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Fate (Naughty Bits Book 1) by Lea Hart (1)


Tuesday, April 3rd


Chad closed the door to his apartment and noticed the usual April fog had settled in for the day. Spring in San Diego could mean either perfect seventy-five-degree weather or gloom for days on end.

Today’s gray sky matched his mood perfectly, and he was about to share it with his neighbor. Why someone would vacuum and move shit around at five in the morning was a question he was about to get answered, and if he didn’t get one he liked, it was going down.

Last night was the first time he’d slept in his own bed in over three months and to be woken up by the racket pissed him off in ways that didn’t bode well for whoever lived in 1B. There hadn’t been anyone there when he’d left on his deployment, so he didn’t know who the clean freak was, but was about to find out.

Taking ten steps over to his neighbor’s door, he let out a long breath and knocked firmly. When there was no response, he lifted his hand and was about to knock again when the door opened.


His neighbor was a damn angel and giving him a smile with a mouth so ripe and tempting that every angry thought flew out of his head.

“Good morning.”

Sweet southern honey dripped over her greeting and only through a herculean effort was he able to nod as he studied her mass of blonde curls and storm-gray eyes. Where the hell had this beauty come from and which god should he thank for the privilege of living next door to her?

She tilted her head and took a tiny step back as she frowned. “Can I help you?”

Clearing his throat, he realized he’d probably freaked her the hell out since all he’d managed to do was stare like a creeper. “Morning.” He wiped his hand on his jeans and put it out. “I’m Chad and live next door.”

Her frown immediately cleared, and she took his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve been here for three months and didn’t know I had a neighbor.”

“I was downrange and then rehabbing in Virginia from an injury.” Not able to stop himself, he took a step closer and was immediately surrounded by her scent.

Snickerdoodle cookies.

She smelled exactly like his mom’s kitchen, and he decided that vanilla, cinnamon, and butter was his new favorite scent. “I didn’t catch your name.”


“What’s it short for?”


“Pretty.” Feeling her hand wiggle, he looked down and realized he hadn’t let go. Reluctantly, he released her fingers and watched her step back.

“Well, Chad, lovely to meet you and if there is nothing else, I need to get ready for work.”

“We should exchange numbers,” he announced abruptly. When her hand went to the door, and she raised an eyebrow, he knew it hadn’t come out right.

Every idiot knew you didn’t just blurt shit out to women and not add a little charm. Unfortunately, he was short on it in the best of circumstances and being gobsmacked by a woman put him well outside his wheelhouse. “


“Because the next time you decide to move furniture around at five in the morning, you can call me, and I’ll come help.”

Cringing, she covered her mouth. “Oh, Lawd, you heard that?”

“Yeah, along with the vacuuming.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Maybe next time you can hold off until six.” When her hand trembled, and she lowered her eyes, he felt like an ass for bringing it up.

“I promise to keep my chores to reasonable hours now that I know you live next door.”

“It’s all good; don’t worry about it.” Seeing her gorgeous mouth lift into a smile sent deep satisfaction zinging through his body. He definitely wanted to give her a hundred reasons to keep smiling, and he was soon going to figure out a way to make it happen. Stepping back, he slipped his phone out and put it in her hands. “Put your number in, so if I see someone breaking in, I can let you know.”

Letting out a laugh, she took the phone and input her numbers. “Maybe you could stop them first and then call me.”

“Yeah, I’ll be sure to do that.” He gave her a wink and saw color spread across her cheeks and decided she was just about perfect. He lifted his phone and grinned. “I’ll send you a text, so you have mine.”

“Okay, neighbor Chad. It was nice to meet you, and I promise not to wake you up again with my housekeeping.” She looked down at her watch and cringed. “Better go.”

“Have a good day, neighbor Willa. I look forward to seeing you around.” She waved and then closed her door. Walking back to his apartment, he pumped his fist and then sent off a text to his beauty.

Flexing his knee, he realized the injury he sustained on the last op might not be the disaster he initially assumed it was. He had several weeks before he got cleared for duty, and that meant he was going to have plenty of time to get to know his neighbor.

In every way possible.




Willa grabbed her lunch off her desk and headed out of her office in the Naval Medical Center. Checking her phone, she saw that Tia had texted letting her know that she was in their usual spot. Sending her an emoji in response, she then took the stairs and headed outside. The fog had lifted, and there was plenty of sunshine, so she was definitely going to get her daily dose of vitamin D.

Striding toward the table that was in the corner of the patio in the Mental Health Services building, she whistled and saw Tia look up. “I think I made it in record time.”

“You might have.” She flipped her tablet over and moved her lunch bag. “It’s been a crazy week already, and I’m glad we could get together today.”

Willa slid onto the bench and started unpacking her lunch. “How was the gig with the special psychiatric rapid intervention team?”

“Rough. That was the second assignment that I’ve been on, and it wasn’t any easier than the first. Offering short-term mental health support in those situations is brutal. Completely fulfilling, but in no way easy.”

“Proud of you, friend. Being a therapist for those that have been in combat is not for the faint of heart.”

“Well, we both know there’s nothing faint about me, and my family certainly prepared me for what I’m dealing with.”

Feeling her friend’s eyes on her, she hitched her shoulder. “What?”

“You have a smile that’s fighting to get out, and I’m wondering who’s responsible. I’m guessing it has nothing to do with the date you had with the doctor the other day and someone new came along.”

She snorted as she poured her dressing over her salad and then put the lid back on and started shaking it. “My date with George was perfectly nice, and we talked about having a second one.”

“Still doesn’t answer my question.”

Setting her bowl down, she popped off the lid. “I met my neighbor this morning, and he seemed quite nice.”

Tia went through the same salad prep and shook her bowl, grinning. “And is this neighbor a gorgeous sexy man?”

“Well, he’s certainly attractive.”

“Don’t make me drag it out of you. Spill!”

“Six-foot-two-or-three of packed muscles, melty sable eyes, and a mouth you definitely want to take advantage of. Add to that a short beard and soft brown hair, and he’s pretty much the whole package.”

“So, he’s been living next door, and you’ve never met him?”

“He’s in the Navy and has been deployed.”


“Maybe, he didn’t say.”

“If he is, then we’ll get Logan to get us all the scuttlebutt.”

“We’re not involving your brother in my dating life.”

“Never say never ‘cause that just tempts God to show you what’s possible.”

“That’s true.” Digging into her food, she thought about what might be possible with her handsome neighbor. “Unfortunately, I didn’t make a great first impression on him because my vacuuming woke him up. He probably thinks I’m a nut to be doing chores at five in the morning, so we’re probably never going to manage more than pleasantries.”

“Following the schedule again?”

Looking over, she cringed. “I’m trying to be less rigid, but it’s not easy.”

“Growth never is, but you promised yourself this was the year you were going to break out of the old patterns, and not adhering to the weekly chore schedule like it’s gospel is a first step.”

“I know, Doctor Tia, and I’m trying.”

“Baby steps is all it takes, and you’re doing terrific.”

“Would you ever tell me I suck?”

“No, that wouldn’t help, so I keep my sucky comments to myself.”

“And that’s why we’re friends.”

“And here I thought it had to do with all the treats I shared with you in third grade and my willingness to bury the bodies that bonded us, but if you want to go with my unfailing support, we can.”

“It’s both.” As she finished her salad, she thought about Chad and wondered if the unleashed strength she suspected he hid was as delicious as she imagined. Shivering, she decided that wondering about her neighbor and his appetites was a waste of time. After all, the universe had never spun backward long enough to make a liaison with a man like that possible, and it likely wasn’t going to change.

Adventurous men who courted danger and risk had never been interested in her, and Chad wasn’t going to be the exception to the rule.

No matter how much she wished it were possible.