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Dirty Fake Fiancé by Sky Corgan (28)






I needed a job, and it didn't matter where. Going home everyday was like walking into a never-ending nagfest thanks to my portion of the rent being overdue. Of course, I couldn't blame my roommate for being mad. We had gone through this time and time again. I'd get a job, screw something up, and be back out looking for another one within a few weeks. More often than not, I'd barely have scrounged up enough money for my portion of the rent.

I don't understand why you can't just stick with one thing,” Mandy complained. She'd been my roommate for the past two years, but I was beginning to fear that arrangement was coming to a close. I could see the weariness on her pale face, the same look I'd seen on my previous roommate's face before she gave me the boot in lieu of a more stable friend. It hurt to think the same thing might happen again, but I really didn't know what to do about it. “If jobs were supposed to be fun, they wouldn't call it a job. They'd call it happy eight hours of the day,” Mandy continued.

I know,” I sighed, resting my head between my arms on the table, so I wouldn't have to look at the disappointment on her face anymore.

I don't know how much longer my Dad is going to help flip for your part of the rent. He's getting really agitated with this whole thing.”

I just need a little more time.”

Where all did you go today?”

Now the interrogations began. I knew what she was getting at. Mandy thought I really wasn't looking for a job, that while she went to school and work, I moped around the house or went out with friends. She'd caught me lying before. It was an isolated incident where I had gotten fed up with the search and decided to go have a beer with our friend Eric instead. Eric had paid, so I couldn't see what the big deal was. Besides, I had needed a break. Job hunting is exhausting.

I groaned, feeling my anxiety levels rising. To keep the peace, I needed to keep my cool. If Mandy kicked me out, I'd be screwed. I wasn't on good terms with my parents, and none of our other friends were dumb enough to room with me. None of them, except for Eric.

It was a thought, but I definitely didn't want to go there. Eric had a crush on me from the moment we met in college. He pursued me relentlessly for about a year, but he eventually gave up when he realized it wasn't going to happen. Occasionally, Eric would drop a hint or two, but I'd quickly dash his dreams by turning it into a joke. Living in close quarters with him wasn't a comfortable thought.

I went to a few restaurants and gas stations,” I finally responded.

How many is a few?”

My jaw clenched involuntarily. “Two restaurants and a gas station. Would you like to know the addresses and the times I went as well? Perhaps you'd like the phone numbers so you can call and find out if I was actually there?”

Jen, stop.” She rolled her eyes, quickly blowing off my bad attitude. “When you go to one gas station, it's not gas stations plural. Three places aren't enough. I hate to tell you this, but you have until the end of the month to get a job, and if you don't stick with the next one, I don't think we can do this anymore.”

My heart sank. Damn. I knew this was coming. What am I going to do now?

Listen,” Mandy's voice softened as she watched depression flood my face. “I don't want to lose you as a roommate. You're a really cool girl; you just need . . . Maybe you're not applying for the right kind of jobs. Maybe you should try something out of the public eye.”

I'm not qualified for anything better than restaurants, gas stations, or retail,” I grumbled, now wishing I had stayed in college. It was too late to go back though. My parents had cut off my funding long ago, and I couldn't afford to send myself. Besides, so many years had passed that I'd feel old compared to everyone else there. It made me cringe to think thirty was just around the corner. Where had the time gone? Wasn't life supposed to be getting better by your thirties? Not for me, apparently. I had managed to screw that up too.

There are other jobs that don't require a degree. Better jobs,” Mandy gave encouragement. I looked up into her small blue eyes, made even beadier behind coke-bottle glasses. She was not a looker, but what she hadn't been blessed with in attractiveness she made up for with intelligence. While I had dropped out of college after one semester, Mandy was only one semester away from graduating Summa Cum Laude with an MBA in Business from New York University.

For all the nagging that she did about me getting a job, I couldn't understand why she hadn't gotten a better one. Mandy had worked at the bowling alley since we were teenagers, and she showed no signs of giving it up until her college education was complete. I suppose that was all well and good if you had wealthy parents to leech off in your times of need, but I couldn't help but think life could be better for both of us if Mandy put the degree she already had to good use. That was just me being selfish though.

Well, if you find one, let me know,” I said.

Actually, that's kind of what I was thinking of doing,” she replied hesitantly, and I could tell she was afraid I wouldn't like where she was going with this. I arched an eyebrow quizzically. “I could get online and see if I could find something for you.”

You don't think I've been looking online?” I huffed.

I just . . . think you've probably passed up a few opportunities that might have been good for you. I mean, this restaurant thing obviously isn't working out. How many restaurant jobs have you had this past year? Three?”

Five,” I corrected Mandy, cringing at my own answer. It sounded a lot worse when I put it in perspective. Five restaurant jobs, two gas-station jobs, and one job at a car wash, which was the most miserable of the eight, though it made the most money. Having a nice body and a wet T-shirt helped me get tips, but it was also horribly degrading.

Just, let me see if I can find something I think you'll be better suited for.”

How do you know what kind of job I'll want?” I asked incredulously.

I'm your closest friend, right?”

Yes,” I replied hesitantly.

I know you better than you know yourself. Trust me.”

Fine.” I gave in with a sigh. If this got her off my back for a while, then it would be worth it. Besides, I didn't have to accept anything she picked out for me.

Good. It's settled then.” Mandy's face brightened in triumph.

By the following day, my phone was ringing off the hook with people wanting to interview me. Whatever Mandy had done, it had worked, and while I was glad, I was also a bit apprehensive. It felt strange having to act excited about jobs that I knew nothing about.

Keeping up with my part, I went out to meet every prospective employer who called. The jobs Mandy had applied me for varied, as if she had literally gone down a list and put me in for anything she thought might take me. I did countless interviews for custodial work, mail room positions, retail stocking, and even a traveling inventory position. No one seemed very interested in hiring me though once they began going over my resume of jobs past.

After a week of no luck, Mandy gave me a pep talk about how to interview. The moral of the story was lie lie lie. Tell the employer what they wanted to hear, not the truth. Play up your strengths. Avoid talking about your weaknesses, and when you're forced to, try to twist them into a positive light.

Despite all my effort, the end of the month was quickly approaching, and I was still jobless. Tension was rising between Mandy and I since she grilled me every night about where I had gone and what I had said during my interviews. It was getting to the point I was just about ready to walk out on my own.

What do you have lined up for tomorrow?” she asked with a hint of agitation in her voice.

I've got an interview to be a bather at Poppy's Pet Grooming at nine, and then in the afternoon I have an interview to be an office assistant at Syngex Incorporated.”

You probably won't get the Syngex job,” Mandy commented dryly.

Then why did you apply me for it?” I gritted my teeth.

Half of the job postings didn't have the company name listed. I mainly just applied you based on job description.”

Well then, I guess I won't bother going to that one.”

Go anyway.”

Why? If it's a waste of time, then what's the point?”

She thought for a moment. “It might not be a waste of your time. They probably won't put you anywhere near Jack Kemble. I was just over thinking things when I said that.”

Who's Jack Kemble and why does it matter if I'm near him or not?” I arched an eyebrow.

She shook her head. “No wonder you haven't gotten a job yet. Haven't you been researching these companies before you've gone out to them?”


Jennifer!” Mandy raised her voice, a clear sign of disappointment. When I didn't respond, she continued, “Jack Kemble owns Syngex Incorporated. The guy is a celebrity around here. I'm surprised you've never heard of him.”

I could not care less about businessmen.”

He's not just any businessman. He's wealthy beyond words and ridiculously attractive. He was dating that one girl from your favorite movie.”

Interesting,” I replied, not really caring. “Yeah, if this guy is as big a deal as you're making him out to be, then I doubt they'd put me anywhere near him.”

You're probably right. The reason I said I didn't think you'd get it though is because he has a certain taste for blondes.” Mandy glanced at my long dark-brown hair.

Well, I want to work for him, not fuck him.”

From what I've heard, you don't do one without the other. But again, that's only if you work close to him. You'll probably never even see him.”

Good. He sounds like a jack ass.”

Please don't take that attitude to the interview.” She gave me a pleading look.

I won't. I promise,” I used my mocking voice, though we both knew I was serious. “Well, I'm not dying my hair blonde just for a job. If that Jack Kemble guy only hires bimbos, then I'd rather not work in his office anyway. Ditsy bitches drive me nuts.”

Positive mind. Don't make it an issue before you even walk through the door. That's half of your problem. You tend to make things worse than they are.”

I'm making educated guesses,” I teased.

Well, don't.” She wasn't in the teasing mood.


The following day brought with it a whole new set of miseries. After spending fifteen minutes in training for the pet bather job, I walked out, despite it being the first place that actually gave me a chance. Who knew that squeezing dog assholes was part of the job? Bleck. That was definitely not for me.

By the time I got home to change for Syngex, I was mentally chastising myself for not sticking with the dog bather job. If I wasn't employed within the next few days, I'd be out on the streets. What was wrong with me?

I tried to wash my depression away in the shower, but it didn't work too well. After weeks of spending every day going from one company to the next and facing rejection, I was just about done. This was it, I told myself. If Syngex wouldn't take me, then I was going to start planning my move.

Despite my burdened mind, I gathered myself together as best I could to head to Syngex. The traffic of downtown New York City did little to quell my nerves, and by the time I got to the Human Resources Department, I was already sure I had blown the interview before even stepping inside. I was a frazzled mess of anxiety, and grumpy to boot. This would definitely not go well.

Not surprisingly, I was interviewed by a man. He was nowhere near a movie star though. Older, and with a balding head, he watched my every movement with a deadpan expression. It made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. The man asked me all the standard questions. What did I know about the company? Nothing, since I hadn't bothered to research it. Why did I want to be an office assistant? Because I need a job, dumb ass. At that point, who cared what it was. Of course, I didn't say this. I lied, as Mandy had taught me. “Being an office assistant sounds like fun,” I said. “It would be exciting to work with Jack Kemble's company,” I lied. “Filing and phone calls are what I do best,” I told him. It looked like he wasn't buying any of it, and I eventually dropped the fake enthusiasm. We both knew where this was going.

After the horribly awkward interview was over, I went outside to find that my car had a flat tire. Exasperated, I screamed and kicked at it, causing people on the street to turn and stare. Screw them. Screw finding a job. Screw it all.

When I had calmed down a bit, I grabbed my cellphone to call Eric. Changing tires was a man's job. Besides, I wasn't about to get my interview outfit dirty, not that I planned on using it again for a while. But to add to the misfortune of my day, his phone went straight to voice mail. He must have been at work.

So much for my knight in shining armor,” I grumbled to myself as I punched in Mandy's number. She didn't answer either. What was this? Don't answer your phone day.

All I could do was wait and call and wait some more, hoping someone would eventually pick up and come to my rescue. An hour later, I was fed up with waiting. The parking meter had run out long ago, and if I didn't want to incur a fine, then I was just going to have to suck it up and try to change the tire myself.

Sighing, I popped the trunk of my silver Nissan Versa and began digging out the spare tire. Who knew a tire could be so heavy . . . and dirty? I groaned as the thing brushed against my red pencil skirt, smudging it before bouncing onto the sidewalk and rolling on its side. Looking down at the stain made me want to have another hissy fit, but I tried to keep calm.

Swallowing my pride, I pulled out the car jack and sat on the curb to find where to put it. Once I slid it under my car and began jacking the car up, I noticed I was denting my frame, which only put me in more of a rage. Shouldn't the damn thing have come with instructions or something? Why did everything have to be so difficult?

Defeated, I rested my head in my arms to sob. It was only a matter of time before a traffic warden came by. I couldn't afford to pay a ticket. Heck, I had barely been able to feed the meter.

Are you alright, miss?” a voice startled me, and I quickly wiped my eyes before looking up to see a man wearing dark sunglasses standing over me.

Oh, thank God. Maybe this guy can help, I thought. “I got a flat tire.”

I can see that,” he said, turning his attention to the car. “I could get someone to change it for you, but it's going to cost you a coffee.”

My heart sank. If I had enough change for a coffee, I would have fed it into the meter. “I'm sorry. I can't afford to buy you one.” Could I look anymore pathetic?

I'll buy. You just have to come with me.” The man smiled a set of perfect white teeth.

But I don't have any way to repay you.” I pulled myself off the curb, dusting off my skirt.

Don't worry about it.” He took out his cell phone and dialed a number. The person on the other end answered almost instantly. “Robert, there's a young lady down here that needs her tire changed. Could you come change it, or send down someone who can?”

Within less than a minute, a large muscular man in a black suit arrived to change my tire. While he worked, I tried not to stare too much at my hero. He was surprisingly attractive, with dark disheveled hair, pale skin, and what I assumed to be a decent body. I couldn't see much behind the suit he wore, though it was well tailored to fit him. From what I was seeing though, he was a lucky find. How many women got rescued by someone so attractive?

Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?” the man in the black suit asked when he had finished changing my tire.

No, Robert. That will be all. Thank you,” Mister Attractive said, and I watched as Robert walked back into the Syngex building.

You work in there?” I pointed to the building.

Yes,” he replied, extending his hand to me. “Apologies for my rudeness. My name is Jim. What's yours?”

I shook his hand gingerly. “I'm Jennifer, but my friends just call me Jen.”

Well, Jen, if I may call you that, there's a great little coffee shop down the street a ways. I hope that will be alright with you.”

Fine.” I nodded, flanking Jim's side as we walked toward the coffee shop. “Thank you for rescuing me. It's amazing how many people just passed me by.”

I saw you from my office. You looked like you needed help, so I came down.”

Well, I'm glad you did. Who knows how long I would have been out there if you hadn't?"

What brings you downtown?”

Job hunting,” my voice conveyed distaste.

Is that so? Syngex has a few positions open. What kind of work are you looking for?”

I was just at Syngex. I applied for the office assistant position, but I don't think the interview went very well.”

Why's that?” His interest seemed piqued.

The HR guy didn't seem interested in me. It was like he was staring through me the entire time, not really listening to what I had to say, just going through the motions.”


As we rounded the door to the coffee shop, my nose filled with the enchanting aroma of fresh brewed coffee. It was a bit late in the day for coffee, but who was I to deny this kind man's offer. This was far better than the cheap instant stuff I normally drank anyway.

Are you sure this is alright?” I asked timidly.

Why wouldn't it be? I offered.”

Good morning, sir. The usual?” a young bright-eyed barista inquired of Jim. I could tell she found him every bit as attractive as I did, if not more. It made me feel special to be by his side, even if it was only for the few minutes that we'd be sharing coffee.

Yes, Lynn. And I'd like a coffee for this young lady as well.” Jim glanced at me.

And what will you have?” The barista's eyes darkened with jealousy, though it was so slight only a woman would have noticed.

I'll have what he's having,” I replied nervously.

Two caramel macchiatos with an added shot of espresso, coming up,” she said before running his card and then sending us off to wait.

It wasn't until we had our coffees and were seated that Jim took off his sunglasses, revealing pale blue eyes that I was afraid to look into. He was definitely more attractive than I had imagined. No wonder the barista was so eager to please him. What woman wouldn't be?

So.” I stirred my coffee, avoiding Jim's gaze. “What do you do over at Syngex that allows you to rescue damsels in distress whenever the mood suits you?”

He chortled. “I work on mergers and acquisitions, as well as other stuff.”

Sounds important.”

It is. The business would fall apart without me.”

Impressive,” I tried to feign interest. “How long have you worked there?”

A long time. It's the only job I've ever had. That's enough about me though, let's talk about you. Are you from around here?”

Yup. Born and raised. My life isn't too interesting though.”

Why do you say that?” He smiled up at me, and I felt my pulse quicken as our eyes met.

I um . . . don't go out much. I mean, I can't really afford to.” My nerves were getting the better of me, quickly rendering me speechless.

A lot of people are going through hard times right now. How long have you been looking for a job?”

A while. I'm actually probably going to lose my apartment if I don't get one soon. I have a roommate, but she's tired of flipping my portion of the rent, which is understandable.”

That's unfortunate. I would think a bright beautiful girl like you would be able to get a job just about anywhere.”

My cheeks flushed at the compliment. “You haven't seen my resume,” I laughed uncomfortably.

Do you have it on you? I could give it a look over if you want and tell you how to improve it. I'm pretty good at that sort of thing.”

I appreciate it, but you've helped me enough. Besides, I'm not sure you could work it over to make it look better.”

What makes you say that?”

Well, I'm kind of a job hopper. I don't stick around at the same place for too long.”

Why not?”

I took a long sip of coffee, tasting the sweetness of the caramel. It felt odd disclosing so much to a stranger, but I figured it was the least I could do. Besides, it would keep the flow of conversation going, and the longer the conversation lasted, the longer I'd get to bask in Jim's presence. “I tend to run my mouth and get fired,” I confessed, which was met with a guffaw of amusement.

So you're very opinionated, I take it?”

I suppose. I just don't like to take crap from people, and most employers treat their employees like crap.”

It's not like that at Syngex. They do their best to treat people fairly.”

If you say so.”

If you'd like, I can put in a good word for you,” he offered.

A novel full of good words probably couldn't make that guy change his mind about me. I'm pretty sure it was a no-go, but if you feel like doing yet another good deed for the day, then by all means.”

I think I shall.” Jim's grin was absolutely captivating, lighting up the room.

We made small talk, though it mostly revolved around me, for the little that I had to say. It was the longest coffee break in the history of coffee breaks, and I worried that he would get in trouble for being out of the office for so long. Jim didn't seem to care though, laughing and smiling and talking as if his job didn't even matter.

All good things have to come to an end though, and eventually our coffees were drained and the conversation had run out. I walked by Jim's side back to my car and was admittedly disappointed when he didn't ask for my number. Usually, if a guy was interested in you, this was the point where he tried to find some way to keep in contact. There was no such request though, and I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, wondering if I had screwed this up too.

With a polite smile, I thanked Jim again before watching him jog up the steps to the Syngex building and disappear inside. That was it. My excitement for the day was over, and it was time to return to the harsh reality that my life was completely up in the air.

When I got home, I thought about telling Mandy what had happened. A coffee date with a mysterious handsome stranger would probably sound more like goofing off to her than serious job hunting though, so I decided it was better not to mention it.

The week dialed down toward the end of the month, and I began packing my things. Though Mandy and I never spoke about it, there was a silent understanding between us that I had to go. I had screwed up one too many times to stick around and burden her further.

A few days before the end of the month, I gave Eric a phone call. Between him and my parents, he was the lesser of the two evils. At least if I couldn't come up with rent, I could pay my part with sex. It wasn't something I ever wanted to have to do, but I couldn't face the non-stop degradation that I was sure I would get from my parents if I came home. I was a complete failure to them, and they enjoyed reminding me of it daily, as if saying it repeatedly would somehow change me into a different person.

Hey Jenny,” Eric greeted me when he answered the phone, always excited to hear my voice on the other end of the line.

Hey Eric.” I did my best not to sound completely depressed. If he thought that I didn't actually want to move in with him, he probably wouldn't allow it. It was time to put my acting skills on overdrive.

What are you up to?”


For what? Going on vacation?”

Nope. Moving.”

Moving?” Eric's voice was alarmed. “Where?”

Back in with my parents unless I can find somewhere else to stay by the end of the month.”

Back to Chicago?”


But that's so far away. What happened to you living with Mandy?”

She's tired of waiting for me to get back up on my feet. Finding a job is hard though, with the economy and my track record and all.”

Yeah,” he hesitated. “Well, you could stay here if you wanted . . . until you get back up on your feet, that is.”

Yes. I knew it. You really wouldn't mind?”

Of course not. I'd love to have you around. This place gets lonely.”

I really appreciate it.”

So, um, when can we get you moved?”

I'd like to stick around here until the end of the month, if possible. I still have some packing to do.” The truth was that I wanted to avoid living with Eric for as long as possible. As soon as I moved in with him, life would be one big ball of awkward sexual tension.

Alright. Just let me know when, so I can take off of work.”

How about we move me over the weekend? That way, you won't have to take off from work.”

Do you think Mandy would let you stay the few extra days?”

I'm sure that as long as she knows I'm leaving she'll be fine with it.” While Mandy might not be happy about my over-staying, I knew she was good enough of a friend to tolerate it.

Sounds like a plan then.” I could hear Eric fighting to keep the excitement from his voice.

After I got off the phone, I went to tell Mandy. She was fine with me staying the few extra days, which I was thankful for. There really wasn't anything she could have done about it anyway though.

For the next few days, I laid around the apartment, packing here and there and watching television the rest of the time. There wasn't much else to do since the job search was over. My mind kept going back and forth over whether I had made the right decision by calling Eric and manipulating him into inviting me to move in with him. The more I thought about it, the worse it seemed. Even if I did sleep with Eric, there was only a matter of time before I screwed that up too and ended up out on the street again. Maybe it would have been better if I had just called my parents. It wasn't too late to change my mind, was it?

On Thursday, I got a phone call from an unknown number. Not thinking much of it, I answered and was surprised to find that it was Syngex inviting me for a second interview. My heart leaped with joy.

God bless you, Jim,” I whispered after ending the call, jumping up and down with excitement. If I could nail this second interview, then I wouldn't have to move out, and all of my troubles could go away. With that in mind, I decided to do whatever it took to land the job.

That night, I told the story of my meeting with Jim to Mandy. Since I now had a second interview, it wouldn't seem like I had wasted my time by going out for coffee with him. I made sure to describe him in detail, gushing about his attractiveness.

Did you see a ring on his finger?” Mandy asked, her enthusiasm higher than normal, though I knew it was because of the second interview and not because of my awesome coffee date.


Did you even look, Miss Unobservant?” she teased.

Of course I did. There are a lot of things I miss, but that isn't one of them.” I smirked. “If I get this job, that means I'll get to see him again.”

Well, don't go turning this into a way to get a date. Work relationships almost never work out. If you see him, you should just thank him for helping you get the interview and then go about your business.”

But what if I don't get the job?” I gave her a sly grin.

Don't even joke like that.” Mandy shook her head, sighing. “You need this job more than you need a warm body to sleep by.”

I know. I was just joking.” I tried not to get agitated by her seriousness. “So, what if I do get this job? What does it mean for our living arrangement?”

Well, you only paid part of last month's rent, and even if you get this job, you won't be able to pay any of this month's rent. I'm still not sure this is going to work,” she said, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. Even if I got this job, it would only be a matter of days or weeks before I ran my mouth, got fired, and was out looking for another one. Mandy wasn't stupid.

Please, Amanda. I promise if I get this job, I'll keep it no matter what. I don't want to go live with Eric. I've really done a lot of thinking about this.”

I don't know, Jen. My dad is riding my ass to get you moved out. I don't think I can dissuade him any longer.”

Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.” I clasped my hands together, begging. “I promise I won't screw up again. Just give me this last chance. Talk to him. Tell him that if I quit this job or get fired, you won't even have to ask me to move out. I'll do it on my own, on the very same day. I promise. I really really need this last chance. You're my only hope.”

I could see the pain in her expression. She hated it when I got like this. Hell, I hated it when I got like this, but it was the only way I could make Mandy cave, with begging and a pouty lip and puppy-dog eyes.

We'll see,” she said finally. “But first you'll have to get the job. There's no point in talking to my father until then.”

Alright.” I nodded, hopeful.

Research the company before you go in.” She stood and pointed at me.

Fine. Fine.”

Before I went to bed, I flipped on the computer to do a bit of research on Syngex. The company was founded by John Kemble Senior and had been around since eighteen-seventy five. It was the parent company to multiple business ventures, from shipping to energy production to manufacturing. By the time I got down to the bottom of the first page, I was bored to tears. Who really cared about this stuff? It wasn't like I needed to know the history of the company to do the job.

As I drifted off to sleep, all I could think about was how this was my last chance. If I didn't get and keep this job, my life would be taking a dramatic turn. Perhaps living with Eric wouldn't be as bad as I thought. Maybe I was just turning a mole hill into a mountain, as I often did with other things. The truth though was that I didn't want to find out if I was right or not. I had to make this work.


The next morning, I got up bright and early to make sure I looked absolutely perfect for my interview. My long brown hair was slightly curled into a stylish do that hung loosely over my shoulders. This time, I wore a black pencil skirt with a white blouse, making sure that both were tight enough to accentuate my better features. If I couldn't win the interviewer with my words, then maybe I could sway him with my body. It was a degrading thing to think, but I would use whatever I had to work with to get this job. Today was swim or sink.

I held my head up high as I walked into the Syngex building, wondering if I'd be lucky enough to have a chance meeting with Jim, my knight in sexy business attire. It was a nice thought, but I couldn't let my mind be distracted for too long. The building was absolutely massive, seventy-nine stories tall, to be exact. Odds were, Jim and I would never cross paths again.

Unlike last time, when my interview was held on the thirty-second floor, this time I was required to rocket all the way up to the top of the building. Luckily, the elevator ride was so smooth I could barely feel it. Usually, elevators in buildings that tall made me ill with motion sickness since they moved quickly. To be honest, being up that high made me uncomfortable, but I tried not to think about it.

When the door opened, the first thing that I noticed was that the walkway leading to a large set of double doors was lined with desks manned by blonde bombshells. It seemed like each one was prettier than the next. They smiled at me politely as I passed, though I knew their eyes were scrutinizing everything about me.

Are you here to interview with Mr. Kemble?” one of the women asked. Her honey blonde hair was pulled up into a tight bun. I could tell by the way she spoke that she was no bimbo.

I'm here to interview,” I said, though I hadn't known I would be interviewing with Jack Kemble himself. This was where my hopes got dashed. My dark-brown hair should kill his interest in me instantly, if what Mandy had said was true about him only hiring blondes. From the looks of the top-floor staff, she'd been right on the mark.

The woman picked up the receiver on her desk and dialed in a number. “Mr. Kemble, there's a woman here to see you. She said she has an interview with you.” When she hung up the phone, she gave me a courteous nod. “Mr. Kemble will see you now.”

Thank you,” I replied, unsure of whether to be nervous or not give a crap. This had all been a waste of my time, so why should I care. As soon as Jack Kemble laid eyes on me, he'd be every bit as dismissive as the man who interviewed me before; I just knew it.

The woman gestured to the double doors, and I walked forward, curling my hand around the handle before tugging it open. Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside, closing the door behind myself. It wasn't until my eyes met the man on the other side of the desk that my breath hitched in surprise.

Jim?” I asked with a curious smile.

The man stood, beaming a grin as he extended his hand, urging me to step forward and take it. This time, Jim's handshake was firm, more professional than casual.

Jim is a moniker I use in public so people won't know who I really am. Please forgive me. My real name is Jack Kemble, and I'm the CEO of Syngex Incorporated.”

I was at a loss for words. Part of me was happy to see this man again, but the other part was horribly disappointed, now knowing who and what he really was. This kind person, who had gone downstairs to aid me in my time of need, was a womanizer.

I'm shocked, to say the least,” I finally muttered.

I figured you would be.” Jack sat back down, gesturing toward the chair on the other side of his desk. “Now, if I remember correctly, you were looking for a job.”

Yes,” I replied, rounding the chair to sit in it.

I had some time to look over your resume. It appears you have mostly restaurant experience. What do you know about working in an office?”

Nothing really.” The room was suddenly hot, though I was sure that it was just me. My mind was still mulling over how the polite man who had helped with my flat tire was now sitting before me, interviewing me for a job. It seemed so surreal.

It's not a very difficult job. All you'd have to do is run errands for me, accompany me on business trips when required, make my coffee in the morning, and take a few phone calls.”

So, I'd be like one of the girls out there.” I pointed over my shoulder.

Yes and no. I'm looking for more of a personal assistant, someone to stay by my side and tend to my needs as they arise.”

If that didn't sound cryptic and sexual, I don't know what else could. I hadn't been inside his office for more than five minutes, and I already didn't like where this was going. This guy was a different version of Eric, and I didn't want him to feel entitled to my body because he was helping me out. Still, I was in a very desperate situation.

It doesn't seem that difficult,” I said, swallowing my pride. If all else failed, I could quit and call my parents. There were always choices, but I needed to test my opportunities first.

Well, it's not always a cake walk, but I wouldn't call it a very hard job. Plus, it comes with lots of perks. You'll get to drive in fancy cars, stay at nice hotels, and experience things you probably wouldn't be able to anywhere else.”

And the pay?” I cut straight to the point.

Considering your unstable job history, I'll start you out at nine dollars per hour. If you can make it past three months, I'll raise you to eleven. I know it might not sound like much, but you'll get bonuses along the way. If the company is doing well, I give out a Christmas bonus of between five hundred and two thousand dollars, depending on the prosperity of the company for the year. I also give three weeks of paid vacation once you've been on with Syngex for a year, as well as one week of paid sick leave. And of course, all of your benefits will be paid for.”

Sounds good to me. So, are you offering me the job?” I asked, hopeful.

Jack leaned back in his seat, a sly grin playing across that perfect face of his, as if he knew he had me right where he wanted me. “It's yours if you want it, Miss Strayer.”

When can I start, Mister Kemble?”

How about on Monday at eight o'clock?”

Sounds good.”

Well then, if you don't have any questions for me, I believe this concludes our business.”

I can't think of anything right now.”

Jack stood, rounding his desk to walk me to the door. My body tensed as he placed a hand on the small of my back. His touch sent an electric current through me, though I couldn't tell if it was from discomfort or excitement.

I bit my tongue all the way to the elevator, a nervous habit I had picked up as a child. The blonde women followed me with their eyes, probably assuming I hadn't gotten the job. Little did they know that I was now the black sheep of the group. Or the brown sheep, depending on how you looked at it.

When I got home, I waited anxiously to tell Mandy about my exciting day. She looked drained when she walked through the door after another long day of school and work.

Guess what,” I said, bouncing lightly on our sofa as I watched Mandy cross the room to put her tote bag down.

You got a job,” she replied, taking the fun out of it.


Dog groomers?” she asked with a disappointing lack of enthusiasm. I wrote it off to her being tired.


Mandy paused. “Syngex?”


Really?” Now there was excitement in her voice. She turned to me, leaning against the table.

I was interviewed by Mister Jack Kemble himself.” I beamed.

You're kidding.”

Nope. And guess what else.”


That guy Jim I told you about who came to my rescue when I had a flat was actually Jack Kemble in disguise.”

Ha! I told you he was attractive.”

I know, right. I feel like an idiot now. If I looked up his picture like you told me to, I would have known.”

You still might not have recognized him. What are the odds of running into Jack Kemble on the street?”

Well, I didn't actually run into him, per se.”

True. Who'd have thought he'd come all the way downstairs just to help you change a tire? I know the man does a lot of charity work, but still.”

That was something I hadn't known about him. Maybe I should do my homework. Perhaps Jack Kembe wasn't as bad as Mandy had initially made him out to be.

Were there a lot of blondes on his floor?” she asked.

Yeah. It was weird. They were all blonde, and all gorgeous.”

He'll probably want you to dye your hair blonde.”

Ew. Why?”

Because he likes blondes.”

Pfft. He hired me like this; he can deal with me being a brunette.”

He's your boss now. You can't have that attitude,” she chastised me.

Isn't there some law against making employees change their physical appearance?”

Not that I know of. If it's legal to enforce a dress code, then I imagine it would be legal to ask an employee to change their hair color.”

That's just stupid,” I muttered.

Stupid or not, you're going to have to do what he wants.”

What if he wants to have sex?” I smirked.

Mandy shrugged. “There is a law against that. But come on, it's Jack Kemble. Who wouldn't want to sleep with him?”

I wouldn't. Not because I didn't find him attractive, but because I didn't want to be a notch on his bedpost. For all that I knew, the girls in his office were named Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on. Being a sex vending machine for my boss didn't sound appealing at all. I would have to find some way to avoid it, if it ever came to that.

“I'll worry about that when it happens,” I said.

“I want details when it does.”

My eyes rolled involuntarily. It wasn't something I felt like discussing any further. “There are more important things to talk about.”

“Like what?”

“Like if you're going to let me stay now. The job pays nine dollars per hour, and I'll get a raise to eleven dollars in three months. That's more than enough to cover my share of rent.”

Her face sulked back into a serious expression. “When's your first paycheck?”

“I don't know. I forgot to ask.”

She thought for a moment. “Well, I could pay your half this time around, but you'd have to promise to pay me back. I'd be pulling out of my savings to do it.” Mandy seemed apprehensive, and I could tell she didn't believe she'd ever see the money again.

“I'd really appreciate it. I promise I won't screw this up.”

“Please, don't make me regret this.”


The weekend went by rather quickly. With each passing day, my excitement for starting the new job waned, turning to dread. On Sunday night, my mind swam with everything that could possibly go wrong. What if I hated the job? What if Jack Kemble tried to force himself on me? What if I refused? What if I didn't get along with the blonde girls? What if they were all bitches? So many what ifs filling me with a negative perspective of the day to come. I just knew I would screw this up as I had every other job before—just knew it.

The next morning, I showed up at Syngex promptly at eight o'clock ready to start my day. It was strange working in an office instead of a restaurant. Everyone looked so stuffy and professional that I felt out of place. One thing was certain. With my first paycheck, I'd definitely need to expand my wardrobe. Currently, I only had two business outfits. The rest were all casual attire. Hopefully, Jack wouldn't notice if I wore the same thing every other day for a while. It was an embarrassing thing to have to do, but it couldn't be helped.

When I arrived on the seventy-ninth floor, I was greeted by the blonde who had directed me into Jack's office for my interview. She gave me a fake smile as she looked me up and down, assessing me while she spoke. “Good morning. My name is Ulga, and I'll be showing you your more basic job duties. You can start by getting Mister Kemble his coffee. His tastes change from time to time, but lately he's been stuck on the large caramel macchiato from Third Rail Coffee down the street. I'm sure you're familiar with the location.”

The way she suggested I was familiar with the location of the coffee shop put a bad taste in my mouth. There was something condescending about the way she spoke to me, and I could tell we would not be best friends. Hopefully, the other blondes were more pleasant.

Ulga gave me a ten-dollar bill and sent me on my way. Of course, Jack Kemble couldn't be simple enough to take a coffee from the coffee maker upstairs. He had me hiking down the street in high heels, ensuring I would come back perspiring and unkempt. If this was what I had to look forward to, then I wouldn't last a week.

When I returned with the coffee, I bypassed Ulga and went straight into Mister Kemble's office. It wasn't even eight-thirty in the morning, and I was already sweaty and tired. He gave me a warm smile, smoothing down the front of his vest before reaching out to take the coffee.

“Good morning, Miss Strayer,” Jack greeted me.

“Good morning, Mister Kemble.” I gave him my best phoney smile.

After handing Jack his cup of coffee, I turned to take my leave. I had barely reached the door when he tried to get my attention. “Miss Strayer.”

“Hm.” I looked at him, awaiting my next menial assignment.

“You forgot the espresso.”

My jaw clenched. That bitch Ulga hadn't mentioned anything about a shot of espresso. Then again, I suppose I should have remembered from the time we went for coffee together.

“Would you like me to go back downstairs and get you one?” I asked, knowing that I'd realistically be going to get in my car and leave. If Jack was willing to send me out again just for a shot of espresso, then he was every bit of a jerk as I had suspected.

“No. Just try to remember tomorrow,” he replied before returning his attention to some papers on his desk, a good indication I had been dismissed.

As soon as I left Jack's office, I walked over to Ulga's desk and waited for her to get off the phone before saying, “You forgot to tell me he took a shot of espresso in his coffee.”

“Did I? I'm sorry,” her voice sounded sincere, but I couldn't tell if it really was or not. After a few minutes of standing there while she finished up her work, Ulga showed me to my desk. I would stick out like a sore thumb amidst the sea of blondes. Maybe I should dye my hair after all.

The rest of the day was a lot less stressful than the first fifteen minutes. Ulga had me stuff envelopes until lunch. At lunch, I sat at my desk while everyone else went out. It felt strange to be so isolated, but I dealt with it well enough. These girls definitely weren't very welcoming. After lunch, I shadowed Ulga while she answered phones and scheduled meetings for Jack. Apparently, this would be more in line with what I'd actually be doing. We made reservations at several fancy restaurants for Jack and his colleagues, as well as booked a hotel suite for an upcoming business trip he had planned. Ulga told me I'd be going with Mister Kemble if I stuck around long enough. I noticed that only one suite was booked, not two, but I didn't question it.

That night when I got home, Mandy seemed enthusiastic toward asking me how my day had gone. I did my best to stay positive. After all, giving any hint of my discontent would put fear in her that I would go back on my word. To be honest, I still wasn't sure how I felt about the job.

“The blonde squad didn't seem too welcoming,” I admitted.

“They'll warm up to you. Just give them time,” Mandy assured me.

“I hope you're right. They didn't even invite me out to lunch with them, which I thought was strange.”

She shrugged. “Maybe they're jealous.”

“Of what?” I laughed.

“That you're going to be spending more time with Jack Kemble than they are.”

I hadn't really thought of that before. “There's nothing to be jealous of. Nothing is going to happen between us.”

“How do you know?” She smirked.

“Because I don't plan on being a slutty butt with him.”

“If you say so.”

“I do say so,” I insisted. “What, you don't think I can resist Mister Jack Kemble's charm?”

Mandy gave me a sardonic look. “It's Jack Kemble. He's a panty melter. No, I don't think you'll be able to resist him, if that's what he's after.”

Now it was a personal challenge. “We shall see.”