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Forbidden Crown by Victoria Pinder (17)

Chapter 17

Kristin woke up in a pink nightgown that went to her ankles. She turned and pressed against the warmth of Antonio's back, covered in a cotton t-shirt. She kept her eyes closed, listening to the birds chirping outside.

Last night she’d intended to stay awake and wait for him. She blinked and realized her plan went wrong as it was morning. She rolled away from him and stretched.

His hand went around her waist and he squeezed her for a hug. "Kristin?"

He kissed her cheek. Somehow she’d hit the lottery when Antonio found her—she shouldn't have been angry at how. She sighed and said, "Sorry, I fell asleep last night. I know you wanted to talk. After all the excitement I must’ve been beat. But it feels good waking up in your arms."

"I agree." He sat up, not noticing the gorgeous day or the green forest in the distance. He kept his gaze on her as he said, "And it's okay. Let's eat breakfast together."

Tomorrow was their wedding, the reception, the vote tally and it all changed her life. There was so much to do. "I’ll have to eat fast. Your mother has a packed schedule for me, including picking a dress style." They both climbed out of the bed as she said, "One of the designers will then whip up something in a factory and have it here by midnight. I'm fascinated to see how that works."

But first, the bathroom and a toothbrush. Once finished, she walked out and saw the small breakfast table on her balcony now had eggs, toast, coffee, and her favorite prince sitting there drinking a cup. When she approached, he kissed her forehead and then took his turn in the bathroom.

The normalcy between them was sweet. She wasn't worried about anything. She sat down and poured herself coffee.

A few minutes later, Antonio came out in his green t-shirt and blue boxer briefs, clearly not caring if anyone saw him. He sat down and picked up his coffee.

She nodded, "This is good."

He finished his cup and then rose to his feet. She put her cup down when he stood in front of her. Her pulse beat a little faster and he knelt down. Her skin jolted. This seemed like a proposal, but she’d already said yes. She trembled and he reached for her hand. "Tomorrow is our wedding. I went out and bought this for you."

Her breath caught in her throat and she saw the specks of green again in his gaze. He pulled out a jewelry box and her heart stirred. Was this his surprise from last night? She opened the square black box and a huge smile grew on her face at the twinkling jewel inside. "It's a ring!"

"I promised." He gave her that look, slightly arrogant, sexy as hell, that made every woman in the world swoon. He took the box back, then removed the ring from the black velvet.

The classic gold band and solitaire diamond shone brightly in the morning sun. Kristin reached out and gripped his shoulder. "You didn't have to."

He scooted closer and hugged her. Then he let her go and stared into her eyes again while kneeling. "After what happened with Sophia, I really did."

Why was he still on his knees? She already had the ring. She swallowed, unsure of what was happening now. She leaned forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

He folded both of her hands in his, the ring between them, and pressed his forehead to hers. "In the heat of the moment, you told me you loved me."

"Yes?" The patter in her heart grew and her breaths were shorter. She hadn't even thought about that moment. She had blurted out her feelings and then ran for her life.

He caressed the back of her hand. His gaze made her forget where she was because all she could see was him as he said, "I wanted that to be true and not just because we could die..."

"I love you, Antonio." She brushed his scruffy jaw and it scratched against her palm.

He nodded. "Good, because I love you. I didn't expect to ever fall in love. And I put in the contract that nonsense because I hadn't met you. I do love you."

"Can I have the ring now?" She held up her hand.

With a wink, he slipped it on her finger, but then he took her hand in his again. "Yes, but there is one more thing."

"What?" All she wanted was a kiss, but she was willing to listen.

He released her and reached under the food tray for an envelope that he slipped next to her. "I ripped up the old contract, but I will need you to sign a new one protecting my parents’ crown. But you have my heart, and that means love."

Fair enough. She marched inside her huge room, ignoring the sparkle of the crystal chandelier and how it illuminated the room with morning light. She marched to the desk, found a pen and walked back toward the patio. Antonio had stood up to watch her. She returned, took the paper and scanned it as she said, "I never had an issue with the prenup at the end. It was quite generous."

She picked up her pen. Antonio reached for her hand with his mouth open. "Wait. You don't have to sign right now."

"But I do." She shook off his grip. She signed the papers, stuffed it back in the envelope and handed it to him.

"Why now? You should have read it. Taken it to a lawyer," Antonio protested.

She narrowed her gaze and stared deep into his eyes. "Was there something in there different than before other than what you took out?"

"I increased the money for you, if something happens." He swallowed.

To make him happy, she took the paper out again and read it. It looked the same to her, except he’d stricken anything about love from the contract. She flipped the page and saw the money he’d mentioned. Very generous. Years of reading books helped her read fast. She looked at him when she finished and asked, "Anything else?"


She stuffed it back in the envelope and handed it to him. "Everything was good." He took it from her and finally closed his mouth. "More important, I trust you. Tomorrow is the wedding, and I should head out. I'm going to be late for my dress fitting."

"You are?" He traced her curves with his fingers.

She puckered her lips and closed her eyes as she said, "Absolutely. I want you—but if I’m late, your mother will kill me. I’ve realized Queen Anna Camilla is big on clothes. It’s her thing."

"Yes, my mother always cares about looking good, my future wife..." His lips descended upon hers and he kissed her hard. The shadow of a beard pressed against her soft skin, tickled her and made her aware of him.

Her hands tugged on his shirt. She had to have him. She had to touch the hard muscles that were hidden underneath the clothes. She pushed the shirt up, over his shoulders.

The ripple of his chest muscles was beautiful. She kissed his pecs while he stripped himself of his pants.

A raw hunger for him overtook her senses when she glanced down and saw his huge virility.

His large hand traced her body and lifted the nightgown she wore. She shimmied her underwear off so they both stood, naked and needy.

She licked her lips and reached out to touch his length, but he stopped her. "I want to taste you."

He took her hand and led her to the bed, where he waited for her to lay down. The moment she did, he suckled on her nipple.

His fingers found her entrance and played slowly while his mouth continued to feast on her breast.

Heat grew for him, everywhere and she was more than ready. She needed him.

Instead he kissed her again, this time on the lips, as his fingers teased what was to come. Between kisses, she said, "Please?"

That sexy smirk she’d always liked about his photos showed up, the dimple deep. He whispered, "Tell me that you're mine and you want me inside you."

"I'm yours." She felt the heat in her face grow. She never talked about sex to anyone, ever. It was something that had made her uncomfortable, but Antonio's kiss and the gleam in his eyes made her want to please him. She opened her mouth and said, "Please put your cock inside me."

He laughed huskily, triumphantly, and the sound made her heart beat faster.

A moment later, he entered her nether lips and it felt like he could reach her womb itself. Somehow her body stretched to accommodate all of him.

He kissed her again and teased her nipples, this time with him fully inside her.

Something within her snapped and she lost the ability to think. She moaned, but it was like she wasn't inside her body.

She was in heaven itself.

A wave of pleasure overtook her. She needed him, now and forever.