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Dare Me (ROCK GODS Book 1) by Joanna Blake (11)

Chapter 12


Worried, negative thoughts were swirling in her head.

This was not going to end well… He was going to hurt me… I was never going to get over Kendall Jackson

Even she knew she was overdoing the worry. She was a serious person by nature, but not a pessimist.

After her childhood, she was a perpetually disappointed optimist.

Maybe mommy won’t get drunk tonight. Maybe there will be food to eat. Maybe the power would be on so she could do her homework, or laundry.

Ugh, Jess, snap out of it! Just try to enjoy yourself for once!

Jessica stared around the incredibly luxurious suite at the Milagro. It was insane. In fact, this whole night was insane. And it hadn't even started yet apparently.

The rest of In Tempo had accepted her presence as no big deal, joking around with her as they piled into the small plane, then the limo, then the elevator. Then spilling out into the spacious two story suite. It took up what appeared to be two entire floors of the top of the hotel.

Big time didn't even begin to cut it.

The whole time, Kendall had been by her side, whispering funny things in her ears. Sweet things. Joking around. Getting to know her. Or trying to.

As if she'd really let anyone get to know her.

She didn’t like to share her baggage, generally speaking. Who needed to unpack all that? Especially not on a random, incredibly exciting hook up.

But he was making an effort and she had to give him credit for that. It might open the door a crack, but there was no way he was getting past the front room. She was starting to hope that he kept trying though.

Beyond that, she wasn't sure what she was going to do.

The guys had a plan for the night. They were going to have cocktails in the hot tub. And then clubbing. And then- who knows?

The other guys and their new manager were doing shots at the fully stocked bar in the suite. Even Davie the family man did a shot, though he only did one. Kendall was watching her as she walked around the living room of the suite, staring out the windows.

There were plenty of bedrooms, something Kendall had been quick to point out to her. It was almost as if he were trying to convince himself that they shouldn't sleep together.

She felt a blush spread over her body at the thought of him holding her, kissing her. Maybe even more. That was not going to happen though.

Jessica was in no way that easy, whether Kendall knew that or not.

Ultimate dream man on not, she was not going to lose her virginity tonight.

But she was definitely interested in having a little bit of fun.

She kind of hoped he'd make a pass either way. She'd enjoy all the preliminary stuff, even though she was not giving up her V card to a stranger. He’d said he wouldn’t pressure her.

And she was supposed to stay up all night

It wasn't like they were dating. She didn’t have to watch every word out of her mouth. This was a one time deal obviously. She'd just have to be firm about the limits. That's if he even tried anything.

It was weird but she sensed that he liked her. Maybe even a lot. He'd said she was cute more than once. That was good right? Not as good as 'gorgeous' or 'beautiful' but not terrible.

She'd take it.

She shook herself mentally. What did it matter what he thought? This was an adventure, not the beginning of a relationship. She didn't believe in love anyway, remember?

Love wasn’t real. And she had no experience of a loving or supportive family. Only her friends had ever actually come through for her.

Friendship was sacred to her. Above everything else.

Don’t fall in love, Jess. You’ll only get hurt. And pretty sure you’ve had enough abandonment and neglect for several lifetimes.

Kendall Jackson was a fling, nothing more.

Funny how many times she was reminding herself of reality tonight. Everything felt so foreign and strange. But if she was honest with herself, it was all different in a good way.

A very good way.

She turned to see the guys piling into the hot tub out on the deck. Tom was running around in his underpants, pretending to be a monkey. That was a whole lot of spray tans and six packs.

Not that she minded. She was a human female after all. No harm in looking.

Speaking of which… the guy sitting next to her put them all to shame. If it was a competition in hotness, which it definitely was not.

But still… he was ridiculously handsome. Excruciating really.

Kendall laughed, shaking his head at their antics.

"You want a drink?"

She nodded and followed him over to the bar.

"Beer? Mixed drink?"

"Um… tequila and tonic."

He squinted at her and shook his head.


"Yeah. Tequila is actually one of the only alcohols you can get in the United States thats not made out of corn or grain. Or hard apple cider, but that’s hard to come by.”


"It's easier to digest. Plus, I like it."

He grinned.

"Okay doc. Hey, are you really a doctor?"

She nodded, watching his muscles flex while he made them drinks.

"I'm a vet. Like I said."

He flashed her a devastating grin.

"So, you must be an animal lover."

She nodded again.

"Me too. I always wanted to have a ranch where I could bring animals that had escaped from the slaughter house. Maybe even do a raid and rescue a few.”

He must have seen the look on her face because he stopped mixing.

"What is it?”

"Me too."

“What do you mean?”

He grinned and shook their drinks with ice, making a funny rattling sound. She exhaled deeply, feeling suddenly out of her depth.

"That's what I've always wanted too."

No shit?”

She nodded, almost afraid to look at him. But she did. And the look in his eyes took her breath away.

“I wanted a place in the middle of nowhere where I could take care of animals who needed help. Maybe even a place where kids could come and learn about agriculture. Maybe then they’d know about the atrocities committed in the name of a fast food burger.”

He stared at her, looking hypnotized. Then he grinned.

Fucking A.”

She laughed and looked away, muttering to herself.

“You are officially too good to be true…”

She could tell he hadn't heard her soft reply. She hadn't wanted him too. The doorbell rang and she went to answer it. In front of her were at least six or seven uniformed hotel staff pushing rolling carts full of covered trays.

"Room service, Miss.”

She stepped back, waving her arm into the room.

“Please, come in.”