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Down & Dirty: Diesel (Dirty Angels MC Book 4) by Jeanne St. James (6)

Chapter Six

Diesel guessed if you had to put a padlock on your ball and chain so it’d never come off, there was no better place to do it than by a large lake that had a few black swans swimming around it. And luckily, for late summer, the weather had held.

D swore his sac was shriveling up as he listened to Z and Sophie’s short vows.

In a nutshell, Z announced that he was her ol’ man and she announced that she was his ol’ lady. Plus, they stuffed a few more bullshit words in there to make it sound pleasurable that Z was handing over his balls on a platter.

No rings were exchanged, since Crow would tattoo them onto their fingers at a later date. But when Buggy, one of the hang-arounds who happened to be an ordained something-or-other, told Z he could kiss his “biker bitch,” Z jumped on that opportunity and gave his woman the full tongue for at least a minute to a chorus of hoots, hollers, claps, whistles, and boot stomps.

Just watching that kiss made his eyes slide to the right until they landed on Jewel. Since the ceremony was very short—they all wanted to get right into the after party—they hadn’t even bothered with folding chairs out on the lawn. Instead they all stood gathered around the couple by the lake shore. Jewel stood to one side surrounded by some of the other DAMC women, like Bella, Diamond and her mother, Ruby.

His gaze raked over her and what she was wearing. She had stuffed herself into some tight red halter top dress, one that had a deep V where her tits were. The back was completely open all the way down to the top of her ass. And it was short, only coming halfway down her damn thighs. He knew damn well exactly what was at the juncture of those thighs. The high heels she wore were impractical for the grass that they were standing on, but they made her legs appear much longer than they were. Like they actually might reach all the way around his waist when he was fucking her.

As much as he’d fucked her in the last few weeks, he knew they couldn’t quite reach, whether she was on her back, against the wall or in his lap with her arms wrapped around his neck and her face shoved against his throat.

He tried not to think about how much harder it’d been lately to climb out of her bed at night and head back to his shitty room at church. After those first couple of times, he’d made it a point not to stay overnight. He didn’t want to get used to her being curled around him all night.

They were keeping it simple.

Surprisingly, she hadn’t bitched once when he’d roll out of bed, pull on his clothes and roll out of her apartment in the middle of the night. Not once.

Which made him wonder if she was truly keeping it simple or she was up to something.

He couldn’t think about that right now. The ceremony was over, Z officially had a leash on his dick, and all the brothers moved toward their bikes.

The club brothers lined their sleds in a row on one side and the Dark Knights on the other facing each other, which left a path down the center for Z to escort his now wife to the large reception/party tent.

“Start ‘em up,” Pierce yelled.

The roar of dozens of bikes filled the air. Everyone twisted their throttles as Z and Sophie stood at the far end, holding hands. Both wearing huge smiles, Z did a chin lift to his brothers as he took Sophie’s arm and walked her down the “aisle” to the tent about a hundred yards away. Once they disappeared into it, Pierce waved his hand and they shut their engines down.

Diesel dismounted his bike and headed over to Magnum, the Knights’ enforcer. They clasped arms and bumped shoulders.

“Brother,” Magnum greeted.

D lifted his chin. “You an’ your brothers are invited to party long as you got enough keepin’ an eye out. Want no shit with the Warriors goin’ down today.”

The large man nodded. “Got you. We’re on it.”

“Got my crew out there, too. Ain’t gonna see ‘em but they’re there.”

“Heard about your crew.”

Diesel grunted.

Magnum grinned. “Got you, brother.”

“When this marker needs paid, lemme know.”

Magnum’s smile widened. “Got that, too.” He turned and headed to a group of Knights awaiting orders.

D watched them for a moment, then twisted his head toward the tent, where a line of brothers and their women were filing inside. He waited until the end of the line disappeared, then a few moments later he heard the drummer in Nash’s band tapping his drumsticks. The first strains of Steelheart’s I’ll Never Let You Go hit Diesel in the chest.

He sucked in a breath and made his feet move forward, even though he wanted to get on his fucking sled and leave. He couldn’t and wouldn’t do that to Z or even Sophie. They were family and the club was pretty much the only family that either of them had. He needed to suck it up and be there for them.

Pushing through the tent entrance, he saw everyone circling the temporary wood floor that had been laid down for the day. At his height, he had no problem seeing over the crowd. Z had Sophie wrapped tightly in his arms, her face pressed to his shoulder, one hand spread over the bare skin of her back and the other squeezing her ass. Even though she wore an informal white dress that was sexy as all fuck, Z wore black jeans, a white button-down shirt, his boots, and of course, his cut. All the brothers wore their cuts today in solidarity.

Z wore a big smile as he moved in a circle with his ol’ lady in his arms. D’s chest pulled tight as he silently hoped that the brother continued to be that happy next week, next month, next year, through their first kid, and through their last kid. Hell, he wished happiness on Z forever. The man deserved it after being shafted at such a young age.

No one moved until Dirty Deeds ended the song and moved on to Scorpion’s Still Loving You.

Z smacked Sophie on the ass and then guided her to the front of the tent. The prospects scurried around handing out beers and booze to everyone. Once the couple got to the front, and everyone held a cup or bottle in hand, Ace stepped into the middle of the dance floor and lifted his beer. The band got quiet.

“Zak,” he boomed. “Been like a fuckin’ son to me an’ Janice. Love ya, boy. Can’t be happier on who tied you down. Got a good catch there. An’, damn, the woman knows how to bake. We all love ya, Sophie. Happy you joined the fold an’ became family. Can’t do any better than that man by your side. Loyal as hell.”

Diesel’s nostrils flared as he watched his father get choked up.

Ace cleared his throat and continued, “Don’t gotta say much more, other than you deserve this, Z.”

Nodding heads and murmurs went through the tent.

“So, we’re gathered here today to celebrate this union! Drink up an’ let’s get fuckin’ down an’ dirty!”

“‘Til dead!” came the thundering response from the crowd.

The decibel level under the tent hit a record high as everyone cheered, raised their alcohol, then knocked back a healthy swallow or two.

Diesel raised his beer bottle, tipped it toward Z, who caught his gaze and gave him a slight chin lift. D returned it, then put his beer to his lips and let the cool liquid slide down his throat. He’d rather have whiskey instead but he wanted to keep his wits about him today. He needed to keep a sober eye out to make sure the day went without any issues.

Then his father was next to him, whacking him on the back. “Don’t take it personal what I said to Z.”

He dropped his gaze, but not by much, to his father. “What?”

“The part ‘bout her not being able to do any better. You an’ Hawk are my blood. Never forget that.”

“Didn’t give it a thought, Pop. Know what you meant.”

Ace nodded and tipped his cup to his lips. After taking a long drink, he swiped the back of his hand over his mouth. “Good.” He looked around. “’Specting another one of these soon.”

D cocked an eyebrow toward his father.

“Not for you. Hawk.”

D’s gaze drifted through the crowd and he found his brother sitting at a nearby table with Kiki. “Think so?”

“Yeah. Don’t expect it to be long before she’s knocked up.”

Diesel grunted. Their father was probably right.

“He’s fucked,” D finally said.

Ace frowned. “Nothin’ fucked about findin’ a good woman.”


“Got your mom, then got you two. Was like a pig in shit. Still am.”



“Shut up.”

Ace laughed and whacked him again. He lifted his chin to where Hawk and Kiki sat. “Gonna grab a seat. Comin’?”

D’s gaze drifted back to his brother, where he was leaning over, his mouth pressed against Kiki’s ear and she was smiling about whatever he was saying, her bottom lip caught in her teeth.


“Where’s Ma?” D asked.

“Hangin’ with some of the women. She’ll show up when she’s good an’ ready.”


He reluctantly followed his father over to Hawk’s table, did a chin lift to his brother—once the man stopped whispering dirty shit into his ol’ lady’s ear—grabbed a chair and sank his weight into it with a groan. When the folding chair also groaned, he hoped his ass didn’t end up on the ground.

After the current song ended, Nash’s band remained quiet. D looked in that direction to make sure there was no shit going on he needed to get involved in. Nash was pointing at the front of the tent, so D’s gaze swung that way.

Both Zak and Sophie were standing. Something was up. D’s heart thumped as he scanned the tent, but he couldn’t see anything amiss.

Z gave a nod to Nash, who leaned into the microphone stand and announced, “Listen up. Z’s got somethin’ important to say.”

The tent became quiet and all eyes turned to their former president.

“Know it’s a bit early yet, but wanted to share this with my family...” He took a deep breath, then shouted, “My ol’ lady is knocked the fuck up!”

There was a brief moment of shocked silence then the shouting from the crowd became overwhelming.

“Now,” he tried to yell over the noise. “Drink up, eat up, an’ let’s fuckin’ party!”

Not even a second later Ace muttered, “Thank fuck.” His eyes bounced from D to Hawk. “Don’t know how bad your mother wants babies in this family. Look at ‘er.”

D’s gaze landed on where his mother was squeezing Sophie so tightly that Z’s woman was wincing.

“Got no idea how much she bitches ‘bout it. Tried to shield you boys from her constant naggin’. She’s been wantin’ to be a grandmomma for a long time. Blood or not.” He pinned his gaze to Hawk, who’s eyes widened when he said, “Don’t mean you’re off the hook.” He turned to D. “Or you, either.”

D scowled and swatted a hand in his father’s direction. “Ain’t no fruit in these loins.”

Hawk’s lips rolled in and his eyes crinkled as he stared down at the table. Kiki didn’t hide her laughter.

She quickly sobered when she said, “It’s a shame that neither Sophie or Zak have family who are supporting them.”

“They got each other,” Hawk grumbled.

“And us.” Ace added. “Plenty of family.”

Kiki nodded. “Still... I’m glad my family isn’t like that. My parents may be a little... off, but at least they accept all of my decisions.”

Hawk curled his arm around her shoulders. “Yeah, your mom loves me.”

“What’s not to love, honey?” She cupped his cheek and pressed a kiss to his lips. “She really loves the fact that you’ve loosened me up. That, and she hated Landon.”

“Ain’t the only one,” Hawk muttered, his eyes lifted to the dance floor. “Nash gonna play sappy songs all night? ‘Cause if so, we may have a problem.”

D followed his gaze. Kelsea was out on the dance floor bumping and grinding to Ozzy’s Just Want You with one of the Dark Knights. His jaw tightened and his wasn’t the only one. Pierce was on the edge of the dance floor, hands on hips, eyes watching Kelsea intensely.

D sighed. The Knight had his hands roaming up and down Kelsea’s waist and hips. And as he watched, the man pulled her tighter against him.

Of course, Kelsea was eating that shit up. But for some reason, it was bothering the fuck out of Pierce. Guess D needed to figure out why. If Pierce was touching Kelsea when he shouldn’t be, there was going to be a bigger problem that needed to be addressed than just removing Pierce from the head of the table. There should be no reason Pierce would be possessive of Kelsea except for one... the general rule that nobody should be touching DAMC property.

As Sergeant at Arms, D would let it slide today. The Knights were doing them a big favor and if they wanted to mingle with their women, he didn’t have a problem with it. Now, if they wanted to take it any further, he just may. But he’d deal with that when and if he had to. Right now, Kelsea was enjoying herself and there was no reason to cause any waves during a day that should be special for Z and Sophie.

“Supposed to be protectin’ us. Not stealin’ our women,” Dex said from behind him.

D twisted his neck to look at the man. “Ain’t stealin’ ‘em. If the women wanna dance, you gonna dance with ‘em?”

“Fuck no,” Dex answered.

“Then let ‘em dance with whoever they can rope into that shit. Knights take it any farther, I’ll step in.”

“Right,” Dex grumbled then moved on.

D looked up to see a vision in white heading his way. Sophie approached, climbed into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, then pressed her lips to his cheek.

Jesus. He hoped the chair held.

“How are you doing, Grunty McGrunt?”

D ignored the snicker he heard from the other side of the table. Instead he grunted his answer.

She shook her head. “That good, huh?”

“Gotta be good when I got a beautiful woman in my lap. Ignore my keys.”

Sophie’s lips curled in but D didn’t miss the corners of her eyes crinkling. After a second she said, “Have to confess... This isn’t your baby. Sorry.”

D grunted. “Good. Ain’t changin’ no shitty diapers, anyhow.”

“Said you weren’t off the hook,” Ace reminded him. “An’ I changed your shitty diapers.”

D ignored his father.

“So...” Sophie started. “I have to thank you for arranging the extra protection for today, even if it doubled the catering bill.”

“Club can afford it. Small price for protection.”

“Are you sure it was needed?” Sophie asked quietly.

D just looked at her. She simply nodded, understanding he wasn’t going to talk club business with her. Especially business that could put a damper on her day.

Z approached the table. “Tryin’ to steal my woman?” Holding his hand out, Sophie took it. Z pulled her out of D’s lap and into his arms. He placed a hand over Sophie’s belly, even though she was in no way showing yet. “Gonna be addin’ a hellion to the club.”

“Future prez,” Hawk said.

“Not if it’s a girl,” Sophie said with a soft smile.

“Woman, ain’t no girl comin’ out of this,” Z said, grabbing his crotch.

“Oh good lord,” Kiki mumbled.

Z laughed and looked toward Hawk. “You’re next, Chicken Hawk.”

“Right,” Hawk answered, shaking his head.

“Yep,” Ace added. “You’re next,” he said to Hawk then jabbed his thumb in Diesel’s direction. “Then him.”

“Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Pop,” D growled.

Ace put up his hands. “Just sayin’. Jewel

“For fuck’s sake!” Diesel barked, cutting his father off.

“Whatever,” Ace mumbled, but to D’s relief he dropped it.

Zak shook his head, looking way too amused. “Gotta get my woman some food an’ get this kid fed.” And with that, Z dragged Sophie back up to the front of the tent.

After a few moments, D turned to his brother’s ol’ lady. “Hear from Jazz?”

He regretted asking that when a sad look came over Kiki’s face. She shook her head. “I keep leaving messages. Either her parents are erasing them or she just doesn’t want to talk.”

D was staring at Kiki when suddenly everything around him faded away and he found himself back at that abandoned house. The shithole the Warriors had taken Kiki and Jazz to. He could feel himself lifting his knee and kicking down the door only to find the horror inside.

The women bloody and beaten, sprawled on the dirty floor, unrecognizable and naked.

He understood why his brother had fallen to his knees next to his woman and lost his shit. And he hadn’t even come across her like D had. Her clothes had been cut away with a knife, her wrists bound, and she bled profusely from head wounds. Her bare legs were spread wide apart. He had at least used his cut to cover her as best as he could, then pushed her legs together before Hawk got there.

Jazz, he’d only covered with his T-shirt, since he didn’t want to hurt her any more than she already was.

Jesus fuckin’ Christ.


His brother’s voice drew him from the memory, his nightmare, and his eyes lifted to where Jewel stood on the other side of the tent.


Yeah, he understood exactly why his brother had fallen to his knees at the broken and battered sight of his woman.

He understood it and might have done the same thing.

When her blue eyes met his across the dance floor, the tightness in his chest became almost unbearable.

“D,” he heard again. He ripped his gaze from Jewel and turned his eyes to his brother. “Seven o’clock.”

Diesel turned back to look over his shoulder in that direction. He noticed Zak’s sister, Jayde, standing close to Abe, the latest prospect to become a fully-patched member. Even from where D sat, he could see she was flirting.


He glanced up to where Z sat with Sophie. The man had eyes on his sister, too. He leaned over to his wife and said something before beginning to move.

D pushed to his feet.

“Guess you’re gonna handle it,” Hawk said.

D grunted and took off at an angle, meeting Z on the dance floor.

“Brother, know you ain’t out here to dance with me,” Zak said, without taking his gaze from his baby sister.

“Nope. Your weddin’, brother. I got it.”

Z shook his head. “Don’t mind her bein’ with a brother, ‘specially one like Abe. Good. Solid. Cool head. But know where it’ll land her. Don’t think she could handle bein’ froze out of the family.”

“Got you, brother. Will have a word with ‘em.”

Z raked a hand through his dark hair. “Wasn’t expectin’ her to show. Probably on the D.L.”

“Yeah,” D answered.

With another look in the direction of his sister, Zak blew out a breath, whacked D on the shoulder, then went back to Sophie.

Diesel headed the opposite direction. And he knew exactly when Abe realized he was headed their way. The man’s body straightened and the lazy smile on his face disappeared. Abe’s lips moved as he said something quietly to Jayde, but D had no idea what it was. Though he could guess, because by the time D hit them, Jayde had turned, her hand on her hip, already dripping attitude.

“Diesel,” she greeted, looking a bit miffed.

“Shouldn’t be here.”

“It’s my brother’s wedding.”

“Yeah. Your family know you’re here?”

“D, I’m a freaking adult. I don’t need anyone’s permission.”

D shook his head slowly. “Don’t give a shit, not gonna cause drama for Z on his big day.”

“I’m here to support him,” she stated.

“Right. But your family don’t want you ‘round the club.”

Jayde’s eyes slid to Abe. Something D did not miss.

“Not their decision,” she finally murmured.

“You livin’ at home?”

Jayde frowned.

“Daddy buy you that fuckin’ Camaro?”

Jayde’s eyes narrowed.

“’Til you’re out from under their thumb, you gotta do what they say. Z don’t need to get grief from Mitch or Axel. Club don’t need ‘em breathin’ our direction, either.”


“Fuckin’ Jayde. Want you here. Family. Even though some of your blood denies it. Z wants you here, too. But it’s gonna cause shit. Don’t want shit today.”

“Nobody’s going to tell them. I’ll just stay a little bit. I just want to dance and congratulate my brother and Sophie.”

D cocked a brow. “Who you dancin’ with? Abe here?”

“His name isn’t Abe,” Jayde huffed.

“The fuck it isn’t.”

“It’s Lincoln,” she snapped.

D’s eyes fell on Abe, who stood still, keeping his face blank. “You talkin’ to her on the sly?”


“Better not be. Voted your ass in, can vote your ass out. No touchin’ this one. Got me?”

Abe’s face hardened, but he said, “Got you.”

“Diesel! That’s not right.”

“Woman,” D grumbled. “Don’t be back talkin’ me or I’ll take you outta here myself. Go say your shit to Z an’ Soph, then get gone.”

Jayde opened her mouth to have the last word, but Abe’s hand went to her arm and she shut her mouth, looked at him, then nodded.

What the fuck was that about?

“Go,” D grunted.

With her mouth an angry slash, Jayde marched toward the front of the tent. Once she got there, D turned back to Abe.

“Fuckin’ her?”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Not gonna, either. The day she’s out from under that pig father of hers thumb, then you can approach Z. Not a fuckin’ minute before. Got me?”

“Got you.”

“An’ Z might not mind you up in his sister’s shit, but she’s gonna deal with the crap Z has to deal with when it comes to Mitch an’ Axel. Wanna be the cause of her family turnin’ their back on her?”


“Then keep your dick outta her. No matter what Z eventually says.”

Abe glanced to where Jayde stood speaking with her brother and new sister-in-law.

Diesel studied the younger brother. Z was right. The guy was solid. Had a good head on his shoulders. Kept cool when needed. That’s why Hawk liked him working at The Iron Horse. The guy could fight though, hold his own when he had to. He’d been a good prospect and now that he was patched in, he’d make an even better brother. The club needed more men like him. And he could understand his attraction to Jayde. She was pretty, had a body on her, and dripped attitude, which most brothers liked because it was a challenge. But Jayde was young and considered the “baby” in the DAMC family and, as so, was treated as such. Mitch didn’t want his daughter hanging with the club, didn’t want her around the brothers for good reason. D couldn’t miss that Abe wanted to stick his dick in her. So it was probably best Jayde steered clear.

As long as being around the club and brotherhood was a risk to Jayde when it came to losing her parents and oldest brother, then D, Grizz, and some of the other brothers would step in to make sure she saw reason.

“Name’s Lincoln?” D asked. Normally he didn’t give a shit what a prospect’s real name was. But the man was no longer a recruit. He was now a brother.


“Shit name.”

Abe stared him. “Go by Linc.”

“Ain’t a prospect anymore. Wanna be called Linc, just say so. Abe’s a shit name, too.”


“See you’re gone an’ she’s gone, gonna come lookin’ for you. Got me, Linc?” D warned.

“Got you.”

“Plenty of other pussy.”

A look crossed Linc’s face and Diesel waited for the challenge. But after a moment, when it didn’t come, D just nodded and headed back to the table.

Smart man.

* * *

Jewel watched the whole interaction between Diesel and Abe with curiosity. And she wasn’t the only one.

Bella nudged her in the ribs. “None of us have caught D in the bathroom in weeks. Wonder why?”

“I’ve been keeping him busy,” Jewel answered Bella without tearing her eyes away from the man who’s spent a lot of time recently in her bed.

“Apparently. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I’ve never known him to go back for seconds, and definitely not thirds and fourths.”

Jewel shrugged.

Are you trying to reel him in, Jewelee? Because you know, he’s not one to get caught. You might be disappointed if you’re looking to end up on the back of his bike.”

“Just trying to see what’s there, if anything,” Jewel murmured.

“Just don’t expect too much from him,” Bella warned. “Love my cousin. Want the best for him, which may very well be you, but... I know how he is, too. We all do.”

Jewel finally looked at her. “Didn’t think Hawk would get caught either, and look at him. Not only did he get caught, but class caught him.”

Their attention was drawn to Hawk who had his arm wrapped around Kiki’s waist. Her head leaned on his shoulder and his expression was soft as he stared down into her face as he talked. Her eyes were tipped up to him and there was nothing but pure love in the look they gave each other.

How the mighty have fallen.

So seeing that gave Jewel some hope since Hawk and Diesel were a lot alike. Stubborn, domineering, alpha bikers.

Besides the first two nights at her apartment, he hadn’t stayed the night again. She didn’t know if it was Ace’s phone call, or what, that made him stop staying over. But whatever it was, it needed to change. She knew her apartment was a thousand times better than that disgusting hole he lived in at church. She didn’t know how he could stand it.

She saw D approach his brother and father. The man was as tall as Hawk but broader. Scarier-looking. Always had a serious look on his face, where at least Hawk had a sense of humor and had no trouble laughing at a joke or at someone doing something stupid.

One day Diesel was going to look at her like Hawk did Kiki. He’d smile at her and her heart would melt into a puddle at his feet.

She snorted. She was fooling herself. The man was hard. Impenetrable. Unbreakable.

Jewel had witnessed moments of softness with Hawk when it came to Kiki. But the only time Jewel saw D react with any emotion was at the hospital when Bella collapsed in what seemed to be a mental breakdown after Jazz and Kiki were kidnapped and assaulted.

That was the only time she could remember in all the years she’d known him, and she has known him her whole life. One thing about their generation of DAMC, was that they all grew up together.

Well, except for her cousins, Jayde and Axel, who were kept from the club because of Uncle Mitch. Zak was the only one who fought to be a part of the club and to follow in their grandfather Bear’s footsteps.

He broke free from his immediate family only to find his relationship with them irrevocably broken. So because of this, Jewel was surprised to see Jayde here. She was risking the wrath of Mitch and Axel. Though Jayde was the youngest out of all of the DAMC “sisters” and “brothers,” she was clearly no longer a child. Hell, she was now a college graduate.

As Dirty Deeds played their rendition of Judas Priest’s Angel in the background, Kiki separated herself from her ol’ man and joined the women where they gathered.

With Kiki’s dark brown hair pulled up in a twist, it was hard to miss Hawk’s name tattooed in delicate black script at the nape of her neck. She knew Hawk had asked Kiki to do it and Kiki obliged once she moved permanently into his house.

Kiki had also given up her job at her legal firm as well as her condo for her man. Yes, she had opened her own practice in Shadow Valley, but as independent, financially and otherwise, as Kiki was, it still surprised Jewel that the woman submitted to almost anything Hawk asked.

But then, if Hawk was nearly as good as D was in bed, she could see why the woman was easily influenced.

And D was a beast in bed.

He did not act tender, loving or caring in any way. Protective, yes. Bossy, yes. Which was part of who he was, and also what his role was within the brotherhood.

Bella was right, though. Diesel never went back for seconds. And definitely not for thirds. She wondered what D wanted from her. Or if he even knew what he wanted. Because it wasn’t just sex. It couldn’t be. He could get that anywhere and always had.

As Jewel studied Diesel, she was determined to crack that hard outer shell. She just didn’t know how.

She gave Bella a look, then skirted the dance floor to where D now stood by himself, a beer bottle hanging from two fingers. The whole way over to him, his intense eyes never left her.

By the time she reached him, her pussy was throbbing, her nipples ached, and she was ready to climb onto his face.

Wouldn’t that be entertaining at this celebration? Normally it wouldn’t be anything new at a club party for a sweet butt or one of Dawg’s girls, but none of the DAMC women had sex out in the open for everyone to watch.

It would be a first.

Jewel felt the heat land in her belly. Jesus. She couldn’t get enough of this man. Why did she get stuck on one that would be such a challenge? And a headache.

“Just gonna stand there?” D asked gruffly.

She lifted her gaze to his. “Nope.”

“What do you want, woman?”

“You know what I want,” she whispered.

D raised his bottle to his lips and tipped it. Jewel watched his throat move as he swallowed. When he lowered the bottle his dark brown eyes hit hers. “Ain’t gettin’ it now, gotta keep a watch on shit.”

“Right. Not now. Later,” she agreed softly.

His eyes raked down her dress. “Got panties on?”




“Fuck,” he growled. “You wet?”

She smiled. “Yeah.”

“Gonna fuckin’ eat you later,” he muttered.

“Yeah,” she agreed, her thighs quivering at the thought.

“Then I’m gonna spank your ass for not wearin’ panties ‘round all these brothers.”

Jewel’s smile disappeared as she swallowed hard. Fuck, she wanted that. Her legs wobbled, making her reach out to catch her balance by planting her hand on his arm.

His eyes dropped to where she held him.

“Then I’m gonna—” he stopped abruptly.

She swallowed again, her eyes hooded, her pussy clenching hard, her thighs getting slick with her arousal.

“What?” she whispered. If he kept talking dirty to her she might just come where she stood.

D held her gaze as he shook his head. “Gonna be a surprise.”


Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Leave your door unlocked an’ that dress on.”

“Yeah,” Jewel murmured as if she was in a trance. Every part of her body ached for his touch, for his tongue, for his cock.

She needed to snap herself out of this. There were hours to go before this reception was over. That wait was going to be torture if she couldn’t get everything Diesel was going to do to her out of her mind.

She shook her head to clear it. She glanced over her shoulder when Dirty Deed’s started a new song and she heard the women hooting and hollering on the dance floor. “Going to go dance.”

“See you out there dancin’ with a Knight, that spankin’ ain’t gonna be fun. Promise you that.”

She nodded, unable to answer.

“See any of ‘em touchin’ you, woman, gonna be an issue.”

She blinked at the look on his face.

Jesus. He was dead serious.

As she turned away from him, her daze cleared and she bit back her smile as she headed the direction she had come from.

Looks like she had more than just tonight to look forward to.

It seemed she had wormed her way under his skin enough that he may be laying his claim.




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