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Daddy’s Wild Friend by Charlize Starr (99)

Chapter Twelve - Kyle


She was glowing when she stepped out of the revolving glass doors and walked towards my car. I was waiting for her downstairs, and she was right on time.

She had curled her hair so that her slender, soft face was framed by golden curls in a wavy bob. She was in a beautiful black dress with a bare back. She wore black high heels and carried a small silver clutch. Her lips were a bright retro red. Erica Lee really knew how to make an impression.

As she walked towards me, I imagined her small, supple naked body underneath the dress. I had held her in my arms, and I wanted to hold her again. I held the door open for her with a smile. She smiled at me too, but I saw the sadness in her eyes. The same sadness I had heard in her voice a few hours ago when she had been on the phone with her father.

“I’m looking forward to this. Their shrimp risotto is the best I’ve ever tasted,” I announced when I slid into the car beside her.

Erica only smiled, and then turned her face to look out at the city streets as we drove towards the restaurant.

“Hey,” I said softly. She turned to look at me, confusion marring her face. “Are you alright?” I asked. She looked even more surprised.

“Yes, why?” she returned.

I shrugged. “Just because you don’t have any fiery words to throw at me today,” I said.

This made her laugh a little. “And since when are you concerned about my mood?” she asked, and I stared into her deep blue eyes. I wanted to reach for her hand, but I held back. This was all pretense. That would be inappropriate.

“I’m only performing my boyfriendly duties,” I explained as the car came to a stop.

The door was held open for us and Erica stepped out. I followed, and when I reached her, I placed a hand on the small of her back. We both noticed some cameras at the entrance of the restaurant as we walked in. This plan was going to work.

“Smile, you’re on camera,” I leaned in and said in her ear. Erica smiled, her bright red lips parted, flashing teeth. I wanted to kiss her.

“At least this time, we can pose for the picture,” she said. I laughed loudly. I knew that moment would be caught by the paparazzi.

I had been to Georgio’s several times in the past, and our host led us to the intimate table by the window I had booked in advance. Lewis had picked that table specifically so that we could be photographed by the paparazzi from outside.

I held a chair out for Erica, and she sat down, as delicate as always.

“I hope you’ve been enjoying your stay at Hotel Murphy,” I said after we had ordered the wine and appetizers. There was a candle burning between us, and her eyes shone in the flame as she looked at me. That sadness which I had noticed earlier had disappeared. Or was she acting for the cameras?

“You know, the room service is atrocious and I wish they offered breakfast in bed. But what can I say, you get what you pay for,” Erica replied and we both laughed at that. She was looking at me intently and I nearly blushed under her scrutinizing gaze. There was something about this woman that intimidated me.

“Am I spoiling your usual evening plans?” she asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“By staying at your house. So you can’t bring your dates home,” she explained.

I looked away from her and shook my head. “You think I’ve been going on dates since you’ve been living with me?” I asked and she shrugged. She was smiling still.

“Why not? I wouldn’t want to disrupt your life,” she said and I breathed in.

“Well, I, for one, wouldn’t want the media to catch me on a date with someone else and think that I was cheating on you. That would be a whole new disaster,” I suggested.

“Well, it might give us a good reason to split up,” she said.

We remained silent as the wine was poured for us and the appetizers were brought in.

I took a sip of my wine, but she pushed the glass away. “I don’t think I’ll be drinking tonight,” she said.

I looked at her quizzically. “Why not?”

“I’m just not in the mood, I suppose.”

“Not in the mood to have a drink?” I was confused.

“Is that a problem?” she asked.

I looked back at her. “Are you afraid that I’m going to get you drunk and seduce you again?” I asked her, and she stared back at me while biting down on her lower lip.

“Yes,” she said matter of factly, taking me aback. She seemed to be serious about that statement.

“It’s just a glass of wine. Don’t worry, I have no plans of getting you drunk. I don’t need alcohol to get you to sleep with me,” I stated, leaning on the table towards her. We were holding each other’s gaze. I was thinking about her, naked.

“You’re a very confident man, Kyle Murphy,” she said, picking up a rice croquette and biting into it.

“Why shouldn’t I be?” I asked and sipped some more of my wine. I couldn’t help thinking about how beautiful she looked.

“Because one day you’re not going to win,” she said, and I raised my eyebrows.

“I can assure you, I always win,” I stated, hardening my voice. Nobody had ever said that to me before.

Erica smiled and looked away from me like she was unconvinced. “I bet your parents are very proud of you,” she stated rather than asked. Still looking out of the window, away from me.

I didn’t reply to that and polished off the rest of the croquettes on the plate instead.

Then she turned to me. Her eyes were narrowed, and she reached for my hand which had been lying on the table.

I felt goosebumps on my flesh when she touched me. Her fingers intertwined with mine and she stroked my palm. When I met her eyes she was smiling at me, a sparkle in her eye. I felt my dick move in my pants. I couldn’t believe she had that kind of power over me.

“It’s for the cameras, Kyle. Don’t worry, this isn’t a date,” she said.