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Faith (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 1) by Lisa Helen Gray (19)




My body aches in all the right places as I stretch out in our king-size bed. I’m a little sore between my legs, but it’s worth it. Last night was phenomenal.

A grin spreads across my face as I roll to my side, my hand reaching out to run a finger down Beau’s chest.

And what a marvellous chest he has.

I trace the 3D roman clock with an angel wing sprouting off on the right side of his peck, near his shoulder blade. It’s a beautiful art piece on sexy canvas. The detail in the hands is outstanding.

It’s just another tattoo I want to find out the meaning of, but right now, I’m okay with ogling my boyfriend.

His hand wraps around my wrist, startling me. I look up into his deep, penetrating gaze and a sigh escapes me.

How did I get so lucky?

“Morning, boyfriend.”

His smile is blinding. He moves his hand to my neck, tracing the bare skin delicately. “Morning, girlfriend.”

I lean over, pressing my lips to his. I don’t care if I have morning breath, or if he does. Hell, he could have garlic breath and I’d still kiss him.

His hand slides to cup the back of my neck, pulling me closer. I cock one leg over his and grip his shoulders, deepening the kiss.

I hum against his mouth before pulling away a little, my eyes opening to look down at him.

God, he looks so good first thing in the morning. It’s criminal.

He kisses the tip of my nose. “What would you like to do today? We have to check out at eleven, but we’re still welcome on the grounds.”

“Well, there goes my idea of staying in bed all day.” I sigh, rolling my eyes dramatically. I’m still smiling though, not really caring what we do.

“Ah, whatever will we do.”

I shrug, looking to the clock before back to him. “Well, we could use the three hours we have left in the room and make the most of it.” I run my finger down his chest, giving him a coy look.

His eyes darken, and his chest rises and falls heavily. He doesn’t stop me from reaching my target, and as we went to bed naked, there’s nothing in my way when I wrap my hand around his hard erection.

“Oh, God.” He closes his eyes with a moan. When he opens them, he looks pained. “Faith, you’re sore.”

“I am,” I tell him, my voice husky. “But, we don’t have to have sex to enjoy ourselves.” I pump once more, and I’m startled when he rolls us over so he’s laying over me, his hard, impressive body, pressing me into the bed.

“Well, when you put it that way…” His grin is downright devilish.

I open my mouth to ask what he means, but he slowly descends my body, his eyes never leaving mine.

Wetness pools between my legs at his heated expression. He kisses below my belly button, swirling his tongue around the sensitive skin. I break out in goose bumps as a shiver runs up my spine.

He licks lower, his eyes reaching mine once again, before he hits his target. I cry out at the first flick of his tongue. My fingers claw at the sheets, arching a little when he sucks my clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue across it at the same time.

He knows how much it gets me going, and I can already feel my body tightening. After last night, after coming together, I want that again, but I know the soreness between my legs will just get worse if we have sex.

Then a dirty thought occurs to me. Whenever I’d heard or read about this position, I’d always cringed, wondering what kind of woman would want some hairy arse in her face. With Beau, the thought of him fucking my face is a turn on.

I close my legs and for a moment, Beau tries to pry them apart, probably thinking I’m too sensitive. When I tug at his hair, he looks up, and the face he gives me is adorable. He looks like I just took his favourite candy from him.

“I want to try something different.” I begin to feel nervous, but his intrigued expression eases that anxiety a little.

“What did you have in mind, baby?”

The words tumble out of my mouth before I have a chance to think about them any further. Beau looks dumbfounded for a second, before his face breaks out in a wide grin.

“You mean you want to do a 69er?”

My whole body heats. “Um… yeah, that.”

“Do you want me on top or do you want to be on top?”

“You!” I blurt out quickly, before covering my face with my hand and groaning. I clench my thighs together, feeling the stickiness between my legs.

Movement above me has my eyes opening, and in front of me, standing proudly, is Beau’s erect cock. I moan embarrassingly loud and take him in my hand. He groans, and a bead of pre-cum covers the tip of his cock.

I lick him, tasting the saltiness on my tongue, and hum in appreciation. He waits until I have the tip in my mouth before covering me with his. I moan around his cock, making him twitch in my mouth and growl against my clit. The vibrations cause tingles to spread to my core.

I’d thought sex was great, but this… this is something else.

I take him deeper, swirling my tongue around his tip before licking the vein that pulses from the base to the tip of his dick. His growl shows how much he enjoys it, so I do it again. My head bobs up and down, while I use my hand to pump him into my mouth.

With the feel of his tongue and the taste of him in my mouth, I lose all sense of thought. I can’t focus on anything.

When he pulls away, gasping, I cry out with displeasure, arching my hips up, hoping he gets the picture.

“I’m going to come. If you don’t want me to―”

The words die on his lips when I take him even deeper, gagging a little before pulling back. His mouth, wet and warm, attacks me once more, and I moan around his cock.

It’s all too much. I can hear the wet sounds of him between my legs, feel the way his body tenses every time I take him deeper.

It’s all too much.

I feel it the minute he’s ready to explode, because I’m about to do the same. Cum flows into my mouth, but before he can spill the entire lot, I release him, screaming through an intense orgasm. I keep pumping him all over my chest, my body twitching from the aftershocks.

“Holy fuck,” he gasps, his head resting on my thigh as he catches his breath.

I flop back down on the bed, my body sated and well rested. No more do I feel the aches I had before, and even between my legs, the sting has eased.

It feels good.

He gets up from the bed, moving to come lay next to me. He sees the mess he made on my chest and chuckles, his eyes dark.

“Is it wrong that seeing my cum all over your tits is making me hard again?”

My eyes widen and gaze down at his manhood, which is rising once again. He’s still chuckling at my expression.

He leans over and kisses me, licking the roof of my mouth. “We really should take a shower.”

“Together?” My eyes sparkle with possible ideas of stuff we could do in the shower.

“Wouldn’t want it any other way.”

As he gets off the bed, his phone rings from the bedside table. He grimaces when he hears it, giving me an apologetic look.

“It’s Collings, I need to answer it.”

“It’s fine. Go ahead. I’m enjoying the view.” I grin when he smirks at me. I cover myself up with the blanket then lean back and watch as he answers his phone.

“Hello? Yeah. When did that happen? Why didn’t you call me?” He listens, his eyes briefly coming to me before looking away. “I get that, but I still would have liked to have been informed. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Okay. Yeah. See you soon.”

He ends the call and drops his head back, closing his eyes.

“Are you okay?” I ask, pulling the blanket tighter around me.

He eyes land on me and he sighs miserably. “No. Last night they arrested Devon, Noah’s friend, and brought him in for questioning. They want me to be there as soon as possible to sit in on it.”

I sit up straighter, a little confused on what he has to do with it. I thought they’d cleared him. “Why have they arrested him?”

He scrubs a hand down his face. “I had someone do some digging. Something didn’t sit right with him. He works from home, doing some online bullshit for other people. They clearly have something if they arrested him, but Collings didn’t say why over the phone. My guess is they found something in his internet history.”

“You think he’s more than someone who let Noah sleep on the couch as a favour to his friend?” I ask, getting up from the bed, the sheet still wrapped around me.

“Definitely. I told you he seemed dodgy. When I went round his house, he was jumpy, nervous, and kept standing in the doorway, blocking us. We had to invite ourselves in.”

“Let’s get going then. If you can get him to talk then we could find Noah before he does something else.”

He pulls me into his arms, rubbing his palms up and down my back. “It will be fine.”

I pull back a little to meet his gaze. “I know, because I’ve got you.”

His eyes blaze as leans down to kiss me, making me forget about the past ten minutes and his phone call.

The sheet drops to the floor and pools around my feet as he lifts me up. I smile against his mouth, gripping the back of his neck.

“The things you say to me,” he growls against me, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

Lightening the mood, I kiss the corner of his mouth, before reaching the other. “But what about the things I can do to you?”

His grip on my arse tightens and I squeal. “Shower, now!”

He moves towards the bathroom, his expression filled with concentration. I run a finger through the crease between his eyebrows. His lips twitch as he gazes at me.

“Are you going to teach me shower sex?”

He nearly drops me for a moment, before a gleam passes through his eyes. He walks us into the shower, not caring that the water is cold when he turns it on.

I squeal, my back arching away from the cold, but it soon turns into a moan when his mouth closes around my nipple.

Yep, I could definitely get used to this.


*** *** ***


After picking me up, Beau finally asked me about tonight’s arrangement. He knew we were going out for a meal with my family, but not to what extent.

His face when I told him who would be there was priceless.

“Is every family member going to be here?” Beau asks as he pulls into a free parking space.

I struggle not to laugh at his expression. I forgot to tell him all twenty-nine of us are attending, thirty including Beau. In my defence, I’m still in the after-glow stage of sex. I haven’t been able to stop smiling all day, I’m just that darn happy.

I haven’t asked him about Devon and what happened today. I didn’t want it to ruin our day or taint what we’d shared.

And what we’d shared was mind-blowing.

“Um, yeah, pretty much. We do it every birthday.”

He raises his eyebrow at me as he shuts off the car. “What about Christmas?”

I tilt my head to the side, making him sweat. I know from his parents that it’s his favourite time of year. I can only imagine what he’s thinking… How to get out of being with thirty crazy people, I imagine.

“No. We stick to our houses for Christmas―”

“Thank God,” he breathes, his head falling back on the headrest.

“But we get together on the evening to have drinks. Usually here at the restaurant or between my parents and great-grandparents’ home.”

My smile falls when I realise this will be the first Christmas without them. In a few months we will have to face the reality of our great-grandparents not being there. But as a family, we will get through it. We always do.

I just wish missing them didn’t hurt so much. They were the best, the life of the party, and without them, there will always be a hole in our family.

“How are they going to fit thirty of us around a table?” He noticeably swallows, choosing to ignore my last comment. I know he’s still trying to come to terms with the fact my family is so large. He’ll get used to it, everyone does. Kind of. I don’t have the heart to tell him most places only let a certain number of us inside at once, or that most of the boys are banned from a lot of places, which is why we have to go out of town to do stuff.

“We have a large room downstairs. It’s held for larger parties.”

“And it fits thirty people?”

I shrug. “It used to be a strip club, according to my mum.”

His mouth falls open. “Your family owned a strip club?”

“They did. My dad and uncle Mason owned it but they all had shares. When my dad’s crazy mum burnt down the club on Mason and Denny’s wedding day, they revamped the whole place and decided to close the strip club permanently. They had kids to think about and wanted to be able to bring us to work if they had to.”

“Their mum burnt it down?”

I check my lip-gloss in the mirror, shrugging. “Yeah, I got hurt badly, trapped under rubble or something. I don’t really remember.”

“You were hurt?” he asks, his voice a higher pitch.

I glance over at him and notice he’s deathly pale. I place my hand on his knee, giving him a reassuring squeeze.

“It’s fine. It’s not as bad as some of the stuff my parents went through. My auntie Denny was kidnapped and trapped with a dead girl.”

I should mention he looks a little green at this point, but his hand reaches out to mine and squeezes it. “Faith, I’m going to ask you this once, and once only: are your family safe?”

I try not to giggle. “Safe to me and everyone in our family.” My lips twitch when I notice his shoulders sag with relief. “But I can’t guarantee everyone else’s safety. We tend to get overly protective.”

“And you couldn’t have told me this before you released me to a room with twenty-eight members of your family?”

I giggle, turning to face him. “Are you worried?”

“Nope, not at all. I deal with crazy every day. I can deal with a few family members.”

I tap his leg again, leaning over to kiss him lightly on the corner of his mouth. “You’ll be fine. Everyone who has met you, likes you. Those who haven’t will learn to, whether they like it or not.”

His breathing turns shallow. “We could just go back home and finish One Tree Hill, tell them you got sick.”

I laugh, my forehead falling against the side of his. “They’d just come and get me. Liam had the flu one year and they dragged him out of bed to attend. There’s no getting out of this.”

He chuckles, tilting his head to face me. “Okay, I’ll do this—for you. I know how much your family means to you. Plus, there’s nothing they can do that would run me away, right?”

I choose not to answer that, because if there’s one thing my family have perfected, it’s running off other males.

“Just shout beach if things get too much.”

He cups my cheek, leaning forward to kiss me, just as a knock on the window startles us apart. We both turn to the driver’s side to find Max glaring at us.

“Personal space, buddy, personal space.”

“Go away!” I yell.

I watch as he turns around, talking to someone I can’t see. He gestures frantically with his arms and I snort.

“Kiss me,” I whisper, moving closer to Beau.

He grins, reaching out for me. “Son of a bitch,” Max yells.

We both groan and look out the window to find my aunt Lake holding him back. He glares over her shoulder, his chest puffed out.

“I know how to kill with my little finger,” he yells.

I groan, my head dropping to Beau’s shoulder. “Let’s go before he starts embarrassing himself or makes you pass out by throwing stupid moves that aren’t really karate. Trust me, the moves are enough to send anyone dizzy.”

He laughs and kisses my forehead, before opening his door, eyeing my uncle. “You do know I’m a police officer and you just threatened me, right?”

Max splutters, glaring at Beau as I make my way around the car, not bothering to wait for Beau to open my door for me like he always does. “I know a thousand places to hide your body where no one will find you.”

“Max!” Lake shouts, smacking his chest. “You can’t talk to him like that.”

He looks down at her, his face softening. “But, babe, he was in her personal space.”

“You won’t be getting in mine ever again if you don’t start behaving.”

He gasps in outrage. “You wouldn’t!”

“I would. Now come on, we’re late.”

She pulls him by the arm towards the back entrance of the restaurant that leads to the hallway and stairs. Family are only allowed to use this entrance as it leads to both parts of the building. Staff have to enter through the side door. He glances over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing when they land on Beau’s hand in mine. When he looks up, he points to his eyes before jabbing a finger at Beau and mouthing, ‘I’m watching you’.

“I think he likes me,” Beau whispers against my ear.

I shiver, watching as Max and Lake enter the building. Once the door starts closing, I stop short and turn, before pulling Beau’s head down to meet mine and kissing him.

He growls deep in his throat, pulling me hard against his body and deepening the kiss.

“Dude! That’s my fucking sister. Personal space, man, personal space.”

We pull apart, breathing heavily as we both turn to glare at Aiden who is walking over to us. We haven’t even entered the building and already they’re showing their crazy.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find out they’ve seated us at opposite ends of the table. I really wouldn’t.

I take in a deep breath as my brother walks past us, glancing up at Beau. “I’m truly sorry.”

He chuckles, kissing my forehead. “Come on, it can’t get any worse.”

I slap his chest and walk towards the door. “You, boyfriend, will be eating those words later.”




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