda, and their daughter, Maria.

“We just wanted to stop by and thank you, again,” Michael says, grabbing Amanda’s hand. They both look happy and healthy. Maria, bundled in a warm-looking coat in her stroller, is rosy-cheeked, smiling and giggling.

“We were talking about last year and how scared we were, and about how you changed everything,” Amanda says. We haven’t seen them in a few months, but I’ve heard nothing but good things from my friend about Michael’s work performance at the lumber yard.

“I got a promotion last week,” Michael says, beaming proudly.

“That’s wonderful,” Charlotte says, squeezing my hand.

“Congratulations,” I say.

“And I wanted you to know that I’m starting classes in the New Year to become a home health aide. You really inspired me,” Amanda says to Charlotte.

“That’s amazing,” Charlotte says, beaming. “Let me know if you ever need any help.”

“I will,” Amanda says. “We’re hoping by this time next year we can move into a bigger place and get Maria her own room.”

“It sounds like you’re really on your way,” I say, impressed. I’m glad I was right about Michael. Despite making mistakes, he was only ever trying to provide for his family, and now he’s doing it the right away.

“We have you to thank for it,” Michael says.

“So we just wanted to thank you again, so much, and stop in to tell you Merry Christmas,” Amanda says.

“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” Charlotte says, pulling them both into hugs. “We’re so happy for you and your family.” I shake Michael’s hand and congratulate him again, and we wish them a Merry Christmas one more time before heading back into the ball.

“I’m thrilled for them,” Charlotte says as we head back to the dance floor, beaming at me.

“I am too,” I say. “I guess second chances really can go a long way.”

“They certainly can,” Charlotte says, eyes fixed on me.

“Their baby looks so healthy, so happy,” I say, thinking of little Maria in her stroller. I think of how I’d grown up, of the kids in my neighborhood and how we lived, and I think it’s clear that Michael and Amanda are already giving their daughter so much more of a head-start on life than that.

“She does,” Charlotte says, seeming nervous all of a sudden. “Danny?”

“Yes?” I ask, searching her face. She’s biting her lip and looking up at me like she sometimes does when there is news.

“I wanted to wait for another week or two, but this seems like the perfect time to tell you. I found out last week that I’m pregnant.” I feel my heart leap at her words. “I know we weren’t planning on that yet but—” Charlotte says, stopping when I cut her off with a passionate, deliberate kiss.

“We’re having a baby?” I say when I pull back from the kiss, feeling elated. Charlotte’s right—we hadn’t been planning it yet. We’re not getting married for almost a year, and I haven’t really thought about it in a real, concrete way until right now.

“We are,” Charlotte says, beaming at me. I pull her in tight, feeling her heartbeat against mine. “Are you happy?”

“Unbelievably happy,” I say, overwhelmed and thrilled all at once at the idea of being a father. “I love you, Charlotte.”

“I love you too, Danny,” Charlotte says, sighing as she folds herself into me. We’re going to have a baby. Charlotte and me and a beautiful new child—we’re going to be a family. I never knew I wanted that, spent so many years trying to find happiness or at least something to distract me from how miserable I was, looking in all the wrong places. But standing here with Charlotte in my arms, feeling happier and prouder than I can ever remember feeling, I think maybe it’s all I ever wanted out of life after all.

“Merry Christmas,” I say, kissing her forehead gently and placing a hand on her stomach, letting the weight sink in of this opportunity to be a better parent to my child than my own was to me, to start this new incredible chapter of my life with Charlotte by my side.

“Merry Christmas,” Charlotte says. I kiss her again, holding her as close as I can on the dance floor. I thought last Christmas was the best holiday I’d ever had, but this one is already outshining it, and by next Christmas, we’ll have a baby. I wonder if every Christmas will continue to grow like this, to surprise me all over again.

I know with Charlotte by my side, they will.

I can’t wait for every Christmas, for every first our baby has, for every moment of my life with this amazing woman who has agreed to be my wife.

