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Delta's Baby Surprise: A Military Baby Romance by Violet Paige (34)


“So where are we going to dinner,” Lilly asked after I finished for the night and was walking her out to the parking lot.

“Somewhere I can get you naked and all to myself,” I replied.

It didn't matter how many times I had her, or the fact that we had just fucked in a examination room, I was already ready for more.

“Follow me, okay?” I said leaving her at her own beat up car.

She may have been keeping her and Aria afloat, but the first thing I was going to do when she let me in was trash that pile of junk.

I watched her in the rear view mirror as she followed me the short distance from my work to my apartment. I half expected her to break down on the way.

“So this is your place,” she said looking up at the remodeled factory.

It was a recent job with each floor being its own apartment. I guessed my place could fit a couple of her’s inside. I wondered if, when the time come, she would move in with me, or want to stay at her place for Aria’s sake.

My apartment was nice, but I also knew that Aria’s needs would come first. I didn’t care where we ended up as long as it could be together in the end.

“Wow,” she said looking in on the place from the elevator. “Must be nice to be a doctor,” she added giving me a sly look.

She took a walk around the apartment. For the most part it was just one open floor. There was as section in the back walled off for my office, but the rest was all one massive room that split dining, kitchen and living area. I had actually purchased both this floor and the top one above it. Stairs led from the center of the floor up to the next where I had it divided out into a bedroom, bathrooms, guest rooms, and rooms that were still empty. I figured eventually one would become a gym.

I gave her the quick tour before we settled in the kitchen for a glass of wine.

“So you are like really loaded, not just doctor loaded,” she said still inspecting the place in surprise. “I had no idea,” she added.

I could tell by the way she said it, it wasn’t impressive to her, but almost overwhelming. It was chalked up to one of those other things about her that I liked.

“It’s pretty…” she hesitated.


“It’s just funny,” she said shyly. “It kinda reminds me of the doctors office. So sterile and neat.”

I looked around the room. It was furnished, but minimally. I really hadn’t had much time to do anything else other then get it ready to live in before I got here. Taking over the practice after that, had occupied the rest of my time.

“Maybe it just needs a feminine touch,” I hinted towards her.

“I’m sure that nurse of yours would love the chance,” Lilly retorted with a raised brow.

I pretended to consider it.

“Maybe, but I actually kind of have a thing for blondes,” I said leaning across the counter that stood between us and kissing her softly. A rumble of her stomach stopped me in my tracks.

“Sorry," she apologized. “I had a business meeting for lunch. I didn’t really get much to eat.”

“Well, let's solve that right now.” I turned and opened the fridge.

“So not just sexy and a doctor but a cook as well?” Lilly asked leaning over the bar to get a peak at inside my fridge.

“Hell no,” I said with a laugh. “My cook comes during the day and prepares the meals. I just have to throw it in the oven when I get home. Don’t worry I had something extra special made for tonight.”

“Oh, yeah. What's that?” She asked intrigued.

“I guess you’ll find out.”

An hour later I was happy to say her hunger was satisfied with swordfish, a light salad, and a bottle of Pinot Grigio.

“That was amazing. You’ll have to thank your cook for me,” she said finishing off her glass.

“Mm,” I said not wanting to take my eyes off of her. “I have to admit. I’m still pretty hungry.”

“Yeah? For what?” Lilly retorted with a raise of her brow.

“You,” I said stone cold serious. “This time, though, I am taking you upstairs and doing it properly.”

I grabbed her hand not waiting for a response. She willingly followed me up the set of stairs to the second floor and back to the master bedroom.