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For the Love of Luca (Chicago Syndicate Book 8) by Soraya Naomi (10)




THE ENTIRE NIGHT, I’VE been going over and over what happened yesterday, positive that I received a message from someone and probably deleted it by accident. The guilt that consumes me because Noah got hurt forces me to stay clearheaded, and I have to convince Luca that I’m being truthful. Regrettably, once we’re in the car, I have to sit in the back seat with Noah, who’s a bit fussy, so Luca and I don’t get a chance to discuss it before we arrive at the club at promptly nine a.m.

Luca wanted to bring Noah with us – he doesn’t seem to be in pain since his cut is already scabbing; he’s just hungry – so I’m feeding him his bottle when I step inside Adriano’s office.

In the dim lighting of the chrome standing floor lamps, I see that all the high ranking men are present – Michael’s talking to Adriano as they sit behind his desk with Logan, Henry, and Carmine situated across from them. For some reason, I suddenly wonder why Michael always wears black clothes because, once again, he’s in a fitted black suit and dress shirt.

Luca occupies the last seat opposite Adriano, and I can tell he’s lost in thought since he’s barely said a word all morning besides asking me repeatedly if I’m feeling okay.

“Fallon!” Cam greets us, and my attention shifts to my right as she comes from the adjacent security room, cuddling Milana.

“Good morning,” I say and peck a kiss on my daughter’s head.

“She slept perfectly fine and just drank her entire bottle,” Cam informs before she hands over Milana to Luca and he hugs her gently to his chest, stroking her back.

He presses his mouth to her hair as our gazes meet and hold, yet he has a guarded look covering his features.

“Why does Noah have a Band-Aid?” Adriano glances between Luca and me while Cam plants herself on the armrest.

“There was an incident yesterday,” I answer, standing next to Luca’s chair. “I went to meet Luca at The Spicy Mexican, but when I passed the park, a man jumped on me from behind. I managed to place the car seat on the pavement before we struggled, and he said that he was looking for the mafia wife. Then he smashed a bottle, and a piece of broken glass hit Noah’s face. But Michael had followed me, so he killed the attacker and took us to Northwestern.”

Adriano watches me keenly. “Why were you meeting Luca without a guard?”

“Actually, she wasn’t meeting me,” Luca puts in, and all heads turn to him, yet he focuses on me as his eyes narrow into deep impenetrable slits. “I thought you said you were feeling better, so why are you still claiming you went to meet me?”

Apprehension clamors inside as I defend, “I-I’m feeling perfectly fine, and I’m sure I got the message.”

When Luca scalds me with an incredulous look, Adriano interrupts, “What’s going on between you two?”

Luca expels a loud sigh as I pop the bottle out of Noah’s mouth while he squirms before I carry on feeding him.

“Fallon claims that she received a text from me, but I never texted her,” Luca states point-blank, causing the muscle in Adriano’s forehead to tick.

“So did someone else message you? Let me see it.” Adriano motions for me to hand over my phone.

Biting my lower lip, I confess, “I can’t find it anymore,” which makes Adriano and Luca exchange an inquisitive glance.

Adriano then asks, “How do you know the attacker wanted the mafia wife?”

“Because he literally said that to me. He implied he was instructed by someone to get to me and that having my son was even better.”

Carmine pipes in, “Did he say your name?”


“And the message isn’t on your phone anymore? Did you delete it?” Henry probes.

“I must have.” I give the only logical explanation.

Nevertheless, all the men glimpse at Luca, who steels his jaw. Then there’s a moment of uncomfortable reflective silence when even Cam is staring at me with doubt.

All of a sudden, Luca comments in a low voice, “I need the attacker’s ID to see if there’s a connection to the Syndicate or Fallon.”

I release a breath because this means he’s inclined to believe me – I hope. Although, in that second, I catch Logan sneakily shaking his head once at Adriano, who may have mouthed something to him. And I become nervous, not knowing what any of these men are thinking.

Which only intensifies when Cam suggests, “Come on, Fallon, we’ll take the kids downstairs and talk while they get the attacker’s ID.”

Are they silently communicating behind my back?

Cam takes Milana from Luca as he rises to follow us to the door.

Struck mute, I wait until we’ve slipped through the doorway and mutter to Luca, “You believe me, right?”

“We’ll dig into the attacker’s past and talk later.” He ignores my question, kissing my forehead – not my lips – and ushering me out. Then he immediately closes the door in my face.

Despondency settles over me, and my vision blurs. His strange behavior worries me as I wonder what they’re discussing about me while my heart breaks at Luca’s dismissal.