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Gunner: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 3) by M. Merin (13)



I text her as I head out a short time later, heading to pick her up at the library and off on the dreaded shopping trip. I had never thought about how much stuff you need for an apartment but she wasn’t kidding about filling two carts. It was actually four. With the back seats down, the worker I tipped to help us was barely able to stuff everything in my Explorer.

Before pulling out of the lot, I called a probie to meet us at her apartment to help unload. Arriving there, I send her up to organize everything that we unpacked then he and I take off for my shop. I wanted to get her the coffee table that she liked so much.

“That your woman, Gunner?” Probie works up the courage to ask on the drive across town. I nod, not saying anything. “She’s real sweet.” I nod again, trying to discourage this line of talk.

“That one Girlie? Uh, Deb, maybe? As soon as she showed up today, Betsy told her you said you were taken now. Deb totally lost her shit and slapped her. Fucking hard, man. Vice sent Deb home, told her to stay away a few days.”

“Want to know some of the best advice I ever got?” Not caring that he nods, I continue. “Keep it wrapped up tight and don’t go to any of the Girlies regularly. That last bit should have been, push away the Girlies that come to you too often. Thought it was convenient not having to signal for any of them; never told Deb shit and stopped touching her when she started telling the others I was going to be hers.”

“You know, I’m staying at my aunt’s place for now. It’s not far from Riley, want me to keep an eye on her when you’re gone?” He offers, trying to win points with me.

“Nah, I got that handled. Just keep your mouth shut about where she lives, or you’ll never get Patched.”

“I won’t say anything, not to anyone.” He promises.


I cannot believe how much I bought! I actually used the credit card my parents gave me instead of my savings. After Gunner left with the newest Probie, I dug into organizing things and washing the sheets and towels I bought. When he realized I was picking out sheets, Gunner confessed to my housewarming gift, so I bought a few sets in the California King size.

After that, I couldn’t stop smiling. He bought us a bed, just ours and with plenty of space to accommodate his size. Hearing a clammer on the steps, I open the door to see Probie and Gunner lugging the coffee table up the stairs.

They manage to get it in without destroying any of the drywall, then I go about showing Probie all the semi-secret compartments it has. He probably thinks I’m demented, but I love it. Gunner looks on, pleased with my reaction, until he basically shoves Probie out of the apartment.

“Are you about done here?” He frowns at the disaster of tags and other items around us, but with things in the dryer, I’m actually at a good stopping point.

“We’ll head to the cabin then, in the morning I will get you back to your SUV. I just need to be with you now.” He sounds exhausted, so I quickly gather my things and follow him out.

Back at the cabin, I throw together a pasta dish and salad; he pulls me away from the table so we can eat next to each other on the sofa. Then tells me about Jasper and Flint’s reactions to news about us. I absolutely lose my appetite. It had never occurred to me that his Brothers would, or could, order us apart. He explains about letting them think we’ve had sex and I smile; hoping that will push up whatever this crazy timeline is that he has in his head.

Afterwards, he straightens up the kitchen and we lie on the couch talking about everything and nothing. Gunner starts fingering my clit so softly at first I hardly notice it. Before long, I am straddling his lap and rubbing myself along his finger.

He sits back, almost lazily; watching me work for my own orgasm at his hands. Occasionally, he tweaks one of my nipples but mostly, his other hand is cupping my cheek to maintain our eye contact.

“Please, Gunner!” I yell as I get close to coming. He pinches my clit causing me to scream; then he swiftly rubs my clit with his soaked finger until I explode. I collapse against his chest and he quickly shifts me, cradling me in his arms until I drift off.

Waking up early the next morning, I’m warm from his body heat and having most of my clothes from yesterday on. He had stripped down to his boxers before getting us into bed, so grinning up at his snoring form I quickly decide on a little surprise and move down towards the center of the bed.

His penis roars to life when I touch it. Taking it into my mouth and feeling it grow as I suck on it is really encouraging, but I love the gasp he lets out as he wakes up. “Dammit Riley, that’s Fucking IT.” He gets out before threading his fingers through my hair as my mouth moves up and down his rod.

His length quickly exceeds what I can hold in my mouth; and though I try to take more of it in, I can’t stop the resulting gag. Pulling my head back, he puts one hand on the base of his cock, stopping my further attempts at deep throating him.

“Another time, Sweetheart. Just keep going.”

As the big guy requests, I continue, focusing on the sensitive areas I found the first time I did this and a few minutes later I’m rewarded for my efforts. He once again grunts out a warning, but the first shot of cum hitting the back of my throat still surprises me and I have a hard time swallowing it all down without dripping any.

Finishing up by swirling my tongue around his now softening cock, I lean in to kiss its head and quickly lick up the last of his seed that keeps bubbling up from the tip.

As I crawl up the bed, he hooks his hands under my arms to pull me up and firmly plants his mouth on mine. I am surprised he has no problem kissing me when I just had his cum in my mouth but his touch quickly erases all thoughts.

“Wake me up anytime you want, Sweetheart.” He murmurs against my mouth, biting my lower lip. Pulling back from our kiss, he folds me into his body.

“I’m looking forward to practicing more – on you – though!” After last time, I thought it important to clarify.

“What time does your class start?” He whispers into my hair.

“Not until 10:15. “

“Let’s get going, I’ll take you to your SUV then get to Mrs. R’s place. Uh, can I get a key to your apartment to meet the delivery team for the mattress?”

“Shit! I forgot you were seeing Gram today. What are you going to talk about?” I’m debating skipping my database class to tag along.

Tapping me on the nose, Gunner laughs, “You’re going to class. We have a lot to cover, she and I; I’ll fill you in later.”


With Riley off, I head to Mrs. R’s a full thirty minutes early. Unperturbed, her butler / chauffeur / right-hand man, Rogers, brings me right in to see her.

“Good Morning, Alex! I thought you’d be early today.” Of course, she did, I think; flinching at the sound of my given name.

“Mrs. R, you know how I feel about you, but I’d like to know what you’ve got up that sleeve of yours. No more games.” I stare down at her.

“Have a seat, Alex; I’ll develop a crick in my neck otherwise.” Sighing, I do as she asks.

“What happened to your eye?” She asks, leaning forward.

“Riley,” I grunt.

“Did you deserve it?”


“You didn’t betray her, I trust?”

“With that temper, I’m pretty sure she’d geld me if I had.” Mrs. R sits patiently until I elaborate. “I don’t deserve her, I want her more than anything but she’s so goddamn –“

“Language, Alex!”

“Sorry. She’s so, just, everything. I tried to walk away the other night, give her an out. Then I tried to touch her and she knocked the sh…sorry, um, she gave me the smackdown I deserved for hurting her.”

“You’re acting like a schoolboy, Alex. I trust you with her, now you need to trust yourself.” She raises an eyebrow at me and I feel like I’ve been hit again.

“I told Jasper and Flint.”

She giggles. “And how did that go over, Dear?”

Frowning at her, “About like you’d expect. I would hazard a guess that you’ve been making plans for her this past year; care to let me in on them?”

“I’m not getting any younger; I will make sure she’s taken care of and I know enough about her miscreant parents to be able to protect you. With the obvious caveats.”

“Riley is safe and happy.” I fill in the blank and she nods imperiously.

“Don’t think being with her will be a free ride, though, Alex. I won’t make the same mistake I did with her mother.”

“Mrs. R, I don’t want your money nor any of hers. I make enough to support us, not to the level she’s had but she’ll know she’s loved. Every day, she’ll know that; I swear.”

“Very good, Alex. Have you told her?” I duck my head, looking away.

“No, I mean, we’ve only had a few days together.”

“I expect you to do so before making use of that huge bed you bought!” My jaw drops, and she gives me that little grin of hers. That same grin that frustrates Riley, because there’s a world of machinations behind it. “The one caveat you didn’t guess, Alex. Any children she has must be college educated, I insist on it even if they chose to follow you into the Grizzlies. I will leave money for that and any medical issues that may arise, but do not expect a golden goose.”

“That’s more than generous, but just so you know any children we have will attend the local school. None of that private tutor bull…, well, and I also hope you will agree that if not college, then a technical institute of some sort?”

“Acceptable.” Mrs. R smiles and nods to herself. “You realize you just advocated harder for possible future children than Riley’s parents ever did for her? Do stop thinking you aren’t just what Riley needs most. Now, this certainly hasn’t been our usual chat nor can I offer you lunch today; I had to schedule another appointment. You needn’t wait a month, if you wish to visit sooner, Dear.”

Crossing over to her, I ignore the surprised look on her face as I drop a kiss on her cheek. “Take care of yourself, Gram.” I wink at her before heading out, enjoying her laugh as I close her parlor door.

Eileen Riley

Seeing Alex, or Gunner, as he prefers, all grown up makes me feel old. He was such a solemn boy and as he grew, his grandmother would talk of his honesty and loyalty; even if he got himself in trouble he wouldn’t lie.

Ava was a good woman with an oaf for a son. As disgraceful as Alex’s start in life was, she always did right by him. In the years since his return from the Marines, I have been pleasantly surprised that he has kept up with our visits; giving me plenty of notice if another commitment arose or staying around to help fix something he sees around here.

I am not blind to his antics; I had him investigated when his visits became a regular fixture, trying to figure out if he was looking to get something from me. He never asked for a thing, instead, he would bring pastries from the bakery and even gifted me a beautiful side table one Christmas. While he never discusses anything about the MC, other than an occasional mention of Flint, in this house; I have been pleased with his plans for his furniture business.

Then came the day he did ask for something.  The most precious thing in the world to me.

Initially, the thought of this rough, dour, giant of a biker with my kind, happy granddaughter; who is well over a foot shorter than him, shocked me. As he spoke, I started to picture the serious, earnest child, rather than the man before me; and realized he could be the best chance for Riley to find happiness. While I initially gave him my blessing, it wasn’t until I next saw Riley that I was convinced. The girl was glowing.

Riley did not have a conventional childhood, hers was lonely and she turned to books for companions very early on; because of this, she is wise beyond her years and due to her parents, she does not trust people easily.

I began to make plans for Riley and Gunner. I knew she had no interest in Pre-Med, but that would be up to her to work out. However, she would need a decent place to live and an income; I could provide that for her, as long as she pitched in with becoming a responsible property manager / owner. Next would be the issue between my son-in-law’s position in State politics and Gunner’s position in the MC. Well, I could handle that also.

Appearances are deceiving, and Riley’s parents have become quite the shady characters over the years. I sat back and watched, collecting information from my investigator. Releasing that is not in my best interest, but the knowledge of it could smooth any kick-up the MC leadership would foresee.


Double Double Toil and Trouble

Being called to Mrs. Riley’s home was hardly how I expected this day to go. I knew her husband a bit, he was older than me but we’d had some dealings. Nowadays most of the commercial property in town is divided up between the MC and Mrs. Riley.

She’s always been one to hold things close to the vest; I would not like to play poker with her at all. The old Shakespeare / Macbeth line has always sounded in my head when I’ve been around her, and today is no different. Though I hardly need a crystal ball to know what the topic will be.

Fucking Gunner. With the deals we have lined up the last thing any of us needs is Maddock coming after us harder and that goddamn giant makes a move to abscond with the man’s teenage daughter. I love Gunner like a son, but that is some serious bullshit to bring our way.

Pulling up in front of Mrs. Riley’s home, I brace myself for this conversation.

“Flint! I’m so glad you weren’t early.” She calls out as I’m shown in to see her.

“You are looking lovely, as always.” Eileen Riley was a renowned beauty in her day and the years have been kind to her. I have never seen her granddaughter but can’t imagine her being anything but beautiful.

“I understand you are to be married?” I nod in reply, sitting across from her. “I would like to meet this woman. She bought the bar property from under our noses, I understand?”

“Yes, she pretty much runs it with Rusty now. Great lady.” I concede.

“Well, she brought you to heel, so I would expect so.” I raise my eyebrow at Mrs. Riley’s comment; trying real hard to respect my elders.

“I understand your granddaughter has brought Gunner to heel. No mean feat there.” I tilt my head to the side, she’s not that much older than me, after all.

“Well done, Flint.” She benevolently smiles at me. “My husband always did enjoy your company. Which brings us to your visit.” I lean back and let her speak.

Thirty minutes later, my head is spinning as I’m standing on her doorstep. I have to get to Jasper. I have to let him know I’ve agreed to validate Gunner’s claim on Riley when he formally makes it. That and Mrs. Riley’s assurances she will tie her son-in-law’s hands in the event of any interference from his side.

Double Double Toil and Trouble, indeed.

That woman is diabolical. Again, I can’t help but wonder what her granddaughter is like. I shudder at the thought of either of them and my Bree ganging up.