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Gunner: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 3) by M. Merin (16)


Getting to the clubhouse, I first head to my room; taking a mental inventory of what is mine versus what was here when I moved in. Riley and I haven’t discussed moving in together, not like there’s been time; but I’m hoping that she’ll want me there with her and I’m not pushing my luck. I go through my clothes, packing what I’ll need for the next few days then a weekend at Riley’s.

Heading back to the office, I find it empty so drop my bag inside the door and head to the kitchen. Betsy is in there with another of the Girlies, cooking for Flint, Connal, Jake, Vice, and Royce. I fix a coffee and nod to her when asked if I’m hungry.

Shooting the shit with the guys calms me down; I’ve been running high on Riley’s presence for days. Knowing better than to discuss our business in front of the Girlies, they catch me up on the goings on and rib me about being pussy whipped. I have no problem with that and take their shit easily; surprised when Royce speaks up in defense of my new status.

“Vice, have you even seen her? She’s fucking hot as shit. Can’t figure out what she’s doing with Ugly over here, cause I know I would have given up all this ‘free and easy’,” He waves his hand around, ”to get with her.” I narrow my eyes at him but decide to stick with the food in front of my rather than smacking him.

I also don’t miss the stiffening of the Girlies backs at his reference to their status with the MC, once again showing that Royce has to learn to muzzle himself. Meanwhile, Vice and Flint share a look; knowing who Riley’s family is.

As the others move on, Connal, Flint and I are left in the kitchen. “Guys, I, well, I gave Riley both of your numbers. Apparently, Kennelly saw us out the other night and told her parents. They’ve been traveling but may be on their way back now. I know she can count on her grandmother, but I’ll text you her new address and maybe you can check in on her?”

Connal sits back in his seat, studying me closely. “What am I missing here? Why would Kennelly know her or get involved?”

Before I can respond, Flint speaks up; “Keep it close for now. She’s the Maddocks’ daughter.”

“Da Fuck, Gunner!” Connal can’t contain his surprise. “Did you know that day you brought her to my garage?”

“No, not until that bit about her allowance. I knew her mother’s maiden name was Riley, so I put it together then.”

“Shit, Brother. This isn’t good. How do you see this thing going?” He pours himself more coffee but looks at it like he’d like something harder.

“I’m going to claim her.” He lets out a low whistle at my response. “Meanwhile, I know I can trust you, you and Flint both. Will you do this for me?”

“Sure, maybe I’ll meet the Governor while I’m at it!” He slaps me on the back and heads out shaking his head.

“I want to meet with her,” Flint turns to me.

“Sure, I’ll bring her by Bree’s when I’m…”

“No.” Flint brings his fist down on the table. “I’m gonna have Bree call her and let her know I’ll be by tonight.”


“You want her, Gunner? I’ll back it, but not until I take her measure. End of discussion. Now Jasper should be in his office, so go check in then be on your way.”

Twenty minutes later, Royce, Vice, and I are on our way, split between two vehicles. Riding in cages during the winter months is necessary around these mountains especially when carrying product, but frustrating nonetheless. I’m in no mood for Royce’s shit and it takes a while for him to settle down.


Right as dusk is turning to night, I pull up in front of an empty storefront and follow the directions Bree gave me about Riley’s door. She was right; the doorbell is a pain in the ass to make out from the brick surrounding it.

After I’m buzzed in and halfway up the stairs, the upper door opens and I finally see what all the fuss is about. Barefoot, in sweats, and her brown hair in a messy ponytail, is a pretty slip of a girl with extraordinary eyes.

My own Bree has these gorgeous hazel eyes that swirl and change with her mood. Riley’s are amber, an eye color I’ve never seen before and they almost glow. Although not as beautiful as her grandmother was at her age, she is as easy to read as an open book and as both Bree and Gunner said; ‘there’s just something about her that makes me want to protect her, to be a part of her life.’ I don’t know what it is, if this girl even needs protecting; but I suddenly find myself agreeing with their sentiment.

She’s reaching her hand towards me and I realize I’ve stopped to stare at her. “Good to meet you, Flint. Come on in.”

She grips my hand firmly and gives me a half smile, showing front teeth that slightly overlap. “I’m so sorry I can’t offer you a seat! I do have coffee though?”

Looking around, there is nothing in the room but a coffee table and piles of books. “When did you move in?”

“Officially, yesterday after we came back from the cabin. Gunner is responsible for my two pieces of furniture, but I ordered a couch and chair today and would love to have you and Bree over for dinner soon. I’m a reasonably good cook.” She timidly smiles up at me and I realize she’s nervous about my visit.

I nod, I’ll let Bree handle that. “You’re smaller than I expected.” I can just imagine what that other piece of furniture is.

“I get that a lot. My Gram and mother have like five inches on me.” She snorts, waving a hand into the air.

I nod again, not even sure why I mentioned it. She hands me a cup of coffee, indicating sugar and milk.

Leaning against the counter, I start; “As you can guess, I’m trying to wrap my head around a Maddock throwing over her life for a biker.”

She narrows her eyes at me and says, “He is more than that silly label, as I expect you know.”

“But how do you? You’ve spent, what four days with him? What about the life you had? This life we lead, it affects those around us; don’t fucking kid yourself that it won’t.” I say slowly after taking a big gulp of coffee.

“What do you know about the life I had?” Red is creeping up her neck, but she isn’t backing down. Well, I suppose if she can stand up to Gunner she won’t back down from me either.

“Well, then, the life you could have?” I shrug, dismissing her anger. Thinking that the best way of protecting her might be to run her off.

“I’ve waited long enough to be out from under my parents’ control. Before meeting Gunner, I had planned to transfer out of state. This way, I can still be a part of my Gram’s life and in a region I love. With a man I love.”

“What happens when he has one too many drinks one night and fucks some easy snatch?” I raise an eyebrow at her, just gauging her responses now.

“He won’t.” She looks ready to do battle.


“Has Gunner ever broken his word to you?” I continue, wanting to smack this man. Letting the silence draw out, he finally shakes his head. “Then why do you think his word to me is worthless?”

“It’s the life, Princess. One way or another, it gets to us all.” Flint finishes his coffee. “I best be getting back to Bree. Think about it good and hard.”

I watch him leave in silence. What can I say to this man who’s known Gunner for so many years? I lock the door, hit the lights and wander back to the bedroom. Crawling into the space Gunner slept in last night, I will myself not to cry until I finally fall asleep.