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Dare Me (ROCK GODS Book 1) by Joanna Blake (22)

Chapter 25


Why did he feel like something was missing?

Kendall had been feeling it for days. Ever since she’d walked out on him. At first, he believed he was actually forgetting something important. His phone, or his keys or something.

But no. It was her.

Jessica was the one who was missing.

Kendall had his eyes closed, ignoring everyone around him. In Tempo was doing publicity at Sirius Satellite Radio in New York City, plugging the concert happening at Madison Square Garden in couple of nights. The guys were in their element, joking around with the DJ's in the waiting room before they went into the studio. Davie was a big fan of Howard Stern but he was already gone for the day.

"Red bull?"

Kendall cracked an eye and shook his head. Gerald threw his arm around him.

"Come on puddin'! Cheer up already."

"What's wrong with you anyway?"

Tom sat on his other side, staring at him like he was a bug. Gerald started playing with his hair.

"You know, Tom. It's that girl."

“The cute little one?”

He shrugged them off.

"Lay off guys."

"Jeez so touchy. Why don't you just call her?"

"I can't. I don't have her number."

"Hell, is that what's bothering you? Perry, come here man."

Their manager had been staring at the mini bar in the waiting room. He shuffled over to them.

"What's up?"

"That girl- the one from Vegas with the big-"

"Shut up!"

"Yeah, I remember. Cute as a button."

Kendall glared at them.

"Yeah that's her. Kendall here has the hots for her. Didn't nail her apparently."

"Awww… Does Kendy Wendy have a crushy wushy?”

“Not helping guys.”

“Be a man and go get her!"

"I would if I could. I don't even know her last name."

Perry grinned at him, popping the top off a diet soda.

"I do.”

"You do?"

"I do. I needed it for the flight register."

Perry toasted him with the can.

"Please tell me it's not Smith."

Perry laughed.

"No, it's something else. Sheffield I think. I got it in my folder back at the hotel."

Kendall pulled out his phone and opened the FB app. He hardly ever checked it anymore but it was a good way to keep in touch with family and friends from back home. A lot of them were having babies already. He'd started calling it 'Baby Book.'

He typed in Jessica Sheffield. There were quite a few of them. He scrolled down the first page and down the next.

Holy shit.

There she was.

It was that easy. Her big blue eyes were hidden by a pair of oversized sunglasses. She obviously didn't really want anyone to get too good a look at her. Her wall was covered in comments that read like a tabloid though.

'What are you doing in Vegas, you bad girl?'

'Kendall Jackson? DO TELL!'

He grinned and scrolled down. All the comments were new. She'd been deleting them every couple of hours apparently. He could have warned her that people would have found out.

But where was the fun in that?

He spent some time poking through her pictures. Her privacy settings must be off. He'd have to tell her how to fix that asap. He was looking at an adorable picture of her from college, wearing a baseball cap and face paint at a sporting event when his screen froze. Then the whole page disappeared. He searched for her again but she was gone.

She'd literally just deactivated her account.

It didn't matter. He knew her name and he knew she worked at an animal hospital in Beverly Hills. He could find her now. No problem.

Just like that, the empty feeling disappeared.

Kendall stood up and walked out of the room. Perry chased him out to the elevator bay.

"Where are you going man?"

"To the airport.”


Kendall didn’t stop walking.

"Because I’m flying back to LA."

"But we have a concert in three days!"

He grinned at Perry, pressing the elevator button to go down.

"Don't worry, Perry. I'll be there."