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Faith (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 1) by Lisa Helen Gray (20)




Walking in hand in hand, Beau and I make our way to my parents, who are talking to my uncle Malik and aunt Harlow. If I don’t greet them first, Dad will think I’ve got something to hide or that something is wrong with Beau.

Their logic doesn’t make sense to anyone but themselves.

“Hey, guys.”

Dad eyes Beau, scowling. I know he likes him―okay, he deals with him for my sake, but that’s just because I’m his daughter. Secretly, I know he’s happy Beau is watching over me.

If only he knew how close, I muse.

Dad kisses my cheek, giving me a brief hug. “Squirt.” His expression changes, his eyes hardening a little when he faces Beau. “Beau.”


Mum, being mum, steps forward, pulling me in for a hug before kissing my cheek. “Hey, Mum.”

“Hey, baby,” she greets, then frowns, looking at me weirdly. I try not to squirm under her appraisal, but it’s hard not to when her eyes widen, like she knows I’m no longer a virgin.

Thankfully, she snaps out it and addresses Beau, pulling him for her motherly hug. “It’s good to see you again, Beau.”

“You too, Mrs. Carter.”

Dad scoffs, but Mum and Harlow sigh, smiling sweetly at my boyfriend. It only pisses my dad and uncle off as they pull their significant others into their chests.

“Call me, Teagan, please.”

Beau smiles as I excuse us. “I’m going to introduce Beau to everyone.”

Aunt Harlow looks around before leaning in closer. “I wouldn’t go near Jacob for a while. He’s still in a mood over Myles taking the explosive candles away from him.”

“Where the hell did he get those?” I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am. The damn kid is only sixteen and has gotten himself into more trouble than all other family members combined. He doesn’t even do half the shit intentionally. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“They weren’t explosives,” Malik mutters, shaking his head at his wife.

“Enough to make the cake we made the triplets explode, according to his explanation,” Mum argues.

“And you did get rid of them, right?” I ask, making sure to note that we don’t sit anywhere near one of the triplets. Knowing our luck, he had a back-up stash hidden somewhere.

“Yeah, even his hidden stash.” Dad chuckles nervously, probably wondering if Jacob had planned for that to be found too, as he looks around the room for his brother. “I’m just going to have a quick word with Myles. Be right back.”

I nod before turning my attention back to the group. “We’ll be back.”

“Take your time,” Mum tells me, giving me a creepy smile as she watches me. I squeeze Beau’s hand tighter and pull him away.

“Um, Faith, your cousin really doesn’t have explosives, does he?”

Glancing up, I notice his face is pale as he eyes the room with a different look. I also notice him check out the exits before nodding his head.

“Beau, he can’t get real explosives. It’s probably something he cooked up in science class. Nothing harmful.”

“Cooked up?” he squeaks, as he nods his head at Landon, who is talking to Charlotte.

“Okay, he accidently cooked up an illegal substance once, but like the solicitor proved and the judge agreed, it had been a simple misunderstanding. He wouldn’t do that again. Plus, if it’s what I think it is, then he most likely got it off the internet. There’s this site where you can buy loads of different prank kits.”

“I see,” he mumbles, pulling me away from the group where my dad is, talking to Myles and Jacob.

Seems like Beau clicked on to who Jacob is, because he takes one look to where he’s standing and is then moving us in the opposite direction.

By the time we make our rounds of introductions, Max calls us to the table, where we all take our seats.

“Is that a pig roast?” Beau whispers in my ear.

Feeling his breath on my skin causes shivers to run down my spine, and when his hand lands on my thigh, I have to clench them together. He quickly glances at me, his eyes heating.

My throat is dry, so I clear it before answering, “Yep.”

“Hey, Faith, Aiden said he was dog-sitting last night. Where did you go?” Hayden asks, her eyes raking over me inquisitively.

My smile turns into a wide grin as I place my hand over Beau’s on my lap. “Beau took me on a romantic getaway by the beach. It was beautiful there.”

“Really?” she muses, her eyes now glancing between us, calculating.

“Yep.” I turn, grinning up at Beau to hide my red face. I’m not ready to share with the girls what we did last night. Lily will know as soon as I have a minute to do so, but the others… they don’t need to know anything.

“Why do you look flushed?” Maddox asks, who is sitting a few seats down, opposite us.

I frown, narrowing my eyes on him when the table comes to a silent halt. “I’m not.”

“You are,” my dad agrees, eyes narrowed on me.

“She’s glowing too,” Hayden adds, grinning from ear to ear.

“And you haven’t stopped making googly eyes at him,” Aiden puts in—you know, being helpful and all.

That bitch. I should have known she’d guess, but to throw me under the table in front of family… She’s a traitor.

“No, I’m not,” I squeak out, turning to Beau. “I’m not, am I?”

He just grins, shrugging lazily. “You’re even more beautiful when you’re glowing.”

I growl under my breath and reach over to pinch his thigh. He winces, cursing quietly.

Dad shoves his chair back and stands up. “She’s not glowing.”

“Uh-oh,” Mum mutters, pulling my dad back down to his seat.

“Oh, my God, would you all shut up and concentrate on the triplets, who we’re here to celebrate with?”

“No, not until you tell me he hasn’t deflowered my angel,” Dad demands, banging his fist on the table.

I want to cry, badly.

Mum rubs her hand down Dad’s back. “Honey, calm down.”

“No! I won’t calm down. Faith, didn’t you listen to me when we had the talk?”

“Kill me!” I beg to anyone who is listening.

“Or the labour video I got you to watch, so you could see what would happen if you did it?”

“Dad,” I groan, closing my eyes.

“Nope. I refuse to believe it. Not my girl. Not my daughter. My daughters are good girls.”

“Please, honey, calm down.”

“He deflowered my girl. Took advantage of my sweet, beautiful girl.”

I cover my face with my hands, not bothering to argue any longer. I can’t believe this is happening, and in front of Beau, of all people.

“No, he hasn’t. Relax, will ya. She’s waiting until she’s married, right, sis?” I remove my hands and glance at Mark. He gives me a pointed look, one that tells me to agree. However, I’m too embarrassed to look at him any longer, so I turn away and face Beau.

“I’m sorry about this. Truly. I swear, they get out for a day and all hell breaks loose.”

Max gasps. “You all agreed to wait until you were forty-five.”

“Dad, really?” Hayden gives him a dry look, but he ignores her, his gaze on me and Beau.

Max finally turns his attention to his daughter, his face turning bright red. “You so much as look at another boy and I will ground you for the rest of your life.”

“I’m nineteen, Dad. You can’t tell me what to do.”

“I can, I’m your dad.”

“And I’m an adult,” she argues, staring blankly at him.

He stutters, opening and closing his mouth, before finally snapping, “I forbid it! You will not see another male unless it’s a relative. And you’ll do as you’re told while you’re living under my roof.”

She gives him a coy smile. “Bit of a good job I’m moving into Grandma’s then, isn’t it?”

He splutters, looking close to combusting, before he turns to his wife, demanding she do something. Lake just smiles and pats his head.

“As happy as I am that you’re all protective of Faith, can you all please refrain from talking about her sex life and embarrassing her? She’s a grown woman, and all you’re doing is making her feel uncomfortable. Now, can you change the fucking subject?”

Every man at the table stands, and my dad flies across the table, knocking over glassware and whatever else. It’s short-lived, because he’s six seats down, on the opposite side of us, and doesn’t reach us.

“What sex life? You don’t have a sex life,” Dad yells, still trying to reach Beau.

Beau and I stand up and move back from our seats, just as Trent pulls his fist back to punch Beau. I gasp, ready to move in front of him, but Beau pushes me behind him and grabs my cousin’s fist, twisting it and pushing him away.

“Remember, I’m a police officer,” he warns, his eyes glancing around the table.

Trent looks like he’s ready to argue, but Maddison, god bless her soul, slaps the back of his head and lays into him about attacking innocent people.

“Anyone else want to assault a police officer?” Beau growls, making sure to eye everyone in the room.

“I do if you have any friends,” Hayden tells him saucily, earning another scuffle from Max as he tries to reach her, looking like he wants to shake some sense into her.

Maddox sits back down, reaching for his bread roll. The other men around the table give him a look. Maddox’s head lifts, and he looks around at all the scowling faces. “What? I can’t get arrested again, they could send me to jail. I’m nobody’s bitch,” he mumbles around a mouthful of food.

I groan, rubbing the back of my neck, wondering when my family will ever act normal, for just once.

“Sit down, now!” my mum screams to the room.

When no one moves, Harlow stands up. “Do as she says, otherwise all of you can go somewhere else to eat.”

“We mean it,” Denny snaps, her body leaning forwards, threatening bodily harm to anyone who is willing and stupid enough to ignore them.

The men wisely sit-down, looking scorned, but I notice they’re all still glaring at Beau. Max lifts his butter knife and runs it across his neck as he mouths, ‘dead’, to Beau.

I’m seriously worried for Hayden when she introduces someone to him. She’ll have to give the cops notice and have them on standby.

Beau doesn’t seem fazed as he pulls me back towards the table, and to my seat. Only when I’m seated does he happily sit down.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, close to tears. “We can go if you want.”

His hard expression softens when his eyes land on me. “No, it’s fine, nothing I can’t handle. Plus, this was bound to happen sooner or later.”

Across the table, Hayden grins at me and I narrow my gaze on her, before sniffing and looking away. It becomes awkward with everyone silent, staring at us like we’re under the microscope.

“This is awkward,” Charlotte blurts out, making a few of us laugh. I chuckle, but it’s forced.

“She’s my baby.” I turn to glance at the heated discussion going on between my mum and dad. He’s gesturing wildly towards Beau, his face red with anger.

Beau’s right though, it was bound to come out sooner or later, and as much as I hate they attacked Beau, it was better they did it in one go, so he wasn’t constantly watching his back for one of them to attack.

Albeit, he may still have to watch it for a while; not leave his food or drinks unattended and make sure to check his breaks. If he does that, everything will be fine.

Lily, who is sitting on my other side, takes my hand. I glance at her, finding her smiling. She winks before leaning in close.

“I’m so happy for you. You still have to tell me everything, but not tonight. One thing I want to know though, was it really as romantic as you said?”

I open my mouth to answer but Beau leans over me and whispers, “She can’t tell you everything; it’s scandalous, but Lily, it was romantic, Hallmark romantic.” He gives her wink before sitting back in his seat.

Lily gasps, her face going bright red from being heard. I begin to giggle when a scuffle gains my attention. Malik has Dad in a headlock on the floor.

“Let me at him!”

“Is he okay?” Beau whispers to me, nodding towards my dad.

I sigh. As much as my family want to kill him right now, I know they never would intentionally hurt him.

Kind of.

At least some of them have a brain and realise Dad hitting my boyfriend, who is a cop, would be a bad idea and ruin the triplets’ birthday.

I wave him off. “He’s fine. He’s probably got something in his eye.”

“Hmm,” he murmurs, watching as Malik shoves Dad back in his chair.

Needing to distract everyone from the breakdown my dad and Max seem to be having, I get their attention. “Hey, guys, I have some great news.”

“You aren’t going to tell us you’re pregnant, are you?” Liam announces dryly.

I can’t see him since he’s sitting somewhere down the table to the right of me, but I turn my glower down his way. “No!” I snap, before smiling wickedly at Hayden.

She scowls, and I can see the wheels behind her eyes turning, most likely wondering what I’m up to.

“You need to cancel tomorrow’s plans. All of you.”

She gasps in outrage, standing up. “No! You can’t make us change plans. I have my outfit and everything. It’s taken me months to find the perfect one, you bitch.”

I shrug, seeming bored. “Yeah, but then you wouldn’t be able to use the tickets Beau got for us all. That’s if he’s still kind enough to give them to you after what you guys pulled tonight.”

Hayden looks adorably confused and continues to sulk.

Liam sits forward in his seat, his expression wary as he eyes Beau and me. “What tickets?”

I smile brightly. “What tickets, you ask? Well, VIP tickets to Party in the Park.”

Beau chuckles against my ear. “You’re cruel.”

“They deserve it,” I whisper back, watching Hayden’s face transform from shock to excitement.

“What? Oh, my God, please don’t be fucking with me. Do you know who’s playing there? Dunk!” She screeches, bouncing around. “Dunk,” she sighs, her face turning dreamy.

Since the new rock band released their debut single a few months ago, Hayden has been infatuated. Already they’re a big hit after being number one since its release. She turns to Beau, her expression serious. “And sorry about dropping you in it. I was bored.”

Beau shrugs, his lips twitching. “Don’t apologise to me.”

She bites her lip before turning to me. “Sorry!” She doesn’t wait for me to accept her apology, instead she grabs her phone, muttering about making her friends jealous.

“For all of us?” Liam asks, practically bouncing in his seat. Beau nods, wincing when Liam starts howling and slamming his beer bottle down on the table. “Fucking aye. Can’t wait. All those chicks.”

“How are we going to get back? The trains stop running at eleven.” Charlotte, ever the worrier, puts her phone down, waiting for us to answer.

“You can all drive up there. The manager said if you have tents you can pitch them in the VIP section. He did mention hotels were fully booked the minute they knew where the venue was being held this year.”


I glance back down the table to the parents, finding them still arguing amongst themselves. I swear I hear Max telling my dad it’s not kidnapping if it’s your kid, but I can’t be sure with the way they are going back and forth.

That’s when things take a turn for the worse.

A waiter brings out the giant cake my mum and aunts made, and they stare at it in confusion. A look passes between the women, before they turn their attention down the table towards Jacob, who is grinning.

I take it all in, noticing not one person has questioned why they’ve brought the cake out before dinner and instead start singing Happy Birthday.

Kayla opens her mouth to warn the triplets as the cake is placed down between them, right in front of us.

My eyes widen when I notice Jacob duck under the table, just as the three-tiered cake explodes, and the sponge and icing rains down on all of us.

And just like that, chaos erupts along the table, starting with Hayden throwing cake down the table to where Jacob has now risen, taking photos with his phone.

Beau’s mouth is hanging open at the eruption, but I just lick a smudge of icing off the corner of my mouth before sitting back in my chair.

This is a true Carter gathering, so it was better he saw this now rather than a couple of years down the line.

This night will either make us or break us.

Not that I will let him get away.

I’m a Carter after all.




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