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First Shot At Love by Lisa B. Kamps (3)


Randy Michaels passed the puck to JP then flipped his stick upside down and rested his arm against the blade. "You got her to say yes? After that lame ass pick up?"

JP ignored the puck sliding his way and turned to frown at Alec. "Telling tales, Kolchak?"

"Hey, don't blame me. I couldn't resist. And I still can't fucking believe it. Cucumbers." Alec shook his head, a disbelieving grin on his face. "Fucking cucumbers."

Ian Donovan, another teammate, slid to a stop next to him, spraying snow against his legs. JP shot him a warning glare but the man ignored it. "Did you really ask her which one she would use?"

"Yeah, he did." Alec spoke up before JP had the chance. Just as well, because what could JP say? He couldn't deny it, not when Alec had been standing right there, watching and listening to everything. And there was nothing he could say to excuse it. Even he had to admit it hadn't been his finest moment.

But he didn't care because he was seeing Emily tonight. He glanced down at his arm, his mind seeing the strong, bold numbers she had taken great care in writing. He didn't have to move the sleeve of his jersey to see they were now faded, barely visible after sweating and showering and sweating again. It didn't matter—he had already entered the numbers into his phone, had already committed them to memory.

And he'd already talked to her, just before practice. A grin lifted the corners of his mouth as he recalled her surprise when she realized it was him. Had she not expected him to call? Possibly.

And she had seemed surprised when he reminded her about their date tonight. A long silence had greeted him when he told her where to meet him and what time. He was taking no chances, had made the reservations yesterday before their game.

"So you're actually taking her out tonight?"

JP looked up, saw three sets of eyes watching him with various degrees of amusement. Of course, they would think this was funny. He scowled at Ian then reached for the puck.

"Yes, of course. We're going to Magdalena's."

Randy let out a low whistle, his brows shooting up in surprise. "You're taking her there? That's a little pricey, don't you think? I mean, for something that's not a sure thing—"

"That's where I want to take her, eh? And I'm not planning on seducing her." Not much, at least, although that was very much on his mind. "I want to impress her."

"Okay, wait. I don't get it." Alec moved out of the net and pushed the helmet back on his head. "What are you after with this girl? I mean, if she's not a sure thing, and if you're not planning on getting any, why bother?"

JP tapped his blade against the edge of the puck then shot it straight at Alec. The goalie was too fast and caught it, batting it to the side. "Because it's a date. I want to impress her. Get to know her."

Ian shook his head. "I still say it would be cheaper to pick up a bunny at the bar."

"She's not a bunny. And the three of you—" JP waved his arm, taking in all three of his teammates with a disappointed frown. "All of you are hopeless. Emily is a nice girl. I want to date a nice girl."

Silence greeted his statement—for all of five seconds. His teammates glanced at each other then erupted in laughter.

Laughter that went on entirely too long.

Randy wiped a hand across his eyes then moved closer to JP. He reached out with one large hand and playfully shoved it against JP's shoulder. "You? Date a nice girl?"

"Yeah. And how do you even know she's nice? You picked her up in a fucking grocery store. For all you know, she could be a serial killer." Ian looked over at Alec, as if waiting for him to confirm it. At least Alec had the decency not to agree with Ian.

"No, not a serial killer." Alec shook his head then pinned JP with an odd look. "But definitely not your type, either. She seemed too nice. And maybe even a little…I don't know. Sheltered, maybe? Too innocent? Something."

JP clenched his jaw, felt the muscle twitch as he ground his teeth together. He understood the joking—that's what teammates did. Harass, tease, joke. What he didn't understand was their honest humor and confusion about the situation. They really thought JP couldn't be attracted to someone like Emily—someone not a bunny. The realization stung. It wasn't like he picked up a different girl every night, or in every city they played. That was more Randy's style.

Yes, he liked to go out. He liked to flirt. Of course he did. But he wasn't plowing his way through the bunnies. Not even close.

JP took a deep breath and unclenched his jaw. Forced a smile to his face, as if the joking and teasing didn't bother him. "Doesn't matter what you think. I have a date tonight, and I plan on enjoying it. And getting to know her. And asking for a second date."

And a third and a fourth as well, though he didn't tell them that. There was something about Emily, something he couldn't quite explain, that tantalized him, held his interest captive.

Ian opened his mouth, no doubt to say something sarcastic, but JP just shook his head and skated away. Let them think what they would, he didn't care.

The three of them would be in a bar somewhere tonight, surrounded by strangers trying to get close to them for all the wrong reasons. JP didn't envy their night's plans.

Not when he had a date this evening with a beautiful woman—a night he hoped would be the first of many more to come.