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Fever (Falling For A Rose Book 4) by Stephanie Nicole Norris (11)

Two days later

11:42 p.m.


 “So, let me get this straight. You just left your job?” Octavia’s hand went to her forehead as she listened to Carla’s ordeal. I took a sip of my cocktail and relaxed in my chair, crossing my legs.

We were at the Dream Lounge. Our previous girls’ night out had been postponed when Octavia called with an excuse of not feeling up to going out. It was becoming a regular habit. Since I’d known Octavia, she and Jonathon Alexander Rose had been as thick as thieves, and it wasn’t unusual when she bailed on girls’ night out every now and then.

The Dream Lounge had a nice atmosphere. The ritzy nightclub held a diverse crowd, and everyone mixed and mingled quite nicely. The music was some of my favorite neo-soul artists. Maxwell’s “Fortunate” serenaded us as we laughed and sipped our drinks.

“Now, somebody tell me about their day so I can get off mine,” Carla said, taking a huge sip of her mimosa.

“Business as usual for the most part,” Selena said. She fiddled with the diamond earring that hung from her earlobe. “This one over here though is having the time of her life with Jonathon.” Selena sipped her drink, sucking in her jaws as she batted her eyes at Octavia.

Octavia’s curly afro was not tamed tonight. The springy curls sat loud and proud on her head, and I was in love with the style. Octavia cut her eyes at Selena.

“Jonathon and I are just friends. Nothing more,” she said.

“Girl, please, who are you kidding?” Selena said, shrugging. “No one that’s who. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and vice versa. I don’t understand why you’re trying to hide it.”

“I’m not hiding anything. You are the one making assumptions. If Jonathon and I were dating, why would I be ashamed of it?”

“I didn’t say you were ashamed of it, but you do like him, right?”

“That’s not the type of relationship we have. Look, just chill, okay? It’s not like I don’t hear enough of that from my aunt. I don’t want to hear it from you, too.”

Selena rolled her eyes and slid her straight locks behind her ear. “Whatever you say. I just thought you’d have something fun to share, but pay me no mind. What do I know?”

Everyone turned to me. “What’s up with you and Josiah?” Selena asked.

I took another sip of my cocktail. “Nothing’s going on with Josiah and me. We are also just friends.”

Everyone at the table began twisting their lips and sucking air through their teeth.

“Now that’s just a bold-faced lie,” Octavia said.

“Really, out of everyone, you should understand.”

“Yeah, I would, but clearly, you and Josiah have something going on. You were late to your best friend’s wedding.”

“Then you disappeared right after,” Selena added.

“Mmhmm, and I didn’t want to be the one to tell you this, but I saw a picture of you and him on social media. Ran right through my newsfeed,” Carla added.

I turned to her with wide eyes. “What? And you’re just now telling me this?”

“I mean this was the other day when we last spoke and it slipped my mind.” she tried to justify.

“But that didn’t stop you from telling me about the honey brown skin brother you met at the library, did it?”

Carla’s face flushed a crimson red, and everyone turned to her. “Honey brown skin brother, damn Carla, you holding out, too?”

“I was getting around to it,” Carla defended.

“Hold on, let’s go back to this picture you saw. What does it look like?” I asked.

Carla took out her cell phone and went into her photo gallery.

“I took a screenshot, here.” She handed me the device.

Josiah and I were walking away from the table where his father sat. We were arm in arm. A subtle smile sat on my face, and a handsome grin lay across his. Looking at the picture stirred me. The feeling was uncharted, and I didn’t know what to make of it. At the same time, my face warmed before I finally pulled my eyes away from the image. I handed the phone back to Carla.

“Let us see,” Selena and Octavia said in unison.

I gave the phone to Selena and took another sip of my cocktail just as a waitress passed.

“Excuse me,” I said. She turned back to me. “Can I get another gin and tonic, please?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I turned back to the girls, and they were all staring at me. “What?”

“What are we to think of this picture?” Selena asked, handing the phone back to Carla.

“Think whatever you want to think.”

A different waitress trucked up to our table with a round of drinks. One by one, she sat them in front of us.

“Um, we didn’t order these,” Octavia said.

“These drinks are courtesy of Mr. Valentine.” The waitress pointed across the room, and we all turned.

“As in Boss Man Valentine?” Selena asked.

The waitress laughed. “That’s the one.”

Mr. Hunter Valentine, CEO of VFC Energy, a fortune 500 company. VFC had been named alongside Rose Bank and Trust Credit Union as one of the most respected companies.

“What is he doing in here?” Selena whispered sharply.

“I don’t know, baby, but I’m willing to find out,” Carla practically moaned out.

Watching him from afar, I took in his strong features, chocolate brown skin, and could tell by the length of his legs even in a sitting position that he was rather tall. I took another sip of my empty cocktail, sucking in a lungful of air. Mr. Valentine held up a glass of dark liquid in a silent cheer.

Collectively, we held up ours in return, and a slow smile brushed across his face. Commotion at the nightclub entrance pulled our attention to the door. Two men traipsed through while the owner held the door open for another. When Josiah entered, my belly flopped, and a smile instantly spread across my lips. I couldn’t help but take my eyes from the top of him to the bottom.

He was just as charming now as he was the last time I’d seen him. He wore a clean-cut Brook Brother’s polo that complemented his muscled physique. The shirt sat comfortably against the belt of a pair of dark navy-blue shorts. The belt on his waist blinged from across the room, and the loafers on his feet gave him a prep boy look. From the distance, I could see his freshly oiled skin, and suddenly his male scent tickled my nose. The guy in front of him spoke, and Josiah smiled that sexy grin that always made my throat dry. A group of women sashayed through the door, wasting no time approaching him. The two guys he was with seemed more like groupies as they hung by his side with admiration of being part of his entourage.

The DJ interrupted the music and said through the mic, “It looks like we’re in good company tonight. Josiah Alexander Rose and Hunter Valentine are in the building!”

A waitress sauntered up to Josiah, handing him a short glass of dark liquor, which he accepted with a terse nod. The woman who lingered in front of him leaned closer to whisper in his ear, and a knot of jealousy knocked through me. I bit down on my teeth softly and tried to maintain my composure. He doesn’t really belong to you, Santana. I knew this, but I wasn’t in the position to explain why I felt territorial. The woman continued to whisper in his ear, and his smooth pair of lips eased back into a smile. The knot in my stomach got tighter with each moment that I watched. At the same time, the music faded and John Legend’s “Tonight” cruised through the speakers.

I silently ordered myself to turn away and then it happened. As if my stare had burned a hole into him, his eyes lifted and met mine. His content smile widened, and a hot tingle crawled down my spine.

“Excuse me.”

I turned around to the deep voice that had beckoned me. Hunter Valentine stood by my side. Up close, his handsome features were sharp and a toothpick sat in the corner of his lips. He held his hand out.

“I’m Hunter,” he said. “I felt it was important for me to come over and introduce myself.” Hunter glanced to Carla, Octavia, and Selena. “Ladies,” he greeted.

“Hello,” they all cooed as I shook his hand.

“I hope the drinks are up to your standards,” Hunter’s smooth voice crooned.

“Delicious,” Carla stated.

“I’ve never received a drink so well put together. What’s your secret, Mr. Valentine?” Selena asked, batting her eyes.

Hunter smiled down at Selena, and if I didn’t know any better, I thought at any moment she’d faint.

“I don’t like keeping secrets, so I have none to offer you.”

“No secrets, huh?” Octavia said.

“That’s right,” Hunter agreed. “No secrets.”

Hunter turned his attention back to me, but something over my shoulder stole his focus. He inclined his head.

“Josiah,” he greeted.

I snapped my head to the side just as Josiah closed the distance to stand at my other side. My stomach rumbled as I got a close look at the pecs brilliantly designed in his shirt. The polo was doing nothing to hide them. My eyes lifted to his strong neck, stubble on his jaw and perfectly moist lips. A shudder ran through me, and I shifted my weight in my seat.

“Hunter,” Josiah responded, taking his soulful eyes from Hunter to me. The rapid beat of my heart threatened to knock me out of my chair as Josiah dipped down to me, casting an arm around my waist and pulling me out of the chair, flushed against his broad chest. My hands instantly clutched his shoulders to hold myself steady from the sudden movement.

“Hey, baby,” he crooned, “I’ve missed you ever since we departed the other day. What a pleasure it is to see you here tonight.” Josiah tightened his grip on my waist and slanted his mouth over mine. A dizzy spell fell over me as his lips engaged with my lips, and he sucked in my tongue. I moaned into his mouth and felt the heat of his passion between my thighs. John Legend was singing about tonight being the best he’d ever had, and I couldn’t disagree with him at the moment.

Josiah’s hands explored my backside, lightly at first then with a firm grip. I tried to pull away from him as I was still somewhat aware that we were in front of an entire room of people. But it was of no use. The probing of his tongue held me longer, enchanted by his predatorial claim. He inhaled me, unwilling to give me a moment of reprieve even to breathe as I shared lungsful of air through his silken mouth. Desire ached through my body, and my leg lifted without me giving it instructions. Josiah gathered my bottom, effectively pulling me into his arms, and my other leg wrapped around his waist.

It was this moment that a smile tapered across his beautiful mouth as he feathered kisses down my jaw. He turned purposefully, leaving the table as I nibbled on his ear, completely lost in his entrapment. I didn’t care where he was taking me as long as I was with him. Briefly, I saw images of my girls and Hunter with surprised looks on their faces. Selena was speaking, but I continued to nibble on his ear as they all became a blur in my sight. I was drunk. To be clear, I was debauched with lust, not alcohol. I’d only had two drinks, and they weren’t enough to coat me with such an unrestrained craving. The path before us opened as Josiah carried me into what I assumed was the VIP area. Security at the entrance closed it off as we floated in cutting off his buddies who trailed behind. They instantly began to gripe about how they were with Josiah, but the stone-faced security guard ignored them, standing with perfect posture, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Josiah!” They called after him. “Yo J!”

Josiah’s movements didn’t pause until we were upon a plush sofa in the back of the room. Currently, we were the only occupants of the section, and I had a feeling we would be until Josiah said otherwise. He sat down with me still strapped to his waist. My knees sunk into the heated sofa as I now straddled him. My eyes felt heavy, and my lids lowered as I was still salivating over the primal way he’d taken me.

“I thought you weren’t feeling well,” I managed to say. “What are you doing here?”

“Whatever you put in your soup has me feeling like my old self again. What can I say, I’m cured,” he drawled. “I don’t remember you mentioning coming to the club tonight.”

“That’s because I didn’t.” My fingers drifted up his chest and played with his collarbone, and I felt him shiver under my touch.

“Why didn’t you?”

I barely shrugged. “I didn’t realize it was something I needed to mention.”

His nostrils flared, and he tilted his head slightly as he peered at me through squinted eyes. “How long have you known Hunter?”

I pulled my bottom lip in my mouth, giving it a slight suck with my teeth.

“I don’t know him at all.”

“So, this is the first time you’ve met him?”


He rubbed his chin in thought.

“What’s the problem?” I asked, curious with his sudden intrigue with Hunter Valentine.

“He’s the type of guy that wants anything that doesn’t belong to him.”

“You guys are rivals?”

“He’d like to think that. But I ignore his efforts most of the time, except when my interference is warranted.”

“Like now?”

His compelling gaze washed over me with a slow dragging appraisal. It was like he wanted me to feel his dangerous observation reach out and touch me. He draped an arm across the back of the couch.

“Especially now,” he confirmed.

The muscles in his powerful frame teased me, and I wondered how long I’d be able to keep my emotions in check. Snap out of it, Santana. I smiled elatedly.

“You put on a good show, you know that, Josiah?”

His tongue pushed into the corner of his mouth.

“Is that what you think I was doing?”

I smirked. “Hmm, well, I don’t really belong to you, so yes. I do.”

“What if I told you, you were wrong?”

I laughed and attempted to climb off his lap, but his hands clasped my thighs and held me firm. My heart fluttered, and again I was knocked by emotions that threatened to rise.

“You don’t have to continue back here,” I said. “No one can see us.”

Josiah went to speak, but someone entered the room.

“Mr. Rose, I hate to interrupt, but some fools at the door claim they’re a part of your party. Should I kick them out?”

It was a different security guard. I took this time to climb off his lap and sink next to him, pulling down my pleated skirt.

“Let them in,” Josiah said. “And have Ashley bring a round of drinks.”

“Sure thing.”

The stocky security guard left.

“I should get going,” I said, rising to my feet.

“You just got here,” he said.

“No, you just got here, I’ve been here a while.”

“Are you planning to head home?”

“Not at this very moment. My girls and I will probably hang out for a bit more. We were sort of in the middle of ladies’ night when you pulled me away.”

“Your girls can come back here. No need to go back to the table. I’ll send security to get them.”

I twisted my lips. “Why, you don’t trust me out of your sight? Unlike you, I know how to turn down the advancement of the opposite sex.”

It was a direct jab, and I wanted him to feel it more than I should’ve.

A small smile caressed his lips.

“I can’t tell,” he said.

Astonished, I put my hands on my hips. “I wasn’t the one flirting relentlessly. You, on the other hand, just can’t help yourself.”

“You’re referring to what exactly?”

“Don’t play games with me, Josiah. I saw the women fawning over you as soon as you stepped through the door, and you seemed to enjoy it.”

He watched me so long I thought he’d went off into a trance.

“You’re right,” he said. “I was a shameless flirt in my past life.”

“Your past life?”

“Yeah, I’m a changed man now, Santana. I’ve been cuffed by an investigative journalist.”

I giggled. “You’re stupid.”

“Nah, but I can be funny sometimes.”

“You know what I meant.”

“Sure,” he said. Josiah grabbed my hand and pulled me down as I plopped practically in his lap. “I want you to stay.”

I turned my face to him, my lips seconds from his jaw. “Why?”

He met my gaze head on. “Because this is where you belong.”

The heat from his mouth tickled my lips, and again I was being pulled into him with a force that was out of my control. We were kissing again. This time not so ravishing but more intimately delicate. Soft and slow. Invigorating and pronounced. Our tongues sliding past each other than mating in a heated exchange. Why are you kissing when there’s not an audience? I had nothing to blame for our passionate enrapture. It was all us. Me and him.

“Damn, son, let her breathe,” came a voice in front of us.

I snapped back, quickly pulling myself out of the stronghold that paralyzed me. I turned to his friend who held a goofy grin on his face. Unhurriedly, Josiah regarded his friend.

“Mind your business… son,” he threw back.

His friend opened his wide gap mouth and wailed. “Do you plan to save any of that for later?”

Josiah smirked. “Like I said, mind your business.”

“Shidddd, your business is my business when you put it on front street. So, who’s your friend?”

“Santana, this is Desmond. Desmond, Santana. The guy walking up behind him is Kevin. We grew up in high school together before I went off to Harvard. When I came back, these two were around to pick up where we left off. I haven’t been able to get rid of them since.”

Desmond twisted his lips. “Like you want to get rid of us. We yo’ boys, stop playing!”

 Desmond held his hand out for a shake, which I ignored.

“Desmond,” I said, “how are the twins?”

Desmond arched a brow. “Man, you told her about that?”

Josiah chuckled. “You told her about it. When I tried relentlessly to tell you I’d call you back, but you wouldn’t listen. She heard the whole thing.”

Desmond placed a hand over his heart. “Aww man, I’m sorry, I apologize. I had no idea Josiah had company. He could’ve done better at warning me though.”

“Whatever,” Josiah growled.

“I know that wasn’t the most pleasant conversation for you to hear. What can I do to make it up to you?”

“I’ll tell you what you can do for me,” Josiah interrupted.

“Naw, man, I’m talking to the lady.”

“Go get her friends. The girls at the table she sat with. Tell them we need their company back here in the VIP room.”

“I’m on it, Boss.”

Josiah chuckled. “I thought you didn’t want to do me a favor?”

“I changed my mind,” Desmond said, “besides, doing you this favor is doing Santana one.”

Josiah turned to me and I to him.

“Can he be on his best behavior?” I asked. “I’d hate for one of my girls to smack him for something offensive he says.”

“That’s not what you should worry about.”

“Then what is?”

“If you get to your car and find you have an empty tank of gas, let me know.”

I pulled back and gasped. “He wouldn’t.”

Josiah shrugged. “Don’t worry. I’d beat him silly.”

The waitress Josiah had spoken about earlier approached us with more beverages than mouths we had to drink out of. I quickly took one off her hand. I had a feeling we were in for a crazy night being around Josiah’s crew.




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