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His Beauty: The Wounded Souls by Leah Sharelle (23)



 “It’s possible we are in trouble,” Charlotte muttered, sitting beside me in the war room.

This was the first time I had ever been in the men’s meeting room. It was not what I expected. Not that I ever imagined the room before, but being in here now, it was not what I thought it would be.

“I was expecting lots of computer screens and those big glass walls that you can write on with black markers. You know like on Blackhawk Down,” I whispered, or at least I thought I did, but when Booth let out a growl of utter annoyance, I knew I was busted.

“Mia, that is a transparent plotting board in an operations room. This is not an operations room, and the only plotting being done is me plotting how to keep you two under control until your men get back. And yes, you are both in trouble,” he told me with a growl as he narrowed his eyes at both Charlotte and me.

I knew Steel wasn’t coming back for a few more days because he called not long after we arrived back at the compound, escorted by an extremely pissed-off Creed riding our bumper all the way back. Creed still hadn’t spoken to me. He walked us into the main room and took off straightaway. When I called out to him, he had merely shaken his head, not looking me in the eye once, and Creed always made eye contact, it was his thing. He was like a human lie detector that saw into your soul, or at least, that was how it felt, and Steel had the same ability. It was rather annoying most of the time. This time, however, I missed it. I may not be in love with Creed, but I did love him. And Creed being mad at me was not sitting well.

Steel, on the other hand, was flat out furious with me. His call had not been fun or a loving reunion, nor was it a phone-sex call. It was just a pissed off, growling, ex-sniper, possible baby daddy not happy with the possible mummy for not using her brain and putting herself and possible baby in danger. It had gone on for some time with me not getting any chance to say anything at all, and then I hung up on him. He didn’t even ask about the blood test, not that there had been much to tell. I mean, a nurse came in, put a tight thingy around my arm, stuck me with a needle, took two vials of blood, and that was it. Results would arrive in two days, end of story.

“Mia, you are working the bar here in the compound until further notice. Teach, you are helping Stella with anything she needs help with. No heavy lifting,” Booth added and pointed his finger at her belly.

“That fucking man of yours is losing his shit, and I do not want to deal with his arse anymore today. So, for the love of God, behave. Mia, where is your phone? Steel is blowing up mine with text messages saying you aren’t answering him.”

Pouting, I crossed my arms. “I turned it off. He yelled at me and said I was stupid. He wouldn’t let me talk, so I hung up on him and turned it off,” I admitted, feeling how Shiloh must feel when she got suspended from day care on a regular basis.

Booth moved from his position at the front of the table and knelt down in front of me.

“Sweetheart, this is serious stuff. There is a man out there with an alarming grudge against the patches of the club. He is trying to get to us through our women. He nearly achieved that when he attacked Charlotte, Shiloh, and my wi… my wife.” Booth stopped and took in a deep breath, his jaw clenching, showing how hard this was for him. To remember the horrible things that happened to Stella at the hands of Rogue, her stepbrothers, and stepfather. He’d come so close to losing her and the happiness of becoming a father.

Reaching out, I placed my hand on his shoulder. It was a small touch, but it seemed to be enough to help him to go on.

“You are next on his list, sweetheart. All of the evidence points to that. You have to use that brain of yours, and be more vigilant. I am severely down on manpower here, and I can’t keep eyes on you, so I need you to help me out. Taking stupid chances like you both did today has to stop. Worrying Steel and Deck unnecessarily has to stop.” Booth glared over at Charlotte, who had the decency to look contrite. Booth was right. Our actions were just making the stress of the situation worse.

“I’m sorry, Pres, you’re right,” I conceded, hating the fact I was acting so childish over this and the whole Callie shit.

“Mia, Steel is with you all the way. Whether you are pregnant or not, he is with you. Not Callie. You have to accept that even though he was once with her, he is not anymore.” Placing his hands on my lower belly, he pressed gently. “Cut Steel some slack, Mia. This is new to him. Since he lost his leg, he has taken the safe path, the easy path, which was Callie. You are his true path, but if you can’t walk it with him, then let him go and let him find someone else who can.” Booth pressed a kiss to my forehead and then got to his feet in one fluid motion.

“Call him, sweetheart. He needs to hear from you. Come on, Teach, you need a nap according to your fiancé,” he informed her, rolling his beautiful grey eyes in exasperation, but the glint in them told me something else. The women of the Wounded Souls men may give them conniption fits and severe headaches, but they loved us and would protect us with their very lives.

I needed to call Steel and eat a very large serving of humble pie.

Then maybe after that, some phone sex may be in order. Most definitely.