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Fury & Darkness (Warriors of the Wind Book 3) by Anna Hackett (9)

Chapter Nine

Luca took a hard fist to the stomach. He grunted, gritting his teeth through the pain. Rage had left his vision blurred and all he saw was Caecius.

He had to end this.

But he was so damn tired. Every breath was a battle, every step had pain exploding through him, and every time he hit Caecius, he felt the fury etch into his soul a little deeper.

Luca had never felt more alone than he did now.

Caecius hit him with a vicious roundhouse kick and sent Luca sprawling.

“Oh, I feel it, Warrior. I feel you giving in to the darkness. Isn’t it so good? Don’t you want to feel strong again?”

Suddenly a figure leaped between them, carried on a light breeze. Rayne spun, her boot slamming into Caecius’ chest. The Tempest Wind staggered and Rayne landed in a crouch.

Dio, she was magnificent.

She threw her hands out and her breeze caught the man and sent him flying back into the crowd. She spun, her hot gaze on Luca.

He pushed to his feet. Angry winds swirled around them tearing at their clothes and hair.

“You are mine now, Warrior, not his. I am helping you. And you are accepting my help.”

Her red hair glowed in the light of the flames from a nearby burning building. Her mouth was set in a flat line, her eyes daring him to challenge her.

Luca felt the overwhelming need to protect her, shield her. “I am not used to following orders

She stalked up to him and shoved him in the chest. “Time you learned.”


She thumped her fist against his chest. “You shoved me away. You locked me up. You took away my choices.”

He cupped her cheek, his hand shaking. He was so close to breaking. “To protect you. For a second, I wanted to hit you. Caecius is right. There is only anger in me.”

“Caecius is a liar. You’re much, much more.”

“I could hurt you.”

“Would you take pleasure in it?”


“Look at me.” There was command in her tone.

He lifted his gaze and met hers. Those green eyes that had challenged him from the first day they’d met.

“I’ve seen that there’s more to you. And I want to see what else you have.” She cupped his cheek. “I’d like to see what movies make you laugh, what books you like to read, if you’re any good at cooking me breakfast.”

He grabbed her now, holding her tight. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Maybe not, Warrior, but you’ve got me. The Aurae were wrong to deny their heritage. It stopped so many of them finding the men meant for them.”

“You think I’m meant for you?”

“Let’s find out.”

Luca pulled her up on her toes and kissed her. It was hard and hungry, and she moaned into his mouth. He reluctantly released her.

“We have to defeat Caecius.” She stepped in beside Luca, letting their arms brush. “But not with anger. You have to defeat him without it.”

Luca wanted to shield her, but realized he had to let her make her choices. He had to stand beside her, as her partner.

He held out his hand.

She put hers into his and together they faced Caecius.

The Tempest Wind strode out of the fighting crowd, blood streaking his face. His narrowed gaze fell to their joined hands. Above the square, wind blasted, stirring up dark clouds in a boiling rush.

“You’ll always fight the rage,” Caecius yelled the words. “It will never leave you. You’ll live in fear that you’ll hurt her.”

“You’re right.” Luca faced his enemy square on. The one before him and the one inside him. “Anger will never leave me. I will always fight it. But I won’t ever stop fighting and I won’t live in fear.” He turned his head to the woman beside him.

Her lips trembled before she firmed them. Her steady gaze never left his.

“I don’t need to be afraid anymore.” Luca lifted their joined hands.

The North Wind rose—powerful, cold, and controlled. Rayne’s own sleek breeze joined it, both of them pushing the other to new heights. He saw her skin start to glow, bright and otherworldly.

Caecius took a stumbling step backward. He watched the fierce gale grow in front of him. He called on his wind, but now the Northeast wind was a pitiful puff of air compared to the combined power of Luca and Rayne.

The Tempest Wind turned to run and Luca thrust his free hand forward. His wind raced forward, spreading over the campo.

It caught the Tempest Wind, threw him high, his body twisting and tumbling in the vortex. As Caecius’ body started to disintegrate—like ash in the air—his scream was carried on the wind.

Then he was gone.

Instantly, the anger and aggression in the air dissipated. The fighting and shouting stopped. Disheveled, dazed people stared around the Campo San Polo.

Luca arched his neck and saw the clouds above break up and disperse. On the horizon, he saw the bright orb of the moon hanging over Venice.

A hand touched his chest. A soft, feminine touch, but one filled with strength.

“It’s over,” Rayne murmured.

Caecius was gone.

Luca felt a burst of pure energy run through him. He’d won. They’d won.

He scooped Rayne into his arms and her legs wrapped around his hips.

“Thank you, Rayne Santini.”

“We did this together, Warrior.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” He kissed her, long and deep, until her hands were buried in his hair.

She lifted her head, panting. “I’m going to get that engraved and put on the wall.”

He barked out a laugh. He felt lighter than he’d felt in so long. Then he heard the sobs, cries and groans around them. He set her down.

“We need to help the injured.”

She nodded. “Come find me when you’re done, Warrior.”

As the rising sun spread her soft golden rays over Venice, Luca sighed. He was tired to the bone.

The campo was almost empty, the last of the polizia and paramedics helping the remaining injured people. He strode across the cobblestones and saw Rayne with one shoulder pressed to a pillar, staring out across the City of Bridges. So strong yet so alone.

He started toward her, and she sensed him and spun. Dark circles ringed her eyes. She was exhausted. “You should get some rest.” His tone was dark.

“Ah, there’s my sweet, pleasant warrior.” She smiled. “I was waiting for you.”

He heaved out a breath. “So many people hurt and dead.”

She moved to him. “I know. But they will rebuild and recover. It will take time.” She held out a hand. “If you need to work off that anger, I’m happy to help.”

His gaze narrowed on her. “The anger’s still inside me, Rayne. It’s quiet right now, but I hear it. Like a damned distant beat I’ll always hear.”

“I know that.” She took a step closer, until their chests brushed. “And I know you’ll fight it. You’re nothing like the monster I grew up with.”

“Rayne—” Her name was a tortured sound.

“Let me help you. Fight for us.”

With a groan, he reached for her. “Damn, you’re stubborn.”

When he swept her up into his arms, she gave a startled laugh and slid an arm across his shoulders.

He let out a shuddering breath. “I should be stronger. I should let you go.”

“Stop fighting what’s between us.”

She rubbed a finger over his lips and he felt a surge of desire through his tiredness.

“I could get used to you carrying me around,” she murmured.

“You’d better.” He strode out of the square, letting the wind turn them to one. “Because now I’ve got you, I’m not letting go.”

* * *

Rayne scanned the report in her hand, striding down the elegant hall in Venti Enterprises Rome. The construction on the rebuild of Hotel Venti San Marco was underway.

She smiled. Luca would be very happy. It had only been a week since they’d banished Caecius, but since then, life had been a whirlwind. She and Luca had visited the injured employees and their families, and started planning the hotel rebuild. They’d returned to Rome and their days were filled with work, and their nights with frenzied loving in Luca’s huge bed.

They hadn’t talked about the future. Rayne understood. There was still a final Tempest Wind to defeat and she knew Luca was on edge with worry for Soren.

Her heels clicked on the floor as she entered his spacious office. Luca was sitting at his desk, silhouetted against the floor-to-ceiling windows that showed Rome spread out behind him.

God, he was handsome and he was all hers.

Since they’d returned to Rome, his employees had been whispering in the halls at the change in Luca. He smiled more and was more patient. Well, a little more patient. She smiled. He was still Luca and he still had a temper.

His head lifted and his blue gaze ran down Rayne’s fitted skirt, white, button-up shirt, and heels. A smile curved his lips and she saw the hint of the dirty, sexy thoughts in his eyes.

“Signor Venti.”

“Signorina Santini.”

“I have that update you wanted.” She dropped the folder on the desk. “They broke ground on the hotel rebuild in Venice.”

Something moved across his face. “Grazie.”

Rayne was no longer Luca’s assistant. When he’d learned the full extent of her skills, she’d been promoted into a managerial position reporting to one of his executives. She’d made it her priority to fast track the work on the hotel.

“How’s Soren?” she asked quietly.

Luca’s smile dissolved. “I spoke with him an hour ago.” Luca shook his head. “He’s on the very edge, Rayne. He said the whispers in his head are constant, and he’s hoarding things in the villa and doesn’t even remember doing it.”

Her belly cramped. “Apeliotus must know he can’t win.”

“But what if he drags Soren down with him, just for the hell of it?” One of Luca’s hands clenched into a fist.

She skirted the desk, stopping right beside him. Reaching out, she ran her fingers through his hair. “We won’t let that happen. I spoke with my mother.”

Luca’s mouth tightened. Rayne knew he’d listened to a few of her calls with her mother. There had been a lot of yelling and heated words exchanged.

“Has she changed her stance?” he asked.

“No. She refuses to let the Aurae get involved.”

He closed his eyes.

“But…not all Aurae feel that way. I’ve been talking with many of them, and so has my sister. Many of them have agreed to help. They’re going to find a suitable woman to come and help Soren.”

Her man’s blue eyes opened and a muscle ticked in his jaw. “I want to help my brother, but the idea of an innocent woman offering herself to Soren like a sacrifice leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”

“We’ll send a warrior,” she insisted. “To fight for what is right.”

He thumped the desk. “Damn the Tempest Winds and their endless, hungry need to hurt people.”

“Hey.” Rayne cupped his cheeks. “Your eyes are frosting over, Warrior.”

He blew out a breath.

“I think you need a distraction,” she murmured.

His gaze sharpened on her and one of his hands slid down to grip her hip. “Oh? What did you have in mind, Signorina Santini?”

“I was thinking we should christen this shiny desk of yours.”

Desire flared in his eyes. Before she could say anything, he pushed out of his chair and had her bent over the desk in an instant. She bit her lip and felt him start to peel her skirt up.

“Are you my sacrifice?” he murmured.

She snorted. “Hardly, Venti. I expect you to love me very well and give me multiple orgasms while you’re at it.”

He shoved her skirt to her waist and slid her silky panties down her legs. She went damp between her legs.

Dio, Rayne.” He leaned over her and nuzzled his face against her neck.

She felt the hard press of his cock against her now bare bottom. She pushed back against him.

“I love you, Rayne.”

Her breath hitched and she turned her head. “I love you too, Luca.”

“Stay with me.”

His murmur made her heart stop, then start a rapid beat. He had the “serious Luca” look she’d seen him wear in the office before an important negotiation or takeover. “Luca

“Let me love you, Rayne. Let me take that chance?”

A small smile curled her lips. “I’d like that.”

She felt his body relax. “I don’t think you’ll ever follow my orders.”

“Nope. Whenever you get high and mighty, or lose your temper, I’ll defy you.” She rubbed against him again.

His big palm stroked her buttocks, then his hand was sliding between her legs. As he caressed her, she cried out.

“I never get enough of you,” he said hotly. “I think I’ll always want you.”

Oh, she hoped so. “I want you too. All of you.” She spun around, sitting on the very edge of his desk. “I want the good, the bad, the calm, the anger.” She wrapped her arms and legs around him, her Warrior of the Wind. “And whatever happens, I’ll be there when you need me, Luca. Always.” She patted the desk and smiled. “Now, get to work.”