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Forbidden Crown by Victoria Pinder (15)

Chapter 15

The moment Antonio entered the room, one of the designers moved the rack of wedding dress samples behind one of the other samples so it wasn't obvious to see. She’d always heard it was bad luck to see the dress so she’d not invite trouble, even if it was a silly superstition.

Greg went and hugged Renee with his arms only, as if he didn’t want to get too close. Renee‘s face was red, but she squeezed his neck.

Kristin glanced at Queen Anna Camilla and a dozen designers in a row like this was a fashion show. A moment later, Renee joined Antonio who spoke to his mother.

The queen looked shaken at the news, then said, "Sophia's from Neblo, a neighboring region that did not bring back their monarchy. It is possible that she has followers from there."

Antonio held Kristin close.

Babik opened the door and her breath caught in her throat as the general, straight-backed, bowed his head. "Your Highness."

The queen motioned for him to speak.

"Sophia Venko promised a quarter of our guard lands and money for their help in reclaiming her rightful throne."

Antonio shook his head and continued to hold her with one arm around her waist. How many women had Sophia threatened throughout the years? She swallowed as Antonio asked, "How did such a thing happen right under our noses?"

Babik stood at attention, his expression grave. "She's been a guest here for so long, Majesty. Most assumed she'd one day be Antonio's bride. Now that he's marrying the lovely Princess Kristin, most are questioning what they have already done for Sophia."

"I'm not a princess, Babik." The title felt wrong at the moment.

Antonio answered without commenting on what she’d said. "The biggest question right now is what Sophia has done with Greg's mother."

Greg glanced over at them and the pain in his eyes was heart-wrenching.

Babik never blinked. "I'm coordinating information with the FBI, but we have no record of a plane landing here from the United States."

Good. If Greg’s mother was safe at home, then Kristin could breathe again, and the ordeal would be over. "Where would she be, if not in Avce?"

Babik answered like a well-trained soldier. "The FBI believes she's somewhere in Florida. And they have a trace on Zika Horvak."

"Zika." The queen paled. "He worked for you. A member of the guard."

"Yes." Babik’s next words held a streak of cold. "If he returns, he'll face a court martial."

Greg piped in from behind them. "I just want my mom to be okay."

"We will do everything we can," Kristin promised.

The queen then motioned for both of them to follow her onto the patio. "Antonio, can I talk to you and Kristin for a minute?"

"Yes, Mother." Antonio offered Kristin his arm. They both followed the queen outside. "What's going on?"

She crossed her arms and stared at both of them. "The people will need to see us united this evening. The wedding is in two days and so is the vote. I'll need you ready so it is imperative that Kristin try on dresses so she's gowned as a royal."

Kristin wasn't born into politics but his mother worked endlessly. Would this be expected of her too? By signing the contract, she agreed to do whatever Antonio needed from his wife.

"Mother,” Antonio said, dropping his voice, “what if the people vote to end our constitutional monarchy and return to the communist ways that were implemented?"

His mother quickly answered, "Don't be defeatist, Antonio. It's not going to happen."

If they lost the vote, this might mean that Antonio was free to live his life with or without her. Kristin turned to him in concern. He wouldn't have to get married in two days, right? "Mother, be prepared."

Queen Anna Camilla brushed her hand against her son’s cheek, letting the other fall to the side. "That's what I'm telling you both." She turned toward Kristin and smiled. "Pick a dress. I'll handle everything else."

"I will at once." What else could she say? Right now she was picking the style. Then the rest of the design would follow.

The queen hugged them and they returned to the room with the group of designers and the racks of dresses. Kristin immediately walked over to the group and called for her friends. "Renee, Greg, I have to go change but let me know if anything happens."

"Can I watch the fashion show then while we wait to hear?" Greg sounded like he hated every word he said. If she had loved ones, other than those here already, it would be hard to be anywhere else but with them too.

“Sure.” Renee offered a sympathetic pat on Greg’s shoulder that he turned away from as she said, "Why don’t you sit with the designers?"

Antonio kissed her forehead, but then his phone rang. She saw it was his brother Lucio again. They spoke so fast that she had no idea what they discussed. As she walked toward the racks, Antonio grabbed her wrist to hold her. "Kristin."

There must be news. Her heart sped up. "What?"

He then leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Keep your phone on you at all times. I added a tracer, which was how I found you this morning."

She sighed and hugged him. He truly knew how to protect everyone. "So you received my call? I was pressing buttons and hoping."

“Yes.” He pushed her hair out of her face and nodded. He then kissed her cheek and kept his voice low so the group waiting for her couldn’t hear them. "I heard every word. We'll need to stay sharp and on our toes."

"Yes." Her heart beat for him and she wished she could wrap her arms around him, hold tight and kiss him. However, there were probably rules against public displays like that. She hugged him and then let go.

He spoke in a more normal tone. "Tonight, after the announcement my mother needs us to make, I still want time alone with you. I planned something."

She felt her cheeks warm as she nodded. "Then I'm all yours."

"I like that, a lot."

He walked to the door. Being Antonio’s wife meant becoming a princess, so Kristen went toward her friends and asked, "Renee, the mermaid dress was the first style?"

"Yes. I put them in order," her best friend said.

Kristin saw Antonio leave, though he winked at her before closing the door. Once he was gone, she picked up the first dress and said, "Good. Help me?"

She put it on and gasped for air as the zipper constricted her waist. Yes, it was shimmery white, satin and lace, but she couldn’t breathe! “No, thanks.”

But look at your figure!” Renee said, turning Kristin toward the full-length mirror set up in the anteroom.

Absolutely not. Renee pulled her out to show everyone, and Kristin ignored the gasps of excitement from the designers.

So what if she had the perfect hourglass figure? This dress style was a no—she’d never make it down the aisle.

Suddenly, Antonio dashed into the room with his hand covering the phone speaker, gaining everyone’s attention. "Greg, your mother boarded a flight to Vegas. FBI is intercepting now."

Greg sat on one of the chairs near the long dining table, and Kristin saw the glimmer of a tear form in his eye. "Can I talk to her?"

"It's my brother Lucio on the call," Antonio said though it was clear he was uncomfortable with a man's tears. He hit the button for speaker. "Greg wants to talk to his mother."

Lucio, who had a deep voice similar to Antonio's, spoke to someone he was near and then told them on the phone, "We are patching things together now so you can talk to her directly."

A few seconds later, an older woman said, "Greggie? Are you okay?"

Greg wiped tears from his eyes. "Mom?"

His mother sounded all choked up, too. "Greg, you're safe. I was so worried about you."

"Me?" His voice cracked. "Mom, you were kidnapped!"

His mother moaned. "No. They told me you were going to have to sacrifice yourself to save me. I can't let you do that. You're my only son. Be safe and live."

Greg cried, then tugged at the scooped neck of his white tank top. "I can't, Mom. There is a bomb strapped to my body that's set to explode. I'm sorry. I love you."

"Wait! What?" Antonio ended the call with Lucio, stepped back and shoved her and his mother behind him. He looked over his shoulder and met his mother's gaze. "Go. Get Babik."

"I have to get your father." The queen ran out of the room.

"It's strapped to my chest,” Greg said in tones full of misery. “Sophia and Victor Amadeus threatened to kill my mom. They had pictures of her tied up. Sophia said she was going to let herself get caught so Victor could win."

"Victor? Marco's friend." Antonio gestured to those still in the room. "Kristin, Renee, everyone, get out—go to the front of the palace. Outside."

Kristin grabbed his arm, unwilling to leave him. "Do you have a bomb squad?"

Antonio covered her hand with his. "Marco is the best trained person in the country."

His mother must have told everyone on her way to the sick room because guards rushed to help get the guests out and his brother Marco ran inside. "I'm here, Antonio."

Kristin rubbed his tense arm muscle. "What can we do?"

"Help my mom and my father, Kristin." Antonio stepped toward his brother and Greg.

She held him firm to keep him one more second. "What about you?"

Antonio kissed her fast and hard. "I'm staying to help my brother fix this, and then I'm going to find Victor Amadeus. This has to stop."

"I love you. Come back to me," she said without a thought and hugged him.

He massaged her back for a brief second. "Absolutely."

Without another word he let her go and she ran after the other guests. Whatever happened, Antonio knew she loved him—now she had to help get a sick king out of the palace before the bomb exploded. Antonio had to come back to her, safe and sound.